Savant Kylex vs. Mystic blackhawk

Savant Kylex

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Force Disciple, Juggernaut, Mandalorian

Mystic blackhawk

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Tarentum
Male Clawdite, Force Disciple, Marauder

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Old Container
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Savant Kylex, Mystic blackhawk
Force Setting Unleashed
Weapon Setting Standard
Savant Kylex's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Mystic blackhawk's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Crait: Former Rebel Base
Last Post 20 January, 2018 8:56 AM UTC
Member timing out Kylex Sanguris

Crait Former Rebel Base

The planet of Crait, known mostly for its salt covered red soil and minerals, became the setting for the reborn legend of Luke Skywalker. The tale of the First Order's siege upon the remnants of the Resistance and Skywalker’s solitary last stand spread like wildfire throughout the galaxy. The scars born of the siege still remain, alongside the breached and empty carcass of what was once a rebel base. After what became known as the Battle of Crait, the planet now sits forgotten by the First Order and Resistance alike. Which makes it the perfect place for scavengers and adventurers.

The crystalline flats extend far into the horizon until the distance ceases to hold meaning. The scorched salt mingle with the red soil, forcibly fused together by the violent discharge of heavy artillery fire. Old rebel speeders lie as skeletal reminders of the toll that the Resistance had paid in staging their last stand. Most of the parts have already stripped of what parts survived.

Standing opposite the endless flats is an expansive mountain side that stands almost completely vertical. Climbing it would be a difficult, if not impossible prospect. Tall, heavily armored doors—now breached—are built into the mountainside itself and mark the entrance to the abandoned base.

The approach to the base is lined by fallen turrets and crumbled trenches. Once inside, various crates and shrapnel litter the ground and offer nothing of value, save for cover when in need. The cave system expands outward from the entrance in a winding maze of crystalline pathways. If traveled long enough, and with some luck, an unmarked exit lies to be found. The hangar itself is divided into purposeful quadrants, with a command station situated deeper inside that leads to supply rooms and barracks.

Standing on the salted ground gives even the least perceptive a sense of gravity. The weight of what transpired is undeniable, with the visible reminders there for all to see if they care to look.

The planet is also known for its native crystal critters—Vulptex—which can leave the safety of their underground tunnels to investigate new visitors to their terrain.

Bwoooo… Bwoooo… Bwooo. The alarms sounded within the small fighter. He was going to have to put it down.

“This is going to be a bumpy ride,” the pilot stated, more to himself than anything. There was nobody else around to hear him. He thought he saw something on the way down, a glint of starlight reflecting off a ship’s hull, but he was too focused on bringing his ship down in one piece to look closer.

He hit atmosphere. The spacecraft shuddered as it entered, descending rapidly through the skies of Crait. The ground was approaching faster than Blackhawk would have liked. He pulled back on the joystick, managing to level his craft enough not to nosedive into, or worse, through the surface of the planet. The fighter skidded into the hanarbay of an apparently abandoned structure.

Blackhawk knew from experience that the fighter was one of the worst places to stay after a crash. Too much could go wrong after one. Therefore, Blackhawk exited the fighter. Looking up, Blackhawk realized he probably should have looked closer at what he had seen earlier. Now, he saw a fleet of ships descending toward the surface. Whoever it was, Blackhawk was nearly certain that he didn’t want to find out. Blackhawk needed help.

There has to be some kind of communication in this old thing, the Clawdite thought. With that in mind,Blackhawk retreated into the old base, drawing his lightsabers.

Who knows what's living here now

Meanwhile, among the fleet

The Collective was looking to establish a new outpost. And an old abandoned rebel base was a great option.

“Sergeant, we have located the base. Scans indicate some life within it,” a soldier of the liberation front reported.

“Deal with them. The base must be occupied by noone but the Collective,” the sergeant replied.

Soon enough, Blackhawk would find many surprises, both pleasant, and unfortunate.