Battlelord Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae vs. Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Battlelord Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Togruta, Sith, Shadow

Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Sith, Seeker, Imperial

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Hall Duelist Hall - Ranked
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Battlelord Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae , Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlelord Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae 's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warlord Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Naboo: Otoh Gunga
Last Post 20 April, 2020 6:47 PM UTC
Member timing out Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Naboo Otoh Gunga

Beneath the surface of Lake Paonga lies the Gungan capital. Otoh Gunga is constructed in such a manner that leaves the Gungan city trapped beneath water pressures—potentially fatal to the denizens should the city be breached—converging on the lake’s vertical center and floating between the surface of the lake and the lakebed. Its location makes the capital difficult to find without knowing its precise location, remaining untouched during the Separatist occupation of Naboo.

Water-breathing species would be able to swim easily to its bubble-shaped buildings; however, those unable to remain submerged without air would find the distance impossible to swim. Therefore, breathing apparatuses are essential for those determined to make the journey themselves and without the aid of Gungan bongos. Its bubble-like buildings are hydrostatic force-fields that contain breathable atmospheres for their occupants and have special portals that allow the inhabitants to enter and exit. Since the Gungans actually grew the building material of their cities from the natural plasma of Naboo and bubble wort extract, the structure of Otoh Gunga is a hub and spoke design. Each of the bubble-like buildings are compartmentalized units, able to be sealed off at a moment’s notice.

The Gungan Grand Army utilizes patrols that make regular visits between the compartments. Favouring spears, atlatls, Electropoles and cestas for throwing boomas, these soldiers are the staunch defenders of Otoh Gunga. Sometimes armed with distributed Gungan personal energy shields capable of turning aside blaster bolts, these warriors are too-often underestimated, lending to their victories over the Trade Federation.

Tahiri was glad that her ship, the Nocte Drakon, had been retrofitted with amphibious qualities. She didn’t have to rely on the Gungans to transport her down, as her clanmate had most likely done. The Battlelord didn’t like having to follow and bring back a clan member, especially Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj. She hadn’t known him and his family long, but when they had joined the Plagueis during the war with the Principate against the Collective, he and his wife, Kooki, had proven themselves. The Togruta had been extremely impressed with the Humans’ abilities in combat.

But now, Andrelious had been running around the galaxy looking for any information on the Collective. Which would have helped the clan, had he instead killed or maimed almost every single contact. All in the main interest of finding his wife, who had somehow gone MIA, instead of just info gathering. Tahiri understood what Andrelious was going through, and wanted to leave him alone to get the info. Then, she hoped, in his own time, would come to the clan for help. However, the Dread Lord wanted everyone back on Aliso for the time being. Ronovi was going to send a squad after the Warlord, but Tahiri suggested an alternative plan of action, volunteering herself to go after him alone. Here she was, halfway across the galaxy, in the underwater Gungan capital of Otoh Gunga.

“It’s better if he sees a friendly face, than a squad of soldiers,” she mused to herself.

As Tahiri looked through the marketplace for Andrelious, she didn’t even find it in the least bit unnerving, like most surface dwellers, that she could see right through the walls and ceiling of the giant dome she was strolling through. She was comforted not only by her Vornskyr companion, Zuska, but also the creatures that swam around the dome.

Finally, she spotted a familiar cloaked figure at a table near an open bar, talking with a male Zabrak. The Togruta stayed back for a moment, then slowly made her way forward as the voices started to get louder. Mentally telling Zuska to stay back unless needed.

“This information doesn’t help me!”

“I’m sorry, it’s all I have.”

“Well, we will just see about that.”

The cloaked figure stood up, knocking his chair back, as a red blade erupted.

“My lord Mimosa-Inahj,” exclaimed Tahiri, quickly jumping between him and the Zabrak. Keeping “It would be unwise to harm him here.”

“Overseer, what are you doing here?” Andrelious exclaimed, surprised to her there.

“I’m here to take you back to Aliso.” Tahiri replied.


“That wasn’t a request,” Tahiri sighed. “It’s an order straight from the Dread Lord. She wants everyone back on Aliso. Now.”

“I said no. I have other business to take care of h…”

“And I have orders!” interrupted the Battlelord. “I also can’t ignore all the reports of Collective informants that have turned up dead, after meeting with someone from the Brotherhood. A few have been in public places, such as this one. Not the smartest thing to do, you could easily bring a lot of trouble to Plagueis.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

Tahiri glanced around the dome, as several Gungan’s were gathering to see what would happen. It wouldn’t take long for the Gungan guards to be called, if they hadn’t been already. She glanced over her shoulder at the Zabrak, before looking sternly back to Andrelious.

“Thank you for the information you’ve shared with my clanmate,” she began carefully, while placing her right hand on her hip, close to the clip of her lightsaber. “You may leave now, and please forgive my friend here, sometimes his temper gets the best of him.”

“Thank you Togruta, it seems you are wiser than your friend here,” replied the Zabrak, as he got up to leave.

“I’m not done with you,” growled the Warlord, pointing his blazing saber at the Zabrak.

“Yes you are, and you are coming back to Aliso now.” Tahiri replied, shifting herself to stay in between the now retreating Zabrak and Andrelious. She needed to put her foot down, even if she wasn’t a Quaestor anymore, she was still a part of the summit as Rollmaster.

Andrelious looked at her and then the Zabrak. Huffing, he tried to walk around the petite Togruta. But found his path blocked, and with every turn and step it was continually blocked.

“Get. Out. Of. My. Way. Tahiri.”

“No.” Tahiri replied, keeping her stern look as she matched every move the Warlord took to go after the Zabrak.

Andrelious tried to bat Tahiri away with his right arm, his concentration and rage was focused on hunting down the Zabrak. Hearing the familiar hiss of a saber and seeing Tahiri jump back and igniting her saber. In his frustration, Andrelious realized too late that he had just swung his saber at her.

Andrelious glared as his Clanmate, furious that she was attempting to intervene.

“Kooki is Plagueian. Even if you don’t care about my children getting their mother back, surely that means something?” He demanded.

“If you continue on this path, you will never find her. You’ll die trying,” Tahiri responded.

“I will forgive the obvious threat if you back away. You do not need to get hurt,” Mimosa-Inahj snapped back.

Tahiri stared towards the floor, trying her best to hide the remorse at what she was about to do.

“I will bring you back myself, then!”

Andrelious was already on the charge as Tahiri readied herself to fight, forcing the female onto the defensive to parry a powerful upwards slash. For once, the Togruta, used to being towered over by her opponents, was a little taller than her quarry; she hadn’t realised just how short Andrelious actually was.

As the ferocity of his continued attacks did not reduce, it became painfully clear to Tahiri that Andrelious did not care about the manner of his victory; he simply wanted to get the Togruta out of the way.

Tahiri, on the other hand, remained determined to disable, rather than kill. Andrelious was a powerful Plagueian, even if he was a loose cannon: losing him was not an option that Ronovi had provided.

As another of his slashes was blocked, Andrelious prepared to attack again, but the Force screamed a warning. The Seeker responded accordingly, moving into a defensive pattern to nullify a particularly agile counter-attack. Sparks showered the two Plagueians as their lightsabers collided, their eyes glinting yellow as they both reached into the depths of the dark side in an effort to overcome each other.

“You will not stop me from finding her!” Andrelious roared, stepping back. As Tahiri stepped forward, the Human extended his left arm. Tahiri was knocked backwards by a massive invisible shockwave, leaving her skidding along the floor, coming to a stop within inches of one of the walls. Gingerly she climbed to her feet, winded but seemingly unhurt.

In spite of the fact that the two were in the same Clan, Andrelious was not about to give the Togruta any quarter. He was already making his way towards Tahiri as she gathered breath.

“Nobody is going to stop me getting Kooki back. NOBODY,” the Human hissed.

“Yes. You’ve made that very clear,” Tahiri answered, her tone a mixture of boredom and anger.

Andrelious snarled as he lunged in for an attack, his feet firmly in the stance of his trademark Djem So form. Tahiri easily shielded herself, her defence unyielding in the face of the increasingly aggressive manoeuvres from her fellow Sith. Andrelious was knocking incredibly hard on the door, but he simply couldn’t break it down; every single slash was countered perfectly as Tahiri’s relative expertise in the fourth form showed with each block. The Togruta kept Andrelious on his toes with several searching counter-attacks, but the two Plagueians seemed to be heading towards a tiring stalemate.

Andrelious glanced over towards Zuska, wondering when the Vornskyr would get involved. His own companion, an IT-000 droid, was also waiting in the wings, ready to move the second that its master gave the signal; Andrelious did not like to use the droid, a model designed more for interrogation than combat, unless the situation became desperate.

The two lightsabers collided once again, but neither Plagueian backed down, their weapons crackling as they remained firmly locked together. Andrelious pushed upwards, attempting to drive the engaged blades towards Tahiri’s throat As they edged closer, the Togruta pulled back and side-stepped to the left, causing Andrelious to lurch forwards.

Mimosa-Inahj turned on his heels.

Time to finish this!