The battle between the pair was as much mental as it was physical, Gui Sol realized as he took the time the Seeker was allowing him to regain his posture. Throughout the time they had worked together at the Praxeum, it had been ironic how often the Rollmaster, headmaster of Kiast’s own Jedi Academy had been the one to learn.
Teaching others, the Kiffar had come to notice, sometimes required him to watch and wait. To search for the telltale movements and subtle footwork of a form that would suit a particular student. Through this and as a result of his own studies under the Echani-Umbaran hybrid, he recognized the motion.
And immediately had to resist the bizarre urge to cock his head to the side in a manner reminiscent of a protocol droid, a clear tell in and of itself.
The subtle shift had taken place in the retort... had that been a compulsion?
“No. Negative,” rose from the depths of his consciousness...
Muscle memory honed throughout his own journeyman days rose to the forefront of his mind, sparring with the former High Councilor under the shrewd eyes of his Master—
The Kiffar’s shoulders went back as he moved to dodge, the purity of purpose within the crystal of his lightsaber stubbornly resisting his attempts as he dueled a blue-haired Zeltron—
The two flashes of memory abruptly stopped, each taking less than two heartbeats as his breathing grew louder within his ears...
A whisper across his senses... had it really been a warning? A vision of things to come? No. His gift of seeing into the currents of the Force wasn’t this precise—
Had he ever dueled the High Councilor with a katana? Error message flashes across a heads-up display on your sensor...old wiring erodes within a decades old droid, mimicking the effects of a shock-prod as the memory briefly flashes through his mind.
/query: Error communicati— initiate:reboo—
His gaze a burning emerald, the odd glow of his eyes reflected glittering firelight as he looked on what appeared to be a bank. The memory began to solidify around him... loud, barking laughter—
The metal doors would not open easily, considering the curvature of what appeared to be impact marks from either a dozen large-bore shatterguns at once or a directional, improvised mine.
—glancing down at the smooth, simple design of a remote detonator. Forty meters or less, based on the design, though the flames provided a reflection—
A painted face, hints of black grease around the mouth and eyes... bolting down a fourth oblong piece of explosive ordinance
Celevon—the Conjurer. More specifically, Kalas the jester-a sometimes cruel prankster...
A Trickster.
The Umbaran smirked back at him, unmoving as the organic eye had only a thin line of yellow remaining within its mercurial depths before the figure of the man seemed to vanish completely from his mind and everything went dark...
There was a whispering, though it was no language the Ranger could recall having heard before.
Although it felt as though hours had passed, only a minute had gone by when something seemed to pull the Rollmaster from a thick haze of confusion. When Gui Sol reopened his eyes, he was hit with a sense of wrongness, followed almost immediately by a rush of fear as he heard a panicked chatter out of his favored companion Barry.
The Kiffar frowned, reaching through the fog for the familiar gleaming hilt, the obstinate synthetic kyber crystal that had taken so long to shape.
In the collection of moments it took to register the sense of darkness as he had somehow wound up in the cave, his own hand reaching out, the frantic warning of his droid...
It was too late.
The crossguard lightsaber hilt, bearing the crystal that had once belonged to Kalas the Grand Inquisitor, the slayer of Krath, Obelisk and young students of Lyspair alike, slapped into the Kiffar’s bare hand.
In the heartbeat it took for the warning to come screaming through the Force; the realization that the Mandalorian had tricked him into summoning the wrong weapon by blending their similar memories together as Celevon possessed him... Followed the sense of renewed horror as he regained control of his body and felt the dark durasteel slap into his palm, triggering a memory that would lead into another...
~(Viewpoint Shift)~
Whilst the Kiffar had never experienced a melding in the Force like this, the Umbaran Seeker was well aware of the dangers of introducing that particular genetic ability to the superconducting loop the controlled mindset of the deceptive lightsaber form...
Especially when one considered that both Jedi and Disciple had partially given their control to the Force, subconsciously mirroring the other in a meld of Telepathic energy.
He knew it, but like the Krath Celevon had once been under a pseudonym at age seventeen, and the reckless youthful nature that lingered within the Jedi Techweaver, their shared curiosity proved to be their undoing.
While it could have easily destroyed both of their minds, the Conjurer of Odan-Urr maintained the link between their minds, curious as to how the bleeding effect would take hold if neither were to truly guide the memories associated within the crystal... The one the Mandalorian had created under the tutelage of the former Professor of Alchemy and Ritual studies.
Gui learned of the shared sentimental nature the collection of energy shared, from his own original crystal and head of his first Pit Droid — now his right shoulder pauldron— to the lightsaber first owned by Jadex Werd’la that had been restructured and later modified to suit the Arconan Assassin known as Celevon Edraven Erinos.
Neither was aware as their bodies were pulled from their static positions, reliving a scene from two years earlier.
The final death of the human formerly known as Jacen Edraven — adoptive brother of Tristan Magnuri, who would later take on the name Celevon — seemed to play out in slow motion in their nearly conjoined minds. Gui Sol played the part of Celevon Edraven Erinos, the Proconsul of Odan-Urr and Advisor to the Vatali Empress, that had been tasked to meet with a former ally.
Celevon played the older Umbaran, the one who had nearly passed away so many times, nearly half of his brain had been replaced with a positronic replication.
The duo seemed to blur together, Gui Sol sinking deeply into Vaapad as Celevon Werd’la balanced on the razor’s edge of the chaotic, forbidden Seventh form.
Neither were aware of the speeders that raced toward them, having been hailed by an unseen observer at the Praxeum, their duel having been felt and seen over those kilometers of Kiast’s mountainous region. Screaming indigo and ferocious viridian danced together as the Mandalorian’s unresolved guilt over the deaths of various family members and strangers of wars passed overwhelmed him, tipping the balance.
The Force shrieked a warning to both men as the Umbaran slipped along the edge from Vaapad, fully into the unpredictable bloodlust that defined the ancient Sith form...
A scream for medics and for both to stop through a nearby telepath tipped the scales, rushing the shared memories of the very different weapons to the forefront of their minds.
Celevon, in his unbalanced state within the untrained Juyo, led to another of the dangers of using advanced Force forms without the technical skill gave him a moment of hesitation, jerking back from a motion too quickly with the saberstaff. The Kiffar, unfamiliar with the intricate nature of the crossguard, jerked the violet blade back.
To the viewpoint of the Vatali Royal Guard that had arrived, as well as other Jedi of Odan-Urr, the Conjurer of Odan Urr had slipped fully into his own darkness and spun his body without following through on the final pivot, spinning the double-bladed plasma the wrong way.
Perhaps it was the Force itself, claiming retribution and restoring balance between the two combatants?
One of the active vents of the crossguard hilt were pushed back, a scream of absolute agony erupting from the mouth of the Rollmaster as it seared into his neck, before the Kiffar pushed back, knocking the Lotus lightsaber from his opponent’s grasp. Celevon’s looser grip in the wrong position on the conversion-hilt led to it being knocked from his cybernetic hand, one blade cutting through the Umbaran’s own right leg whilst the other jerked the crossguard down, the vent cutting deeper into the torso of the Jedi.
As a result of his senses being overwhelmed between the loss of both of his legs at the knee, then the renewed agony of his right arm now hanging loosely from his torso, the Techweaver lost consciousness.
The Force Disciple clutched at the stump of his right leg, looking up in time to see one of the Security Forces fire a blaster directly at his center mass.
It would be hours before Celevon fully awoke, chained down within the Odanite’s prison blacksite, for the attempted murder of the Rollmaster of Odan-Urr, as well as the suspicion of being a part of the conspiracy to assassinate Empress Katani Anasaye of the Vatali Empire.
Positive Takeaways
You dove headlong into the action, with a slight bit of setup that probably makes perfect sense to both writers, if not an outside observer :P
Can Be Improved
So on Celvon 'burrowing into his psyche' like a parasite. The problem isn't necessarily with him doing this, he has the powers and feats for it, but this was written clearly as Telepathy, which as stated at even Celevon's power level, 'is not done without resistance’. Gui would not only be aware, but he would be applying his Resolve to try and stop it. Also not sure Celevon had the time to concentrate as much as to go digging for thoughts like this while engaged in a duel, as per the power's tooltip.
You also caught a minor Realism detractor for a loadout inconsistency, and I do mean minor in that you described Gui’s saber as orange. On your loadout, we do not reference the weapon image next to your physical description unless the saber literally says to, and yours has ‘cosmetic; red’ so, very minor error.
I'm sure you kicked yourself when looking over your post after posting on this, so I'll just say you picked up a handful of syntax errors through your post, but this was probably the most major.
This should have been an em dash rather than a hyphen.