A swinging Jizz number from the on-stage band echoed into the small storeroom behind the main bar of Club Vertica. Hashi tried to ignore the cacophony of music and dull roar of conversation happening outside as he drug the unconscious body of a Twi’lek server behind some crates of Corellian whiskey.
The human assassin mentally ran through the steps of his hasty plan while he finished moving the body. His target was local business owner named Crev Tyree, an Iktotchi with some very distinctive facial features and a notorious gambling habit. The contract issuer had remained anonymous but had offered an open bounty of 20,000 credits on Crev. Hashi didn’t usually take high profile contracts like this, but the money was too good to pass up.
“Get in, get out,” the human muttered to himself like a prayer. His plan was simple, and the hard part of getting inside without having the means to dress like the club’s usual clientele or staff was over. The rest of the plan was to rush the pair of guards protecting the VIP lounge, dispatch the target with his trusty lightsaber and make for the garbage chute in the storeroom behind the bar.
Hashi unconsciously gripped the lightsaber attached to his hip as he inspected the garbage chute that would be his escape route. A hotwired speeder waited for him at street level; he didn’t mind getting a little filthy if it meant a 20,000 credit payout. Taking a deep breath to center himself, Hashi made for the door leading to the main club floor.
“Hey, Zana!” A Rodian bartender shouted without turning to face the open door. “Where have you been? Table 34 needs another Dac style martini.”
“Zana is on break,” Hashi quipped in a gruff voice as he slipped out from behind the bar to the club proper. The bartender turned around with a confused look on his face but then resumed filling orders.
The disheveled human drew some judgmental stares from patrons as he crossed the gaming floor toward the VIP lounge. He slowed his advance as he noticed a sizeable tiger-like sentient in a stylish black suit.
That’s a big kitty, Hashi thought as he tried to duck into a small group watching a high-stakes Sabaac game. Too big to be a Cathar, must be one of those…what are they called? Togorians.
The Togorian’s form-fitting suit highlighted his muscular build. He may have been dressed like a high roller, but he had the unmistakable body and posture of a warrior. Hashi made a mental note to watch this newcomer closely; he might be a rival bounty hunter out for the same bounty. The feline sentient was accompanied by a silver color protocol droid and currently had one of the male Twi’lek VIP lounge guards patting him down for weapons. The guard was quite thorough.
“I apologize for the inconvenience sir, but security is one of our primary concerns.”
The Togorian straightened his suit jacket when the guard had finished the security check. “Oh I fully understand, and you are doing fine work.”
The second Twi’lek guard seemed to be examining the protocol droid closely for any hidden compartments or weapons. “Sir, it’s against club policy to allow droids in the VIP lounge.”
The well-dressed gambler cocked an eyebrow, “but I paid the third party droid fee.”
“I understand that, but it’s for you and your fellow gambler’s safety.”
The Togorian nodded, “very well then, Macavity wait here.” The silver droid bowed profoundly and sank into a dimly lit corner near the lounge entrance.
The tiger man seemed affable enough and was clearly unarmed. Maybe Hashi’s first instincts were wrong about him. The assassin waited for the Togorian to enter the VIP lounge before resuming his approach. The Twi’leki guards kept blasters holstered on their belts, along with some stuncuffs and what appeared to be flashbangs.
Hashi approached the two guards, who instinctively reached back for the holsters of their respective blasters. “Hold it right there pal, this is for VIPs only,” the guard on the left commanded in a hushed tone as not to cause a scene immediately.
The human assassin called upon the Force to enhance his muscles as the nearest Twi’lek started to reach to subdue him physically. Tashi moved with almost supernatural speed as he ducked under the guard’s arm, grabbed the same arm with his left hand, twisted his torso counter-clockwise and brought his right hand up with Force-enhanced speed to his opponent’s trachea. The guard started to collapse, grasping at his now injured throat. The second thug started to pull his blaster out of its holster only to catch a translucent shove of Force energy knocking him off his feet.
Tashi moved quickly to the second guard, now on the ground, with a swift kick to the head. He pulled his saber hilt off his belt as he entered the lounge. So far things were going well; few had seen the scuffle with the VIP guards, and no blaster shots had been fired. Security staff were no doubt on their way to subdue him, but most of the club continued their regular business.
Rajhin sat at the VIP sabaac table directly to the left of his bounty target. The Iktotchi Crev Tyree had a chipped horn on the right side of his face that was hard not to stare at. The remaining four gamblers at the table were the usual suspects for a Nar Shaddaa high rollers room, including at least one Hutt. None of them posed any real threat to the Sith or his mission. He had planned on following Crev out of the VIP room to a more discrete location, but he needed neither privacy nor weapons to eliminate his target if push came to shove and Macavity was lurking outside, ready to blast any interlopers or rival bounty hunters if it came to that.
The Togorian secretly enjoyed living the high life in the VIP lounge, even if it was for a job. He had the situation well in hand so he could afford to mix business and pleasure a bit. All was going according to plan until a random human dressed as a beggar burst into the room. Rajhin immediately noticed the lightsaber hilt in the newcomer’s hand.
“Just who do you think you are? SECURITY!” Crev shouted in vain.
The disheveled human jumped onto the sabaac table and ignited his lemon-colored blade. The rest of the gamblers began to panic and rush for the door. The Hutt screeched and started scooting like a slug behind his fellow patrons. The assailant pointed his saber at Crev who remained still and defiant in place.
Raj was angry. If this upstart thinks he can take my bounty he’s got another thing coming, he thought as he stood and began to search the room for anything he could use as a weapon. The padded wooden chair he had been sitting on was the only viable option.
The human interloper studied Raj with curiosity, most likely wondering why he hadn’t fled like the other patrons. The Torgorian turned to his Iktotchi bounty, “get behind me Crev!” The businessman complied and the human turned his saber toward the Sith. Raj smiled with a deep growl of satisfaction. He could use this to his advantage and gain his mark’s trust while dispatching a rival at the same time.
Rajhin swiftly grabbed the edge of the sabaac table with both hands and flipped the table up with all strength. The lightsaber-wielding assassin had little choice but to leap backward as cards and credit chips went flying. Raj wasted no time and picked up the chair behind him turning to throw it as the human came at him with a wide swing of his blazing saber. Now faced with a piece of flying furniture, the poorly dressed assassin had to adjust the swing of his blade to slice the chair in two.
While all this had been going on, Crev had started to creep around the edge of the round VIP lounge toward the only exit. The human eyes darted from the escaping target to the bold, yet unarmed, giant tiger standing before him. Rajhin called upon the Force, ready to evade his opponent’s next move. Within a few seconds, the assassin obliged and lunged at the Togorian with a vertical saber slash.
Positive Takeaways
Absolutely fantastic opening. You do an exceptional job setting the scene of the club, while at the same time giving a purpose to the presence of the two characters within the scene. They are not there by happenstance, nor are they necessarily there having sought one another out, their paths crossing are coincidental in that they share the same target in Crev thus creating a rather interesting case of two bounty hunters seeking to overcome an obstacle in one another to collect their bounty. You paint a fantastic image of the uncouth, straight for the kill, no time for words character of Hashi (touching on more than one aspect), and the fat cat character of Rajhin all in one broad stroke; setting up not just the scene but the characters all in one.
Something to Reflect On
Careful with the typos, specifically repeated ones. I admittedly did not catch it until I looked up in google how to spell it (since Grammarly does not recognize Sabacc as a word.)