DJK Lexiconus vs. DJK Meleu Karthdo

Dark Jedi Knight Lexiconus

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Togruta, Krath, Seeker

Knight Meleu Karthdo

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Sith, Juggernaut

As this comes out in a tie by score, I have to find a defining feature, and that will always go to story. Lexiconus set up the match very well and his final post was very strong.

Congrats, Lexic! Well done to both of you.

Hall Event: Figureheads [Clan Arcona]
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants DJK Lexiconus, DJK Meleu Karthdo
Winner DJK Lexiconus
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
DJK Lexiconus's Character Snapshot Snapshot
DJK Meleu Karthdo's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Selen: Arcona Citadel - Throne Room
Last Post 2 September, 2014 10:27 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Meleu Karthdo Qor Kith
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: You missed a few commas, but nothing that really took me out of the match. [The Sith raised his blade before it descended rapidly towards his opponent’s neck.] The sentence is a little clumsy, but I got what you were saying. Rationale: You had several sentences that were clumsily constructed. You also missed several commas. It took me out of the match several times in an attempt to figure out what your sentences meant. They did makes sense, but in the future, try to simplify them a little so that one only needs to read them once to understand them.
Story - 40%
Meleu Karthdo Qor Kith
Score: 4 Score: 5
Rationale: Your posts were a touch cliche, but I LOVED that you removed your opponent's headtails. I don't see it happen very often in the ACC, surprisingly enough. I kind of wish you had said, "Arconae Invicta" instead of "Arcona Invicta" just as a play on words. Rationale: Your story was strong. I very much enjoyed your set up, despite your syntax mark. I especially liked the dialogue between the characters. It wasn't too much that it took away from the combat and it was compelling and added to the story. Well done.
Realism - 25%
Meleu Karthdo Qor Kith
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: You used your character sheet very well, but I found your use of your opponent's sheet rather lacking, particularly his aspects. Rationale: You implied that Meleu had hacked the holonet and created a likeness of Cethgus, which is something that a 0 in slicing could never do. I would have liked to see you use your opponent's character sheet a little more than you did.
Continuity - 20%
Meleu Karthdo Qor Kith
Score: 5 Score: 5
Rationale: No issues that I saw. Rationale: No issues that I saw.
Meleu Karthdo's Score: 4.2 Qor Kith's Score: 4.2

A pair of massive, ancient doors loom at the entrance to the throne room. Upon opening, they give way to a large chamber with a high ceiling carved smoothly into stone. The chamber itself is the size of a professional holo-ball court but the hard-tile flooring has been sand-blasted to perfection and patterned symmetrically throughout. Tall, rounded pillars frame a center dais that forms an elevator platform. Perfectly centered on the low platform is the heart of Clan Arcona's power--the Serpentine Throne. The ornate throne stands several feet above the head of even the tallest Shadow Lords. The dais is back lit by an ever glowing wall of flame that attunes itself to the order-color of the current Consul. A sable carpet trimmed with white lays down over the shallow steps and continues all the way towards the entrance doors. throneroom
The Throne Room is completely sound-proofed, and almost feels like entering a vacuum. Voices carry easily, but never leave the chamber. A combination of alchemy and engineering allow the room to be shut off from the rest of the Citadel while maintaining proper ventilation for the unique curtain of flame. It maintains a steady room temperature, ignorant to the climate outside and throughout the Citadel's ancient walls.

On a cool and cloudy evening, the citadel became packed with the dark armour of the Arcona soldiers. The cold, ancient walls echoed the march of the legion. The evening was only turning late and the horizon already swallowed the distant fire of the sun. Lexiconus saw this place as a sanctuary. A place to protect himself from outside threats, which is one reason why he returned. Now however, the true threat was the men and women he truly trusted.

Lexic stood on a high balcony as he observed the imperial-like march of the soldiers. To the Togruta their presence felt unwelcome, like a fire growing too wide. His face began to frown and scrunch at the sight of Arconan soldiers disobeying the Quaestors. His heart felt on fire as it beated faster, the Force fueled his anger against disobedience. Before Lexic could spend anymore time scrutinising the soldiers, a digital beep popped from his pocket. He reached in and lifted his communicator, the source of the beep then began to activate and listen.

It was the hologram of his Zabrak Quaestor, Cethgus.

”Lexiconus, it is good that my Battle Team Leader has finally arrived. The Throne room has not been touched by the war for several days, we will use that as a rendezvous. I have a traitor in custody and I require your assistance interrogating them. Do not delay this matter, it is important to...extract the information from this heretic. Tempered in shadow.”

The Krath deactivated the communication link and disabled the communicator. A glow of pride, courage and pleasure flowed through Lexic after hearing about this recent capture. To follow his call of duty, Lexic placed the communicator into his pocket once more and descended to the Throne room door.

The usual yet incompatible legion of soldiers again performed their imperial-like march past the Throne room doors. With their heads held sky high and never cautious, Lexic could easily hide in a darkened alcove. The sun’s glow finally disappeared along with it’s warmth, Lexic was already feeling the chilly breeze. The Togruta untied his robe from around his waist, slipped his arms into the sleeves inlaid with the purple Shadow Academy insignias, then fastened it tightly for warmth.The purple crystals glistened in the newly formed starlight, which worried Lexic. The Krath changed his mind and removed the top completely, then dropped it in the alcove to pick up later. Then using his ability of crystal-sharp hearing that the Togruta possess, Lexic waited until the footsteps faded into the ambient sounds and decided it was time to move. The eager Krath dashed to the huge, solid doors. Etched with legendary symbols and decor. Lexic proceeded to press his palms on the right door and push inside.

The chilled chest skin of the Togruta met the lukewarm and pristine air of the untouched Throne room with a craving. Lexiconus swung around the heavy door and slowly closed it till the giant latch clicked loudly into the socket. The Krath bit his lip and grumbled with embarrassment.

I guess this is why he has such heavy doors Lexiconus thought solemnly.

The Krath took a look around and softly rubbed his cool arms. He felt totally out of place or that something close was out of place. Lexiconus proceeded to walk further inside and gazed around at the markings and etched walls. But then from the corner of his eye he spotted a glow of red. He had always saw a silhouette in that area of the room but the red aura recently engulfed it. The Krath turned and saw exactly who it was, the Sith Juggernaut recently established in his Battle Team. The eyes could say it all, the hottest flames of Dark Forge flaring brightly with his grip on the black lightsaber tighter than a Force choke. The Juggernaut’s breathing deafened out the low rumble of the fiery wall and echoed around the room.

“I take it the traitor is not here?” Lexic question the Human. He tilted his head playfully which allowed his head-tails to swoop over his shoulder.

“Never was one, thought I’d spend my time outsmarting Krath instead.” Meleu replied whimsically.

Lexic bit his bottom lip covertly, then proceeded to look down at his feet which he directed to step closer to Meleu. The Togruta was clearly furious, as he was never this quiet around the Sith. Lexic’s hand reached for the silver hilt of his lightsaber then unclipped it. Lexic casually begun to toss it between both his hands as he conjured a reply.

“Traitors are never really an interest to me, just a nuisance that proceed to get in my way. I know this one Sith Juggernaut who has the worst loyalty issues, it’s embarrassing to mention his skills in Ataru too,” Lexic carefully replied to Meleu.

His direct attacks on the Sith’s ego clearly took effect. With eyes flaring and teeth bared, Meleu lashed his lightsaber towards Lexic and sprinted. The spinning disc of red felt guided by Meleu’s hand as Lexic saw it outreached behind the lightsaber. The Krath quickly ignited his emerald blade and deflected the guided lightsaber up into the air using his blade. Meleu leaped into the air, like a snow fox diving in for the kill. He latched his two hands onto the hilt of the lightsaber, then pointed the red blade at Lexic. The Togruta took this opportunity to swoop his open palm up and blast a wave of telekinetic energy that sent Meleu flying back. His landing back onto his feet was flawless, graceful like the autumn sycamore seeds.

Karthdo raced back to Lexiconus who quickly stepped forward then struck down at the Sith’s shoulder. In the quickest fashion, Meleu backflipped and deflected his attempt with his red blade then he proceeded to kick Lexic harshly in the chest. The stunned Togruta stumbled back and gasped for precious air as he felt his chest almost cave in. Lexic rubbed the sore area then rushed back at Meleu with great speed, the sensation of having powerful rancor legs flowed through Lexic’s body while he dealt powerful left handed strikes against Meleu’s blade. The Juggernaut graciously received Lexic’s maneuvers with ease, grinning as he defended with also one hand. The Human continued to backflip and side jump from Lexic, controlling the battle and where Lexic would strike next.

In the heat of the moment Meleu backflipped onto a pillar, jumped off with augmented thighs and dropped his feet into Lexic’s chest once more. He elegantly somersaulted off and watched as the Togruta wheezed and clutched at his malnourished chest. A cold and menacing grin filled the Human’s face, clearly in delight to see pain.

“I’m not as feeble as your poncy Corellian Ex-leader. I will return him and you to that derelict farm he was dragged up in. Then I will kill his family.” Meleu spat with furious anger. His rage continued to be fuelled by his warrior spirit.

“You’ll have to fence past me first, rebel scum.” Lexiconus replied with pride, as a small but cheerful grin appeared in the corner of his sea blue chin.

The Togruta began to bounce on his toes softly, as he prepared for the worst.

Meleu revelled in the Togruta’s pain; despite his efforts to hide his discomfort in a grin, it was obvious that the Krath’s strength had diminished.

Again, the Sith drove in headfirst, using the Force to push himself further off the ground and towards Lexiconus. His superior was ready, however. The sideways stance he held offered protection against the swift, yet intense strikes Meleu was about to deliver.

As he landed, Meleu empowered his body through the Force and sent a small kinetic ripple from his palm. The Battleteam leader staggered slightly, creating an opening for the impending assault. The Human recklessly unleashed a barrage of attacks, a downward strike towards the Togruta’s neck. A glancing blow redirected the saber elsewhere, much to the Krath’s satisfaction. A second strike caught Lexiconus by surprise. A vibroblade-based attack from Meleu’s left hand. The Sith had retrieved the vibroblade from his side prematurely, just as he had landed.

Luckily for the Krath, he was able to use the Force to counter the imminent blow. A telekinetic discharge hit Meleu’s arm, displacing his vibroblade and sending an explosive shock through his arm, jarring it.

The Togruta’s training prohibited him from taking the upper hand, his Niman mastery strained his desire to go on a true offensive. He lunged weakly for Meleu’s stomach, but the Human managed to simply lean back to avoid the attack. The emerald glowing saber charred Meleu’s darkened robes, nanometers from his skin.

As Lexiconus tried to push the saber deeper into his subordinate, he opened up his defenses. His debilitated stance gave the elder Knight an advantage, the overextension of his feet putting him off balance. The Sith dropped down and spread his legs into a split, augmenting the strength in his front foot as it slid forwards, dislodging the back foot of the Togruta. As the Krath fell towards the ground, his blade angled towards the ground. Lexiconus extinguished his blade in an effort to save the bones in his right hand.

Meleu jumped to his feet, with his opponent incapacitated, he kicked the saber to the side. The Sith inched closer towards the Krath, directing his blade down towards the Togruta.

“Tut tut,” Meleu paused as he began to laugh at the situation at hand, “you honestly thought you could outsmart me, a natural-born warrior?”

Lexiconus’ eyes blinked, he lifted his chin off the hard-tile floor to speak,

“You fool!” the Krath reciprocated, the amplification of his voice weakened by his position on the floor. ”Do you honestly believe that Marick will stand for this?”

Lexiconus paused, still semi-winded from the chest injury.

“An attack on the Quaestors is a direct threat towards Marick’s choice of leadership.”

Meleu’s facial expressions changed, now holding a look of bewilderment - it was something he had never thought about before. He glared at the Consul-coloured eternal wall of flame.

“That- that is something he’ll just have to understand.” Meleu stammered. “It’s for the betterment of Arcona”.

Meleu turned back towards the Togruta, he began to twirl his crimson-bladed saber in front of his adversary.

The Krath took advantage of his lapse in concentration. He had bought enough time to focus his Force energies and direct them towards the photons around him. The blackness disorientated the Sith, allowing Lexiconus to get up from the ground.

As the blackness cleared, it became clear to Meleu what had happened. The Togruta stood several meters away from him now, on the raised steps of the throne room, in his familiar low stance.

A small grin crept on the aching face of the Krath.

Lexiconus gave a cold smirk with confidence toward Meleu. He was eager to end this confrontation. The Krath lowered his stance and spread his legs to ensure a steady footing on the steps to the throne. As he came closer, Lexic kept his open hand against his bare chest and gripped the middle of his lightsaber hilt. He continued to wait as he used his open hand to motion Meleu closer, grinning more. He kept his stance and as their lightsabers touched, Lexic went into a full offensive; prodding towards the Human’s chest and reverting his blade back to a defensive position each time Meleu stepped closer.

Meleu began to lash out and strike at head level. He whipped his weak leg forward and struck with his body weight in the blade. The impact forced Lexic to grip his lightsaber with both hands and press Meleu away. Lexic pressed back by stabbing at the Sith from head height with his strong hand. But as he did, the Juggernaut knocked it away with ease, leaving Lexic’s chest open. With seconds to spare, the Togruta flashed an open palm directly in Meleu’s face. Within seconds, the Human dropped his lightsaber and was unable to move his hands.

The Krath walked away from him with a cold smirk on his face, down to the court area and picked up the vibroblade. He returned his gaze to the Sith who was still in this numb state, blubbering unintelligible words.

“You know you look like a fool acting this way. But Sith generally are!” Lexic shouted, with a chuckle at the end.

However, with only seconds passing, the Sith regained his senses and quickly gripped his lightsaber. Furious and fuelled by his anger, Meleu entered a state of pure strength only capable through the Dark Side. Roaring out with vengeance and sprinting at the worried Togruta at an immense speed. The Krath rolled out the way from the charging Sith and readied his lightsaber. When Meleu returned in front of Lexic, he slammed his blood-stained blade down at head height and the Togruta was crippled underneath. He dropped the vibroknife and desperately tried to grip the lightsaber with both hands, but failed as the incredibly strong and fast strikes brought Lexic to his knees.

In a world of his own, the victorious Meleu belted out an echoing laugh that filled the entire room as he looked around at the invisible audience. The sly Inquisitor took this second to sneak the vibroknife under his weak knees, panting as he watched his opponent revel in glory.

“Do you now see why the Arconae cannot possibly be defeated? Can you possibly observe the new found strength they have gifted me?” Meleu asked to the wheezing Lexic.

“I see a talented man, lost in politics and grimy levels of authority. No, I do not see their strength in you, only their shallow mind.” Lexic panted from his bloody lips.

The Sith shook his head and paced away slowly, looking out to the throne. He was thinking of the future, of when there would be no Quaestor side. His thoughts then fell onto the rewards he would gain from giving his superiors the Battleteam Leader. The Togruta finally found his feet and stood with his lightsaber disabled, hiding the vibroknife.

“Your vision is blurred by the single minded values your false leaders teach. It really is a shame to kill you.” Meleu said out loud. He now cared little who heard him.

The Juggernaut slowly turned back around and ignited his lightsaber to deliver the killer blow, he saw Lexic standing and nodded slowly as if he approved the warrior’s way of dying. But as the energy of the Dark Side discontinued to flow through him, Meleu found his new found strength depleting and he began to feel even weaker than Lexic. Now it was Meleu who was struggling to stand. In a quick series of events Lexic darted towards him, kicked the red lightsaber away and shoved the vibroblade into Meleu’s chest. With a soft smirk, Lexic stared into the Sith’s weak eyes.

“It really is a shame.” The Inquisitor replied.

Broken and unable to stand by himself, Meleu’s legs gave him and collapsed to his knees with the vibro blade sticking out of his chest. Lexic ignited his leaf green blade, aimed at Meleu’s neck and quickly swiped his head clean off. The tired expression from the head rolled towards the throne stairs and shortly stopped, bleeding on the royal carpet.

The grin didn’t last long. Meleu drove in once more, lightsaber raised.

The Togruta had regained his composure as the two circled each other around the steps. Both held out their sabers before them, waiting for the other to make a move. The Juggernaut’s breathing was short, coming in loud grunts in an attempt to unnerve his opponent.

Meleu struck a simple overhead strike to Lexiconus’ left-hand side. The Krath responded with an easy parry, deflecting the blow to the ground. The Sith continued with a swipe at his adversary, the sound of the breathing drowned out by the hum of crossing blades. The Human retracted his saber and spun away from his opponent.

He was running out of time, he couldn’t afford to play around with his opponent much longer. There were more pressing issues at hand. It was evident that the two combatants were similar skill levels in terms of lightsaber duels, but Meleu had something the Togruta didn’t. Force-fueled strength.

The Sith rushed forward, his blade descended diagonally from his upper right to his left in one motion. The Inquisitor redirected the attack with his own blade, but lost his balance on the steps. The Juggernaut exploited this using the Force. He wound up his left arm, releasing a torrent of Force energy through it as his fist ascended in an arc towards Lexiconus’ chin.

The Togruta fell backwards onto the floor. The teenager opponent not experienced enough to react efficiently. The Sith continued to capitalise on his weakened opponent, slashing downwards with his blade. Death was inevitable for the Inquisitor. He held his saber tightly, forcing Meleu’s own blade to the side. A heartbeat later the saber was raised once more. The Human sliced horizontally from right to left, carving the headtails off the Togruta.

Meleu’s heightened primal adrenaline was beginning subside, but his raw strength would not give up anytime soon. He stood atop Lexiconus, not allowing any escape. The Sith showed little finesse in his strikes, he forced his saber down hard enough to disallow any chance of a successful parry. The Battleteam leader survived another strike. The sheer kinetic energy from Meleu’s blade however, caused his own blade to be pushed into his leg, raggedly amputating in.

The Togruta screamed out in pain as Meleu raised his blade once more. Lexiconus held out his saber in a last ditch effort to save his life. The Krath’s defense faltered. The Sith raised his blade before it descended rapidly towards his opponent’s neck. He continued to cut down with the saber until it hit the floor. Satisfied with his kill, he extinguished his blade, placing it up his robe sleeve.

“Arcona Invicta.” The victor whispered as he looked down at the mangled body that lay before him.