Battlelord Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu vs. Major Nobu Tek

Battlelord Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Sith, Shadow

Major Nobu Tek

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Bothan, Loyalist, Infiltrator

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Hall Cooperative Hall - Ranked
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Battlelord Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu, Major Nobu Tek
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlelord Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Major Nobu Tek's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Nal Hutta: Winter Palace
Last Post 11 September, 2020 4:43 PM UTC
Member timing out Daro Vane

Nal Hutta Winter Palace

Seated within the Glorious Jewel of the Hutts, the Winter Palace is situated on a remote island near the planet’s equator. Although blanketed with the pollution from Hutt industry, its location makes the climate hot and humid. Surrounded with trees and vines, it could be considered to be a paradise, even among the barren wasteland of Nal Hutta. Outside of the Winter Palace, a network of sewer pipes transfer the waste from the palace to wherever seems far enough to dump into the oceans surrounding the island. Flora and fauna that have adapted to the Hutt’s environmental changes thrive in the polluted forests surrounding the Winter Palace.

Stepping through its gilded gates, the lavish interior serves as the main audience chamber. Once belonging to the wealth of Jiliac Desilijic Tiron, the gleaming stone of the main aisle leads up to a Hutt’s dais lined with an expensive carpet. Beautiful tapestries line the high walls, telling of the sordid histories of those who woven them, awaiting execution in Jiliac’s dungeons.

Finally, the antechamber to the "throne" room is illuminated from above with high-skylighted ceilings. Constructed from lightly colored stone, the antechamber might have been where the late Hutt entertained his guests before an audience with spice and exotic dancers. In the hands of the Hutt Kajidics, however, these traditions have continued as the Winter Palace now serves as a front for criminal and business ventures that come and go.

Orian System

Outer Rim

Outside Nal Hutta Territory

24 hours ago…

Over the past ten days, Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Naga Sadow supply ships have been unjustly liberated of their cargo on four separate occasions. Intel reports state the assailants orchestrating these attacks were indeed contract operators. Confidential informants have recently identified the ship's containers on Nal Hutta. Equites from both Clans have been commissioned to investigate the situation.


Coordinates led to an antiquated Golan space platform in between Kashsyyk and Nal Hutta. Converted over to more of a “rest & refuel” platform, it was often frequented by the nefarious type, moving product in and out of the systems. DarkHawk of Clan Naga Sadow, waited in his Decimator, looking for a specific ship to arrive. As scheduled, a Jumpmaster 5000 came out of lightspeed and proceeded to land in the platform’s main hangar. Purges of exhaust gasses emanated from several of the ship’s pitot tubes. The heavy gases covered the dingy maintenance floor of the hangar. The crew door opened and a lone Bothan emerged.

The Sith exited the Decimator and made his way over towards the Bothan. “Major Tek, it is an honor to make your acquaintance,” DarkHawk said.

The Bothan eyed the hybrid Shaevalian intently. “Indeed. Although, the purpose behind our introduction could be under more constructive circumstances,” replied the Major.

“Very true,” DarkHawk said, as he handed the Bothan an Intel report. In a gesture of pause, the Bothan held up his gray fur covered hand, “Yes, I have seen the report, shall we get down to business?”

Nal Hutta

Entertainment District

After several hours of wading through the district’s underbelly, the two Equites came up with no pertinent information. The last establishment the two arrived at brought a nugget of success. With the right questions asked, the Bothan investigator was able to procure a vital piece of information. This intel led the two Equite’s to travel to the gilded gates of the Hutt’s Winter Palace. However, the armed welcoming party seemed a little too excited in the arrival of the Major and the Battlelord.

“I told you that drunken Rodian was pulling your leg,” DarkHawk said.

The Major scoffed back at DarkHawk.

A tall Lasat made his way up to the front, “You two ask way too many questions.”

“How else are we supposed to procure what rightfully belongs to us?” replied the Major.

“Possession is nine tenths of the law, my friend…” the Lasat replied with a devilish grin.

“Ahh, jokes. You’re obviously referring to the items you most recently misappropriated. Those supplies belong to the Brotherhood and will be returned to our custody,” demanded the Battlelord.

The Lasat almost broke into a deep laugh, “You are in no position to make any demands to us, Sith. Your best choice here is to cut your losses and be on your way while you still can. The contents in question, are now in the possession of the Hutts,” touted the Lasat.

DarkHawk began to draw upon the Dark side, feeling the surge of energy flow freely through him. Hastily, the Battlelord sized up the cartel and calculated the quickest escape route. Nobu could see the change in demeanor of his newly acquired partner, not knowing exactly what was to transpire next. The Bothan readied himself, he could only presume this situation was not going to be pleasant.

“We are out gunned here for you to do anything rash my friend. Though, I do not get the impression we are exiting in one piece…”

In one quick motion, DarkHawk raised his outstretched arms unleashing a barrage of Force lightning. The cobalt colored tendrils stretched across the foyer, bombarding the armed assailants with tenacious violence. “GET TO THE FOREST!” DarkHawk exclaimed.

Without hesitating, Nobu drew his weapon taking the opportunity to even the odds. Two quick blasts from his slugthrower dropped two of the Hutt’s men to the slate floor. Nobu made his way out of the foyer and headed for the cover of the island’s foliage. By taking the fight into the dense forest surrounding the palace, may put the Hutt’s goons at a disadvantage, “Not a bad move…” the Bothan thought to himself.

DarkHawk stepped closer to his targets, maintaining his assault. Some of the armed antagonists dropped to their knees and bellowed in agony as tendrils of Force lightning continued to blanket their bodies. The sound of electricity crackling and the pungent smell of burning flesh began to waft through the room. Then in one massive Force push, DarkHawk lashed out at his targets, sending them crashing into the wall behind them.

This initial onslaught taxed the Equite’s energy, momentarily causing him to fight to regain his bearings. DarkHawk wasted no time sprinting out of the palace foyer, then through the gates and into the deep cover of the surrounding foliage. Now, with the Nightsisters bow in hand, DarkHawk searched for a roost to mount an offensive. The Major, just a few meters ahead of the Battlelord, had his BR-5010 Slugthrower pistol still at the ready, waiting to cut down any enemy targets. With a nod to one another, the pair traversed deeper into the forest.

Splashing up around the hurried footsteps of the Bothan was muck and filthy sludge, a Hutt's perfume. The foliage that withered on the vine sliced through his fur as he weaved through the clustered brush.

Each silent footstep was like that of a predator on the hunt as he reached to his hip and plucked a Denton charge from his waist, thumbed the activation button, and slapped it onto a tree. He shifted, several paces to the right and did the same, only this time he dropped it in front of a large slimey boulder. The mass of rock would concentrate the blast forward, or so he hoped. 

Deeper, with haste, he tread lightly, sliding up onto a fallen tree like a lizard. Laying on his belly would optimize his aim as he positioned his oathbreaker. 

"DarkHawk," he spat into his wrist comm-link, "Listen for the thunder." 

Puzzled, DarkHawk slipped into the forest as he heard the Bothese in his helm and began making his way towards the Bothan's location. He could feel his signature and tracked it as if it were a beacon.

"Echuta," snarled a henchman, obviously the leader of his cohort. "Fan out, find them!" The heavily armored Weequay shouted. 

"Yessir!" Snapped a Twi'lek with a rough tone and with his fingers he signaled the others to proceed into the forest. 

Their eyes shifted, looking for anything out of place, not realizing that Nobu had been watching, waiting. 

Two, Tek counted, entering to the left. three approached the position of his first charge. four encroached on his second charge. five came in through the far edges, closing in on where Darkhawk had entered. 

Nobu took slow breaths, calming his body and quieting his mind as his holo-lens fed him distance and trajectory. His barrel aligned with the cranium of a Shistavanen who was foolish enough to take point. 

Not yet.. Nobu thought to himself as he watched the three groups fall into place. 

A heavy footstep crunched down next to the rigged tree and the Bothan clicked the detonator, unleashing a torrent of flame and concussion. The three beings flew from their feet, one smashed into a tree, the two others were blown into several charred pieces. 

The sound of the blast caused the remaining groups to freeze. Once more, the Bothan clicked his detonator. The conical blast from his next charge ricocheted from the boulder and slung the second group against the foliage, severing limbs and vitals as the blast ripped through their flesh with ease. 

"Now," as the Shistavanen raised his muzzle to sniff the air, Nobu's furred finger engulfed the trigger and pop, his silenced shot sliced the air, traveling faster than the faint sound as it splashed through the beast's skull. Blood splattered against his partner's face which caused him to turn and run. Nobu exhaled, pop, another round was sent down range, striking the Twi'lek in the thigh. "Aarrrrgh," the alien roared as he was immediately grounded. He would call for backup, Nobu anticipated as much. That's what he wanted. The Twi'lek, whether he knew it or not, had just become bait. 

"DarkHawk to Nobu, the group trailing me has shifted towards your location. But you needn't worry. These fools are mine." 

Descending from his perch, DarkHawk's wings carried him through the mix of vegetation as he drew back on his Nightsister's Bow. His shot was perfect, and just before landing, he straightened his fingers. The charged bolt of energy screamed forward and crashed through the temple of a guardsman with a force that made him crumble in place. Cat-like grace softened his landing as he made contact with the soil and as his feet crunched behind the remaining four, they turned, wishing they hadn't as DarkHawk whipped his bow like a club, cracking the skull of another. He rotated on his heels, riding the momentum, and lashed out with his left hand, guiding his clawed fingertips through the chest cavity of a goon directly in front of him, it was a strike that rendered the rest of the thug's body a useless slab of meat. A smile crept across DarkHawk's face as he surged with adrenaline like a junkie would after endulging in a fine spice cocktail. 

With his focus shifting towards the one being smart enough to run, he flashed his palm, sending a ball of Force energy so powerful that it carried the fleeing henchman head-first into a large boulder. The other two were confident as their brains finally registered what was happening. But foolishly, they brandished their weapons and fired off a series of fear fuelled shots. Their anxiety and hurried approach would be their downfall as DarkHawk rolled and equipped his saber-staff. A hiss signaled the arrival of two red blades as they caught the bolts and redirected them back into the bodies of the anxious.

"DarkHawk, everything good?" Nobu came through on the comm. 

Takagari chuckled his response, "Couldn't be better." 

"Excellent news," DarkHawk didnt appreciate the Bothan's sarcasm but was growing to appreciate his skills. "Sith, I have a live one here. Maybe he can provide us with what we seek."

“You have one of these clown shoes still breathing, Sir?” asked DarkHawk.

“Barely. But yes, he is indeed still breathing,” replied the Bothan.

“Well, keep him breathing a bit longer. We have tangos inbound to your location,” replied DarkHawk.

“Ahh yes, I see our visitors now…” Nobu said, peering through the Oathbreaker’s electromagnetic scope.

“Don't kill them all!” exclaimed DarkHawk as he sprinted through the island’s foliage.

“Run faster,” Nobu whispered into his commlink.

The Bothan cracked off two rounds in rapid succession. The projectiles expelled past the rifle’s suppressor with a low audible "pfoot". The ambient noise of the thick forest was ideal for drowning out any additional tones dispersed from Oathbreaker.

The two unsuspecting targets cautiously searched for their prey within the dense forest. Rounding a large tree, both goons walked right into the line of fire. The velocity of each projectile took the goons off their feet tumbling backwards along the woodland floor. Their cohorts scurried like mice after watching this brutal assault take place. Not knowing where the shooter was stationed, the remaining goons flailed aimlessly about looking to hide and save their own skin.

That confusion was just what the Battlelord needed. Reaching out and resuscitating his connection to the Force, DarkHawk focused on his ghosting ability, the Sith seemingly dematerialized into the forest. A translucent apparition swiftly moving through the emerald growth, DarkHawk made his way over to Nobu who was just over fifteen meters away.

DarkHawk closed the gap between him and the first of his prey. Launching himself three meters into the air, the oncoming Hutt goon stopped dead in his tracks as the now materializing wraith pounced towards him. DarkHawk’s attack mimicked that of an Onyx Stalker, violently slamming into the man from above and taking him directly to the ground. The Talon gloves shredded the man’s throat, painting the forest terrain dark crimson as DarkHawk made two quick strikes against the exposed flesh.

Nobu watched all this chaos take place as he moved in to flank the Hutt’s men from their backside. Before he could get in range of the carnage in front of him, the Bothan caught movement at his three o’clock. Another squad of the Hutt’s goons came crashing out of the bush, headed directly towards his comrade. Dropping to a prone position, Nobu quickly cradled the Oathbreaker rifle tightly against his shoulder. Four rapidly fired shots whizzed through the forest, penetrating the tactical vests of the Hutt’s goons. Their bodies twisting around from the projectile’s impact, careening them to the ground like a sack of wet meat.

Now, back on the move, Nobu raced towards the Battlelord. As the Bothan closed the distance between the two of them, Nobu empathically called out to his brethren. DarkHawk spun around to see the charging Bothan, cupping his hands in front of him, the Sith crouched down just before Nobu reached him. The Major maintained his sprint, placing his foot into DarkHawk’s makeshift catapult. In one swift motion, the Battlelord immediately sprung up launching the Major high into the air. The nimble Bothan soared above and over the fleeing henchmen of the Hutt’s. Twisting his body around like a skilled gymnast, Nobu obtained the optimal firing trajectory he adamantly revered. The Major smiled as he pulled the trigger on the BR-5010. With sound aim, the Slugthrower exploded the craniums of his targets. Blood and brain matter splattered across the nearby trees, their bodies still convulsing as they crashed to the ground.

DarkHawk immediately carried his momentum around, launching three large shurikens at his remaining quarry. The blades streaked through the air with a distinct inflection of pitch, a deadly whistle on course to kill. Peaking about a meter high off the ground, the shurikens then quickly tailed off laterally downward. Two fleeing goons toppled forward as the throwing stars plunged deep into the base of their necks. The third shuriken broke extremely hard downward and submerged into the center of the goon’s back.

Collapsing face first to the ground, the goon choked on a mouthful of dirt. Nobu casually walked beside the downed man without pause, pumping one round directly to the back of the man’s head with the Slugthrower.

“That was totally unnecessary,” DarkHawk said jovially.

“We only need one of them alive. Mine is still warm” replied Nobu. The Bothan flared his nostrils and began to sniff rapidly. Pinpointing the scent to the shurikens, Nobu pulled one from the corpse and gave it a strong whiff. “Nightshade and Wolfsbane?” Nobu asked.

“Indeed Sir. I have been experimenting with a concentrated dose of the two. One paralyzes while the other shuts the system down. I have not perfected it yet, but I am getting close. Normally I coat all my blades before each mission.” DarkHawk informed the Major.

“Impressive. Now, shall we go see if our weeping hostage will give us the locale of our property that is being detained. I would like to get this over with and leave this dump hole,” Nobu said.

“A hundred credits says it's stashed back in the palace,” DarkHawk said.

“Make it two hundred and you have a deal,” replied the Major.

“Major we have an accord,” DarkHawk said, extending his hand out to the Bothan.

Nobu accepted DarkHawk’s gesture and shook his hand. “Call your pilot, have him ready the ship so we can make a hasty departure.”