The explosive soared closer to its intended target.
Darrio leapt back over one of the Club's tables, using it as a makeshift shield.
Lumyi focused his mind on the incoming object.
He thrust forward his one organic hand, summoning his strength in the Force to repel the explosive away from him.
The explosive soared back in the opposite direction towards Darrio.
The device clanged across the ground, rolling to a stop beside Darrio's feet.
Darrio's eyes widened. "SITHSPIT!"
He leapt over the table, scrambling away for dear life as fast as he could. The area heated up around him, and he felt the implosion come first before the force of the sudden, thunderous explosion sent him careening towards the Club's stage area.
The explosion was nothing short of terrifying and impressive, like lava melting steel. Darrio used the stage to pull himself to his feet, his legs wobbling beneath him. He glanced back at the wanton destruction he had caused. He could barely recognise the area that the explosive struck. Fires started to spread, and the furniture was torn to shreds.
Darrio stretched his back. "Well, that didn't go to plan…"
His throat was grabbed, and he was then slammed against the stage by the mighty grip of Lumyi.
Darrio punched him once, then twice, but Lumyi did not react in the slightest. Darrio activated his shockgloves, but Lumyi held back Darrio's hands with superior strength.
They tightened his grip on Darrio's throat, and the Mandalorian squirmed in his grip. "What the Hell is wrong with you!? Are you trying to kill us both!?"
Darrio gasped for breath. "Not… both. Just… you!"
He kicked Lumyi between his legs, eliciting a whimper out of the Kel'Dor. Lumyi released Darrio from his grasp and staggered back, hunching over.
Darrio took a deep intake of air, thankful for the relief it provided. He charged forward, tackling Lumyi into one of the still-standing tables in the club. They crashed to the floor, and Darrio seized his chance to pin the Kel'Dor to the ground.
Darrio's pupils dilated, his teeth bare to see as he unloaded punch after punch into any exposed part of Lumyi's body. Thoughts of Ellisyn, and Sulla entered his mind with each punch, hardened with the desire to see his family again. "I won't let you take me away from them!"
Lumyi, to his credit, mitigated most of Darrio's strikes. They brought his forearms up to block most of the attacks. Lumyi was as stubborn as he had been since the fight started. If Darrio was going to win, he was going to have to play dirty.
Which was fine by him.
He reached down towards Lumyi's mask, though the Kel'Dor fought back against it. Darrio's fingertips grazed the apparatus. He was so close, and yet so far. In the end, it didn't even matter.
Lumyi was starting to overpower him, and he shifted the Mandalorian off of them. Darrio's arms angled towards Lumyi's knees, and he activated the blaster within his left vambrace. The shot collided with Lumyi's knees, and they let out a deep, haunting growl.
Darrio was not the type to look a gift wampa in the mouth when he saw one. He leap back on top of Lumyi like a shark that smelt blood in the water. He grabbed hold of the mask, and pulled it off Lumyi's head. Darrio rolled to the side, rose to his feet and held the mask high in the air. This was his trophy for the battle.
He could hear the raspy attempts at breaths coming from the Kel'Dor. Darrio held the mask closer to them as Lumyi's hand inched closer and closer to it. At the last second, Darrio pulled it away from him, wagging his finger with a triumphant smile on his face.
"Like hell I'm giving this back to you," Darrio leaned in closer until he was at eye level with Lumyi. "You brought this on yourself. You can burn in Hell with the rest of this place."
Triumphant, Darrio was about to leave before the place burned to the ground, but something held him in place, and it wasn't Lumyi.
She never liked it when he killed people. Never had, and probably never would. She understood, of course, that sometimes, there was no other option, just like right now.
There was no other option, right?
He looked back at Lumyi, who was choking on the ground and at the edge of unconsciousness. He looked towards the exit, then back at Lumyi, and then back at the exit again. His instincts screamed at him to leave the Vizsla member to his demise and get as far away from the Club as possible. The news would spread, and he didn't want to be seen in the area anymore than he had been.
That was the problem. Ellisyn knew he was here. She'd know Darrio would have been involved somehow. Then there was Lychee. That little bastard would twist the situation in any way he could to win her from him.
He couldn't allow that.
He wouldn't allow that.
Against his better judgement, Darrio quickly approached Lumyi and placed the mask back over their face.
Lumyi seemed surprised for half a moment, but clutched the mask to their mouth, inhaling deep breaths like it was the elixir of life.
Darrio grabbed hold of Lumyi's spare arm, hoisting it over his shoulder. He slowly lifted the Kel'Dor to his feet. "Damn it, how heavy are you!?"
Lumyi gave no response as the pair left the building. Once outside, Darrio pulled him into an adjacent alley and dropped them against a wall.
"There," Darrio wiped his hands clean off him. "You'll be safe here. They'll find you eventually."
"You can't run forever," Lumyi gazed at Darrio. Not a hint of thankfulness in his voice. "Eventually, your actions will catch up with you. Someone will take you down. If not me, then someone."
Darrio hung his head low and murmured a response. "I already lost everything once. I don't intend to lose everything again."
He left Lumyi in the alleyway as sirens blared in the distance. Darrio activated his jetpack and soared to the rooftops above the club. He'd make his grand escape, and hopefully, Ellisyn wouldn't be too mad at him when she found out what happened.