Savant Dralin Fortea vs. Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Savant Dralin Fortea

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker

Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Seeker, Imperial

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Hall Duelist Hall - Ranked
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Savant Dralin Fortea, Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Savant Dralin Fortea's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Ahch-To: Ancient Islands
Last Post 15 February, 2018 9:18 PM UTC
Member timing out Dralin Fortea


The ocean world of Ahch-To looks to be nothing but blue seas from the distance of space. Dotting the oceans, however, are chains of rocky island that jut upwards to form shallow, sloping mountain ranges with small, flattened plateaus. Rich green trees and other small flora grow along the sedimentary stone, untouched by anything more than small avian creatures looking for a place to nest. Carved into the stones of the various islands are sets of winding, ascending and man-made pathways.

The crisp, clean air that wisps off the ocean helps maintain a fairly mild temperature during the day, with a healthy chill at sunset. Storms have been reported to flare up from time to time, leaving only the highest points of the islands safe from a rising tide. Porgs litter the islands, the oceans teem with a wide variety of fish, and large, docile Thala-sirens loiter on the rocky shores.

Although better known as the legendary home of the Jedi Order, a species of small-statured amphibious natives live simple lives as caretakers of the Jedi ruins. The ruins themselves are primarily small collections of stone huts, although numerous hidden caves dot the islands. Some contain evidence of previous habitation; many more house strong Force auras with mysterious effects on sentient beings, particularly Force-sensitives.

Even though it had been a very long time since the Jedi had formally abandoned Ach-To, Andrelious was sure he could still hear whispers of their presence. The general atmosphere of the area was unpleasant to the Sith, even with how peaceful the surroundings appeared.

Not surprised that the Jedi liked it here, Andrelious thought.

The Taldryanite was on Ach-To, which to him sounded more like a sneeze than a planet, to investigate a rumour that the Dark Council were watching the old temple. Taldryan intelligence was still rebuilding itself after the attack on Karufr, however, so the report was vague enough that Rian had despatched one of his most senior followers in case of a trap.

Andrelious was not enjoying the fact he was away from his twins and his increasingly pregnant wife.

Five more minutes. I can’t sense anyone here.

As if on cue, a ship that the Sith instantly recognised as a YT-2400 appeared from over the horizon. It appeared to be making a beeline straight for Andrelious’ TIE Defender, as if it were a creature wearily eyeing a potential predator. Sure enough, it landed nearby with enough precision to indicate its pilot knew what they were doing.

Andrelious moved carefully towards the new arrival, sensing another Force user aboard. Something seemed familiar about the presence, suggesting that the YT-2400’s occupant was not a stranger to the Taldryanite.

Opening with a hiss, the YT-2400’s hatch opened to reveal a second, younger, taller Human male.

“Dralin Fortea. It has been a long time,” Andrelious stated. “Don’t tell me that you’re something to do with the Dark Council these days?”

“Nothing like that. Ascendent Clan. Our intelligence network heard something about you coming here. I thought it was about time we became re-acquainted. I see you have an extra name now. What’s with the Mimosa?” Dralin questioned.

“I’ve become tied down, if you catch my meaning,” the Sith explained, tapping his wedding ring.

“I see. Does she know who you are?” the Plagueian queried.

“She knows exactly who I am. And so do our children. I don’t believe in lying to someone who could kill me in my sleep. She already has enough reasons to do that anyway,” Andrelious replied.

Dralin raised an eyebrow. “So she knows what happened on New Tython? How many innocent lives you helped take during that battle? Not to mention everything else I expect you’ve done since. I can feel the hate inside you, Andrelious. I dread to think what you might do in the name of keeping your family safe,”

“I could easily give you an example. I can feel the darkness in you, too. So why are you giving me a Jedi-style lecture?” the Sith sneered

“The difference is that I am coming to terms with what I have done. I am trying to make amends. Even now, on a world that belonged to the Jedi, you came to fight,” the Plagueian commented.

“You’re not who I was expecting to meet, Fortea, but you will do,” Andrelious answered, his right hand grasping his silver hilted lightsaber.

The Sith began to move towards Dralin, but the younger Human, instead of immediately arming himself, raised his arms directly at the approaching Rollmaster. With seemingly no effort from the Plagueian at all, the Force did his bidding, flinging Andrelious away as though the Sith weighed nothing.

Andrelious hit the ground uncomfortably, but to his relief nothing seemed broken.

That was a warning? The former Imperial guessed.

“Clever move. I hope you have something else in your locker!” Mimosa-Inahj roared.