Warrior Ellac Conrat vs. Yeoman Titius Osseus

Warrior Ellac Conrat

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Sith, Juggernaut, Imperial

Yeoman Titius Osseus

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

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Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Warrior Ellac Conrat, Yeoman Titius Osseus
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warrior Ellac Conrat's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Yeoman Titius Osseus's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Mustafar: Vader's Legacy
Last Post 6 May, 2023 12:27 PM UTC
Member timing out Ellac Conrat


The atmosphere on Mustafar is thick, burning with sulfur and volcanic ash. No sunlight is able to penetrate to the surface. Located at the end of a raging lava river lies a towering, complex black structure unlike any other. Designed and constructed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader during the reign of the Galactic Empire as a testament to his own might, the former Sith’s personal residence sits on the site of an ancient Sith cave and the planet of his greatest defeat. The unique structure consists of a large obsidian central spire flanked by taller tuning towers to help channel the dark side. Lava ebbs and flows through the building, providing power to various systems and ambient lighting throughout in a design synonymous with the dark side of the Force and the building’s creator.

With the castle’s location recently discovered from the darkest corners of former Imperial archives, agents of the Brotherhood have been dispatched to reclaim the Sith site and any relics of value. Thought forgotten in time for almost thirty years after the death of the Dark Lord and collapse of the Empire, the place where “Jedi go to die” still holds many secrets and surprises; from Sith and Jedi artifacts to Vader’s personal effects and access to the nexus of dark side power the castle is built upon.

Hidden in the depths of the castle lies Darth Vader’s meditation chamber, constructed in the ancient Sith cave where he created his first lightsaber and completed the transformation into the Dark Lord. Inside, a single catwalk extends from the black durasteel door to the center of the room, hot swirls of red and orange lava filling the floor of the chamber while an excess of steam adds a slight haze. Surrounded by four obsidian tuning pillars lies a raised platform, a single obsidian throne in the center. Like the rest of the castle, the entire chamber has been constructed to channel the dark side energy within.

It is here that you have found yourself, either seeking to attain the secrets within for your own gains or to ensure they shall never be found by another. However, it is rare that any seeker of forbidden knowledge would walk such a path alone. Pursuers and companions alike can often be found. More so, such disparity can cause conflicting points of view on what the best course of action shall be.

Whatever may happen, the empty throne stands resolute and watches to see what shall come of those called by the dark presence within.


His own name echoed within his mind, subtle as a whisper, but as unmistakable as the roar of a Rancor.

”Ellac…,” The voice inside called to him again, unwilling to be ignored. ”…You can’t call upon the light… I’ve robbed you of that serenity…”

Ellac drew a deep breath, pressing deeper through the panic that tugged at his mind; He would no longer let his fear rule him. ’Serenity?’ He thought to himself, recalling the words he had heard before from the very same voice… Kamjin. “I do not need serenity,” he said aloud, calling back to the echo. “Peace, tranquility… These are lies people tell themselves, grasping for straws because they lack the strength to face reality…”

”You do not know what true strength is, boy!” the voice changed, taking a deeper, more rage-filled tone. Flashes of his father standing over him filled his mind, the same venomous voice ringing in his ears.

“My hate has made me strong. My passion… it gives me power.”

”…And will that be enough? For every chain you break free from, another wraps around you… Your hate is not enough.” The words he heard were now his own, his very own voice whispering back to him.

“My hate is EVERYTHING!… What saved us from our father’s rage? Or our Master’s brutal lessons? What kept us alive when we laid on death’s doorstep every time Kamjin beat us down?! Peace?!… Hope?!… It was my anger, my hatred! So let the chains come to bind me, I will break them all as many times as I have too!… Because as long as I have hate, I WILL be free!” His words echoed through the chamber as his anger boiled over, the Dark Side flowing all around him as he opened his eye to the room.

The vaulted ceiling and pitched walls rose high above his head, illuminated only by the light of lava coursing through the bastion. Before him, at the end of the catwalk he kneeled upon, sat the vacant throne of the Fortress’s late master, as dark and ominous as Vader himself. The Dark Side of the Force weighed heavily in the air, tangible even to those who lacked a deeper connection to the Force. The castle seemed to rumble from the power within it, drawing energy from the planet itself.

The mechanical hiss of the door sliding open behind the Sith reverberated through the room as the sound boots knocking against the polished obsidian floors kept a steady pace towards him.

“You just can’t help being dramatic, can you Master?,” a familiar voice, audible this time, called at him. “I mean, all the planets in the galaxy, and you choose the one with castle sitting right in the middle of a fraking lava river…”

Ellac’s eye lingered on the empty throne before him as he rose to his feet.

“Seriously, what is it with you? Did your parents not give you enough attention as a child?” Titius drew closer towards his master as the Yeoman continued to taunt him. “That would explain the narcissism… Did your daddy never tell you that he loved yo-” Titius’ choked on his words as his throat constricted, seized by an unseen Force that cut off his air supply.

Ellac held his hand at his side, slowly tightening his hold on his Apprentice’s neck as he spun on his heel. “Do. not. EVER… speak to me about my parents-,” His hand turned over, forcing Titius to his knees. “-Or I will rip your tongue out and feed it to you. Is that clear?” Ellac growled, scowling down at his student before releasing him.

Titius gasped for breath as he fell forward onto his hands. Trying to suppress the cough in his throat, his eyes watered as he glared up at his Master standing over him. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you past your massive ego.”

Ellac’s metal hand shot out for Titius’ throat, hoisting him off of the ground by his neck. His green eye shimmered in the fiery light of the ambient lava glow, twinges of yellow and red creeping at the borderes of his irises. “You haven’t even seen my ego...” Shifting his weight as he widened his stance, Ellac hurled his Apprentice into one of the pitched walls with a hefty THUMP. Unclipping the lightsaber from his belt, his blood-red blade flashed out from the hilt as he lowered the weapon to his side. “Time to see if you’re as good with that blaster on your back as you are at running your mouth.”

Titius spat. Kark, getting choked really makes me woozy Reaching to his lapel, he pulled his respirator on. The rush of oxygen clarified his head enough for him to think.

Master, I really feel like you're missing the point here. You're so quick to anger. One could be led to believe you know nothing else.” Wheeling his rifle under his arm, Titius lept back through the doorway he entered by.

“...come now, you have taught me much. But perhaps you didn't listen to your own words…” The taunting trailed off as Titius sprinted down the hall. The complex was eerily still save the pounding of his boots on the tiled floors. Ellac seethed. His apprentice had the gall to insult him even after his windpipe was nearly crushed. But a small glimmer of pride pulsed through.

My apprentice did not show fear in face of death. And I get to claim the cre…

“YOOHOO, are you following or is your ego such a massive encumbrance?” the comment came reverberating down the hall. “You can throw anything around like a soiled rag but could never catch me.” Raucous, virulent laughter followed the comment, ringing around the hall and within Ellac. All pride suddenly evaporated as his rage burned hotter. Striding into the passageway, he immediately swung his lightsaber in a series of arcs to deflect the incoming barrage of blaster bolts. His eye shot up to catch Titius’ heel disappearing around the next corner.

Rounding the corner, Ellac was struck with a feeling that he needed to move backwards and fast. A second later, the hallways erupted in a bright cloud of shrapnel. His robes caught most of the blow, but several sliced into his face. Titius appeared from behind his cover.

“Surprise! I knew you would like that one. Reliable C-25 fragmentation.” he said, opening fire with his blaster. Ellac easily blocked, countering with a lash of lightning, causing Titius to scream. Reaching back, Titius was able to reach his grapple line, pulling himself out of sight once again.