Warden Celevon Werd'a vs. Mystic Trenkyp Zkig

Warden Celevon Werd'a

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Umbaran, Jedi, Seeker, Krath

Mystic Trenkyp Zkig

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Kel Dor, Force Disciple, Juggernaut

Solid use of the scenario here guys, good work. Trenkyp takes it with a more solid effort on maximizing the scenario usage, and ensuring both characters were utilized to their full potential in the posts. Congrats!

Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warden Celevon Werd'a, Mystic Trenkyp Zkig
Winner Mystic Trenkyp Zkig
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warden Celevon Werd'a's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Mystic Trenkyp Zkig's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Godless Matron: Intelligence Scramble
Last Post 8 January, 2023 11:57 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Adept Celevon Werd'a Lumyi Hicyl
Score: 3 Score: 3 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Adept Celevon Werd'a Lumyi Hicyl
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Adept Celevon Werd'a Lumyi Hicyl
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Adept Celevon Werd'a Lumyi Hicyl
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Adept Celevon Werd'a's Score: 3.0 Lumyi Hicyl's Score: 3.92


The Godless Matron is home to many, resembling a micro-society for those who wish to live outside the typical rule of the galaxy. The Lucrehulk-class battleship's massive hangers have been converted into dwellings as a result. Chute Town is the most notable of these makeshift towns. Many shops and storefronts have been constructed to take advantage of the higher volume of foot traffic. In addition, many ships and crews arrive into Chute Town to sell their "well-earned" commodities, weapons, or artifacts. It is commonplace to find the best and the worst gear the galaxy has to offer, it is only a matter of how big your pocketbook is. The streets are patrolled regularly by the crew of the Matron itself, leaving would-be miscreants to be more wary, lest they find themselves on the receiving end of a pirate's sense of justice.

It is built mostly out of spare durasteel panels from derelict ships, dismantled machinery, or any other source or material the pirates could scavenge. It spans the length of the massive portside hangar of the Matron, reaching from its heavily protected reactor — hidden behind triple-reinforced blast doors and a guard retinue — all the way to the hangar entrance where the many incoming ships unload their cargo. It is more than a mile long, over five hundred feet wide and up to three stories tall, covering most of the floor. Chute Town's streets are a miniature maze, weaving in between buildings on several levels. Verticality is key for the masses of shops and bars to operate without interfering with one another. The main street is nicknamed Murder Alley, mostly because all the weapon shops are prominently opened there.

Illumination banks are staggered along the walkways and buildings to provide enough light for the society to function. Still, the streets are left dim with a low hanging fog built up from the collective humidity of so many people in one space. For those calling it their home, there is no such thing as off hours. A large crowd bustles along at all hours, an exotic assortment of individuals from countless planets and the warring gangs that divvy up the territory within. It's the perfect place for those looking to disappear in the crowd.

Shroud Syndicate contacts dropped the ball; valuable, sensitive intelligence in the form of three data discs were meant to be delivered to a senior agent aboard the Matron. Instead, a mishap has lead to the trio of discs being scattered across the market and residential portions of the makeshift town. You and another agent of the Brotherhood have been tasked with recovering the intel before it can get off the ship, by any means necessary.

The Warden stared incredulously down at the datapad within his grasp, both organic and cybernetic eyes flitting up to take in at least seven stalls within his line of sight that were selling holodisks, then back at the device. "Well... that's just maddeningly unhelpful," Celevon Werd'a grumbled, unaware that he'd slipped into the harsh, guttural tongue of the Ancient Sith as he tossed the holodisk in a nearby trash compactor and stalked off into the crowd.

He was unaware of the manner in which the Zeyd cloth cloak billowed behind him, nor the squeal of electronics and metal that drew the attention of nearby scavengers and curious on-lookers in the open-air market.

With his senses focused ahead of him, attempting to locate the information disks, the Echani-Umbaran hybrid was unaware of the cloaked Kel Dor, whose eyes followed the figure in alchemical armor.

Though intrigued and on the same quest to recover intel, the Juggernaut continued to track the Seeker using both his physical senses and the Force herself. It was interesting to witness, as the humanoid appeared much more dangerous on the metaphysical level. Both light and darkness vied for supremacy within the Odanite, a shadow of silver overcast with a storm-cloud via the multitude of dark artifacts Celevon carried on his person. Attempting to look deeper to glimpse the passive thoughts and intentions of the other male had an immediate effect, as Trenkyp found himself forcefully pushed out, though it left a lingering image of a massive creature with fangs dripping venom.

Freezing in place for a mere heartbeat, the Force Disciple of Clan Vizsla found a mercurial organic and yellow-green cybernetic gaze locked unerringly on him. Within the Force, it appeared as though he had awoken a Krayt Dragon by wandering into it's lair, the wings spreading in a threatening manner. Visually, the organic silver eye shifted to a feral amber.

Realizing what was happening, Trenkyp Zkid erected his mental defenses, rendering the dark side energy null.

When he returned to his physical self, the Kel Dor realized that the conflicted Jedi had vanished. 'What Sorcery is this?' The Juggernaut mused.

Trenkyp approached the place he’d just seen Celevon at, still sensing something there. Right before he reached it, the Jedi reappeared almost instantly and sliced at the Force Disciple’s left shoulder with his Sith Dagger in his hand. The Juggernaut’s senses flared, turning away and striking the Seeker in the torso, pushing him backwards.

“Are you sure you wanna fight? Don’t you have something better to do?” the Kel Dor asked, staring intensely at the Odanite.

“Maybe I do,” the Warden said, looking back at Trenkyp’s eyes behind his mask. “But it appears I’m not the only one looking for something,” Celevon remarked, connecting his mind to the Mystic’s.

“And? Do we have a problem, jetii?”

I think we found one, boys!” another voice yelled from behind a corner.

“Yes, we do have a problem. If it were just you, I’d deal with you right here. But it appears we’re not the only ones hired by the syndicate.”

“So you’re saying we don’t have enough time to fight it out and find the holodisks,” the Juggernaut added.

“Exactly. We can join up and split the bounty.” The Seeker sensed displeasure in the Juggernaut’s mind, still studying it with the Force. “Or we can fight it out later,” Celevon explained, putting his Sith Dagger back in its sheath.

“Now you’re talking!” Trenkyp exclaimed, a slight smile appearing under his mask.

“Then let’s move out.” The Kel Dor focused the Force on his legs, taking off at an unnatural speed towards the direction he’d heard the voice from. The Echani-Umbaran hybrid did the same, taking him a second more to reach the place. There, they saw a man in a fancy white outfit holding a holodisk with a chrome coating, surrounded by five other men, all of them wearing similar outfits and wielding blaster pistols.

“At least now we know what we’re looking for,” Trenkyp said.

The Jedi took out his lightsaber and activated it, its indigo glow drawing the attention of the people they were about to face.

“Looks like we have a Jedi here! Bet he’s got a nice bounty on him, too! Boys! Take care of him!” the group’s leader commanded.

The Juggernaut stepped in front of the Seeker, raising a wall of pure Force right before the men in front of them started firing at his current coworker. The blasts disappeared into thin air right before they could hit anything, leaving the men with terrified expressions on their faces.

“What in the-” the gangster exclaimed.

“My friend here is not the only one you should be worrying about,” the Mystic interrupted, his eyes nearly glowing with passion. Celevon took a glance inside Trenkyp’s mind, who sensed nothing but bliss in fighting. The Kel Dor’s cloak, revealing a Krayt Dragon, reflected his own raw power, using it in the most primal way possible. The raw strength and the terrifying aura of a Krayt Dragon that the Juggernaut and the Seeker represented together could achieve anything. And right then, they wanted some holodisks.

The Warden felt a smirk arising on his lips as he brought his focus back into his own mind. There was no need to enhance the terror of the mercenaries before them, as that was how the floor tended to get a bit... messy.

Celevon deactivated his lightsaber and returned the hilt to his belt, naturally falling into a familiar stance as his arms moved in a sweeping, fluid motion. "My friend, you take the ones on the left."

The small nod from the Kel Dor was the only warning before the two Force users rushed forward, the speed of the sudden motion serving to startle the five. Whilst Trenkyp fought with the brutal efficiency of Mandalorian Core, driving a clawed open-palm strike into the throat of the closest enemy, the Juggernaut followed it immediately with an elbow to the temple whilst his opponent was struggling to breathe and clear his vision. The Juggernaut and the Seeker could not have been more opposite if they tried. Whereas the Mystic served as fire, Celevon Werd'a flowed with the grace of water. The Warden's first opponent tried shoving a blaster in the Echani-Umbaran's face, only to have his wrist grabbed, a shoulder driven into his sternum before he was flipped over Celevon's head.

The second was taken out by his own commander, as the Corellian native utilized him as a human shield to absorb the blaster bolts. As the body fell to the floor, the Warden extended a hand and started to close his fist, wrapping tendrils of Force energy around the man's throat.

The Kel Dor had his opponent in a choke hold, both of their eyes locked on the Commander being lifted into the air, grasping feebly at his own throat. The moment Trenkyp felt the mercenary in his arms slump with unconsciousness, he released the other male to slump to the ground. The Juggernaut made a point of kicking the Commander's blaster away as he approached, sending it skittering across the duracrete.

As he grabbed the holodisks, the Mystic nodded to his partner, who released the Force grasp. The Commander fell to the ground, coughing and wheezing.

From beneath the mask, Trenkyp glared at the Commander. "I do believe this one should live to learn the error of his ways... unlike some of his friends here."

"Agreed," Celevon smirked, an unholy light glinting in his organic eye. Rather than knocking out their final opponent, the Echani-Umbaran made a sweeping gesture with his hands, sending the Commander following his blaster... down a chute. "We should probably get out of here before security shows up," the Seeker mused in a seemingly idle manner.

"You still owe me a fight after we turn these in," the Kel Dor intoned, gesturing with the holodisks.

"And you shall have it, ara'novor vod (Shield-Brother)."

The Juggernaut launched himself at the group, using the Force to imbue himself with unnatural speed. Two of the men found themselves sent backwards before shooting at the Kel Dor, instead missing him entirely and being knocked out by a wall. Another one fired three shots at Celevon, who deflected them right back, forcing him to drop his blaster as he fell to the ground in pain with a new set of holes in his hand. Trenkyp punched the stomach and struck with his knee at the head of another gangster, now leaving the leader and another of his men standing.

A few civilians gathered around them, curiously watching the group’s numbers dwindle.

“Wait!” the leader yelled. “I, uh, have a proposition for you two.”

“Is that so?” Trenkyp asked, staring at him.

“Psh, damn alien,” he whispered. “I’ll give you, uh, two thousand credits if you leave me and my last bodyguard alone.” The boss slowly reached to his back pocket with his free hand, looking back at the Kel Dor. The other man was looking at the Jedi, his hands lowered. Celevon slowly made his way into the gangster’s mind, only getting a glimpse of a simple life of crime before getting cut off by a bang.

The boss had shot a small slugthrower at Trenkyp, who twisted his body in order to dodge it. The Juggernaut reached out and grabbed the leader’s neck, throwing him to the ground and smashing his head, splattering blood all over his right arm. He grabbed the holodisk from his dead hand and pushed the remaining gangster aside as he walked back to Celevon, who had deactivated his lightsaber in the meantime. The remaining man got up and took off as fast as he could, stepping over the bodies of his comrades.

“What, you killed him just like that?”

“This guy was a crime boss. Well, maybe not a boss, but not just some guy. I did this place a service.” The Juggernaut handed the holodisk to the Seeker, who took it and put it in his pocket.

“Fine. Now what? We don’t know where the other holodisks might be.”

“Now we just look for more shiny disks.”

The two of them took off, not entirely sure where they were headed. The small stores with questionably legal contents were now wary of them, especially since one of them had fresh blood soaking his clothes. It didn’t take them long to find a small corner shop with all kinds of obviously stolen goods, but more importantly a chrome-coated holodisk. The store owner, a particularly small human, noticed the duo checking out their wares.

“H-hello sirs. I-is there anything I could, uh, h-help you with?” they said with a shaky voice.

“How much for the holodisk?” Celevon asked.

“E-eighty credits, sir.”

Trenkyp took a small bag from a pocket and took out a few coins before throwing it on the counter. Celevon grabbed the holodisk and put it next to the other one in his pocket, the two of them taking off once again.

“So… Got any ways of finding the last one?” Trenkyp asked.

“Actually… I might.” The Seeker grabbed both of the holodisks in his pocket and closed his eyes, using the Force to seek out information about them.

“Ah, alright then. I’ll just stand here.” They were standing in the middle of a street, Trenkyp awkwardly waiting around for Celevon. After two minutes, the Seeker reopened his eyes and put the disks back in his pocket.


“All I know is that the disks were taken by somebody. I don’t know who and I don’t know if they still have the third one.”

Trenkyp sighed, holding his hand on his forehead. “Very helpful.”

“What do you want? What, you think I’ll just bring the disk here by standing here and thinking really hard?”

“Whatever. I’ll just look around,” Trenkyp said as he started walking away from Celevon.

“Idiot. I still have the other disks,” the Echani-Umbaran whispered.

Not long after, Trenkyp found himself in a tight alleyway with the remaining disk on the ground. On each end of the alley was a man with the same outfits that the previous gangsters wore, each of them with a blaster pistol.

Haar'chak, just how many of you are there?!” Trenkyp lashed out.

“You really fell for that? Something shiny in a small alley? Man, the boss is gonna be so proud.”

“Your boss? Oh, I’m pretty sure I killed him. Yeah, his brains are scattered on a street nearby.”

“Boy, don’t mess with us!” one of the gangsters yelled, pointing his blaster at the Force Disciple’s head.

Trenkyp readied his body, raising his fists to his face before launching himself at the gangster in front of him. He dodged the blaster bolts that came his way by twisting his body in nearly impossible ways, landing an uppercut on him with enhanced strength and putting him out of commission. As he looked back, the other gangster seemingly slammed himself into a wall, knocking himself out. The Kel Dor approached the holodisk, only for Celevon to appear from behind the gangster Trenkyp hadn’t faced.

“Oh, it’s you. And you found it,” the Seeker said with a defeated tone.

“Yeah. What, did you want to run off without me? I wouldn’t have let you. But thanks for the assist.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah.”

“We’re going now. And we’re gonna fight for the reward afterwards. That’s the deal, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”

Twenty minutes later, the pair reached the pick up point for the Shroud Syndicate, which was just a small, barely noticeable building in a corner. Somebody took their holodisks and gave them a bag of credits, well worth their efforts.

“What do you think is on those disks anyway?” Trenkyp curiously asked.

“You wanted to fight.” Celevon interrupted.

“Oh, good, good. Thought you weren’t up for it.” The two of them stepped away from the building, taking their places in a dimly lit, empty backstreet. The Seeker grabbed his Sith daggers in each hand, prepared for a fight. The Juggernaut raised his fists to his chest, posing ready for battle.

Each of them charged at the other, fist and dagger raised against each other, but the outcome of that fight is only known by those two. Somebody walked out of there with heavier pockets, somebody didn’t.