Reaver Satsi Tameike vs. Professional Grot

Reaver Satsi Tameike

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

Professional Grot

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Trandoshan, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

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Hall Duelist Hall - Ranked
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Reaver Satsi Tameike, Professional Grot
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Reaver Satsi Tameike's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Professional Grot's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Coruscant: Club Kasakar
Last Post 18 April, 2018 8:10 PM UTC
Member timing out Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir

Coruscant Club Kasakar

Anakin once visited Coruscant’s underbelly, as an escort for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s secret visit. Festering within the 2685th level of Coruscant, it is a feeding ground to the best and worst criminals—bureaucrats among them. Slaves and contraband are bought and sold on the hour, while others gamble with their lives or ill-gotten gains on the roll of a chance cube.

Others are content to seek entertainment, watching holographic projections of exotic dancers in various states of undress—the likes of which will no doubt be traded as slaves in exchange for credits or other services. Games of chance are often obscured under the sheer volume of patrons gathered around the game tables. Smaller round tables serve for social or business gatherings, with more discreet booths tucked into alcoves along the walls.

Having undergone unfinished renovations at some point, the ceiling has been raised to resemble that of a warehouse. Smoke gathers among the durasteel supports, making a buffer for the intense red and violet beams lighting the cesspit below. Zeltron perfumes are among the most common smells in the establishment, while the rolling of dice cubes make for the most recognizable sound above the music. Fights don’t often break out, and violence is often dissuaded at the sight of armoured bouncers several heads taller than most humanoids


Twice now she'd sworn never to come back here, and twice now she'd had her hand forced in doing so. She had to keep her family safe. No matter what it took. Even this place. Even—

She slammed that mental door so hard that it rattled in its mental frakking frame. No. She couldn't think about that kark right now. It was already bad enough, how keenly aware she was of the location of every knife or sharp object within reach, and how her spine was whirring loudly enough for her to hear, winding her tight, preparing to do violence. She could feel the memories, chattering away under her skin, next to her mission. Like a knot of pain in her chest, just to the right of her heart. She can feel it, the sense of something in her peripheral vision. present but unseen.

The flashes thrummed behind her eyelids and in her skull to the beat of the too-loud, thumping music, phantom lashes and touches. She stared at the metallic tabletop inches in front of her nose, her vision white around the edges and ears ringing from the blood and adrenaline crashing through her system, breathing rapidly, trembling, sweating, her fists knotting at her sides with the need to fight. She felt herself slipping like she sometimes did into other episodes, like when she thought she caught a glimpse of white and red out of the corner of her eye or thought she saw a too-tall, too-thin shadow in the doorway at night or Uji's breath ghosted across her neck just right as to be wrong or she heard key bed music or smelled just the wrong smell or got pressed too tight in a crowd when she was at the market or— a thousand goddamned other things. She felt herself slipping and stood up and downed her drink with shaking hands. It burned on its way down.

Focus. Focus. She had work to do.

Satsi shoved past a few warm bodies and around a stand for a dancer whose holographic hips undulated like a snake. The gangster bundled to the nearest bar and snapped for another scotch, needing to calm her nerves. Her narrow brown eyes flickered around the club, looking for the target she was waiting for in the mass of people, and for anyone else she might recognize — or who might recognize her. Even her bright violet wig and extensive makeup wouldn't be entirely enough to hide her if she ran into one of her former Black Sun cohorts or Coruscanti associates.

Where are you, boy? the former Consul wondered. Baraga Rar, her mark, was a classic spicerunner who'd dabbled in holo-faking and, most importantly, he was a vornskr — smuggling people in and out of places. He'd done good work for her, back in the day. He'd done good work for her former Vigo. And now, he was doing good work for her former sister-wives.

With any luck, he'd be amenable to telling her all about it. With or without his teeth in tact.

The bartender brought her her drink, and Satsi made herself smile at him, wink, thank him in a sultry tone half-shouted to be heard. He smiled back. She sipped her scotch and kept looking.

Her gaze alighted finally on a figure leaving one chance table to move for a more secluded booth: teal-scaled Rodian, familiar scar on his cheek, missing one finger on his left hand. Baraga. Hell, she remembered bringing him both hands of the guy that had taken that finger from him — a gesture of good will for which he'd been quite grateful, once.

Satsi's heart raced, and her plan began to solidify in her mind. Baraga looked like he was settling in for business. Approaching him there in the booth wouldn't be easy. She would take her time, work the room, find a few tricks to dance with until she got over there and fell into his lap, maybe.

The woman was just taking a calming breath when something caught her eye and made her gasp. She jerked sideways to glare around some frakkers ordering drinks and make sure she wasn't seeing things. And— there. Coming into Club Kaskar was one very familiar Trandoshan. Most of the scale-hides looked the same to her, but she knew this one. Totems and decorations in his scars, brown coloring, way taller than any other person present, fully dressed in armor instead of any clubbing clothing. He was more menacing than the bruisers, for frak's sake.

Grot. One of her people. Frak, frak, and frak again.

Burning pain shot up her nerves, and Satsi hissed, realizing that she'd broken her glass. She shook bits of crystal and booze off her fingers and started across the dance floor, making a beeline for the bounty hunter Arconan. If he was here, then he had work of his own, and no way would it go quietly. Shadows above, the place was probably rigged to explode, if she remembered his personal action reports right. He was going to ruin her entire operation.

And she couldn't let that happen.

The place was a cesspool.

His nostrils burned with stink of many bodies and his eyes ached from flashing light. The warm-bloods flailed as if celebrating a fertility festival, though made the mistake of wearing garb that would get in the way of copulation. Mammals were such inconvenient creatures.

Grot gave a hissing snort and shook his predatory head. Regardless of their absurdity, the writhing masses did do well to make his Hunt more of a challenge. Their many limbs and bustling activity was not unlike a stampede of bantha, and a herd was always more difficult to attack than a lone animal. Still, instead of protecting one another, as a herd did, or fleeing, they were all very focused on their celebration and bacchanal, and did a dismal job of protecting their backs or keeping eyes on the hunter in their midst. It was very easy to push through them and walk to a more suitable vantage point for examining the crowd.

The Trandoshan situated himself atop a small stage, drawing disgruntled growls and chirps from the males and females that had been watching the projection he was blocking, and searched the club with tracking eyes. He merely had to stare down the patrons who griped at him, and they quickly retreated, smelling like fear and perspirant. The Arconan glanced at his scan pulse device, but the myriad of indicators showing lifeforms was so thick that the screen practically showed a blob of red. Not helpful. He flicked his tongue and stowed the tech again, recalling the description and holo of his prey. He would find them. Patience was his forte.

Something grabbed his arm and dragged him down.

The Trandoshan was confused only for a moment before adrenaline and the song of the Hunt sang in his veins, lighting his muscles and priming his nerves. He twisted his way out of the surprisingly strong grip and drew his blue-hued blade in one sinuous motion of sinew, aiming for the hackles of his humanoid assailant.

Another surprise, another blade, this a long knife, countered his, catching it. He blinked reptilian orbs with narrowed pupils at the creature, taking in detail: female, Human, strong, hiding many weapons in seven different places, odd colors. He recognized her smell before he recognized her visually. This one was a known entity: his former Hunt Lord and the one who had authorized his payments. Tameike.

He wondered idly for what purpose she was challenging him — to prove herself a warrior, capable of felling one of the T'doshok? Perhaps for some insult she felt? For sport? Or to take his points?

But the female did not press her attack. Instead she broke their lock and quickly stowed her weapon again, hissing at him, "What are you doing here? Leave! Now. You're gonna frak up everything."

Ahh, so it was not a challenge, or not entirely intended. A shame. Grot had learned in his time about the galaxy that not all creatures who challenged him intended it, and those in the Brotherhood especially tended to behave as if they were superior but balk at a true fight. The strange ones with their strange powers in particular. He did not think Tameike had powers, but he recalled her hatchmate did, and so perhaps she merely hid hers. That would be the intelligent tactic as a hunter.

Grot processed all this quickly as he lowered his sword and snapped his jaw in displeasure, such that a mammal might frown.

"I am on a Hunt," he answered slowly. She was not his commander nor employer any longer, and he felt no obedience to her, but as she had previously managed to lead the clan before her dethroning by the bird-rat Ryn male, it was evident she had at least some mettle and deserved some amount of respect. He would answer her, as they were fellow Hunters for the moment.

"Well forget it," snapped Tameike. "You idiot, you stand out like a raging frakking rancor, here! You're gonna ruin everything."

"I will not abandon my Hunt," Grot said firmly, words hissing and thin around the Basic tongue. "Nor will I hide. I am not prey." An ambush was a tactic; disguise was cowardice. He told her so, and she made an angry Human expression at him.

"Oh for the love of...Shadows take you," snarled the female, makin agitated fidgeting motions of her hands and feet, and Grot grew tense. She would curse him? No. He would not have it. No evil magics would have him. He would defeat her and banish her curse.

"We will battle," growled the Trandoshan, squarin his stance to loom over the female. She scowled at him. "Now."

"What part of 'get out of here before you blow my cover and bring all of the peacekeepers in the Sector down on this place' isn't getting through to yo—"

Silly Humans, chattering about when battle was to be had. Mammals were so very deficient. The female seemed somehow shocked when he swept her legs with his own and deposited her on her back, knocking aside a table and other aliens.

Tameike gasped in pain when he swiftly delivered another strong kick to her middle, spitting invective and insults upon his lineage and intelligence at him while she spat a mouthful of red, hot blood. He moved to plant his sword in her stomach but she twisted and pivoted with a powerful bunching of her abdomen, rolling away from his blow. Before Grot could swing about for another stab, her legs shot out, swifter than his, one foot hooking behind his ankle while the other stamped at his knee. Something snapped loudly, and the Trandoshan gave a roar of pain, his orange eyes burning as he buckled.

Shouts of others were going up around them, dishware breaking, furniture toppled. Attention had been drawn, an audience had. His opponent scrambled backwards, climbing to her feet, their gazes meeting — with him on his knees, they were nearly of a height.

And he saw in her eyes the same manic battle-lust that beat in his own heart.

Grot bared his teeth, feeling vigor with the agony, and surged forward in a brutal tackle.

Satsi had only a brief moment to brace herself before the monstrous Trandoshan came crashing into her stomach, shoulders lowered. The sudden ferocity and mass of the mercenary’s tackle drove her backwards, her feet skidding across the dance floor, and knocked the air from her lungs with an audible ‘oomph!’ Grot stepped back and brought his blade forward in a swift slashing motion, the sapphire sword flashing in the low club-lighting as he tried to end the fight right there. Satsi smirked, easily countering with a kick that sent the blade flying across the club, the impact with the mercenaries armor audible even over the music.

The human lowered her stance and locked arms with Grot as his attack began to lose steam, trying to catch him in a grapple. Her scars blazed an eerie white under the black-lights, and her face seemed distorted and ghastly as she grinned wildly. She slowly began to overpower the struggling Trandoshan, inexorably dragging him further into the grapple. She twisted his joints, enjoying the feeling as his limbs began to over-extend.

“That all yah got leatherneck? Come on! Hit me!” Satsi shouted, her blood pounding to the beat of the club-music around them. The small crowd around them cheered and roared, their minds drunk with excitement and high on the spectacle before them, unaware of the potential dangers. Grot snarled, nearly foaming at the mouth with exertion as he struggled against the stronger woman. His eyes flashed with spiteful intensity, and he drew his lips back to reveal rows of sharpened teeth.

“Gladly!” Grot let loose a primal, animalistic roar and snapped forward with surprising speed, his teeth seeking the tender flesh of Satsi’s throat. She easily untangled one of her arms from the grapple, knocking the Trandoshan foaming jaws aside with an elbow. Teeth and blood soared across the dance floor, and Grot’s vision flashed bright white with pain as the strike rocked his skull backwards. Operating more on instinct than conscious thought, he snapped back at the offending limb, his teeth sinking into the bare flesh of Satsi’s arm. The warm, coppery tang of blood filled Grot’s mouth and he drank greedily. He began to thrash and tear, throwing his head this way and that to try and rip a chunk of the warm, savory flesh free.

“Get! The! Frak! Off! Of! Me!” Satsi punctuated each word with a hammer blow to Grot’s skull, trying to knock him aside. Slowly the mercenary's jaw loosened, growing limper and limper as his consciousness dimmed. Pain dominated his every sensation, but he had to keep focused. Had to stay awake. Had to keep up the Hunt. Desperately he lunged forward, wrapping his left claw around her waist and pulling her as close as possible.

With his other claw he reached down and activated his jetpack.

With a roar like a starfighter starting up, the pack carried them forward on a column of flames into the crowd. Club-goers screamed and ducked for cover as they raced across club floor, leaving a trail of burns, bruises, and overturned sabacc tables behind them.

Crazy schutta is gonna kill himself and take me with him! Satsi thought incredulously. With a practiced ease she drew her dagger, determined to put an end to the insane lizard before he did any more damage. She placed the strike perfectly, right between his ribs, where it would slip easily into his lungs and put him out of commission, but snarled with frustration as the dagger merely sparked against the grey-patterned armor. *Frak! Just how heavy is this chit?” she thought as blow after blow was turned aside, managing only to dent and rend the mercenary’s chest-plate

And then they hit the wall.

Satsi lost vision for a short moment as they impacted, her cybernetic spine taking the brunt of the impact. Her dagger went flying, scattering to the floor as it bounced against the wall. Globs of spittle flew from her mouth as the air was knocked from her lungs, and her legs felt slightly unsteady as her opponent stumbled back from her, clearly in no better condition.

Indeed, the Trandoshan looked far worse. His armor was dented in multiple places, the gashes across his breastplate clearly visible even in the low light. He favored the knee that Satsi had struck previously, placing his weight carefully on the other leg. His face was smeared with blood, both hers and his, and his jaw hung limp and swollen. His right eye was beginning to swell over, nearly blinding him, leaving only his left one to stare out at her.

“You are strong, human,” Grot panted out, licking the blood from his teeth “That blow might have broken a weaker creature's spine.”

“Unfortunately for you," Satsi snarled, "somebody already tried that. I got a better one,”

Grot’s eye flashed a bright orange in the low light, narrowing as he gave a gap-toothed smirk. “Is that so..."