Savant Kylex Sanguris vs. Knight Xuner Holst

Savant Kylex Sanguris

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Force Disciple, Juggernaut, Mandalorian

Knight Xuner Holst

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Sith, Juggernaut

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Old Container
Messages 3 out of 6
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Savant Kylex Sanguris, Knight Xuner Holst
Force Setting Unleashed
Weapon Setting Standard
Savant Kylex Sanguris's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Knight Xuner Holst's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Crait: Former Rebel Base
Last Post 8 May, 2018 6:10 AM UTC
Member timing out Kylex Sanguris

Crait Former Rebel Base

The planet of Crait, known mostly for its salt covered red soil and minerals, became the setting for the reborn legend of Luke Skywalker. The tale of the First Order's siege upon the remnants of the Resistance and Skywalker’s solitary last stand spread like wildfire throughout the galaxy. The scars born of the siege still remain, alongside the breached and empty carcass of what was once a rebel base. After what became known as the Battle of Crait, the planet now sits forgotten by the First Order and Resistance alike. Which makes it the perfect place for scavengers and adventurers.

The crystalline flats extend far into the horizon until the distance ceases to hold meaning. The scorched salt mingle with the red soil, forcibly fused together by the violent discharge of heavy artillery fire. Old rebel speeders lie as skeletal reminders of the toll that the Resistance had paid in staging their last stand. Most of the parts have already stripped of what parts survived.

Standing opposite the endless flats is an expansive mountain side that stands almost completely vertical. Climbing it would be a difficult, if not impossible prospect. Tall, heavily armored doors—now breached—are built into the mountainside itself and mark the entrance to the abandoned base.

The approach to the base is lined by fallen turrets and crumbled trenches. Once inside, various crates and shrapnel litter the ground and offer nothing of value, save for cover when in need. The cave system expands outward from the entrance in a winding maze of crystalline pathways. If traveled long enough, and with some luck, an unmarked exit lies to be found. The hangar itself is divided into purposeful quadrants, with a command station situated deeper inside that leads to supply rooms and barracks.

Standing on the salted ground gives even the least perceptive a sense of gravity. The weight of what transpired is undeniable, with the visible reminders there for all to see if they care to look.

The planet is also known for its native crystal critters—Vulptex—which can leave the safety of their underground tunnels to investigate new visitors to their terrain.

Crait (Planet), Crait (System) Outer Rim Territories

36 ABY

The howling winds provided solace from the otherwise mind-numbing silence that haunted the now ruined rebel base. Holst was the last soldier out of a thirty man security team that was sent out to search for supplies to aid Clan Naga Sadow’s operation on Ambria. To Holst, back when he was still called Drae’lath, these were good men and close friends that now laid dead all across this base. To Holst, they were simply tools. This sentiment, however, was clearly shown as a single tear began to swell from within Holst’s flesh-and-blood eye.

It seems that Drae’lath still lives. Damn.

Holst immediately wiped away the tear in frustration. He began to internally speak to, the once bound now free, Vesh about the failure of her original plan to corrupted Drae’lath into a slave. Although most of Drae’lath’s original psychological profile did die during Vesh’s previously successful attempt to take over Drae’lath’s mind. What had remained was his determination and will to live. This is what had made up Xuner and the Juggernaut has been fighting against the two ever since. Xuner was, however, still able to be bound by the same runes that once held Vesh as they were old, ancient, and powerful SIth alchemical transcriptions. The near constant fighting that made Holst weak at this point, with Vesh starting to feel constrained having to keep Xuner suppressed.

But something about them being upon this planet had allowing the two some respite and some assistance with their problem.

He peered out for a brief moment to look upon for his target: A six-person team from the kill-squads of The Collective’s Technocratic Guild. They were one team from among a group of forty sent to capture him. Another set of teams of the same number were sent after Kylex Sanguris. As to why they were both here, one could be simply mark as the will of the Force that both members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood were on this planet. He waited anxiously with excitement inside of a ruined building, that once served as an administration building, as soft sounds of footsteps began more and more audible by every passing moment. Holst reached out through the Force to sense how close they were to the trap that he had laid out for them. Another group of six had went in before this group but they were separated from the rest and were easily killed as Holst used the Force to hurl debris from the ruined base at them. The Sadowan had taken to placing some of their blasters in certain angles to fool them into thinking that there were more soldiers.

Holst calmed his breath and telepathically contacted Kylex Sanguris, who chose not to hide on the roof of the building, but instead hid behind a worn down generator near the path that the Collective soldiers were walking on.

The prey draws near. Get ready.

Kylex was visibly irritated by the fact that he had to wait, but Holst was giddinning with anticipation as the enemy neared they trap he had laid out.

Holst felt the fear from one of the targets. She was unlike the other, more grizzled and stalwart of the group.

She’s young. Oh, she looks so lovely in this lighting. The Sith peeked his head out from behind a desk to gaze at the younger woman, as he seemed to be distracted by her looks.

The group walked closer and Kylex, finally too tired to remain sitting idle, bellowed out in rage.

The Savant’s sudden rush took even Holst by surprise, but he nonetheless used it to add further confusion and chaos into the ambush. Holst shouldered a blaster rifle that he had taken from the corpse from one of the previously killed soldiers. He fired a quick and random series of shots that weren’t aimed to kill any of them, but rather to force them into kneeling down.

Kylex had leaped high into the air and impacted down into the ground, causing a small crater. With his ignited saber in hand, he slashed horizontally through the airborne man and used the Force to fling the now separated corpse's upper half into two other approaching men. He moved to too quickly for any from The Collective strike team to fire any blaster bolts and after deactivating his saber, he grabbed a second person. This time a Sullustan male was flung over the Sith’s shoulder, only to be slammed into the floor with his chest being caved in by a Force-augmented stomp from the Mandalorian. The attack resulted in a part of the cave above them to loosen and collapse, much to the startle of everyone. Holst took this opportunity to move behind and flank the other three that were failing in their attempts to shoot the Savant down.

The Knight calmly walked behind, having pulled out his DL- 18 blaster pistol, and executed a Devaronian male that attempted pull out a fragmentation grenade. The body slumped over and the grenade began to roll away.

“Filthy rat,” he muttered to himself in disgust before picking the grenade off the ground.

He attempted to toss the grenade as a means of miss direction to distract another fighter, but paused as the same Human female that Holst had spotted earlier was seen behind a shattered wing from a starfighter. She had her wrist held closely to her face.

“Damn. Oh well.” With a heavy sigh, realized too late that she had contacted the rest of the team, Holst pulled the pin from the grenade, holding it for a brief moment before having casually tossed the grenade over to her position. It took her a brief second to recognize the spherical object, but by then the grenade had already detonated, killing her instantly. As he used the Force to throw the explosive, he spun around in a clockwise direction and with his still-in-hand blaster, fired a series of bolts which had landed in the center body mass area of the second to last combatant.

Kylex was toying with the final member, having already broken one of his arms with a swift and brutal kick. Too tired to continue the final attacker, a Bothan male, fell to his knees and pleaded for mercy. Kylex, looked upon the Bothan with complete hatred. He placed one hand on the creature’s neck and the other on the leg. Kylex picked him up and snapped the Bothan’s spine over his knee.

A woman, younger than the rest, was too fearful to attack either Kylex Sanguris or Holst as the former slaughtered the team, having tossed their corpses both to his left and right.

She immediately fled into an old building, trying to hide. Holst noticed her and began to stalk her. He stood next the nearest doorway, waiting for a moment to strike as he drew out his vibro-knife. The young woman was caught by surprise as Holst walked through the doorway. She stood in shock at the look upon his face as he walked towards her. His eyes were not of its original light blue, but of a golden yellow. The gold upon his iris had bled into a thin red and burning red; the tell-tale eyes of Sith. With a sick and disturbing smile and in one quick, fluid motion, the Sith thrusted his knife into a spot just below her breast. She suddenly dropped her blaster on the floor as the air escaped from her body. Holst took a few steps closer and pulled her into his embrace. The Sith held the young woman, looking intently into her eyes as he gently placed her upon her cheek a sweet and gentle kiss.

“Don't die just yet ... That was just the opening act. The real show’s about to start.” He picked her up and held her in his arms as he carried her to the middle of the path and gently sent her down.

“That was sappy.” said Kylex Sanguris, lazily glancing over at the woman who lay bleeding out. The Savant sat on a large chunk of debris, quickly scoffing down a protein supplement bar, and had watched the little love story play out. “Critics will tear you apart for that.”

“Like your performance was much better,” spat Holst as he ran his fingers across the woman’s face, closing her eyes.

Kylex laughed, jumping down from his perch to approach the old soldier.“The last time I saw you, you were running away from me as fast as your little legs could carry you.”

He extended a hand, offering to shake hands. Holst looked at the cybernetic carefully, then took it with his own

“If my memory serves correctly from the… uhh… assassination contract… you are Drae’lath correct?”

Holst shot him a look of disgust, instantly yanking his hand from the firm grip of the Mandalorian.“Drae’lath is dead. I am Holst.”

“Same Nexu different leg action.”

The Knight gave the Savant a look, before letting out a heavy sigh.

“Look. I’ll tell you what happened to Drae’lath.” he knelt with arms folded. “It was five months ago, on Nar Shaddaa.”

“Ahh, gotcha, what happens on Nar Shaddaa, stays on Nar Shaddaa.” Kylex said, tapping his nose with a grin.

“No you idiot… There was an explosion. A couple of Twi’leks were in the way of flying debris. Well… Drae’lath got in the way. He spent two months in a coma. While the Bacta helped heal the body, Vesh, the Sith Spirit that inhabits my arm…”. He trailed off, looking at the intricate runes and marks along his cybernetic arm.

“She broke Drae’lath’s mind, giving rise to multiple personalities. One of which is you?” interrupted Kylex. He looked around the area, still on guard for any more possible intruders.

“Essentially.” Holst said, clearly annoyed at the Savant’s constant interruptions.

“I think it's time to switch condiments, cus that weak sauce ain’t helping.”

“You know what?” said the Knight angrily. “Kark you. My background isn’t something to be triffled wi-” Blaster fire cut the Sadowan off, as brilliant red energy zipped past him, narrowly missing his head.

Kylex looked at him, smiling grimly. “Looks like a few more toys have arrived.” he said, licking his lips like a hungry beast. Quickly, the Savant ran and ducked behind a large boulder, with Holst right behind him. He could see at least ten more Technocratic Guild peons, each one nervously approaching. The Juggernaut turned the Holst, hand on lightsaber and ready to strike.

“I count ten, you go left and flank them while I distract them.” He snatched a fragmentation grenade from Holst, pulling the pin and lobbing it over his shoulder.


“Holst, are you ready?” he said, unaware of whatever damage the grenade had caused the unfortunate enemies. No reply. As he watched, Holst let out a scream. He fell to his knees, clutching his cybernetic arm. The screaming worsened, Kylex saw that the runes marked across the arm, were now turning and glowing. With another final scream, Holst stopped moving. Kylex watched meticulously, looking for any sign of life, when the body reanimated. The body looked at Kylex, and Kylex back at it.


“No. I am Xuner!” yelled the Knight, quickly drawing his blaster and firing at Kylex. The Savant would have been dead, if not for the Bothan behind him catching the bolts instead.

“Don’t shoot me in the back ok?” Said the Savant, igniting his lightsaber. Xuner nodded back. With a leap, Kylex leapt from cover, straight down the middle. He cleaved a man in two, using his momentum to smash another’s face in.


With a mighty roar and an ignited lightsaber in the hands of mighty and powerful warriors of the Dark Side, both Xuner and Kylex darted around the large stone and raced towards the enemy. With a thirst for blood raging through them, the two Sith dodged bolt after bolt as they streaked past their heads and bodies.

The Collective soldiers had easily dodged the initial thrust and slashes, dancing around their failed savage attempts to cleave them in two. Xuner and Kylex went in two separate directions, attempting to divide the amount of blaster fire directed to them.

Kylex ducked and weaved his way through nine bolts, fired by one Human male, that harmlessly impacted into the ground with the tenth bolt being reflected towards another one of his opponents. That bolt caused a second Human male to stop shooting for a moment, giving Kylex the opportunity to focus his strength into a balled fist that moments later found itself buried deep underneath the diaphragm, causing the Human to lurch forward in pain. In quick succession, Kylex jumped slightly into the air, following it up with a mid-air kick to the human’s neck. With the sound of a clearly audible snap, the now lifeless body was flung over towards the second human. Kylex softly grunted as he twirled in their same direction. At the end of this turn, the Mandalorian’s lightsaber had skewered both humans killing the human on the bottom.

Holst, on the other hand, was too busy trying to regain control of the body now that Xuner had appeared. He was teased and mocked by a Nautolan and Bothan Female. They darted away from the combat and was chased by Xuner, leaving the now abandoned Kylex, who was too busy with his share of the large group to notice.

Two of the pursuers broke away to lead Xuner into a trap. One of the two, a pale gray Nautolan, used her species’s natural agility to bypass Xuner’s defenses and deliver a few quick thrusts with her vibroblades into the the Sadowan’s thighs. Unfazed by the purposely glancing cuts to his legs, Xuner launched an untimed attack, which had miraculously connected and he swung his lightsaber cleanly through her head, horizontally bisecting her at the point where her lower jaw was previously connected to the rest of her head. Severed of her long head-tails fell upon the floor, still wiggling as they dropped; all the while being soon followed by the rest of her body.

A scream of torturous agony was heard immediately following the female’s death. The intensity of her cries managed to Holst had murdered her in front of her Twi’lek lover, who had only just spun out from behind a pillar to witness her death.

The Bothan female, which planned to use a stun baton, quickly jerked her head to the direction of the screams. Holst noticed this and used this opportunity to launch himself in a somersault. Holst, if he was in control, would’ve landed on top of her, drawn out his DL-18 and fired two bolts into her head. Xuner, on the other hand, pulled his arm back and roared as he brought in down upon her face. Because the Bothan’s head was slightly raised above the ground, the force slammed her head upon the duracrete. With one blow, the impact cracked her skull, causing a few pieces of bone to be lodged into her brain. At least, this is what Holst knew what would happened when he heard the sound of her head hitting the floor. Xuner stood up and tilted his head towards the stunned Twi’lek as he stared down the Twi’lek, that now had seethed with unbridled anger. She charged towards the Sith, vaulting over various forms of debris that laid between the two. Xuner widened his stance, bracing for the azure tinted fury that rapidly approached him.

“Bring it, tail-head!” He roared in defiance.

The Twi’lek brought her hands up and then down upon his face. Holst flinched back, wincing in pain as the scratch marks on his face began to open up. She then crouched down and followed up with a firmly planted foot in Xuner’s stomach, breaking his stance and forcing him back a few paces. The pain fueled Holst as he regained his footing. With a stern grunt, he unsheathed his vibrodagger and began to focus his attention into his hand. The Twi’lek mistakenly used this moment to try and break his concentration. This was, however, another one of Holst’s ploys to get his enemies to make a mistake. Once again, he was successful in doing so as the Twi’lek moved quickly towards him. Xuner, instinctively, used a faint by moving forward, causing her to immediately stop and brace. She was caught by surprise as the momentum caused her to lurch forward. Xuner summoned the Force around her torso and immediately after began to constrict her ribcage. She clawed away at the space around her waist, but to no avail.

“Embrace the Darkness.” Xuner said, following by a purposely slow tightening of his grip.

The Twi’lek struggled as her ribcage began to strain under the pressure. She flailed in every direction in a failed attempt to wiggle free. The pressure was soon too much for her frame to handle as she began to scream in pain as her ribcage had finally began to break. A series of a loud and distinct breaks would've been heard had it not been for the screaming. Her body gave out to all the pain and she simply went limp and she dangled in the air, held up by the Force. Holst managed to regain control as the colour in the runes faded. He noticed the lack of blaster fire and screaming from the background. Fearing the worst, he rushed back to the main hangar bay where Kylex’s small war was taking place at.

Holst hid amongst the shadows as he crept back the way he lead his four victims. He returned to find Kylex captured by what remained of the Collective. Out of the combined number of eighty soldiers that they faced, Kylex had managed to kill half of the entire group by himself. He witnessed a badly beaten Kylex kneeling before what seemed to be the commander.

“Where’s your friend?” The Umbaran demanded.

Not wanting to waste time trying to think of a plan, Holst ordered Vesh to release Xuner once again. As much as Vesh wanted to protest with how much difficulty restraining Xuner is, she held her tongue. Once more, the runes began to glow and once more pain become to envelop Holst. After holding his voice back for long enough, Holst screeched in agony and stunned the remaining soldiers.

Some had feared that their battle had awakened a large beasts. Others tried to quell their comrades’ fears. Xuner, filled with a burning rage caused by the site of his wounded comrade, leaped out from the shadow and landed in between the commander and Kylex.