DJK Lexiconus vs. DJK Antar Locke

Dark Jedi Knight Lexiconus

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Togruta, Krath, Seeker

Knight Antar Locke

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Sith, Shadow
Hall Event: Figureheads [Clan Arcona]
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants DJK Lexiconus, DJK Antar Locke
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
DJK Lexiconus's Character Snapshot Snapshot
DJK Antar Locke's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Selen: Arcona Citadel - Courtyard
Last Post 29 August, 2014 3:07 PM UTC
Member timing out Antar Locke

Despite being on the first level of the Citadel, the massive courtyard remains hidden behind towering walls of stone and sediment. An elongated central patch of neatly trimmed grass stretches out for almost fifty-meters while maintaining a twenty-meter width. At the center of the grass is a large, ovular fountain in the shape of the Arcona emblem, with water running from the tips of each pointed edge. Vegetation grows along some of the walls, and an archaic clock-face is carved into the face of one of the entryways. A small group of rotating sharpshooters are scattered across the walls as the courtyard is supposed to serve as a safe place for Arconans to enjoy some quiet time, or to meet with visitors. It has served as the venue for multiple honor-duels over time, and there is a significant crater off to the side of the grass left behind as a result of a contest between Marick Arconae and Wuntila Arconae. The duel had taken place prior to either Arconae serving as Shadow Lords and in a quieter time before all Arcona knew was warfare.

As you walk towards the back of the courtyard, closer to the base of the cliff that the Citadel is constructed upon, a tall tree shoots up from the stone, its shade guarding an entrance into the Citadel proper.

Lexiconus sat all alone at the back of the courtyard, underneath the shade of the tall, ancient tree. His mind wandered onto the future prospects of Equite life and how he was going to survive the war. He held his Sith tome close and began to jot some poorly drawn sketches of the world around him. When from out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shrouded individual on top of the Citadel roof. He could not describe who the figure was, as they were laying down, and when he used his improved vision to spot their face, the face became transparent.

Furrowing in curiosity, Lexic slowly stood from the tree roots and began to step forward but just as he did a flash of red shined from the figure and within second blaster fire bounced off the floor near him. The Krath dived back behind the tree roots and gazed out slightly from the opposite side. Using his improved vision once again, he could begin to see Sith colours.

“Why do you hide yourself, Sith scum? Why not confront me like a real assassin?” Lexic shouted.

Shortly after the figure on the roof disappeared from sight and Lexic waited for several minutes behind the tree. The patience of sitting here took it’s toll, and the Krath brought out his Sith tome once more, then continued his sketching of the environment.

“What you drawing there?” He heard from his ear.

The Togruta jumped slightly and looked to his side to find a well packed Human Sith. Surprised to his delight, he knew him as Antar who was a graduate of the Academy before Lexic. Pleased to see a friendly face, Lexic showed him his poor sketch and mumbled something about nature. The Togruta still shocked by the blaster fire had now seen familiar signs in this Human, Sith clothing, a long ranged sniper, dressed for subterfuge. Before Lexic could say anymore, he readied his lightsaber hilt from his pocket and placed his Sith tome down.

“You’re the one from the roof.” Lexic whispered.

With a soft nod, Antar slowly took out his blaster and sighed.

“I’m afraid you will have to come with me, sir.” He replied, in his monosyllable imperial voice.

With a quick efficiency, Lexic ignited his green blade and cut the muzzle from the blaster, then jumped away, readying his Niman stance.

“Not today Antar, it is you who comes with me.” The Inquisitor replied.

“I am sorry, sir.” The Assassin whispered, and within seconds he vanished.

Gripping his lightsaber tightly with his left hand, Lexic scanned the area for movements. His eyes keenly on any out of place detail, as if he was still drawing in his tome. Then from the senses behind him, Lexic blocked from behind as a blaster fire soared at him but deflected elsewhere. Several more from this direction as the Togruta turned and deflected efficiently, walking backwards to the grass area. His determination now rising with his sense of dread, the Krath stood in his secure stance and waited for the surprise attack.

“Hiding is not the Sith way, Antar. Let’s be men.” He shouted out.

Then from behind Lexic, Antar appeared as he put down his carbine. He grabbed his lightsaber hilt and ignited the ruby blade and stared like death at Lexic.

“As I said sir. You’re coming with me, conscious or not.” He uttered towards Lexic.

The two Dark Jedi Knights stood in this green field, awaiting for the next move.