Appius groaned as he shuffled along the jungle floor. He'd had better landings. Every part of his body ached as he crawled to the nearby pond for water.
That sweet, liquidy relief.
His throat was dry, and he had to get rid of a distinct iron taste in his mouth. Once he was at the water's edge, he forced himself onto his knees and looked at his reflection upon the shimmering surface of the pond.
Appius' face was dirty, and there was a thin streak of blood flowing down the left side of his face. He must have hit the ground harder than he thought. His shirt was in tatters, revealing the horrific burn on his shoulder from a couple of years prior.
He cupped his hands in the water and splashed his face. The water was cold, with a sharp contrast and a welcome break from the jungle's humidity. Appius shoveled some water into his mouth. It needed to be more.
He stared back at his reflection in the water.
Frack it…
He fully submerged his head in the water, taking a big gulp of water. He rose a few seconds later, chilled and satisfied.
Much better.
Appius stood back on his feet, trying to recall how he got here in the first place. His head hurt as a wampa rancor had stomped on it. He remembered being chased, he remembered the skiff, and he remembered Deezn…
His eyes widened.
Appius needed to find him. He'd given his word he'd get him off this Force-forsaken planet. He gave his word, and he was honor-bound to do it.
A quick search through the Force told Appius what he needed to know. Deezn was alive, and he wasn't too far away. He sighed in relief until he heard rustling from the nearby bushes.
Deezn was close, but he wasn't that close.
Emerging from the cover of the nearby trees was a large group of Trandoshan Hunters. There were no smiles, no chuckles, just beady reptilian eyes that bore into him with contempt.
Appius did a quick count. Six. There were six of them. They were either the ones chasing them earlier or were nearby and heard the crash. It didn't matter. Appius only had one thing on his mind.
Appius summoned the tendrils of the Force to his command. Static electricity formed in his fingertips. The closest Trandoshan was faster and grabbed his wrist before Appius could attack. The barrage of lightning soared into the air, out of harm's way.
Appius, in response, kicked the Trandoshan as hard as he could between its legs. It whimpered pitifully before keeling over.
A second Trandoshan approached with a shoulder tackle. It slammed Appius against a tree, driving its shoulder into his gut. Appius winced in pain but repeatedly punched, kicked, and clawed at the Trandoshan as best as he could.
A third Trandoshan approached and struck Appius in the side of his head with the butt-end of its rifle. Appius slumped over, feeling weightless as the galaxy faded to black.
Deezn saw the lightning; last he checked, lightning was supposed to descend from the sky, not rise towards it. There was only one explanation.
D3-C0Y floated down to him, whirring and booking in Deezn's ear. He practically paled from what he heard.
"They're taking him to their base? Why didn't they just kill him?"
More beebs and Deezn groaned. They were taking Appius to the Huntmaster, probably to have him executed in front of an audience. They were savages.
"We need to follow them."
D3-C0Y sounded a low-tuned hum.
"No, I'm not sure, but…" Deezn took a deep breath. "We need to help him. I'd be dead without him. Lead the way."
He just hoped his newfound courage didn't get him killed…
It was about what Deezn expected. Appius was there, tied to a post, his head hanging low. Several Trandoshans gathered around him, more than Deezn had ever seen and more than he'd ever want to see again.
Deezn knew needed to get closer. The area was littered with skiffs, crates, and scattered pieces of equipment that would make any looters green with envy. It wasn't for Deezn. He just wanted to get Appius and get out of there.
Deezn locked eyes on what felt like salvation.
A YV-666 Light Freighter.
That was it. That was their ticket out of here. All he had to do was free Appius, sneak on board, and hightail it out of there.
It was a simple plan, but sometimes simple was best.
Deezn inched towards Appius, practically hugging the side of a crate as he did so. He peered his head around the corner as an uproar began.
There was one larger than any Trandoshan there, and larger than any Trandoshan Deezn had ever seen. It bore a scar across its cheek, dilated pupils, and a ferociously large, clawed hand which it used to grab Appius' jaw.
It snarled and hissed like a viper. "Wake him up."
A bucket of water was thrown on Appius' face. The shock of the cold woke him from his slumber as he coughed and gasped for air.
Appius blinked and looked at the Trandoshan Huntmaster, his jaw still firmly in its grip.
"Several of my men are dead because of you. Good men. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Appius shrugged and let out a muffled response. "You started it."
He was promptly struck by a clenched fist by the Trandoshan Huntmaster. A small trickle of blood seeped from the corner of Appius' mouth.
Appius, however, let out a low chuckle. "My wife punches harder than you."
The Trandoshan Huntmaster grabbed Appius' jaw again, snarling. "She's about to be a widow!"
Appius glared daggers back at it. "How about you untie me and see if you can back that up?"
The Trandoshan Huntmaster gestured towards one of his minions to bring forward a crate hovering on a trolley.
There it was, Appius' armor and weapons in all their crimson glory.
Appius went wide-eyed as he was punched again by the Huntmaster. Deezn recoiled at the brutality. That just seemed unnecessary.
The Trandoshan Huntmaster turned to its men. "Get the rest of the supplies ready. Then we'll deal with this one nice and slow… We'll pack his carcass into his armor."
The Trandoshans laughed to themselves as they disappeared out of sight to complete their tasks. Appius' weapons and armor were left on the trolley near a set of supply crates. This was Deezn's chance!
Deezn turned to his droid. "D3C, keep an eye out."
The little probe droid hummed as it floated into the air to get into a vantage point. It whistled back at Deezn, signaling the all-clear.
He broke into a light sprint towards Appius.
Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me!
He got to Appius and immediately began searching for a way to untie him.
"Little D?" Appius asked, surprised to see the little Rodian. "What are you doing here!?"
"Shush!" Deezn pressed a finger to his snout. "They'll hear us!"
It was no good; no matter how hard Deezn tried, he couldn't break the lock on Appius' wrists. They were made of chainlink durasteel but weren't electronic, so slicing was out of the question.
"Damn it, damn, damn it!" Deezn slammed the palm of his hand against the tree.
"Little D… Deezn…" Appius locked eyes with him. "Just take a ship and go. You can get out of here."
"No!" Deezn shook his head. "I can't… you promised to help me and… and I want to help you too. It's the right thing to do…"
Appius smiled at the young man. "You're a good kid. You know that?"
"Being a good kid isn't going to help me get you out of here," Deezn kicked the tree in frustration.
"In that crate over there," Appius gestured with his head towards his armor. "There's my weapon in there. Go grab it."
With no better ideas, Deezn did as instructed. While it was different in design from what he was used to seeing, there was no mistaking the workings of a conversion hilt lightsaber when he saw it.
He held it out in front of Appius. "OK. Now what?"
"Press the activation switch, and cut the chain."
Deezn hesitated. "A-Are you sure? What if I cut you by accident?"
Appius shrugged. "Then you'll answer to my wife."
"That's not funny," Deezn deadpanned.
Appius nodded his head in agreement. "I never said it was."
Deezn activated Appius' weapon, a single Violet blade rupturing through one side of the hilt. He carefully positioned himself to cut the durasteel chain.
Easy, Deezn… easy…
Deezn held his breath as he cut through it without harming Appius.
Appius picked up Deezn and squeezed him tight. "That's my boy! Didn't I tell you that you could do it!?"
Deezn swallowed the praise, even if he struggled to breathe in Appius' grip. It was nice to have someone believe in him like that. He hadn't had that feeling since…
Since Bale, really.
He handed Appius back his lightsaber as D3-C0Y beeped and whirled above them.
"Oh no…" Deezn said. "They're coming back!"
Appius' eyes widened. "Grab my armor and get to the ship!"
They both loaded the crate with Appius' armor into the ship. Deezn hopped on board first and was ready to pull Appius up when a blaster bolt careered into the ship's side, millimeters from Deezn's face.
The Trandoshan Huntmaster had returned with a small contingent of its reptilian brethren. Some additional had arrived on skiffs, all pointing their blasters at them.
That's how many there were.
Appius smiled at Deezn, then patted him on the shoulder. "Get the ship running. I'll be right back."
He turned and began to walk toward the Trandoshans.
Deezn called out to him. "What are you doing!? They'll kill you!"
Appius cast back a glance towards Deezn. "They can certainly try."
The Mandalorian activated his weapon. Twin Violet blades erupted out of each side of the hilt. Appius maintained a casual pace as he split the lightsaber in half, holding a single blade in each hand as he marched toward the Trandoshans.
The Huntmaster seethed. "Such arrogance from a Human... Shoot him!"
A bombard of blaster fire threatened to slaughter Appius, where he stood like a swarm of hungry mynocks on a starship. However, he could block them as they came toward him, using his lightsabers to casually deflect them away from him and, in some cases, back toward the Trandoshans. He never broke his pace towards them.
Deezn grimaced and hid within the ship for safety. There was no escaping the sound of blaster fire outside. He'd seen firsthand what Bale's daughter could do and hoped that Appius was at least somewhat capable in his own right.
Deezn tore the panel of a computer in the cockpit. He was in his element now. Circuitry, wiring, and digital complexities. This was his wheelhouse.
D3-C0Y appeared beside him, having seen its master enter the ship. It beeped at him.
"I know, I know!" Deezn kept fiddling with wires until finally…
The engines burst to life. The lights in the ship turned on, and the thrusters began to lift them off the ground.
Trandoshan bodies littered the floor. Appius had hacked and cut away at his foes as he got within striking range, but more and more Trandoshans arrived by the second. He was getting overwhelmed. It wouldn't be long until his injuries and fatigue caught up to him.
It was like the Force itself came to answer his prayers. He heard the ship behind him first, then the rush of wind through his hair.
With Deezn piloting it, the ship hovered in the air, its dual armament canons unleashing hell into the Trandoshan militia.
The explosions shook the ground, and even then, Appius couldn't help the ear-splitting smile on his face. "YES! That's my guy!"
More Trandoshans were on their way; Appius could sense it. Deezn turned the ship sideways and opened a side hatch. Appius immediately leaped into it, using the Force to jump a distance no normal being should be able to.
The Trandoshan Huntmaster snarled at the chaos around it and then screamed into the air. Appius gave him a mocking salute as the side hatch closed.
Appius and Deezn escaped from the Wasskah atmosphere and then into the eternal blue stream of hyperspace.
That blue vortex had never looked so good.