“Before we enter, allow me to thank you for accompanying me in this matter. I have previously encountered a Lylek and appreciate your assistance,” Von warbled.
“Any intel you have could prove useful. What did you learn?” The Chiss inquired.
“It has been some time since I faced one, during a previous Great Hunt. I was lucky enough to catch the beast alone; perhaps that had been the intention of Declan Roark and the rest of the organizers; it wouldn’t do for the hunt participants to be denied their shot at glory by an overwhelming swarm.” Von revealed.
“Your demise would have been quite unfortunate.” Brimstone remarked.
Von let out a raspy, mechanical laugh. “Indeed. Now where was I? Ah, yes. While the obvious threats are the tentacles, venomous tail and mandibles, do not underestimate the strength the beast possesses. I nearly lost an arm failing to dodge one of its legs.”
Brimstone quirked an eyebrow at the tale. “Then let us avoid repeating your mistake. Have you prepared yourself to enter the mine?”
“Wait just a moment. On your ship I spotted what appeared to be a combat droid. Mind calling it over here?” Von asked.
“Are you sure that’s wise? The droid is optimized for longer range engagements. A blaster sniper rifle won’t do much good in the cramped quarters of the mine.” Brimstone answered.
“Probably not. But the blaster pistol at its hip would do fine. Why not have the droid lead the way? Anything bad happens to it, well, better it than us.”
The Chiss gave a hum of agreement before activating his commlink.
“K’ebatas, I need you to meet up with me at the mine on the planet’s surface. I’ll send you the coordinates. Don’t forget to seal the ship before you leave.”
A tinny voice answered. “Affirmative, master. With my arrival our odds of success increase to nearly a hundred percent, barring any error from your inferior meatbag forms. I will arrive within half an hour.”
Brimstone grunted in confirmation. He turned to address Von; “We should perform some reconnaissance before Keb arrives. Shall we see what the Force tells us?”
“That is agreeable.”
The pair sat cross legged and closed their eyes, opening themselves to the Living Force, the energy which binds the various creatures of the galaxy together.
Von could make out several signatures, easily enough to account for a dozen lylek. But something felt strange, odd, almost muted? The signature baffled the Skakoan. It was clearly larger than the other lylek, yet it lacked the same presence, as if it was devoid from the life energy that creatures posses. The creature emitted an aura, a presence which crashed down upon him.
The aura shattered any concentration the pair had; they fell over, startled, into a tangle of limbs.
“Well, that could have gone better,” The Skakoan remarked.
“I do believe we have found the objective for this mission. We must capture that bizarre lylek, alive if at all possible.”
“I doubt that will be an easy task.” Von stated.
“You believe the beast to be a match for our abilities? And the droid?” Brimstone inquired.
The tactican shook his head. “No, I believe we are up to the task. It is a matter of environment. We will be fighting in an enclosed space against a dozen formidable creatures, and without much of our ranged capabilities.”
The Chiss blinked in surprise. “Whatever do you mean?”
“You and the droid should refrain from using any blaster or projectile weaponry while inside the mine. We aren’t quite sure if the mine was used for something explosive like baradium. Even if it is not, many heating sources such as liquid tibanna are also highly explosive. I’d recommend giving the droid the blade you carry and only using your sabers while inside the mine.”
Brimstone pondered the issue. Von’s plan would deprive them of quite a bit of combat strength, which did not sit well with him at all. Still, his concerns had merit, and Von had already proven his capabilities as a strategist and a leader.
“You seem quite knowledgeable about the subject. Are you some sort of expert in explosives?”
“Nothing of the sort. I have spent years at the Shadow Academy studying the art of war. Logistics make up quite a large part of conflicts. I couldn’t possibly tell you how to make an explosive, but I learned that liquid tibanna was used by the Republic to heat bases while the Galactic Empire made use of baradiun in many of their engagements.
Brimstone considered the plan quietly, lost in a world of his own thoughts so deep that he almost didn't hear the mechanic clang of K'ebatas' footsteps approach him.
“Greetings, master. Are we ready to enter the mine?” the droid said bluntly.
“A moment Keb. I’ll agree to this plan of yours, Von. It better not come back to bite us.”
He walked over to K’ebatas before unsheathing Rin’hi, his sapphire blade. “Use this while inside the mine Keb. We don’t want to risk any possible explosions. That means no blasters either.”
The droid took the weapon and remarked “An excellent idea Master! This should bring our odds up a whole five percent.”
Von and Brimstone drew and ignited their sabers; beams of emerald and amethyst appearing from their hilts.
With a semblance of strategy in place, the trio entered the mine. K’ebatas walked in front as a potential deterrent to any harm that could befall the organic members of the group. Brimstone moved behind him, his dual blades would allow him to inflict more damage quickly than Von with his single blade. The Skakoan brought up the rear of the formation, his sensory abilities and precise fighting style allowing him to more easily work around his more offensive comrades.
“I sense a lylek approaching. Be cautious, the small numbers mean each of these lylek were strong enough to slay and consume their brethren,” Von warned.
Click, click, click. Hisss
The trio heard the creature before they saw it.
Tenfeet tall, with six spiked legs, a pair of mandibles, two wispy tentacles, and a venomous tail. The lylek made quite a sight as it scampered towards the group, the creature beingso large that its head almost scraped the ceiling of the mine. Its tough chitin shell was covered with a number of strange crystal growths that hummed ominously against the walls.
K’ebatas rushed to meet the creature, pushing down off its right foot and nimbly dodging around the lylek’s front leg which attempted to impale the droid. Gripping Rin’hi with both hands, the droid brought the blade down, though it proved ineffective against the lylek’s carapace as it slid down with a screech.
“Our odds of success have decreased by ten percent.” The droid complained before backpedaling as the lylek attacked.
Brimstone raised his right hand and pushed it forward, causing an invisible force to slam into the front right leg of the lylek. The force tore completely through the leg, severing it, and causing the unbalanced lylek to topple to the ground.
Von rushed forward and brought his lightsaber down upon the head of the creature, killing it instantly.
“That wasn’t so bad, perhaps we’ll make it through this after all,” The Skakoan remarked chipperly.
Von felt a sudden wave of exhaustion settle over him out of nowhere. The fight was finished and he could take a moment to sit down, maybe even curl up and sleep. It seemed like a good idea right now...
He sat down and began to drift away. He didn’t need to worry about the mission, Brimstone could handle that. All he had to do was relax and….
Brimstone’s shout shook Von from his daze. As he turned towards the Chiss he noticed the crystals on the lylek emitting a soft green glow.
He stood startled. The feeling of apathy had receded but the exhaustion remained.
“T..the creatures” Von stuttered out before reaching a hand down and adjusting his suits voice controller. “The creatures seem to be capable of wielding the Force in some capacity. I was overcome with this sensation of apathy alongside a bone deep exhaustion and weariness.”
The Chiss frowned behind his helmet. “That’s very worrying. Especially if the creatures can use it in the middle of combat.”
Von nodded. “I should be able to keep the exhaustion from affecting us alongside preventing any tiredness from our physical exertions. The link will require my concentration to maintain; I won’t be capable of facing more than one of the lyleks at a time while it's active.”
“You won’t need to worry about that Von, I’ll keep the creatures from swarming you,” Brimstone reassured. “But what about the mental effect?”
“I’m afraid I can’t do much about that if you want me to be combat capable. There is a more advanced link I could form but that would also link us emotionally. Against a creature that can induce apathy? That would be a death sentence.”
“I see,” The Sorcerer replied. “We may need to be aided by an outside source than. K’ebatas, if you notice either Von or myself acting sluggish do your best to snap us out of it immediately.”
“Affirmative, Master," the assassin droid stated. "This course of action pleases me. It increases our odds of success exponentially.”
Von gathered the Force within himself, expunging the artificially weariness which had settled upon him. He then extended this cleanse to Brimstone, pushing any foreign influence he could find from within the Chiss. He let out a wheezing sigh of relief.
“I’ll do my best to keep the creatures from affecting us. Let’s move forward.”
Positive Takeaways
You did a good job establishing the scene in the mind of the reader.
Can Be Improved
This post had a noticeable amount of syntax errors such as missing capitalizations and comma issues. Nothing that disrupted the meaning of your sentences but things that another pass with proofing would have caught.
Even though this is a coop match every post need to have action in it per the ACC rubric. Not having action in your post is a story detractor.