Mystic blackhawk vs. Augur Kordath Bleu

Mystic blackhawk

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Tarentum
Male Clawdite, Force Disciple, Marauder

Augur Kordath Bleu

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Ryn, Force Disciple, Arcanist, Krath

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Old Container
Messages 0 out of 6
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Mystic blackhawk, Augur Kordath Bleu
Force Setting Unleashed
Weapon Setting Standard
Mystic blackhawk's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Augur Kordath Bleu's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Nancora: Faron City
Last Post 17 January, 2018 2:06 AM UTC
Member timing out blackhawk


Faron is one of the twin cities on Nancora alongside Axio, breaking up the planet's scarred surface with their presence. Originally existing in the form of underground shelters, the city was built up slowly—layer by layer—until it became a metropolis so large that it can be clearly seen from orbit. In order to maintain an organized infrastructure, the city itself is separated into districts based on the disc-like, concentric blocks that make up its design.

The outer district is the largest of these. Here, the buildings form alleys and streets that criss-cross as they either run straight towards the center of Faron or curve along its circumference. The complexes found here are almost mathematical in design. Towers built upon towers, they all link together like geometric puzzle pieces with harsh lines and angles in lieu of softer edges. Having to deal with the elements, the durasteel constructs appear weathered and worn, but maintain a bright coloring to reflect as much light as possible and reduce its thermal conversion.

Industry thrives in Faron, and its districts embody this. In the outer district, shops meet with living centers and the lines between them blur. An apartment cluster appears much the same as a grand complex containing a myriad of speeders or other such technological constructions. Power relays, the key to keeping the city functioning in its entirely, are staggered along the streets and each level. Through redundancy, the system prevents the loss of a single relay from crippling it. The citizens flood the district at ground level, marching with haste towards their destinations while the skylanes flicker with activity high above.

In Faron's outer district, the thriving metropolis can be seen in all its many facets, but also at its most vulnerable.