Calindra held up her lightsaber, her dominant hand high on the saber hilt as she readied an overpowering swing. The Sith warrior didn't wait for the droid to complete its deployment subroutines; she immediately rushed forward and leapt in the air. Her Force-assisted jump allowed her to reach an already amazing height, but it was the additional momentum that she wanted. As the force of gravity lead her back towards the ground, her strike would have that much more power when it connected with the droid. She directed her screaming lightsaber towards one of the droid's legs, holding the blade firmly with both hands. When the it finally connected, she used her off hand on the lower part of the hilt to swivel the blade even more deeply and viciously.
With a loud clang, the leg was severed close to the robotic knee, leaving a large red gouge of burnt metal where the leg had been connected. The droid wobbled dangerously towards her as it tried to compensate for the loss of an appendage, but the Sith warrior quickly moved out of the way.
She had to veer suddenly when an invisible Force slammed into the droid and caused it to scuttle back and readjust its stance a second time. She heard the Cathar's blade race through the air, and caught a sight of it as it sliced off a piece off one of the repeating blasters before it returned to Saylos' hand.
Their efforts didn't disable the droid however. There was a sudden flurry of repeating blaster fire concentrated on the Cathar, but Saylos was already running away. The blaster bolts hit the ground where he had been moments before, sending large pieces of tile and floor flying in every direction. The destruction continued as the repeating blasters tried to keep the Cathar in their sites, sending even more debris flying towards them as the bolts destroyed a large stretch of the floor around them.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Calindra leapt on one of the droid's legs, avoiding the gears as the head swiveled in its effort to track the very agile cat. The Sith warrior dived her lightsaber deep into the droid's bulbous chassis, using the droid's own movement to slice through circuits and sensitive innards. Soon the repeaters fell silent and the droid slowed as some of the lights flickered and finally went dark.
The pair waited with baited breath to see if the mechanical contraption would resume its attacks. After a few heartbeats with no tell-tale signs of activity, they both relaxed their stances, though the young knight kept a wary eye on the droid, not trusting it to stay put.
"Just watch, it's going to self-repair and start shooting at us again," Saylos said as he stepped back carefully.
"You're just a beautiful optimist," she said with a laugh, "but I'm half expecting it to leak some poisonous gas out of spite. We better find what we're looking for, and quickly."
Calindra pushed herself off of the droid and sailed past the rest of the combat zone, landing squarely near the Hutt's prized possessions. There were artifacts of all kinds: taxidermed creatures of various sizes, weapons and blasters, gold statues and gems, some ancient artifacts she didn't quite recognized, but that stirred something deep within her. Meanwhile, Saylos made his way to the computer terminal.
"Access denied," he growled as the red letters streamed in front of his eyes. "I don't suppose you're proficient at slicing?"
Calindra pried her eyes away from the relics with some effort, but stepped towards the terminal. "No, I'm afraid not, but that's the advantage of working with a team," she said as she reached for a comlink within the folds of her clothes. "Sigmundus, we've run into a small problem. We're at a computer terminal, can one of the slicers override it?"
"Yes, my lord," came the staticky response, "just take your Inquisitorius scanner and hold it near the terminal. Have it on scan, so that we can take a look at it."
"Thank you, Major. I'm handing you over to Knight Saylos, in case you need to direct him while I go investigate something else."
She didn't wait for the acknowledgement, and simply handed the device to the Cathar who gave her an inquisitive look but stayed silent as she returned her attention on the relics that had caught her eye. She reached out for one of the objects sprawled out in the middle of the table. It was a sort of orb, with intricate designs and traced it with a delicate finger before picking it up.
From behind her, Saylos and Sigmundus had been working on the computer terminal. "We're in!" the Cathar gushed, as he was finally able to navigate the information contained in the Hutt's personal files.
"Our journey will have us venture towards the Yavin system," Calindra said, her voice sounding slightly different.
"How did you know the slug left for Yavin?" asked Saylos as he looked up from the terminal. Somehow, Calindra looked different. It was something about her stance, and the way she held the orb in her hand. Come to think of it, it was also the way she had said 'venture towards' instead of 'traveling or going'. He looked at her, his bright green eyes observing her carefully. "I have it right here in the most recent travel logs. They're having an excavation of some old ruins on Yavin IV."
Calindra seemed distant and then suddenly snapped out of what seemed like a trance. "Yavin IV, you said?" Something tugged at the back of her mind, and she suddenly recalled the crew of the Zephyr. She looked down at the sphere as if wondering how it got there.
"Where there's an excavation, there are bound to be a lot of slaves to do the labor."
She pocketed the Sphere and turned towards Arron. "Excellent! It looks like you'll get a chance to face Tull the Hutt after all. Unfortunately, you're stuck with me for a bit longer than you expected," she said with a grin.
'I'm not sure I like where this is going,' Saylos thought. 'Not one bit.'
"Let's get out of here," Calindra said with some finality as she took her scanner back and turned it towards one of the walls. After a minute or two, she found whatever it was that she was looking for and her hand carefully searched around one of the many paintings on that wall. Saylos heard a small click as she pressed a switch behind one of the paintings' frame, and a passageway hissed open.
'On that, we both agree,' Saylos thought as he looked at her warily. He kept his saber at the ready and followed the warrior out to freedom, but spared one final glance at the battle droid before returning his wary gaze back on the Sith. He had decided that he'd make sure she was always in front of him on the return trek back to Nar Shaddaas busy streets.
I enjoyed the cold open of this story. It felt like a sudden scene in a movie and I immediately felt dropped onto the streets of Nar Shaddaa. You do an excellent job of creating a reason for conflict here and I want to explore it further after reading this post.
Can Be improved
Numerous typos throughout and an obvious formatting error towards theh end. This can be addressed by (1) having your posts proof-read and (2) previewing your posts before posting.
An over-use of Lightning took away from the realism in this post. Arron has +3 Lightning, which should not really be able to be used so instantly, and by modifying the ability with Fork It the power should be halved. This is unlikely to drop two Gammorreans to their knees.