Taking quick stock of the situation, Len aimed his weapon at the door he glimpsed the Technocrat soldier escape through. It was slowly becoming clearer to the Chiss that his first combatant was not his enemy, but he was not yet sure she was his friend either. Moving closer to the door, he checked it for traps before heading further into the building.
The dilapidated steel and hanging wires reminded Len of old horror shows on the holonet—only the monsters in this place were real. With a hurried purpose, Len made his way through the corridors, strewn with debris from the evacuating Collective forces. As he approached his third turn, the soldier noticed something else: blood. Crouching down and keeping his red eyes on the space in front of him, the Chiss touched the four spots and rubbed his fingers together.
Fresh blood.
Either the woman was escaping with her augmented grenade tossing escort, or more likely she was pursuing the man.
An explosion rocked the corridor two meters behind Len. Heat and flame danced at his back as he opened his mouth, preventing his lungs from exploding. The concussive force pushed him off his feet to the cold metal deck. Len lifted his head a bit, coughing as the heat subsided. Blaster fire whizzed next to the stunned Chiss, slamming into the floor around him. The soldier rolled himself behind a small pile of debris that hid him from the Technocrat’s aim. Firing blindly, Len tried to get his opponent to take cover, but the blaster fire only got more concentrated. All the Odanite could do was keep exchanging fire.
The snap-hiss of a lightsaber igniting interrupted the shooting. Len tensed, and readied his DH-17. Coming around the corner, he was greeted by the emerald glow now held centimeters from the enhanced soldier’s throat.
“Would you be so kind as to tell me why you rudely interrupted me and my friend?”
“Death to Force Users.” The Technocrat struggled as he tried to fight the woman.
“There is no reason to be indigent to guests.” The saber moved closer to the man’s neck. “Why did you interrupt us?”
“To bring justice against Force User Lucine Vasino and puppet of Force Users Len Iode.”
The light clicked on in each of their head heads. While they had never met, they had known of the known of each other. Len pulled his hood back and let his face wrap loose, hanging on the left side. Bringing himself to his knees, he stood up, blaster trained on the man Vasino captured. The woman made sure the Technocrat was between them, still wary.
“Tell us everything you know about this base,” the Chiss stated firmly.
The Technocrat laughed. “There is nothing of value here for you, swine. Tell your masters we outsmarted you again.”
As the augmented man finished his last word, he overpowered the woman, her saber knocked free and charged Iode. Firing repeatedly at the defiant to the end enemy soldier crumpled to the ground in a smoking heap.
The Odanite lowered his weapon and looked at his former opponent, now down the hall from him. Lucine called her weapon back to her hands. Len looked back to the body and searched it, finding only a small datadisk, pocketing it.
“Len Iode, that explains why your name was familiar,” the woman mused. “Prove you are who you say you are.”
“In the darkest times, the Lotus blooms.”
“Unfurls its petals as a beacon,” she finished the countersign. “Seems as though we both were given false intelligence.”
The Chiss nodded. “Seems like it. I apologize for earlier. I thought you were one of their rumored Force Users.”
The Arconan laughed at the thought. “Not in the slightest, darling. You put up quite a decent amount of resistance to me. I’ll have to add that to your file.”
Len wasn't surprised at the revelation; most of what he knew of Lucine came from her file.
“I'm surprised we didn't know about each others missions or at least that someone would be on planet,” The soldier mused.
“This was more a ‘personal fact finding’ mission on my side. Always have to have the best information.”
“Sorry this was a bust for both of us then.” Iode paused, the sounds of rushing air and creaking metal filling the gap. “So, how do we do this? Just walk away?”
Lucine smiled, “I have no quarrel with you. Good day, Len. I hope this is not the last time we work together.”
The soldier nodded cautiously. “I'll forward what's on the disk once we get into it.”
“Thank you, how kind of you. There is hope for you yet.” The Arconan winked as she headed towards where they had come from earlier. After a moment he turned to follow her, the body and the building left as a sacrifice to the Badlands.
Positive Takeaways
I enjoyed the struggle that Len had with Lucine's Mind Trick. I've always found it a fascinating take on the power to narrate the victims inner thoughts, and found myself thoroughly pleased by the scene.
Can be Improved
There were some notable syntax errors in this post. Specifically I noted issues with formatting, comma splices, missing or repeated words, verb tense, and other grammar issues that made the post difficult to read in some places. A closer proof-reading would have really benefited the writing here
There was one incident found rather unbelievable realism-wise in this post,
Lucine here is using her "Your Weapons... You Will Not Need Them" feat to disarm Len prior to the start of combat, which is perfectly reasonable, but the ease with which it happens really throws me off. Len has a Resolve of +4, enough to "face down an angry rancor, in its den, without so much as blinking". It's simply not giving him enough credit that he simply drops his weapon without even a struggle. I would have liked to see more description of him fighting the Mind Trick, like he does in the following paragraph.