The tendrils spread down the Mandalorian's gauntlets to his fingertips. Streaks of lightning erupted from them like a violent thunderstorm intending to strike Turel down where he stood. The Jedi acted on instinct and ducked under the attack, letting the electricity soar above his head and into the neon lighting behind the bar.
The lights erupted into a cacophony of hisses that flickered on and off. Sparks burst from the inner tubes and covered the wooden bar, setting it ablaze as embers gradually grew into a large fire. Smoke began to gradually fill the club as patrons scrambled for whatever exit they could find. Not even the guards and droids stuck around as the fire alarms blared repeatedly in the surrounding area.
Turel leapt from the burning bar, and Appius saw the opportunity to attack again. The second stream of lightning would have met its mark, if only the Oddanite hadn't turned over one of the many tables and hid behind it, using it as a shield. The electricity scorched the surface of the fine quilt covering the oval piece of furniture, but otherwise left it unscathed.
"Come on, Turel! I thought you were going to make this harder for me!" Appius bellowed over the sounds of the alarm.
"No thanks, I'm spoken for, and you are not my type!" Turel retorted back, causing Appius to go red in the face.
"NOT LIKE THAT YOU… OH, FRAKK THIS!" Appius roared and, using the Force, launched the table Turel was hiding behind over to the other side of the club.
As soon as the table was out of sight and out of mind, the Jedi Master aspirant ran towards Appius with newfound gusto. The Mandalorian acted on instinct and launched a fast, forward jab towards Turel's nose. The Taldryan Consul was elated for all of half a second as his fist seemingly made contact with flesh, but then faded through the Jedi like he was made of thin air.
"Kriff! Not again!" the Consul exclaimed. The Force alerted him of the immediate threat behind him, and he spun to face the Adept only for the Turel's open palm to connect with the side of Appius' helmet. The Mandalorian staggered back, whilst Turel advanced towards him. The Taldryanite regained his footing and, now convinced this was the real Turel, swung a wild fist at the Jedi.
What Appius failed to realise is that was what Turel was waiting for to happen. Before the attack could make contact, the Oddanite slapped it away from him and steered it off course. Then, the Jedi spun and dug his weight into Appius' hip, causing the Taldryanite to stumble and lose balance as he collided with one of the few metal support poles the club had, and conveniently used for its dancers.
Appius turned, ready for another round, but when he did. Turel had, for some reason, thrown a fistful of credits at his feet. It took the Mandalorian a moment to register why Turel had done that, but when he did, his blood boiled.
Turel was just standing there with a confident smirk plastered on his face, though the heat rising in the club was starting to make both men sweat. Frakk it all to hell! Appius hated that look on Turel's smug face, and wanted to do anything to take that smirk, and shove it down the Jedi Master aspirants throat!
'Wait… that's it!' A spark of an idea entered Appius' mind. Just in time too, as the alarms that blared across the club ceased working.
"You know, if you spent less time making crude jokes, maybe you'd be a Jedi Master by now. Then again, you aren't the type of person they would want reaching that rank, are you Turel?"
The Jedi's smirk disappeared instantly.
"I know everything I need to know about you. Your former crimes as a gangster. Yes! You have a pretty credit attached to you that would make any other Jedi weep with shame and pity. Is that the kind of person Clan Odan-Urr would recognise as a Master? Think about what that would say to the rest of the galaxy."
Of course, Appius was speaking utter kark. Dun Moch was incredibly useful for throwing an opponent off their game. This particular series of words hit home with Turel as a flash of anger showed itself on his face. Yet, as soon as it appeared, it was gone again.
"It would say…" Turel started as he found the words he was looking for, his resolve holding him firmly in place against the Mandalorian's taunts. "It would say that Odan-Urr understands that life isn't perfect. It says Odan-Urr understands that people can do wrong, but they learn from those mistakes and better themselves as people. It says that anyone, even a low-life such as me can…"
Unfortunately for Turel, Appius didn't care much for his monologue. The Mandalorian seized his opportunity and launched himself at the light-sider. Flames roared out of the thrusters of the Taldryan Consul's jetpack as Appius used the added propulsion to slam his shoulder into Turel's abdomen. Both men soared across the club, and through the flames that lit the club in a deathly orange hue.
Both men rolled to a stop across the floor. Appius was the first to return to his feet with Turel not far behind him, and immediately the Taldryan Consul unleashed a barrage of punches at the Oddanite that Turel was forced to deflect. Again, and again, and again Appius aimed for Turel's vital areas. Throat, solar plexus, and yes, the groin, hoping something would slip through. Luckily for the Jedi, he remained calm, almost like he was at peace with the situation as he reflexively defended against each of the Mandalorian's attempts to cause him harm. However, Turel was struggling to form any kind of counter-attack. It was apparent the two fighters were equally skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but Appius was the one who held the speed advantage. It was only slight, but it was enough to give the Jedi some trouble.
There was also one other glaring problem for both men. Fighting inside Club Vertica was like fighting inside a volcano on Mustafar. The heat from the raging inferno was becoming unbearable, both men were sweating profusely and the air became thicker thanks to the building smoke.
Turel and Appius battled inside the burning ring of fire, though a stiff, aggressive kick to the Jedi's abdomen knocked him off-balance. Appius' hand then grazed the lightsaber hilt at his hip.
"I didn't want to do this, but I don't think I have much of a choice! You brought this on yourself, Turel! I'll try not to maim you, but I make no promises!" the Mandalorian grabbed the Darksaber-inspired weapon at his hilt and activated the weapon. An emerald blade ruptured out of the hilt as Appius lunged towards his target, intending to slice through the Jedi's arm. Turel, however, raised that same arm towards the lightsaber as if he intended to catch it. The attack seemingly bounced off an invisible wall, which gave the Odan-Urr member time to retrieve his lightsaber.
An unstable purple blade crashed into green in the follow-up strike as Turel kept his weapon close to his body to repel any attacks that Appius threw his way. It didn't take long for the Mandalorian to figure out that the Jedi was, of course, a practitioner of Soresu. Each strike the Taldryanite made, no matter their intention, was reflected, parried, redirected, and reflexive countered by Turel's minimalistic movements. Appius had to admire it. Soresu was near-impenetrable by masters who dedicated themselves to their craft. It was near-perfect for nearly any situation thanks to the emphasis on conservation and tight bladework.
However, it had some huge problems, the very problems Appius intended to exploit to the fullest. The Mandalorian started weaving in and out, aiming in one direction before switching to another. Appius feigned attacks only to redirect them to another location. A strike to the arm became a casual flick of the wrist to Turel's thigh. A lunge to the wrist became an attempt at stabbing the Jedi in the gut. Appius made himself as sketchy as possible so the Elder couldn't predict his attack patterns, and truth be told, it was working.
"Something wrong, Turel? If this is the best a Jedi Master can get me, I'm seriously disappointed!" Appius continued to mock.
Turel was finding it harder and harder to defend himself. Masters of Soresu supposedly could defend themselves from anything, but a master of Soresu, Turel was not.
Things came ahead when the Mandalorian sliced at Turel's chest. The older Human managed to parry the attack as it swooshed past him, but wasn't prepared for what happened next. Appius reached out with his spare hand as what felt like a blast of energy punched the Jedi in his jaw. The Mandalorian Sorcerer followed up with a telekinetic blast that sent Turel soaring over the flames that surrounded them and to relative safety at the other side of the club.
Unfortunately for Appius, he couldn't follow up on his momentum. He dropped to one knee and began panting, gasping for breath. It was unbearably hot, especially in his armor which trapped the heat inside it like an oven. Pain seared his lungs from a combination of ash and smoke. There was a ringing in the Consul's ears that made him dizzy and nauseous. The Mandalorian staggered back to his feet, exhaustion setting in as he surveyed the chaos he'd created. His body felt numb as his vision began to blur.
Appius had pushed himself too far, and now he was paying the price for it with his life.
However, before the Mandalorian could pass out, he felt himself being yanked through the flames like he was attached to a landspeeder. Appius rolled to a stop in front of Turel, who wasted no time in hoisting Appius up on one arm.
"Kriff, not only does it look bad, it's heavy too!" the Jedi commented.
"What… are you doing?" Appius managed to say.
"Saving your life. What does it look like?" Turel retorted.
Flames blocked the main entrance to the club. Thankfully, the back door was still open and unblocked. The Oddanite hobbled over with Appius' arm over his shoulder and then shoved the Mandalorian through the exit and into the back alleys of Nar Shaddaa. Turel dragged the Taldryan Consul around a series of twists and turns until he found an isolated spot away from the carnage they'd left behind. The Jedi placed Appius against the wall and slowly lowered him down so he could sit and rest. Throughout all of this, the Mandalorian had one burning question in his mind.
"Why?" Appius managed to ask. Turel was hardly in much better condition than he was. His clothing was tattered and covered in ash and soot, which extended to his face and hair.
"Because I want to be better. I want to be an example to follow, even to you. Yes, you attacked me, and yes, all that sithspit happened, but if I can be better, then so can you. I hope you take this as an example, Mandalorian. I've made mistakes in my past, as you seem to clearly know, but we all have the choice to be better, take this as your opportunity to learn and do so."
Appius did not respond to Turel's words, nor did he call after the Jedi when Turel turned to leave. All the Taldryan Consul did was sit against the walls and contemplate the meaning behind Turel's words.
Could he be better? Did he want to be better? Only time would tell.