Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj vs. Major Kharoc Garrlan

Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Seeker, Imperial

Major Kharoc Garrlan

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist, Imperial
Hall Phase I: Winds of Change [GJWXII]
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition [GJW XII Event Long] Combat Writing - ACC Ladder
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed
Combatants Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj, Major Kharoc Garrlan
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Major Kharoc Garrlan's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Kamino: Landing Platform
Last Post 25 July, 2017 12:04 AM UTC

Kamino Landing Platform

Lightning shatters the sky and strikes the spire atop the cloning complex towering before anyone who steps off their ship and onto the rain-slick landing platform. Kamino, the Planet of Storms, is known for its roiling seas and constant torrential downpour. The fall of the Galactic Empire hit the planet’s primary export of military cloning projects extremely hard, but the Kaminoans remained afloat, both figuratively with contracts to galactic warlords, and literally with the brilliant engineering of their iconic seaborne cities.

The initial landing pad is a wide circle designed to accommodate a variety of ships, and is connected to a series of other platforms as well. Every surface is slick with rain, but avoids flooding due to the sloped edges that allow the water to run off into the sea below and away from the centerpoint.

The cloning facility’s exterior is characterized by similar slopes, and raindrops rapidly transform into steam as they touch against the series of lightning rods around the platform, much like they would if they dripped onto a lightsaber blade.

History tells of the fateful encounter between Obi Wan Kenobi and renowned Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. The doors of the facility are sealed, which means that whatever challenge awaits you, will have to be faced in the heart of the omnipresent rainstorm.

Andrelious was not at all surprised to see that the rain was lashing down as he parked his Escort Shuttle in the centre of the landing pad.

The Sith quickly threw on a waterproof jacket and grabbed the case of DNA samples. He had been sent by Rhylance, Taldryan’s Consul, to enquire about the possibility of cloning some of the Clan’s membership. Andrelious personally had reservations; cloning Force sensitive beings was thought to be incredibly risky. Nevertheless, he decided to carry out the request, having removed his and Kooki’s own samples from the case.

Meanwhile, Kharoc Garrlan, having arrived via a drop ship some time earlier, checked his weapons. Arconan Intelligence hadn’t been exactly sure on who their rivals were sending here, but the Mimosa-Inahj ship was already a familiar enough vessel to allow the soldier to narrow the candidates down.

JV-7 class. Taldryan’s only known JV-7 is owned Andrelious and Kookimarissia. I hope it’s not both of them! Kharoc thought. He’d never met the Mimosa-Inahj couple, but a combination of intelligence reports and old stories from colleagues had told him enough to expect a tough fight.

Exiting his ship, Andrelious started to walk towards the cloning facility, when he noticed some movement in the corner of his eye. He turned his head, spotting a second being on the far side of the landing pad. They appeared to be dressed in a set of armour resembling that worn by Clone Commandos back during the Clone Wars, only the armour was painted black.

I thought they’d all have died of old age years ago!

“Welcome to Kamino!” the armoured figure announced, the voice indicating that the person within was male.

“So what happened to you? You never got taken to the wars?” Andrelious questioned.

“The armour does not always make the man. As it happens, I’m actually here to see you,” the Arconan responded.

The Sith furrowed his brow. “I don’t like the sound of that. People that want to see me have been attacking me a lot lately,”

Kharoc’s face remained expressionless underneath his helmet. “You know how it is. From what I know of you, trouble’s never far behind. You’re lucky that the Shadow Lady wants me to try and talk to you, first,” he warned.

“It’s amazing. No matter where I go in the universe, somebody from the frakking Brotherhood seems to find me. I’m going to guess that you’re some kind of DIA agent?” Andrelious questioned.

“DDF,” the soldier answered simply.

“Regardless, you’re Arconan. I abandoned the Shadow Lord and her increasingly Jedi-like cause a long time ago. I suggest you get back to Atyiru and tell her to keep her nose out of my family’s business. And my clan’s business, for that matter,” the Sith warned.

I tried. Kharoc thought, his right arm already moving towards his holster. Moments later, he had his WESTAR-35 in his hand and pointed the weapon at Andrelious.

“Did it not occur to you that I am unarmed?” the Seeker queried, moving his hand in a carefully practiced gesture.

The Arconan removed his finger from his blaster’s trigger. Sure enough, as he peered across at Andrelious, he couldn’t spot any weapons.

“Of course. Atyiru would never let me get away with shooting an unarmed man,” Kharoc responded, reluctantly throwing his blaster to the ground.

The DDF are the same as they always have been. Stupid cannon fodder, Andrelious mused. He reached under his coat, quickly finding and producing his silver hilted lightsaber.

“You are a weak minded fool!” the Taldryanite snarled, charging at Kharoc. The soldier, knowing he had no chance if Andrelious reached him, turned and began to sprint away. As he ran, he reached onto his belt, grabbing his grenade launcher and a flash grenade. He fired it straight at the pursuing Sith.

Andrelious saw the grenade. He stopped chasing the Arconan, determined to grasp the incoming explosive with the Force. Carefully, he altered its trajectory well away from himself, over the nearest edge of the landing pad.

Kharoc cursed as he watched the flash grenade hit the ocean below, its detonation hampered by the volume of water.

“Give it up! A simple soldier cannot overcome the power of the Sith!” Andrelious shouted.

“‘Simple,’ eh?” Kharoc huffed out a quiet laugh at that as he switched his explosive launcher for his blaster rifle. He couldn’t help but reflect on the irony of someone wearing clone commando armor fighting a Force user on Kamino, of all places. He sprayed a few rounds at Andrelious as the commando continued his retreat. Garrlan turned back around, not waiting to see the Sith’s crimson blade swat the Arconan’s blue bolts aside, and started moving away from the platform and back into the building he’d come from.

Garrlan dove underneath the still-rising outer door, an antintic blast of Force-based lighting hitting the door at the same time. The electromagnetic field caused his helmet’s HUD to fuzz briefly as he continued his roll. As he continued his roll, the Arconan saw a glint of metal on the landing platform - why, exactly, had he thrown down his sidearm rather than reholstering it or just lowering it? It was --

No. This was a distraction, and Garrlan refocused his attention as he got to his feet. Now the chase was indoors, heading down a relatively dry corridor, the commando trading speed for maneuvering around crates, benches, and the like in this more industrialized platform. He sent bursts of blaster fire back at his opponent to keep the Sith occupied in the chase, and only slowed briefly as his off-hand went down to his utility belt.

Andrelious felt his lip curl and felt the Dark Side respond as he swatted aside a few more blaster bolts from the rifle of this annoyance. He really was getting tired of the seemingly constant interference of the Miraluka woman and her increasingly Light-leaning Clan. He hoped the rumors were true, that very soon the Grand Master would decide to eliminate the threat the Arconans and their allies represented. For now, he’d settle for removing this pest from Arcona’s ranks and…

Responding to a warning from the Force, Andrelious barely formed a wall of Force energy to his left as the fragmentation grenade Garrlan had planted there a few seconds ago reached the end of its timed fuse and detonated. The explosive filler ignited and sent the internal lining of the grenade - small metal cubes that became deformed by the explosion’s pressure into metal spikes - flying out at several hundred meters per second. The actual concussion of the charge was the first thing that met the Taldryanite Warlord’s barrier, weakening it slightly before the fragments impacted.

The metal needles were slowed but not stopped as the hasty protection failed, and the Sith hissed in fury as he felt a few slice through the lighter portions of his robes. Nothing lethal, but enough to distract him. Andrelious grimaced in the effort and threw another blast of Force lightning down the corridor, yet again karking missing that damned uppity meatshield. The commando turned and fired another spray of blue bolts that the Warlord swatted aside, now openly snarling.

Garrlan darted out another door back into the rain and another landing pad. He knew, in order to survive this, he needed to get into the next building - it held a storage room full of Clone Wars era munitions and weapons, still functional. He had been sent to finalize the sale of that gear to the Lotus, but now had other plans for it. The Arconan took cover behind one of the large antenna-like arrays just in time to watch the Sith visibly gather himself and throw another blast of blue-white lightning at him - only to see it hit the tall lightning rod he was crouched behind and ground out. Garrlan switched weapons again and sent a trio of high-explosive rounds at the Taldrayanite, resuming his sprint for the open door of the warehouse complex door and again replacing his explosive launcher in favor of his blaster rifle on the move. Now all he had to do was make it to his objective...

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This match has concluded by way of draw.