Battlemaster Tasha'Vel Versea vs. Warlord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes

Battlemaster Tasha'Vel Versea

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Female Twi'lek, Sith, Marauder

Warlord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Sith, Shadow, Obelisk

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Hall Duelist Hall - Ranked
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Battlemaster Tasha'Vel Versea, Warlord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlemaster Tasha'Vel Versea's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warlord Bentre Kairn'tel Stahoes's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Sepros: Temple of Sorrows
Last Post 25 February, 2019 4:42 AM UTC
Member timing out Master Bentre Stahoes


Located on Sepros, the ancient Temples of Orian have served as the home for Clan Naga Sadow since the Exodus. In particular, the Temple of Sorrow was selected to become the base of operations for all of Clan Naga Sadow. The Temple has been rebuilt upon a once withered base, creating a hybrid of ancient stone and current era technology.

Within the shroud of Sepros' jungles, the spire of the Temple stands tall and menacing. It is constructed at the heart of a large clearing within the trees, with an impressive courtyard flanking it. The courtyard itself is a testament to the ancient origins of the Temple, littered with remains of the previous temple. Vines grow like slithering snakes throughout the crumbling architecture as if trying to strangle what stone remains and drag it into the dirt once more. Moss coats the stones in defiance to the elements that have stripped the stone bare throughout the courtyard. A grand staircase leads from the grassy ground to the main entrance, with secondary platforms on either side that house landing platforms. Several transport shuttles are settled upon the platforms in varying states of readiness as droids see to their maintenance.

Inside the Temple lies the main hall. The walls are shaped from a marble-like structure with elegant, flowing curves as if molded in clay. Columns line the walls leading away from the entrance towards the central chambers, supporting a balcony that stretches along the walls of the hall as a second level. Multiple corridors are seen between the columns, leading towards the Temple proper. Within these pathways reside the quarters many call home, in addition to various training rooms and small libraries.

This is the Temple of Sorrow, the heart of Clan Naga Sadow.

Bentre strode confidently down the ancient marbled hall towards the corridors. He had been summoned by Tasha’Vel for something about the current Blackguard, however she kept out the details. The one thing she stated is that he had to come to the Temple of Sorrow personally.

“I don’t have a lot of time, Tasha’Vel so I hope this is important.” He stated loud enough for anyone to hear, however the Rollmaster was nowhere to be seen. Bentre surveyed the surroundings and listened. Instinctively, he pulled out his blaster and walked slowly around the columns.

“Tasha’Vel, what is it you wanted me here for?” He demanded his voice raised a bit with irritation. “I am not here to play games.”

A stone whizzed furiously towards him from the north as he shot it apart with the blaster. This was different.

“Is she testing me?”

He then moved to where the stone was thrown, this time with a bit more alertness.

“Behind you.” Came a voice in his head and he quickly whirled around, but was knocked backwards several feet as a telekinetic blast hit him.

“The frak!” He yelled as he moved to his feet. “What are you doing!”

The Maurader grinned widely as she charged towards him and ignited the violet blade with a crackling hiss-snap. She was quick and Bentre didn’t have much time to react. His blaster wouldn’t be of much use against her at this rate. He holstered it as he brought out one of his own lightsabers from his belt and met her blade with his white-blue crashing against hers.

“Bentre, I think it's time we had a rematch from our old training days.” The Twi’lek answered as she let out a battle cry and she began her attack. She had swung in with her left foot back and used both her hands on the blade to swing upward diagonally.The Warlord could feel the dark raw power coursing out of her hands as he parried against her powerful swing with his own lightsaber. She had grown a lot stronger than their training days.

“Let’s get this started!”