The Kel Dor paused for a brief moment inside the cavernous engines of the Inflictor to catch his breath and observe the Quaestor behind him. Standing just out of reach of his weapons, Kelly waited for him to make the same mistake again and initiate the combat, a smug smirk on her face. Unfortunately for her, he had learned his lesson the first time, and instead of attacking her in this wide open area, looked for an escape route leading further into the ship and closer to the artifact.
Less than halfway between the two TuQ’uan spotted exactly what he was looking for, a door sized hole off to his right with what appeared to be a hallway of some sort beyond. The only downside to this route is that it would take him closer to Kelly, but that was a risk he was going to take. The mercenary straightened his body, ignoring the growing pain from using Kelly's droid as a cushion, and took a deep breath before putting all of his strength into his legs and running as fast as he could for the hole in the engine walls. TuQ’uan misjudged the angle he was running at and bumped into the wall as he skidded into the hole, feeling just a brief sting upon impact, he had made it into the dark hall now and just had to work his way toward the front of the ship.
Kelly lowered her right wrist and began her pursuit of the mercenary, since he was going to run, she was going to have a little fun.
As TuQ’uan moved further into the downed Star Destroyer it began getting darker and darker, he wove through the half harvested interior attempting to shake his tail while still continuing to where his intel told him the artifact may be. No matter how hard he tried to lose Kelly he could always hear her slow footsteps just behind him.
Turning a corner the mercenary stopped as he came face to face with two Rodian scavengers in the process of cutting a piece of durasteel from the wall. Without stopping their work the two turned their heads and simply gazed at the Kel Dor, sending shivers down his spine, something wasn't right here. Having wasted too much time TuQ’uan turned and ran in the other direction, the Seer’s slow methodical footsteps getting louder all the time, she was somehow not just keeping pace with him but catching up.
The light was getting dim and he knew even if he got the artifact first, he would still need to face the Quaestor in order to get out of here. Coming into what appeared to be an old section of barracks mostly emptied from years of thievery, the professional decided one way or another it would end here.
The footsteps echoed through the durasteel interior, it almost sounded as if an army were growing on all sides, the mercenary could no longer tell which direction they originated from. He needed to find a way to get the drop on his enemy. Searching he found a few holes in the wall just to the left of the way he came in, that he could use for hand holds to climb into what remained of the ceiling. Finding a spot relatively close to the centre of the room the Kel Dor sprawled out on his stomach with a sonic grenade in hand.
As TuQ’uan patiently awaited the arrival of the Dark Jedi he could feel tiny insects crawling over his body, slowly making their way up his back towards his head. Unsure of where and when Kelly would appear, he dared not move.
Suddenly she was there in the room below him, there was a fiery red aura around her, and as she swept her gaze around the room her emerald eyes glowed. As the Human came to a stop inside the room, the echoes of footsteps continued to ring throughout the Star Destroyer’s decaying interior. TuQ’uan readied to throw the sonic grenade below, but as he did he could feel the insects begin crawling across his face, attempting to get beneath his antiox mask. Suddenly it became too much for the Kel Dor to handle, rolling over and brushing wildly at his face in an attempt to knock the bugs away, he began making a commotion drawing Kelly's attention upwards.
Taking a step back as she watched the mercenary flail wildly about, the Seer raised her open hands upwards before snapping her fists shut and yanking down at the open air. Using the Force, Kelly ripped the durasteel panel out from underneath TuQ’uan sending him into a free fall only to come crashing down on the floor below. Writhing in pain, the mercenary finally let the sonic grenade fall from his hand. Lines of concentration formed as Kelly threw her arms forward launching TuQ’uan towards the wall behind, the durasteel sheet and sonic grenade followed closely, the latter flying through a gap in the wall detonating off in the distance while the former flew wildly coming to a stop planted in the wall, bisecting the Kel Dor's legs.
Letting out screams of pain the mercenary collapsed to the floor yet again, rolling around, fighting for consciousness, the echoing footsteps finally subsiding.
“I warned you,” Kelly spoke casually. “Though I'd hoped you would put up more of a fight.”
The agony was becoming unbearable, TuQ’uan tried to raise his hand towards Kelly, reaching for her.
“Kill me,” he could barely whisper the words between screams of pain.
“I'll let you suffer a little while yet.” The Dark Jedi turned to leave. “Don't worry, I’ll check on you before I leave.”
Kelly walked out of the room with a slight spring in her step, it was another non-Force user gone from the galaxy, now she just had to finish what she came here to do. The Quaestor began whistling over TuQ’uan’s cries.
Syntax error, here. When using a species name, stick to one capitalization or another, but be consistent. You refer to Kelly as a human earlier, yet yourself as a Kel Dor here. Either she should have been a Human, or you a kel dor.
I don't know if you meant to say invisible here, or if you're presenting Barrier as far more powerful than it is, I suspect the latter so this is a minor realism ding.
Tone wise you set up well, as well as the ambiance. Story wise you gave them a reason to fight; though your points of view get a bit harder to track in your last few paragraphs of combat. Try to focus more on how either your character is viewing what Kelly's is doing, or make it more clear who's perspective the reader is observing.