Deep beneath Lake Paonga were the glowing spheres. They were hollow, floating beneath the surface. The spheres which held the proud Gungans, mighty warriors. On a fateful evening there was a battle of blades beneath the moonlit water, a massive Togorian wielding dual blades against a spear-wielding gungan. Yet this wasn’t what made this a night to remember. Quickly approaching was a nondescript bongo, and with it, trouble.
The floodlights swept through the murky waters, whilst there were tremors in the water from the cheers of hundreds. Inside one of the spheres of Otoh Gunga was an arena, home to the Gungan Fight Club. Tonight, the announcer welcomed a guest to the arena, a member of Odan-Urr.
“Welcome! Tonight, the fight we’ve all been waiting for, Adroc v Nugar, no holds barred! Place your bets now!”
Down on the metal floor, the Togorian was bouncing on his feet, preparing for the fight. Across from him was the Gungan, Tar Nugar, preparing similarly. Both combatants looked into each other’s eyes, readying themselves.
The crowds were cheering, betting, and awaiting the spectacle about to unfold before them. The GFC was a common source of entertainment, and the people were ready for a show. Suddenly, a tall, cloaked figure with Jedi armor underneath strode into the arena. A figure Tassk recognized.
A look of confusion crossing his face, Tassk asked, “Creon, what is your business here?”
The figure pulled his hood down, a tall human with a strict, formal look about him. “Tassk Adroc, you will come with me for an audience with High Councillor Ta’var. Your behavior is unbefitting of an Odanite, and I will escort you personally to Kiast.”
Outrage spread across Tassk’s face. “Of what concern are my private affairs to Aura? What I do in my free time is my choice, so stay out of it.”
The crowd above had quieted, all eyes below, their hunger not yet satisfied. Soon the Gungan contestant made his way off the stage as the two Odanites stared each other down.
“Orders are orders Tassk, don’t make a scene out of this,” Creon said.
“Yes, orders are orders, soldier, so here’s one for you: leave.” Tassk’s eyes were defiant, ready to take a stand. A stand for his freedom.
“I can’t do that Adroc, now this is the last time I’m asking nicely. Shut your mouth, move your butt, get on the ship, and present yourself before High Councillor Ta’var or there will be consequences.” Keeping a straight face the whole time, the veteran was dismayed by the inexperienced Togorian’s rebellion. “Choose your battles wisely, Tassk.”
“Believe me, I have. I’m not just letting you come here and tell me what to do, so go tell Aura to leave me alone.” Tassk sheathed his vibroblades as his hand shifted towards his lightsaber.
“Tassk, neither of us wants this, so just stop. All Aura wants is to talk. Your master, Teikhos, he’s worried about you. Your activities of late are getting out of hand. The late night trips to Nar Shaddaa and now this? It's not too late to amend things, we can help you.”
“I don’t need your help, so stop trying.” Tassk ignited his blade and raised it to his chest, his intentions clear. A simple position, but effective nonetheless.
Creon’s face soured at the prospect as he raised his own blade in response. “If I have to drag your unconscious body onto the ship, then so be it. This only ends one way, Tassk.”
A hush fell over the arena, the spectators watching intently. Both figures leveled their blades, watching each other intently.
“What do we have here? A new challenger has entered the ring, a battle of Jedis! Who will come out on top, orange or yellow? Place your new bets now!” The announcer was riling up the arena, Tassk included.
Sprinting forward across the ground, Tassk took two long strides before leaping forward towards Creon. Bringing his golden blade down onto the Mandalorian, Creon twisted out of the way with the grace of a gymnast. Backing away, both combatants leveled their blades once more.
Across from Tassk, Creon ran straight at him, akin to a charging rancor. His powerful frame was undeniable as he struck down towards Tassk with a series of staggering blows. Faltering underneath his strength, Tassk tried to scramble out of the way of his next strike.
Sensing his evasion before it even happened, Creon spun his leg into a sloppy but powerful kick. Feeling it connect with his ribs, Tassk fell to a knee winded. Dropping his saber, Tassk quickly drove his elbow into Creon’s gut, watching him bend in half. Forcing himself to stand, Tassk sent a surge of energy through his arms as he grabbed Creon behind the arms. With his sudden strength, Tassk hurled his large opponent several feet across the arena, watching as he landed with a harsh thud.