Battlelord Nora Olen vs. Colonel Teebu Nyrrire

Battlelord Nora Olen

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Colonel Teebu Nyrrire

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Ewok, Loyalist, Director, Imperial

Great use of the scenario and keeping things on point. This was a really cohesive story, and one you both should be proud of.

Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Battlelord Nora Olen, Colonel Teebu Nyrrire
Winner Colonel Teebu Nyrrire
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlelord Nora Olen's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Colonel Teebu Nyrrire's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Naboo: Escape from Otoh Gunga
Last Post 8 April, 2023 5:33 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya Nora Olen
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya Nora Olen
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya Nora Olen
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya Nora Olen
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya's Score: 4.0 Nora Olen's Score: 4.04

Naboo Otoh Gunga

Beneath the surface of Lake Paonga lies the Gungan capital. Otoh Gunga is constructed in such a manner that leaves the Gungan city trapped beneath water pressures—potentially fatal to the denizens should the city be breached—converging on the lake’s vertical center and floating between the surface of the lake and the lakebed. Its location makes the capital difficult to find without knowing its precise location, remaining untouched during the Separatist occupation of Naboo.

Water-breathing species would be able to swim easily to its bubble-shaped buildings; however, those unable to remain submerged without air would find the distance impossible to swim. Therefore, breathing apparatuses are essential for those determined to make the journey themselves and without the aid of Gungan bongos. Its bubble-like buildings are hydrostatic force-fields that contain breathable atmospheres for their occupants and have special portals that allow the inhabitants to enter and exit. Since the Gungans actually grew the building material of their cities from the natural plasma of Naboo and bubble wort extract, the structure of Otoh Gunga is a hub and spoke design. Each of the bubble-like buildings are compartmentalized units, able to be sealed off at a moment’s notice.

The Gungan Grand Army utilizes patrols that make regular visits between the compartments. Favouring spears, atlatls, Electropoles and cestas for throwing boomas, these soldiers are the staunch defenders of Otoh Gunga. Sometimes armed with distributed Gungan personal energy shields capable of turning aside blaster bolts, these warriors are too-often underestimated, lending to their victories over the Trade Federation.

You and another member of the Brotherhood have made the trip to the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga. It was meant to be a simple enough trip: pick up a short list of items for a contact and deliver them. Then the alarms began sounding, blaring messages in Basic warning anyone incapable of breathing underwater needing to find their way to emergency escape vessels to get them to the surface. The sounds of water rushing through halls precedes the flooding, and now you find yourself up to your knees in briny seawater, and it’s rising. Chaos has erupted across the city. Get out.

The journey to Otoh Gunga had been a long one. Colonel Teebu Nyrrire, a male Ewok, and Nora Olen, another member of the Brotherhood, had traveled through dense forests, over mountains, and across vast oceans to reach the Gungan capital. Their mission was simple: pick up a short list of items for a contact and deliver them.

As they approached the lake's edge, the enormity of their surroundings hit them. The lake was vast, its waters dark and mysterious, and the Gungan city lay hidden beneath its surface. They had been given coordinates to find the entrance to the city, and as they dived beneath the water, the sight that greeted them was breathtaking.

The city was a masterpiece of engineering. The bubble-shaped buildings, constructed from plasma and bubble wort extract, glowed with an otherworldly light. Schools of fish swam around them, and the Gungan inhabitants moved effortlessly through the water. It was a beautiful sight, and for a moment, Teebu and Nora forgot their mission as they took in their surroundings.

But then the alarms began sounding.

The blaring messages in Basic warned anyone who couldn't breathe underwater to find emergency escape vessels and make their way to the surface. Teebu and Nora knew they had to move fast. They had no breathing apparatuses and were unable to survive underwater without them.

The sounds of rushing water grew louder, and they could feel the floor beneath them tremble as the water rushed through the halls. Panic erupted across the city as Gungan inhabitants ran for their lives. Teebu and Nora were swept up in the chaos, the rising water quickly submerging them up to their knees.

"We have to find a way out of here!" Nora yelled over the rushing water.

Teebu nodded, his heavy blaster pistol at the ready. The lightsaber he carried at his side was useless underwater, but the blaster would prove invaluable. They pushed their way through the crowds of panicking Gungans, dodging swimming creatures and debris as they went.

As they ran, they heard the sound of something large moving through the water. They turned to see a giant sea creature swimming towards them, its sharp teeth glinting in the light of the city. The Gungan Grand Army had always been known for their prowess in battle, but Teebu and Nora had never faced anything like this before.

Teebu raised his blaster and fired, the bolt of energy hitting the creature squarely in the chest. It roared in anger, but before it could attack, a group of Gungan soldiers appeared, armed with spears and atlatls. They hurled their weapons at the creature, hitting it again and again until it retreated.

"Come on!" one of the soldiers yelled, motioning for Teebu and Nora to follow them.

They were led to a nearby building, its hydrostatic force-field glowing brightly. The soldiers opened a portal, and they swam inside, gasping for air as they emerged from the water. The building was bustling with activity, Gungan engineers and mechanics working to keep the city afloat. They looked up as Teebu and Nora entered, surprised to see outsiders in their midst.

"What's going on?" Teebu demanded, his blaster still at the ready.

One of the engineers turned to face him. "The city is flooding! Something has breached our defenses, and the water is pouring in. We're trying to seal off the compartments, but it's not enough. We need to get to the surface before it's too late."

Teebu nodded grimly. He knew they had to move fast. If they didn't find a way out soon, they would be trapped beneath the water pressures, potentially fatal to them.

As they sprinted through the city, the water level kept rising. They could hear screams of panic and cries for help coming from various directions. Colonel Teebu led the way, navigating through the maze-like compartments with ease.

Nora, struggling to keep up with his pace, panted heavily as she glanced around, searching for any sign of their contact or an escape vessel. But the chaos made it impossible to see anything clearly. The water had reached their waists, and they had to slosh through it, hindering their movements.

"Colonel, we have to find an escape vessel!" Nora shouted, trying to make herself heard over the blaring alarms.

"I know," Colonel Teebu replied, his eyes scanning the area. "But we have to find our contact first. We can't leave without completing the mission."

Nora nodded in agreement, and they continued their search. As they turned a corner, they saw a group of Gungan soldiers barricading a compartment door with their spears.

"What's going on here?" Colonel Teebu asked, approaching the soldiers.

"We've been breached!" one of the soldiers shouted. "The Separatists have found us!"

Colonel Teebu and Nora exchanged worried looks. The Separatists were a constant threat to the Gungan city, and their arrival could mean disaster.

"Where's our contact?" Colonel Teebu asked.

"He's in the next compartment, but it's not safe to go there. We have to hold the line here!" the soldier replied.

Colonel Teebu nodded, understanding the severity of the situation. He turned to Nora. "We have to get to the next compartment and find our contact. We can't leave him here."

With that, the Ewok turned and pressed the button for the door to enter the next compartment. It lead to a stairwell that was already mostly underwater.

"Which way is it?" he asked the soldiers.

The left gungan pointed downward and motioned to the left. "Head down to the bottom of the steps, down a long corridor and to the left. That will lead to another ascending stairwell. That area should still be pressurized, so you should be fine once you get there."

He looked at Nora before proceeding towards the water while taking off his white tunic, pants, and boots leaving just a grey set of undergarments and shirt. She reached out to try and stop him, but he was already stepping into it. "It's far too cold, you'll never make it."

"My fur will protect me, for a short time at least. We cant leave without the contact," he started as he stepped inside and swam a small bit to the lip of the descending stairwell. He could already feel the coldness seeping into his fur, albiet very slowly, "I'll be back."

Teebu inhaled and then exhaled his breath before diving under the water, swimming downward along the stairwell. It was not long before he had reached the hallway and proceeded along it. Using his arms, he gripped the edges of the protective dome's roof to help propel himself along. As he rounded the corner to the left, he was beginning to feel the first bits of water penetrate his inner fur layer and touch his skin. She wasn't kidding, it truly was cold. The initial shock of contact to his skin caused him to release a bit of the breath he had left.

At that point, he increased his speed and dead ahead was the stairwell they had mentioned. He surfaced with a gasp, taking in fresh air as he climbed the stairs and out of the water before shaking himself to get loose water out of his fur. Hopefully by the return trip it would be mostly gone or dry.

Touching the panel on the wall, the door slid open revealing a...veterinarian office? And on a table sat a leash, a bowl with an engraving on it of the name "Baba", along with a crate that had a small creature in it. An attached paper signified it as a 'Massiff', belonging to none other than the one who had hired them.

"Great," Teebu thought to himself as he used the leash to tie the bowl to his waistband, "This is gonna be fun."

He opened the crate and Baba stared at him quietly from the back. As he reached in, the massiff was apprehensive but did not mind being picked up once it saw the giant bear wasn't a threat. Instead, it licked his face.

"Alright, lets get back to Nora and get you and your belongings out of here." the Ewok said between being licked as if he were the creatures first live meal. As he progressed back to the water, the creature did not seem very enthused. Then an idea hit Teebu.

He ran back, got the top of the crate, and brought it to the stairwell. Using it, he kept it at an angle and with Baba on his head, proceeded to swim back, using that to keep some air trapped.

The cold was severe this time, as it was taking more energy to swim with just his legs and keeping the crate lid angled to prevent air from escaping. By the time he got back to Nora, he was absolutely shivering. Baba was trying to snuggle next to him to keep him warm.

"Is...this the contact?" Nora asked with a confused tone in her voice.

"" Teebu replied, his teeth chittering, "The contact'"

"Well, can we now get out of here?" Nora asked, helping him to his feet.


As they made their way through the flooded corridors of Otoh Gunga, Teebu's shivering began to subside, but he was still cold and his fur was wet. Nora took notice and draped a cloak over him to help keep him warm. Baba trotted along beside them, occasionally stopping to sniff at the water or lick at Teebu's fur.

Their mission was to find an emergency escape vessel to take them to the surface, but with the city flooding, it wasn't going to be easy. They had to wade through knee-deep water and swim through submerged passageways, all while avoiding dangerous currents and underwater obstacles.

The gungan soldiers had given them directions to the nearest escape vessel, but they had to navigate through a maze of tunnels and flooded rooms to get there. The water was murky and it was hard to see more than a few feet in front of them, but Teebu's keen sense of smell and Baba's sharp eyes helped them find their way.

After what felt like hours of swimming and wading, they finally reached a large chamber where the escape vessel was supposed to be located. But when they got there, they found that the chamber was completely flooded and the vessel was nowhere in sight.

"We must have missed it," Nora said, frustration creeping into her voice.

Teebu looked around the chamber, searching for any signs of the vessel. That's when he spotted a small hatch in the ceiling, about 20 feet above them.

"Look up there," he said, pointing to the hatch. "That must be the way to the escape vessel."

Nora looked up, squinting through the murky water. "How are we supposed to get up there? It's too high to jump."

Teebu thought for a moment, then gestured to Baba. "Baba, can you climb up there and see if the vessel is on the other side of the hatch?"

Baba barked and wagged his tail, then leapt up onto a nearby crate and scrambled up the wall. With his sharp claws, he clung to the hatch and peered inside.

A few tense moments passed before Baba barked excitedly and jumped back down to the Ewok's side. Teebu looked at him, waiting for the news.

"The vessel is there," Baba said, his voice full of excitement. "But the hatch is locked from the other side."

Nora sighed. "Great. So now what?"

Teebu looked around the chamber, searching for anything they could use to open the hatch. That's when he spotted a large metal pipe leaning against the wall.

"Maybe we can use that to break open the hatch," he said, pointing to the pipe.

Nora nodded. "It's worth a shot."

Together, they hefted the pipe and took turns swinging it at the hatch. At first, the metal clangs echoed through the chamber without making a dent in the hatch, but after several tries, they heard a satisfying crack.

With renewed determination, they continued to strike the hatch until it finally gave way, revealing a ladder leading up to the escape vessel.

Without hesitation, Teebu climbed up the ladder, followed closely by Nora and Baba. When they reached the top, they found a small escape pod, big enough for the three of them and Baba.

"Everyone strap in," Teebu said, pointing to the harnesses hanging from the walls. "We're getting out of here."

Nora and Teebu secured themselves in the harnesses, while Baba curled up in a corner, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. Teebu activated the pod's engines and it lurched forward, heading towards the surface.

As the escape pod ascended towards the surface, the water pressure outside began to decrease, and Teebu's ears popped from the change in altitude. Nora watched nervously as the pod jolted and shook from the force of the water, but it held steady and soon they breached the surface.

Fresh air flooded the pod, and Teebu gasped in relief as he shed the wet cloak from his shoulders. They emerged in the middle of a lake, surrounded by towering cliffs, but Teebu knew that they were close to the rendezvous point with their contact.

"Looks like we made it," Nora said, a relieved smile crossing her face.

Teebu nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of their contact. It wasn't long before he spotted a small boat approaching them, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Over here!" he called out, waving his arms.

The boat drew closer, and they could see their contact, a Twi'lek with a weather-beaten face, at the helm. He gestured for them to climb aboard, and they quickly secured the pod to the boat's hull.

As they sailed towards the shore, the Twi'lek explained that he had been waiting for them for hours, worried that they had been caught in the flooding. He had been able to communicate with the gungan soldiers, who had informed him of their predicament.

Teebu and Nora were grateful for his concern, and they handed over the items they had retrieved from the flooded city. The Twi'lek examined them closely, nodding in approval.

"Good work," he said. "I'll make sure you both get paid for this job."

Teebu and Nora smiled at each other, relieved that their mission was finally over. They had survived the floods of Otoh Gunga, and they had completed their delivery. They couldn't wait to return home to the comfort of their own planets, but for now, they were content to bask in the sun and the satisfaction of a job well done.

As they all moved, Teebu held Baba's leash firmly with his hand with the pup trailing behind him, it tongue hanging out excitedly. Nora carried its crate, staying a bit ahead of the Ewok but not going at full speed due to not wanting to leave both of them behind.

"We're running out of time!" Nora exclaimed as several cracking noises and loud whines of the structure thundered behind them. The pup seemingly understood as it raced forward and headbutted Teebu's legs, making him fall backwards on top of it. He managed to flip over and grip Baba tightly as they both shot past Nora down the hallway.

With a smirk, Nora now ran at full speed trying to catch up to them. It was not much longer after that before a loud smash was heard far behind them, a burst of wind going past them with a strong force before mellowing out, but still continuing.

"Water is coming!" Teebu yelled to Nora, barely able to look up without risking losing his grip. He had to concentrate on holding onto Baba, both due to the pup's incredible speed but also with how sharp it was taking corners, having nearly ran into one.

"How do we know how to get out of here? It's like a labyrinth!" Nora yelled back, giving a glance to the Ewok who simply smiled.

"Follow the direction of the air." he responded.

Nora shot another glance, slightly confused. "What? Wouldn't they have sealed the levels above already?"

"Given air is still flowing, that means it has a way out that isn't also flooding. Otherwise we'd face pressure from both ends. I'm betting they are holding the gate open for us as long as they can." Teebu said with a slightly shaky voice as the pup ran up a set of stairs, bouncing him up and down off of it repeatedly. His grip was gradually beginning to weaken, but luckily they made it to the top of the stairwell.

Just as they did, water slammed into the bottom of the stairs and began quickly ascending the stairwell. Not much further ahead, two Gungans stood to the sides of a large gate that was a quarter of the way closed. One of them pointed down the hall at them, the other looking as well. Suddenly the door began closing further. Teebu glanced behind them, and a wave of water was quickly closing on them.

Nora grabbed a hold of both Baba and Teebu with the force and increased her speed, pulling them along with. As she approached the door, she hurled the Ewok and pup ahead of her; Teebu with a startled and extremely shocked expression, and Baba with a wide open mouth and tongue flapping in the wind with excitement. While Teebu slammed into the floor and skidded past the door, the pup landed gracefully on all fours and ran in circles just past the door, barking with excitement as if it wanted to do it again.

The door was nearly closed with time running out, and with one final burst of everything she had she ran as fast as she could and slid. Nora was completely flat to the ground, just barely skimming the bottom of the door as it sealed and pressurized. The water loudly slammed against it, but it held.

Nora and Teebu were still on the floor, Baba continuously running circles around them while barking.

"So...get this thing back now and we go home?" Nora exhaustedly asked.

Teebu slowly nodded in confirmation, breathing in and out quickly. "Yeah. Enough adventure, I'm done."