Competition: [Taldryan]



This will be a really short and quick fiction event to get you ready for the upcoming Dark Crusade Bonus event. Your fiction must be no shorter than 250 words but may not exceed 500 words.


submit your fiction either through the website or in any word processing format.


The Brotherhood will head out once more to fight the Forces of the One Sith. Now you are about to head out to fight for the glory of your Clan once more, and have been called to the hanger bay. What are you final preparations before heading to battle.

Competition Information
Organized by
Rian Taldrya
Running time
2014-02-26 until 2014-03-01 (4 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
6 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
File submission
1st place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
File submission
Textual submission

Fixed one or two grammar/punctuation things

2nd place
3rd place
Aiden Dru
Aiden Dru
Textual submission

Aiden makes his way down the long corridor leading to the hangar bay. "I wonder if I made it in time" Dru had anxiously thought to himself. He looked around in amusement as his pace quickened. This would be the young Sith's first time seeing action, let alone entering the hangar, and he was nervous.
He stood by the hangar doors as they released with a familiar hiss and opened up revealing the other members of Taldryan who were reading up for the extraction to Bosthirda. Dru was awestruck as he looked around in amazement at the hangar bay. He heard orders being barked out and when he looked around, he had noticed Rian Aslar commanding troops to their posts.
Aiden quickly scanned the intimidating hangar bay, searching for familiar faces hoping they might know where his equipment is at. As Dru walked around in amazement he didn't even register all the bumping and pushing around him. He was too busy admiring the huge elaborate maze of ships and troops. "Dru, over here" Aiden had turned turned toward the familiar voice to find his master, Halcyon, was signaling him to come near.
Aiden pushed past the crowd as he made his way to Halc. When he finally got across the hangar bay and reached his master He was welcomed with an outstretched arm, "I knew you didn't have much equipment so I took the liberty of getting you all set up" The elder Sith had informed Aiden as he handed him a belt, Dru's saber and stun batons already in place and attached to the belt. "Thank you master Halc. I was actually worried I wouldn't be able to find my equipment, this being my first mission and all" Halc then took a more serious tone "I know this is your first time being on the field but don't forget your training and always be alert, you never know if your first mission may be your last" quick to change back to the friendly master he had grown close to Halc then guided the young Guardian to his team. "It's almost time to head out so I won't be with you until our objective is done, and I have full trust these are the jedi to help you make out alive". Aiden looked over his team and returned glances with his master "I won't let you down I'm going to prove I can be a valuable asset to Taldryan" And with fierce determination in his eyes and voice Aiden announced "I'm ready"

3rd place
4th place
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
4th place
5th place
Aidan Kincaid
Aidan Kincaid
File submission
5th place