Battlelord Nora Olen vs. Corsair Koda Kendis

Battlelord Nora Olen

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Corsair Koda Kendis

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist, Mandalorian

A very solid match from both of you, congrats on being the first of the feud to complete a fight over the ark!

Hall Kenari: Raiding The Covenant [Clan Plagueis | Clan Taldryan]
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Battlelord Nora Olen, Corsair Koda Kendis
Winner Corsair Koda Kendis
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Battlelord Nora Olen's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Corsair Koda Kendis's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Kenari: Raiding The Covenant
Last Post 18 April, 2023 8:41 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Nora Olen Koda Kendis
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Nora Olen Koda Kendis
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Nora Olen Koda Kendis
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Nora Olen Koda Kendis
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Nora Olen's Score: 4.62 Koda Kendis's Score: 4.07


Kenari is a fairly obscure planet that few had ever heard of. The planet was long abandoned after being labeled as toxic due to an Imperial Mining Incident, which is why the Covenant was able to remain hidden as long as it has. The Planet's only inhabitants are the native tribes that live simple, nomadic lifestyles compared to the rest of the known galaxy. Kenari is most notably the homeworld of Cassian Andor.

The Covenant remains hidden amongst the planet's abandoned mines, within a canyon that had fortunately kept it from sight from would-be thieves and looters.Tunnels from the nearby mines act as shortcuts to the fallen ship. The upper hull of the Covenant* has been breached, granting easy access for those with the means, or willpower, to do so. Rainfall has dulled and rusted the surface of the ship, making certain walkways flimsy and dangerous to travel.

With few venturing out due to the danger. Members of Clan Plagueis and Clan Taldryan have been tasked with infiltrating the abandoned Venator to retrieve a most vital artefact that was codenamed: The Ark.

However, what stands in the way are members of the opposing Clan. The ship and the area around it have been designated as a free-fire zone by both the Taldryan Supreme Chancellor and Plagueis Dread Lord, with those entering it doing so at their own risk, as a work around to the non-aggression pact signed by both leaders in the Canto Bight Accords. This makes The Covenant a hostile battleground, both inside and out. Although it has certainly seen better days, The Covenant is a true testament to the might of a Republic from over half a century ago.

The harsh winds of Kenari whipped at Nora Olen's cloak as she made her way towards the abandoned Venator-class starship, The Covenant. She could see the rusted hull of the ship from a distance, its upper hull breached and exposed to the elements. Nora was a Sith Zeltron, with cerise skin and blue hair that blew wildly in the wind. She wore a black cloak with gold trim, the symbol of Clan Plagueis embroidered on the back. She carried a lightsaber at her hip, ready for whatever dangers lay ahead.

Nora had been sent on a mission by the Dread Lord of Clan Plagueis to retrieve a vital artifact codenamed The Ark from The Covenant. She knew the risks involved in the mission, but she also knew the importance of the artifact. The Covenant had been abandoned for years after an Imperial mining incident had rendered the planet toxic. The only inhabitants were the native tribes who lived simple, nomadic lifestyles.

As Nora approached the ship, she could see movement in the distance. She drew her lightsaber, ready for a fight. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Koda Kendis, a mercenary from Clan Taldryan.

"Nora Olen," Koda said with a smirk. "I should have known you'd be here."

"What are you doing here, Koda?" Nora asked, keeping her lightsaber at the ready.

"I could ask you the same thing," Koda replied. "But I think we both know the answer. We're here for The Ark."

Nora narrowed her eyes. She knew that Koda was a skilled fighter and a formidable opponent. But she was determined to complete her mission, no matter the cost.

"The ship and the area around it have been designated as a free-fire zone by both the Taldryan Supreme Chancellor and Plagueis Dread Lord," Nora said. "We're here to retrieve The Ark, not to fight each other."

Koda chuckled. "You really believe that? The moment one of us gets our hands on that artifact, it'll be a fight to the death. And I plan on being the one who walks away with it."

Nora took a step forward, her lightsaber humming. "I suggest you think twice before crossing me, Koda. I won't hesitate to defend myself."

Koda drew his own weapon, a blaster pistol, and pointed it at Nora. "I won't hesitate either. Let's see who's the better fighter."

Nora and Koda circled each other, their weapons at the ready. The wind howled around them as they prepared to fight. Nora knew that Koda was a skilled marksman, but she was confident in her lightsaber skills.

Nora Olen would feel Koda's piercing gaze, both of them wondering who will strike first. Nora sensed he was about to fire his blaster, and quickly shifted her feet as the two crimson bolts exited the barrel of Koda's RSKF-44, and she masterfully deflected the two bolts back at Koda's right shoulder. He stumbled for just a step, but that gave Nora more than enough time to extend her reach with the force, grabbing Koda's blaster and tugging it away from him, causing it to clatter against the ground a few dozen feet away.

"I was planning on going easy on you, lass." Koda chuckled under his helmet. He clenched his fists and charged at Nora like a freight train, activating his jetpack for a more powerful boost. Nora had just a moment to barely roll out of the way, attempting to slash Koda as he flew past. Her lightsaber grazed his Beskar, stripping the paint away and throwing off his trajectory. Koda roughly landed on the ground with a heavy thud, rolling a few times before slamming his back into a rock. Koda slowly stood up and heard fizzling from his jetpack. "Alright. Now I'm mad!" He growled.

Nora put on a sly smirk and extended out her left hand, taunting him, "Come at me then." Her confidence would quickly be met with Koda extending his right arm and unleashing a blazing cone of fire from his gauntlet. Nora lifted up her cloak in front of her to protect herself from the blaze, allowing enough time to back up out of the flame. She tossed her cloak to the side, letting the wind swipe away the flaming cloth. "That. Was. My. Favorite. CLOAK!" She let out a very loud scream, overloading Koda's sensors and making him stop the flame. Nora quickly ran up to Koda as he was dazed and uppercut his helmet with as much might as he could muster, causing it to rip off from it's seal and get sent flying. Koda reeled backwards as his face was exposed. It took just a moment for Koda to regain his balance, but in that time Nora leaped up into the air and went to strike Koda down. He lifted his left arm up, narrowly activating his shield in time to deflect the blow to his left. Koda slammed his armored right fist into Nora's side, easily breaking a rib and making her let out a pained cry.

"Stand down, Nora. I don't want to kill you..." Koda managed through heavy breaths, "I've been trained to deal with force users, you can't win."

"I...would rather die." Nora gritted her teeth and looked at Koda with an fury in her eyes, "I will destroy you!"

As Nora struggled to stand, clutching her side in pain, Koda circled her, his fists still raised in a defensive stance. "You're a stubborn one," he said, "But it's over. You've lost."

Nora gritted her teeth, refusing to give up. She reached for the Force, drawing on its power to numb the pain in her side. As she rose to her feet, Koda charged at her once more, his fists aimed at her head. Nora ducked and rolled to the side, evading his attack, and swung her lightsaber at Koda's legs. He leapt over the blade and landed behind her, grabbing her in a chokehold.

Nora struggled to break free, but Koda's grip was too strong. As she began to lose consciousness, she reached out with the Force, searching for anything she could use to turn the tide of the battle. Her mind found an old, abandoned mining rig nearby, rusted and falling apart. With a surge of power, Nora lifted the rig and hurled it at Koda.

He let go of her and dove out of the way, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the metal behemoth. As Koda struggled to stand, Nora seized the opportunity and charged at him, her lightsaber blazing a trail in the air. Koda swung his fists wildly, but Nora deftly dodged and weaved, dancing around him and slicing at his armor with her blade.

Their fight raged on, each blow landing with a thunderous impact. Sparks flew as their weapons clashed, their footsteps echoing across the barren wasteland. Nora's pain had faded into the background, replaced by a burning desire to emerge victorious. Koda was a formidable opponent, but she refused to give up.

As they battled, Nora noticed something odd about Koda's fighting style. His attacks were becoming less focused, more erratic. It was as if he was losing control, succumbing to the fury of the battle. Nora seized the opportunity and launched a flurry of attacks, forcing Koda to backpedal.

With one final burst of energy, Nora unleashed a powerful blast of Force energy, sending Koda flying backwards. He landed heavily on the ground, his armor dented and cracked from the onslaught. As Nora approached him, her lightsaber at the ready, she saw the fear in his eyes. He knew he had been defeated.

Nora stood over Koda, her lightsaber poised to strike. The adrenaline was still pumping through her veins, her mind still reeling from the intense fight. She could feel the power of the dark side coursing through her, urging her to finish the job and claim victory over her opponent.

But as she looked into Koda's eyes, something shifted within her. She saw the fear and desperation, the same feelings she had been experiencing just moments before. She realized that, despite their differences, they were not so different after all. They were both warriors, bound by duty and honor, driven by their desire to succeed.

"Nora, wait!" Koda pleaded, his voice strained, "We don't have to do this. We can both walk away."

Nora hesitated. For a moment, she considered the possibility. She could sense that Koda was being sincere, that he truly believed what he was saying. But then she remembered her mission, the reason she had come all this way.

"No," she said firmly, "We can't just walk away. We have to find the Ark."

Koda shook his head, "It's too dangerous. We're not equipped to handle it. We need to call for backup, get more people involved."

Nora scoffed, "I don't need backup. I can handle it on my own."

Koda rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with anger, "You're being reckless. You don't understand what we're dealing with here."

Nora matched his intensity, "And you're being a coward. We can't let this opportunity slip away."

They stood there, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills. Neither one willing to back down, to admit defeat. It was then that they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. They both turned to see a group of heavily armed soldiers emerging from the nearby ruins.

Nora and Koda shared a glance, both knowing that they were outnumbered and outgunned. They could see the determination in each other's eyes, the same unrelenting spirit that had driven them to this point.

Together, they charged towards the enemy, their weapons at the ready. They fought side by side, cutting down soldiers left and right. They were a blur of motion, their movements perfectly synchronized as they worked together to overcome their foes.

But despite their best efforts, they were eventually overwhelmed. The soldiers were too many, their weapons too powerful. Nora and Koda found themselves backed into a corner, surrounded by enemy combatants.

They looked at each other, knowing what had to be done. With a nod, they charged forward, their weapons blazing. They fought with everything they had, but it was clear that they were not going to win this battle.

In the end, they were forced to retreat, beaten and battered. As they limped away from the battlefield, they shared a moment of mutual respect. They had fought each other with all their might, but in the end, they had come to realize that they were not enemies. They were simply warriors, fighting for what they believed in.

Nora and Koda went their separate ways, both carrying the weight of their defeat with them. They knew that they had failed in their mission, that the Ark was still out there, waiting to be found. But they also knew that they had given it their all, that they had fought with honor and integrity.

As they disappeared into the distance, Nora and Koda both knew that their paths would cross again someday. And when that day came, they would be ready. They would be stronger, more skilled, and more determined than ever before.

For now, they would rest and recuperate, knowing that the battle was far from over. They would continue to fight.

"You will submit to me!" Nora shouted as she attempted to mind trick Koda.

He gripped his temple and looked visible strained as he croaked out, "No! I will NOT yield!"

Nora leapt at Koda, her crimson blade being thrusted towards his neck. Koda shifted himself to the right, but he wasn't fast enough, Nora's blade lightly grazed the left side of his neck, leaving it singed. But Nora was now over extended, Koda lifted up his right arm and fired off a saberdart into her neck and proceeded to throw her onto the ground, causing Nora to grunt in pain and making her lightsaber clatter a few feet away.

" poisoned me?!" She furiously asked, trying to get back up, but her vision was going blurry.

"It's just a sedative. I'll make sure someone comes to get you." Koda thought the battle was over and made his way over to pick up his helmet and blaster. Nora pulled together all her strength and charged at Koda, putting all her anger into one last punch, Koda turned just in time and used his helmet as a shield. Glass splintered from the visor as his helmet as partially destroyed by Nora's punch.

Nora's increased heartrate caused the sedative to move even quicker through her system than normal, she fell to her knees and onto her hands as her world started to go black. "I...can't...lose..." She barely managed to speak.

"You just did, sweetheart." Koda's words echoed as Nora fell into unconsciousness. Koda made sure to leave her lightsaber nearby and called up a transport to come pick her up. She would remain in Taldyran custody until The Ark was retrieved.