Lieutenant Colonel Darrio Klars vs. Corsair Juda Graves

Lieutenant Colonel Darrio Klars

Equite 3, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist

Corsair Juda Graves

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist, Mandalorian

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Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Lieutenant Colonel Darrio Klars, Corsair Juda Graves
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Lieutenant Colonel Darrio Klars's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Corsair Juda Graves's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Tatooine: Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
Last Post 9 August, 2022 2:01 PM UTC
Member timing out Daro Vane

Tatooine Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. A popular drinking and dining establishment located in the city of Mos Eisley on the desert world of Tatooine, Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina is run by the Wookiee Chalmun.

A single story building made of sandstone, the cantina consists of a bar area, private offices, a VIP lounge, a private hangar, a basement, and a phony shop in the rear. It caters to all sorts from across the galaxy, with spacious areas and wide arched doorways to allow patrons of all sizes passage. Unsurprisingly, a fair share of these guests lend to the cantina’s seedy reputation.

Entering through a small portal on one side of the building, a small passage curves around into the main bar area. Featuring many themed spigots resembling the heads of IG-series assassin droids, the bar is capable of producing several dozen drinks of Chalmun's own concoctions. Surrounded by eight different alcoves filled with stools, tables, and even a bandstand, the bar wraps from the public area around into the private back room.

You'd never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, and that's why Darrio fit into such a place. Music blasted across the cantina from what he assumed to be the local band playing the same song over and over again. He didn't mind though, it served to distract him from the miserable heat of the Tatooine's twin suns. Most of the patrons left him alone, considering he was packing enough firepower to give a tribe of Tuskens pause for thought. This was the last time he let Appius talk him into a long-term mission outside of the Caelus System. The lead on the Children of Mortis had been a bust, and he damn near dehydrated out in the Dune Sea for nothing.

Darrio raised his arm. "Barkeep, another drink."

If Appius was gonna waste his time, then he was going to waste Appius' in the best way he knew how, by getting wasted at the local dive. Sulla was in good hands with her Uncle, the Supreme frakking Chancellor, so he was going to take advantage. Drinking the day away was exactly what Darrio was going to do!

Or at least, that was the plan, until a heavily armored individual stood over his shoulder. Damn it all, he was only on his second drink. He was hoping to get drunk before trouble started brewing. He kept his helmet close by him on the bar counter. It looked like he'd need it sooner rather than later.

"Darrio Klars."

The individual spoke with such certainty that it caught Darrio by surprise. He turned to look, raising a brow when he saw a tall, gangly individual in Mandalorian armor.

"Can I help you?" Darrio asked.

"No, but maybe I can help you. My name is Juda Graves, and I am Clan Vizsla's Proconsul. You were the last Alor of Clan Klars of Mandalore, and are now serving in Clan Taldryan's military as a Lieutenant Colonel."

"Wow," Darrio deadpanned him. "I didn't realise I had a stalker."

Juda shook his head. "Not a stalker, merely informed. You are a capable warrior. Just the kind of fellow Mandalorian I'm looking for. I can make you an offer you can't refuse."

Darrio decided to humor him. He could use a laugh right about now. "Go on,"

"I can offer you power, prestige, and security," Juda seemed to hold his head up high. "Mandalorians were once conquerors of worlds and civilizations. We were the most feared and respected warriors in the galaxy, but we've been reduced to scum-hunters looking at a bounty board for quick credits. I wish to return Mandalorians to their roots, their glory. I'm looking for capable warriors, and you fit that description. Surely your brother cannot offer you the same?"

Darrio turned his head to the side and rolled his eyes. Juda certainly was quite the talker. Did he really think Darrio would betray his brother? Yes, Appius was the biggest thorn in his side in recent times, but he was still his little brother. He was still family, and they stuck by each other through thick and thin. That was the way of their family. That was the way of the Creed. What kind of Mandalorian would suggest otherwise?"

"And of course, your foundling. How safe can she be where she is right now? You aren't around to prote-"

Darrio's eyes snapped wide, a burning rage toiling inside his body. He rose to his feet, kicking over the bar stool in the process. He pulled out the first blaster attached to his right hip and pointed it at Juda's visor. The Vizsla Proconsul grabbed Darrio's wrist and lifted his arm into the air.

Darrio pulled the trigger, and the ensuing blaster bolt crashed into the ceiling, the loud noise echoing throughout the cantina as light debris and dust dropped on both Mandalorian's heads. Juda pulled Darrio in, striking him with a headbutt that, thankfully, unfortunately, thanks to his current lack of helmet, did more damage to him than Juda.

Darrio staggered back, leaning across the bar counter whilst he shook his head, a feeble attempt to rid the throbbing pain in-between his eyes. Then, he heard the harsh, familiar sounds of flames being discharged from a jetpack.


Darrio didn't get to finish cursing before Juda tackled him over the barstool and into the booze cabinet behind it. Bottle upon bottle dropped on the two Mandalorians before they clamoured to their feet.

Patrons gasped, some fled, whilst others began making bets on which of the heavily armored fighters would win. The cantina band had stopped playing music.

Darrio was the first to his feet, and suddenly came face to face with an angry bartender.

"Hey! You can't be back here! Take your issues somewhere else!" the bartender shouted at them.

Darrio responded to the order by taking one of the glass bottles from the nearby counter. He took a big swig of the beverage, and promptly smashed it over Juda's head. His helmet protected him, of course, but damn was it cathartic.

It had the desired effect, and Juda recoiled in surprise as glass splintered around him and fell to the floor. Darrio seized his moment to retrieve his helmet and place it on his head. Then, realisation dawned on him. Juda was covered in booze, and if Darrio understood one thing, it was that alcohol and flames did not mix.

Juda quickly hopped back over the bar as flames jutted out of the vambrace attached to Darrio's arm. The fire ignited the alcohol that lingered around the bar area, quickly spreading. Darrio leapt out of the bar area before he ignited himself. His armour was stained with flammable booze as well, the last thing he wanted was to set himself on fire.

What remained of the scum in the bar quickly fled when they saw the fire start. Darrio walked around the bar area, looking for the coward that dared mention his Sulla in front of him. His anger burned like the fire around him. He was going to make Juda pay for his mistake.

He locked his eyes with Juda who seemed to be patiently waiting for him at the other side of the bar.

"That's it," Juda said like he approved of Darrio's actions. "That's the killer Mandalorian instinct I'm looking for."

"You can take your offer, and shove it up your ass!" Darrio roared over the flames. "If you think for a second I'd turn my back on my brother, you are sorely mistaken. Then you try to use my daughter against me. You are no Mandalorian, you are a coward, a pretender like the rest of your Clan living off of the legacy of one of Mandalore's greatest Houses!"

"So, that's your answer?" Juda took a step forward. His tone of voice was cold and unforgiving. "Then you will share the same fate your brother will. Nobody betrays Clan Vizsla and lives to see the day. You'll both burn in hell together."

"Or," Darrio retrieved a small, circular device. He pressed the button on top of it, and it began flashing red. "I can send you back to Vizsla in pieces. I know which I prefer!"

Darrio then threw the thermal detonator at Juda, and took cover in one of the cantina alcoves.