Augur Appius Taldrya Wight vs. Colonel Teebu Nyrrire

Augur Appius Taldrya Wight

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Force Disciple, Sorcerer, Mandalorian

Colonel Teebu Nyrrire

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Ewok, Loyalist, Director, Imperial

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Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Augur Appius Taldrya Wight, Colonel Teebu Nyrrire
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Augur Appius Taldrya Wight's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Colonel Teebu Nyrrire's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Endor: Searching the Death Star II Ruins
Last Post 6 April, 2023 3:22 AM UTC
Member timing out Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya


After the Battle of the Second Death Star, the battlestation had split into two main areas; pieces that fell into the orbit of Endor’s moon and crashed on the surface and the remains that are suspended just beyond the gravity well of the planet. After many years of fear and superstition surrounding the sight of the explosion, scavengers, corporations, and even Endor’s native species, the Ewoks, all started to take great interest in the ruins. In the modern day, it is a place of small time skirmishes and firefights where frequent changes in “command” take place over what it perceived by many to be the greatest treasure trove in the galaxy. That remains to be fully seen.

The ruins on the ground include the former spaceport and shield generator structure, now enveloped by the forest’s vines, trees, and home to a new circle of life both friendly and deadly. The Ewok’s have mostly left these areas alone. However, a bit farther beyond the main structures lie old Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire ships that fell after destruction. Foreign scavengers and Ewoks frequently fight over the land, making the Ewoks distrust outsiders even more. In space, the ruins are still somewhat connected by a struggling chassis. Small compartments of air still exist with working docking ports, while much of the ruins exist in a vacuum. This presents the opportunity that treasures stuck in the vacuum still exist. However, all the remaining systems are still only somewhat functional, meaning air can be leaked at any moment, or small, unexpected explosions may occur at any point in time.

For anyone looking for old tech, credits, weapons, or someone risky enough to hide here, the Death Star Ruins might be a place for you to search. Some older plans of Imperial tech and intelligence might still be intact, which could lead to other treasure troves in other parts of the galaxy.

But beware: many corporations send mercenaries there to try and flush out smaller groups of people. Some even hope to turn it into a tourist destination someday, sending in large, ill-prepared construction crews. The battle for treasure might turn into a battle to get out alive. Frequent trips occur from the surface to the planet by those who have been here once or twice. The trip is short, and very possible for those with the gall to do so.

The Death Star Ruins are a place where many mysteries still exist, as well as many enemies. Any member of the DJB might be found here at any point, whether part of the Inquisitorius looking for info, the Shroud Syndicate looking for a meetup, or the Collective looking to meet in secret or scavenge for the war effort. Whatever your purpose here, know that the battlefields of old are not one to be trifled with.

Save our souls.

The message came in loud and clear. Action was required. The distress signal reached the Taldryan Republic, and upon the Supreme Chancellor's directive, help was sent.

No-one needed a degree in Galactic History to know why Endor was so important. The resting place of the second Death Star had become synonymous with the galaxy. Some hoped to find fame and fortune excavating the ruins like glorified tomb raiders, whilst others stayed clear, saying the Death Star remains were haunted by the Sith Spirit of Darth Sidious himself.

Appius scoffed at such superstitions. He knew what was here, what was really going on, and so did the Ewok attached to his back. That Ewok in particular just so happened to be his Proconsul, Teebu Nyrrire.

Slavery, and genocide.

They could smell the ash from the fires that burned the native tribes.

Appius felt Teebu tense as his pawed hand tightened on his shoulder.

He looked back at Teebu. "Are you OK?"

Teebu recompensed himself. "I'm fine."

Appius decided not to press the matter further. His footsteps crunched across the jungle floor as he carefully pushed past branches, bushes, and all manner of foliage as the pair made their way towards the main part of the ruins.

Debris became more commonplace. Parts of starfighters, shield generators, and weaponry were scattered along the floor, becoming one with the vines. The pair stopped at an anomaly that made them speechless.

"Kriffing hell…" Appius muttered under his breath.

A mound of Ewok corpses, approximately five-feet high, served as a monument to the brutality of the Imperial Remnant. Appius could feel Teebu physically pale behind his fur as he dropped from his shoulders and walked towards the pile.

Teebu visibly shook, and Appius took a few tentative steps forward, and kneeled beside him.

Appius placed a hand on Teebu's shoulder. "We'll get him. Salivane won't get away with this. He won't be able to hide much longer. When we rescue the tribe, we'll grant them sanctuary in the Caelus System. You have my word."

Teebu slowly nodded his head. His eyes not leaving the pile of his kin in front of him. "Let's go."

He climbed back on Appius' shoulder, not saying anything more. They trekked further in, the trees becoming more scarce until they reached their destination.

There, among the ruins of the second Death Star, was Salivane Trobias. Weequay sellsword of the Imperial Remnant states, and a damned bastard to boot. He was tall, and his leathery face was cut up with scars so profound it was a miracle if his mother recognised him.

With him was an assortment of Imperials and Pirates overseeing some sort of scavenge operation. All had their hands wrapped around blaster rifles, staffs, daggers, and anything else an armed militia needed to be threatening. However, what drew the eyes of Appius and Teebu were the Ewoks that were doing the manual labour.

They were dirty and battered. Some were missing patches of fur. They were exhausted doing tasks that they, in reality, were much too small to be performing. Whenever an Ewok failed, they were prodded with an electrostaff from one of the Pirates or Imperials. The Imperials at least maintained a professional air about them. The Pirates, on the other hand, delighted in the pain and misery they caused.

An Ewok collapsed to the ground trying to shift a sheet of durasteel. Another quickly ran to their side, shaking them, willing them to get up before they were spotted.

"What's going on here?"

A pirate approached the pair, with the conscious Ewok pleading in Ewokese. It got the butt-end of a blaster rifle in the face for its trouble.

The Pirate then approached the unconscious Ewok. "Get your furry little ass up, or else."

There was no response, so the Pirate gave the Ewok a stiff kick to the ribs.

Teebu was about ready to charge in and defend his kin. He was usually calm and collected, but this? This, he could not stand to see.

However, Appius stopped him. "Not yet. They are still alive. Wait for the right moment."

Salivane approached his Pirate. "If you are quite done. Put it out of its misery and let the others pick up the slack."

The Pirate grinned from ear to ear, and pointed its blaster at the Ewok. Yet, before he could pull the trigger, a barrage of lightning shot out of the nearby trees, striking the Pirate in its chest. It lead out a high-pitched, shrill scream as it writhed on the floor.

Salivane followed the direction of the lightning from whence it came, spitting Appius and Teebu. "Open fire!"

"Now!" Appius activated his jetpack, launching himself and Teebu several feet into the air.

Teebu held on for dear life as Appius brought them crashing down amidst a small gathering of Imperials. He coiled the Force into the palm of his hand, and detonated it like an explosion at his feet. The Imperials were sent flying back several metres, landing hard on their backs.

Teebu quickly gripped his blaster, and filled them with blaster bolts before they could return to their feet.

"Hold your fire!"

The Taldryan leaders were prepared for an all-out fight, but to their surprise, Salivane stopped his people from attacking.

Appius' fingers brushed against his lightsaber as he spoke. "It's over Salivane. This operation ends. You can either come with us willingly and stand trial, or die here. It's your choice."

Salivane, however, laughed heartily, followed by the Imperials and Pirates in his stead. "You are right. It is over… over for you. Kimberly!"

Teebu shuddered upon hearing her name. The name of his old master from the time of his kidnapping. Appius looked to his Proconsul, seeing a bead of sweat dripping from his furry brow.

"This is a trap. They used the Ewoks as bait," Teebu said.

Fleet Admiral Kimberley Tessarosa of the 19th Imperial Remnant stepped forth. She was a beautiful Human woman with flowing red hair. Upon seeing Teebu and Appius, she showed a smile;

"Teebu, I'm so glad to see you. Thank you for bringing the Supreme Chancellor here. His death will mark the beginning of a new era."

"Of course, it was the least that I could do," Teebu remarked as a smirk crossed his lips. Appius' gaze shot down upon him with surprise and he stepped back from the Ewok who had taken that moment to cross the field towards both Kimberly and Salivane, turning to look at Appius as they all stood across from him, "So, shall it be quick or shall we make him suffer?"

Kimberly slowly raised her hand to her chin, cupping her elbow with her other hand. She tapped her chin ever so slightly as she tilted her head to the right. "I would say...quick. There is plenty of work to be done."

Upon that statement, both of his lightsabers were in hand and ignited. The right was a brilliant orange-red with a flaming glow emitting from the blade, the left a soft teal-blue color with a frozen glow emitting from its blade.

Appius glanced around, wondering for a moment what his next move would be. He did not have to wonder long, however, as with a single arcing strike, Teebu had twisted around and struck Salivane down. The other pirates looked over at the body of their fallen leader in surprise, but the Imperials that were present turned their weapons on the pirates and they fell one after another. Several tried to run away, but Appius extended his arm and took one of them down with a bolt of force lightning. Teebu had already replaced the orange-red lightsaber back to its hilt, his DT-29 firmly in his hand. Feet planted, he took aim at the other fleeing pirate and placed a blaster bolt straight into his back.

Appius looked at Teebu, who looked back at him. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

"Fine," Kimberly interjected before the Ewok could speak for himself. She turned and extended her arms at the squad of Imperials that had gathered behind her, a massive arc of force lightning extending outwards through each of them, arcing to the next before they had all fallen. "Your friend, the Moff, has hired pirates and sent one of his lieutenants and some of his own forces here. Their goal is to salvage more of the reactor materials. So I sent the distress signal for the Ewoks."

"Which means we need to stop them. Thank you for helping us yet again, Fleet Admiral," Teebu said with a slow bow forward. She gave a smile and nodded approvingly. "Supreme Chancellor, shall we?"

Appius stood there for a moment before turning and advancing into the woods towards the direction of a makeshift base without a word spoken. The Ewok quickly scurried to catch up to him. As they moved, he finally spoke. "So what you said was true. She really can be trusted."

With an emphatic nod, Teebu continued at his side. "I told you. They had a massive falling out after what happened with that weapon. And this tells us he clearly plans to create another. We can not allow that."

"Agreed," Appius asked as he held his saber in his hand unignited, "Thoughts on our next move?"

"We take the base, capture his lieutenant, and stop his efforts," Teebu replied as the two stopped behind a pair of trees, a few hundred feet from a fence line where sat the makeshift base in front of a large broken segment of the Death Star's reactor. Stormtroopers patrolled the perimeter, several on speeder bikes weaving between trees.

Appius couldn't help the snort that escaped his mouth. "You make it sound so easy, Teebu."

The Taldryan leaders along with Kimberly continued to observe the stormtroopers patrolling the base, hoping to spot an opening in which to sneak closer. However, every gap in their patrol was quickly replaced with more stormtroopers, making getting close without being spotted next to impossible.

Appius suddenly felt a tug on his cape. He looked down to see a pair of brown, beady eyes looking back at him, harmed from blunt-force trauma from a blaster rifle. It was the still conscious Ewok from earlier, one of the two that were targeted by Salivane's Pirate.

"Oh, erm… hi? Good to see you're up and about. How's your friend?" Appius rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as the Ewok gingerly embraced his right leg in a gentle hug, speaking something he couldn't understand.

A smile crossed Teebu's face. "He likes you. His friend is fine, and is receiving medical care."

"That's excellent to hear," Kimberly mused.

"Uh-huh…" Appius attempted to gently shake him off, but it seemed to only have the Ewok hold on to him tighter. They suddenly started bouncing around him eagerly. "Teebu? A little help, please?"

"He wants to help. His family is being held hostage inside that makeshift base," Teebu shook his head, and then started arguing with them.

Appius looked back and forth between the arguing Ewoks. They were starting to give him a headache. "Seriously! What's going on!?"

"He wants to help in any way they can, but…" Teebu shook his head. "It's too dangerous. There's been too many lost already. It's…"

"Brilliant!" Appius clasped his hands together, much to Teebu's confusion.

"Excuse me?" Teebu asked.

Appius smirked beneath his helmet. "I have an idea."

Appius could hear the 74-Z speeder bike before he saw it. He motioned to Teebu and the other Ewok to brace themselves. He had to time this just right…

He activated his jetpack and soared into the air. The stormtrooper piloting the speeder saw him, turning on the spot to face Appius' direction, as well as a small Battalion of seven stormtroopers

Good. He had their attention.

Appius could have sworn he heard the stormtrooper atop the speeder bike shout something at him, but whatever it was, was drowned out by the sound of his jetpack's thrusters in his ears. The stormtroopers retrieved their blaster rifles, and aimed them at him.

That was Appius' cue.

He hightailed it out of there as the piercing sound of blaster fire rained around him. A couple of shots pinged off of his beskar armour, but he made his escape into the more dense jungle. Only the trooper on the speeder bike was able to give chase, ducking and weaving through the trees with cat-like nimbleness.

Little did that stormtrooper know that Appius was on a set path.

Appius passed by two trees that were a few metres apart from each other. Standing on a thick branch just a few feet high was Teebu, whilst his fellow Ewok stood on the branch of the other tree, perfectly parallel.

Appius stopped flying and spun in the air, and yelled down at them.


Teebu and his fellow Ewok pulled hard on a thin vine, stretching it between both trees. The stormtrooper crashed into it throat-first, and was knocked off of his vehicle.

The bike crashed into an adjacent rock, exploding into a magnificent fireball.

Before the stormtrooper could collect his bearings and catch his breath, Kimberly was already on him, wrapping her arms around his throat until his body fell lifeless in her arms.

Kimberly released her hold of him, his body collapsed to the ground. Teebu approached with his kin as Appius descended to the ground.

"They'll be on us shortly," Kimberly said.

"Are you not bothered about that?" Appius pointed to the stormtrooper, getting a shrug from Kimberly.

"Why would it? This was your idea," seeing Appius wasn't satisfied with her answer, she elaborated. "He blindly served Genko. He deserved his fate."

"Regardless," Teebu interjected. "We should move while we can. They'll be distracted. If we move around them, we can slip inside their base before they realise what's happening."