Privateer Xuner Holst vs. Hunter Ahsik Warren

Privateer Xuner Holst

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist, Mandalorian

Hunter Ahsik Warren

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Zabrak, Sith, Arcanist

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Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Privateer Xuner Holst, Hunter Ahsik Warren
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Privateer Xuner Holst's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Hunter Ahsik Warren's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Malachor: Sith Temple Ruins
Last Post 21 December, 2019 4:12 AM UTC
Member timing out Knight Ahsik Warren

Malachor Sith Temple Ruins

From space, Malachor seems no more than a lifeless ball of ash. In the center of an open crater, however, lies the ancient Sith Temple. This colossal pyramid of black stone is the relic of a disastrous battle between the forces of darkness and light thousands of years ago.

Though the surface of Malachor has a breathable atmosphere, the air is dead still, and there is no sign of life. The caldera housing the Temple is a tableau of the terrible struggle that took place here so many millennia ago. Scattered through the causeways and crumbling boulders are the petrified figures of the foregone combatants, their hands raised eternally against whatever cataclysm took the life from their bodies. Some still grasp their Jedi weapons, though most likely the life is gone from them too. The pallid white light of the sun spreads unhindered through the crater, but it does little to illumine the intrinsic darkness of the stones.

The Sith Temple is not a place of the light side. It is said the very stones react to the touch of the dark side. The pyramid itself is seemingly inaccessible, though its blocked entrance is associated with an old saying: “Two must lift these stones, no more, no less.” Despite its undeniable age, the crater is littered with signs of a more recent calamity; ash and debris, columns toppled outwards from the Temple, broken arches. It is as though the millennial dust stirred, briefly, then returned to its repose under the sun.

Date: 37 ABY

Location: Sith Temple Ruins, Malachor V

“As lifeless as the Voids themselves.” Xuner spoke softly as he studied the darken area around him intently, giving less than pleasant commentary about his surroundings.

“By what star would they find it suitable to send a non-Force sensitive to this accursed place? Not to mention an Aedile as well.” His words were spoken with a slight hiss, most likely aimed towards those that ordered his being sent to Malachor V. While it was true that Xuner Holst did in fact possess an intimate knowledge of the Dark Side, given his time spent being the host to a literal Force Spirit of the Dark Side. That all seemed to be moot, however, given the fact that his leadership knew of the accident that had occurred in which his affinity to both the Dark Side and the Force entirely was painfully stripped from him.

He sighed at his current misfortune just before grunting as he lifted himself over a dip along a broken wall. With an audible thud, the Human male landed relatively safely as dust and ash kicked up. He quickly rose up, choosing to slowly exhale in order to prevent dust from entering his respirator.

“I’m an Aedile, why would they send me to hunt relics and not some tender whelp from the lower ranks?” He continued to speak to himself, unaware of the silhouette creeping up behind him, peeking his head from the corner of the roof of a collapsed building.

His body shivered, the feeling of someone watching him was made more apparent by the sounds of shifting ash and rock. Instead of turning to face his opponent, he chose not to react, lest the predator became the prey too early for Xuner to fully capitalize. He continued through the sullen ruins over and under the many ruined walls and temple rooms, leading the individual on.

After a dozen meters or so down, Xuner bolted down a corridor out of nowhere in an attempt to lose his stalker. The sounds of rustling and disturbance alerted him to his plan working as the stranger broke into a sprint to catch up. A few meters down the passageway, the Aedile turned sharply into a corner, dropping an armed flash grenade shortly before his body fully entered into the corner. Xuner forced himself to a complete stop, having caught himself before momentum could push his body too far forward to maintain balance.

With an audible sound of surprise, coupled with the distinct pop from his grenade, Xuner armed himself with his A280 Blaster rifle. The Sadowan didn’t have to wait for longer than a moment as his ears perked slightly. The sounds of shifting debris and soft muttering alerted him to the stunned presence of the individual. Instinctively, his body rounded the corner, his rifle having been brought up, ready to engage.

His sights were trained upon the body of a Zabrak Male, one he hadn’t been too familiar with. The most he knew was his name and rank.

“Warren? What star possessed you to be here?!” His surprise to the Hunter soon turned into one of concern.

Both Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Plagueis had been on more friendlier terms as of recent events. The thought of a corrupted member would have spelt disaster for those involved. Whatever reason Ahsik Warren had to be on Malachor, it wasn’t for anything beneficial to his clan.

“I’ve come to test my strength with the Dark Side. Why are you here?”

“To stop you. The tendrils of the Dark Void are too much for you, young one. It would be better for you to return at a later time, when you’ve learned the truth of the Shadows. Upon the order of the Dread Lord herself, I am here, as a gesture of goodwill between Clan Naga Sadow, to insure your safe return. Times of change leaves one weaken, if they lack foresight. I will not allow Plagueis to be brought low by the foolishness of its youngers,” he spoke his words soft, filled with concern for the young Tyrant.

"Im sorry Xuner, but i need to be here. My ancestors tell me a God of the Darkside resides here. Weak, and alone. I intend to eat this God and take its power. I have already left messages with my master and my Aedile before i left." Ahsik said calmly. He had been sitting and meditating surrounded by bodies, broken lightsabers sprinkled the ground. Xuner had been stepping on one when he said,

"Warren im not joking, whatever creature you think you can defeat here, i can promise you its some lie that this creature is using to eat YOU instead. The Darkside is too powerful for a whelp like you to face alone, let alone take power from a spirit of the Darkside itself." Xuner's voice was pleading then. "Let us return to the brotherhood, please young one, we can return to slay this... god later. Just wait until youre a little stronger." As he stepped to the boy his hands passed through open air as he reached for the Zabrak warrior.

"Xuner.... if you insist on taking me from my rightful place... Ill have to settle for killing YOU while i wait for this God to emerge." Ahsik's voice was soft however the illusion of it was heard to decern where it was coming from, every so often it would change source. Xuner could feel that old friend of his instincts kicking in his worn out body. He drew his blaster rifle and a single flashbang grenade as the hairs on his neck stood on end.

"Do not make this mistake, i would hate to have to report killing a rouge agent." The Madalorian had stood stock still, waiting for an attack as he spoke.

"Raagh!" Ahsik leaped from the shadows and twisted his body in flight, bringing down his staff on the Human's shoulder. Or so had been the plan, Xuner for his part had tucked and rolled, clearing the attack. As he rose he tossed his flashbang and fired at it with his rifle.

Bang "ok, SERIOUSLY?" Ahsik was blinded by the grenade, his full body already landed awkwardly due to the whiffed attack. As he stood up and tried to gauge how bad he overextended his arm, he was met by a bolt of blaster fire across his nose. The seared wound bled only slightly as it got into Ahsik's mouth. The nick on his nose and the blood in his mouth only served to infuriate him with Xuner's next words.

"You will not beat me boy. Surrender and you wont have to die, ill just have your little rebellious attitude as our secret." Xuner still had the rifle trained on Ahsik's heart as he spoke.

Ahsik responded by firing a net over Xuner, who responded by firing a shot into his torso, center left right over where a humn heart would be. It had been a solid shot, punching straight into the Plagueian's heart.

However this did not stop the Arcanist, focused on controlling his blood flow, he was able to stop all his bleeding through the force. He could not isolate his heart but as long as he held his focus he would not bleed out. Ahsik ignited his staff and burst forward to Xuner, the shocking tip of his weapon thrust forth at the other's head. Xuner drew a sword and sliced apart the net as he caught the Zabrak's staff. The shocks bounced harmlessly off the blade as the exchanged two more strikes. An over head sword swing, caught by the midsection of Ahsik's staff. He countered and followed with a staff strike, the heel of it cracking into Xuner's chin.

Xuner kicked out his right foot and drove his entire body weight into it, sending the Plagueian sprawling backwards. Ahsik followed it and rolled backwards into a standing position. He split the staff into two short staffs armed with enough power to stop a sentient heart in under 5 mins. The numbing sensation in Xuner's chin was fading as they both had the same thought about the other.

Sithspit, this is gonna be tough

So be it.

The Aedile's soft tones were spoken harshly as he recomposed himself from Ahsik’s attack.

The relics are just going to have to wait, he thought to himself, seeing the gravity of the situation unfolding before him.

At first glance, it would appear that rage had consumed the Sadowan as he consigned himself to the course of battle. With further investigation, however, hidden underneath his facade of wrath was remorse. This turn of events had caught the Aedile off guard as the Hunter was not just an ally from another clan, but someone he had begun to consider as a personal friend. Yet Ahsik’s naivety had unfortunately blinded him to the Dark Side of the Force and its corrupting nature. With a heavy heart, the Equite wasn’t going to allow the Zabrak to fall like so many others he had witnessed. Both combatants had realized their goals being achieved meant that their fight needed to have been done with quickly.

Rather forcibly, the Weapons Specialist tossed his blaster rifle into the ground. As he maintained eye contact, his hands motioned with one towards the clips of his cloak and the other towards his belt. Both had been smoothly unfastened but clumblisy fell off his armour. He finished by removing the entire chest piece of his armour, leaving only arms and legs protected. Ahsik’s attention shot straight downwards, his eyes widened at the sight before him. Scarring, far beyond both count and beyond what he had, artistically paired with stylistic tattoos upon a well maintained and muscular torso. At this sight, Ahsik worriedly thought about his chances of success against the Sadowan.

As Xuner was making himself comfortable, Ahsik nervously decided to do the same. The alien only did simple stretches of his arms and legs, coupled with rotations of his neck and shoulders. His tunic was the only article of clothing he had chosen to remove as his chest now was exposed. Xuner took notice of the Plagueian’s toned physique. The Major himself, also worried if his body could keep up with the younger fighter, given the former’s hyper-advanced age.

Thinking wisely, Ahsik began the assault with his net gun. He swiftly threw his arms out as the right hand gripped the left. When the Plagueian depressed the release, a small ball ejected out towards Xuner. It popped, inflating into a wide grid of netting as it flung into the Human male. Xuner reacted by shrinking himself into a crouch as his right hand went directly for his lightsaber. Ahsik, now gripping his electro-staff, charged Xuner as he freed himself with an upward swing of his ignited saber. Realizing this mistake, the Human realized he was now left open for a swift strike. The Zabrak took the opportunity and thrust his stave forward, catching him center upon his sternum. The amplified force having knocked him back a bit more than just a few paces, stunned the Human braced for the next swing for the staff. Ahsik, missing by mere inches, managed to only knock the lightsaber out of his opponent’s hand. Xuner retracted his hand, holding to as he tried to briefly soothe the pain.

The Aedile snarled, his temper flaring. His fists balled up tightly as his nails started to dig into his palms. In a quick sigh, his body relaxed and his hands opened, now in a relaxed state. He assumed a ready-up position with his body facing towards the alien. One foot in front of the other, the Major began his approach. Closer now, the Zabrak reached out with the Force to gauge his enemy’s next attack. He peered into Xuner’s mind. This coupled with how he saw his stance to be leaning more back than forward, gave him the impression that the attack was to be aimed for his legs.

Something started to unnerve Warren as he challenged the Holst. His earlier uses of his Force powers seemed to be more potent than what usually would’ve been. The Dark Side of the Force was fiercely swirling within him. The alien yelled as he charged forward, going for an aggressive grapple take down. The two locked horns, figuratively for Xuner but literally for Ahsik as his horns dug into Xuner’s forehead. The Hunter attempted to throw his arms, with one going below his arm and the other going around his neck. Having misjudged his amplified strength as his arms shot quickly below both of Xuner’s arms, this had left him slightly exposed.

Xuner Holst, having dodged his attempts, quickly and successfully capitalized on the situation. The Sadowan had shifted his weight forward to brace against Warren’s charge. With the opportunity now open, he threw an elbow into Warren’s neck and using his free hand to grip the back of the Tyrant’s head. What remained of his fingers had created a very loose choke that proved very effective. It took Warren seconds to react to this, but by then it was too late as his vision started to blur. He clawed violently with failing strength and soon it all turned to darkness.

Xuner loosened his grip and allowed the now limp, unconscious body of Ahsik Warren to collapse. Panting, Xuner picked himself up and started to walk slowly towards his transport. His thoughts started running as he tried to think of a good enough excuse to give to Ronovi.