This is going to be strange, Aru thought. His opponent being blind proved very challenging for the Human to get motivated.
“Why do I have to hit a blind man?” Aru asked, turned to his Mistress and the scary looking Satsi. It was the latter that deigned an answer.
“What I said to Eleceos goes to you too! If I see you pulling punches, slashes or whatever you fancy fighting with, I’m coming for you!”
That amused Alaisy, who was smiling under her modulator. “You did my paper very well Satsi dear. I am impressed.”
The dark-haired Jedi still felt that the fight was pointless. He had read a datapad with a bit of information on his opponent before the training session. The young Miraluka practiced Soresu, the same as Aru. What could two heavily defensive duelists possibly achieve. “This isn’t gonna be more than a parry after parry light show” Aru imagined. Still, he had to do it, or face not one, but two raging women.
The Human sighed and walked towards Eleceos. The Miraluka had also picked his saber, a green light coming out of it. Even that was the same as Aru’s saber.
“I do feel bad, hitting a blind man.”
“Oh, please don’t.” The Silver-haired Miraluka pleaded. “I can see you just fine. Not quite as you see me, but I see you in my own way.”
“Well then. You said it, not me.”
Aru prepared to fight, widened his stance and lift his saber above him, the basic Soresu stance. He used this moment to send a pulse in Eleceos direction by pushing forward with his free hand. The Miraluka graciously spun out of harm’s way and kept walking in a circular line, his saber pointed towards Aru.
The grassy ground in which they stood was fluffy, Aru noticed. The loose pebbles there proved a good test to the Miraluka’s reaction time. The Human lifted several by use of the Force and launched them rapidly towards the young Gray Jedi. Eleceos, proficient in his Soresu, spun his saber rapidly around himself twice and managed to deflect the incoming volley. But he failed to notice a loose stone that Aru had sent flying towards his opponent in a wider trajectory.
The Miraluka was hit on his chest and stepped back to regain his balance. He passed his hand through the impact area and grunted with pain. Striving to reduce the distance between them, in order to cut Aru’s long-range attacks, the swift and light silver-haired boy ran towards Aru in what almost seemed to the Human like a floating dancer incoming.
Aru was caught off guard and barely managed to parry the diagonal slash that the Miraluka dealt. The sound of a thousand insects could be heard when both blades clashed and buzzed together. Eleceos was adamant on impressing his Master and dealt blow after blow with strong initiative, to which Aru parried, some better than the others.
The Human was being forced to step back, due to the agility to which his opponent could slash with his saber. Aru employed some of his martial arts techniques and used the Miraluka’s movements to force him closer to him, punching him in the stomach. The frail boy arched with pain and gasped for air.
“See Satsi? I told you things were only getting started.” Alaisy stated, proud of her apprentice’s performance so far.
“Get up boy! That was nothing!” Yelled Satsi. Eleceos shook himself straight with his master’s words and immediately re-adopted his fighting stance.
Aru wasn’t going to let his opponent recover and charged towards him. This time, he was the one dealing the blows. Eleceos was parrying them with relative ease, but the tiredness was starting to get to him. Upon having seen Aru switch from Soresu to a martial art mid-fight, the Miraluka had an idea. He parried a descendant slash and forced Aru to turn a bit to the left, leaving his right side exposed. The silver-haired Jedi activated his shock gloves and punched Aru’s right side of the chest, causing the Human to tremble in place.
After recovering from his shocking, Aru was panting quite a bit. His opponent was too, but not as much. The Human still had his blaster with him, set to stun as to not hurt his foe. He quickly grabbed it and fired a volley not towards Eleceos, but towards Satsi, his Master.
The Miraluka launched himself in air and tried to deflect the blows with his Soresu but failed to parry one bolt, which ended hitting right next to Satsi. The now eerie looking Human hadn’t even moved an inch to avoid Aru’s shot.
“I made sure it wasn’t gonna hit you, but you could’ve at least moved a bit!” the Human yelled towards the unfazed woman.
“Hmpf. Carry on.” She said, not interested in casual banter with Aru.
“I’m sorry Master.” The Miraluka said. “I should have deflected them all.”
“Yeah, you’re quite weak, aren’t you?” Aru mocked. “I mean, if you can’t even protect one person… Well, you’re blind so I can’t expect much from you. How many do you see?” Aru lifted three fingers in his attempt to taunt Eleceos. The young Miraluka wasn’t going to have this. He endured being mocked but was pissed about Aru’s dirty shot at his Master.
Having put some distance between them again, Eleceos picked his bow and prepared for the next stage of the fight.
“Finally!” Satsi remarked. “He’s fully focused now.”