Warlord Zenod'ande'rson vs. Seer Hector Von Ricmore

Warlord Zenod'ande'rson

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Chiss, Sith, Seeker, Sith Eternal

Seer Hector Von Ricmore

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Human, Force Disciple, Marauder, Mandalorian

Strong match-up here guys. Loved the injected meta humor and references too. Great work.

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warlord Zenod'ande'rson, Seer Hector Von Ricmore
Winner Warlord Zenod'ande'rson
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Zenod'ande'rson's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Seer Hector Von Ricmore's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Godless Matron: Hangar Zerek
Last Post 10 June, 2023 10:07 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Score: 4 Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Score: 5 Score: 5 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore's Score: 4.15 High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson's Score: 4.84


Pirates are a rowdy lot. It is a fact rarely questioned and merely accepted by those who deal with them regularly. While the Herald’s crew is no different, the band's leader has a different approach to facilitating their tendencies. To this end, one of the Matron's smaller hangars — designated Hangar Zerek — has been recommissioned as a combat arena... or execution chamber.

Once a dedicated repair bay, Hangar Zerek is still equipped with fabricator arms and an assortment of Trade Federation droid parts that have fallen into disrepair. A squared off section, including illumination banks at each corner, designates the intended arena. The section is denoted by active shock fences, run by nearby generators. It is here that the crew lets off steam, with the hangar bay sealed.


The hangar itself still has a fully functioning force field that comes into play when matches are meant to become more interesting, or when it comes time to jettison troublesome captives. The hangar bay doors peel open, leaving only the active field to separate the arena from the vacuum of space. The control mechanisms for the hangar doors can be operated manually from the control booth or on a set timer, including the force field's toggle switch.

The control booth is the last segment of Hangar Zerek worth noting. Doubling as an observation deck, it is the only obvious entrance to the hangar. All maintenance hatches and access-ways have been sealed in advance, though the catwalks crisscrossing along the upper layers of the hangar remain. The booth itself is sealed, providing a safe haven for when the force field comes down.

Blood, sweat, and tears with the occasional mix of alcohol thrown in for good measure.

That was how Anders would best describe Hangar Zerek. Why anyone would choose to associate themselves with pirates, much less a Mandalorian working with the Envoy Corps, was something the Chiss Inquisitor couldn't fathom. He found the idea about as repulsive as the scum that surrounded him. Nevertheless, something peculiar about Hector Von Ricmore had, unfortunately for him, captured the attention of the Inquisitorius.

Anders wasn't going to miss an opportunity to confront Hector when it presented itself. There was always something off about Hector whenever they did work together for the Envoy Corps. It also felt like he was hiding something, like he was always looking over his shoulder. The Exarch might not have noticed, or cared for that matter… but Anders did, and it was about time someone did something about it.

He sneered and scoffed as the jeers of the crowd reached him. Yet another soul was lost to the pirates and their combat arena.

It was pathetic.

Anders observed from a vantage point, the catwalks above the hangar providing the perfect observation point as the pirate leader entered the combat arena with all the pomp and circumstance Anders expected from a man with shoes too big for his position. BUDD-E, Anders' little backpack droid, chirped in his ear.

"Patience, Buddy. He's here. I know he is. I can sense him."

The pirate leader, a burly Human with rotting yellow teeth, clasped his hands together eagerly.

"Friends, scumbags and compatriots! Y'all enjoyed that fight, did ya?"

Anders turned his head away from the cheering and support of the lawless activity, but then again, what did he expect from a bunch of low-life degenerates? He clenched his fists and growled through his teeth. BUDD-E whirled lowly on his shoulder.

"Yes. I'm fine…"

He was most definitely not fine. He clenched his fists at his side, ground his teeth together and fought every urge to jump down. Yet, patience was a virtue in his line of work. He was soothed by the sudden feeling of a robotic head gently nestling into his shoulder.

Anders couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face. BUDD-E always seemed to know how to calm him when it mattered most.

"Thank you, Buddy…"

The little droid chirped happily just as Anders' attention was drawn to the pirate leader.

The disgusting Human gestured to his right. "And of course, we have to thank the man responsible for organising this event… Hector Von Ricmore!"

Anders' eyes widened momentarily. He grabbed BUDD-E from his shoulder and looked through its macrobinoculars to get a closer look.

Sure enough, another Human male, tall with a slim physique, stood up from the crowd and waved. The macrobinoculars inside BUDD-E highlighted the man in red. There was no mistaking it. It was him. Accompanying Hector was another BD unit that clung to his shoulder. Who knew, maybe BUDD-E could make a friend?

He somehow doubted it.

Hector raised his hand in a feeble attempt to wave away the cheers thrown in his direction. "Please, there's no need to thank me. I'm glad that we could come to an agreement. Clan Vizsla is loyal to those who are loyal to us. I assure you this arrangement will be prosperous for us all."

"It's simple, boys and girls, we're gonna to be filthy rich. Best part about it? We just gotta do what we always do!" The pirate leader threw his fist into the air. "Kick some ass!"

The pirates cheered again. Anders was getting sick of hearing them. He grimaced and placed BUDD-E back on his shoulder. He needed a way to confront Hector, but how?

"Speaking of… who's ready for the next fight?" the Pirate leader gestured to his audience, creating the biggest uproar so far.

Despite the noise, an idea sparked in Anders' head. He closed his eyes and reached out with his right hand towards the pirate leader.

"And the next fighters are… are…" the Pirate leader became groggy, almost lackadaisical in his speech. "Hector Von Ricmore, and Anderson."

Confused murmurs and exclamations broke out amongst the pirates and Hector as Anders relaxed his posture.

He smiled at the droid on his shoulder. "And that, Buddy, is our cue."

Anders dropped thirty feet from the catwalks, calling upon the Force to strengthen his legs to soften his landing. He landed on his feet with grace, and adjusted his glasses.

"Thank you very much," Anders said, glaring daggers at Hector as he approached the pirate leader's side. "We'll take it from here."

"Wait, what!? But… I didn't mean to…" The pirate leader's pupils dilated, sweat dripping from his brow.

Hector placed his hand on the pirate leader's shoulder without so much as looking at him, his eyes firmly locked on Anders. "It's fine. I'll handle this."

The pirate leader looked at Hector, then to Anders, then vacated the arena.

"Now, Hector. We can get down to busine-"

The Force screamed in Anders' subconscious. Hector thrust an open palm forward, launching a blast of telekinetic energy towards Anders, but the Chiss had already moved. The blast passed him by, toppling pirates sitting in the front rows. Rabid cheers erupted all around them.

Not one to be outdone, Anders reached out to the depths of his being, channelling his deepest emotions, the festering wound in his soul manifesting in raw power at his fingertips. From them, a stream of lightning lanced forth at Hector, who could do nothing but raise his lightsaber. The yellow blade drew in the lightning, grounding it. The lightning lapped at the blade a moment longer before Anders lowered his hands.

The Chiss Inquisitor took a deep breath, forcing away all external distractions as Hector bared his teeth and charged towards him. The Vizsla member leapt into the air with athleticism some could have only dreamt of, spinning and twisting with the grace of the galaxy's greatest starfighters. He landed directly behind Anders, intending to to end the fight before it truly got started. The Chiss was aware enough to take strides away from Hector's blade as a horizontal swing clipped the bottom of his cloak, humming like a buzz saw threatening to dissect him if he let it.

The Force was like a stream in the Inquisitor's mind, guiding him towards his next actions as Hector attacked. Anders grabbed his curved hilt lightsaber from his belt, and parried the next athletic attack, and then the following upswing. Where Hector was mobile with the force of a whirring cyclone, Anders was concise, precise, and moved only when he needed to, his footsteps dancing upon the arena floor. It was a spectacle to the pirates watching, the two men so similar yet different at the same time. It was the strong winds of the Force against the springs that rebound against it, the hurricane against the calm within its eye.

"Anders, why did you call for this fight!?" Hector shouted at him. "There was no reason for this!"

"I disagree," Anders lunged at Hector's head, with the latter parrying. "I think there's plenty of reason, Hector. If that is your name."

"What the hell are you talking about!?"

Hector struck low, but was deflected by Anders. The two continued their dance back and forth, lightsaber blades hissing and clashing against one another in red and yellow tandem.

Finally, the two broke apart from one another. Anders could feel his heart beating faster in his chest, his breathing getting harder. BUDD-E chirped in his ear, and Anders gave it a small nod. He composed himself before he spoke again.

"Zygeerian, Skakoan, Nautolan, and Umbaran. Do any of those sound familiar to you, Hector?" Anders asked.

"Should they?" Hector raised a brow.

"These are just some of the anomalies the Inquisitorius has spotted with your dossier. There are varying heights, weights, and levels of Force-sensitivity. Yet, it's always under the same name and same pin number. Hector Von Ricmore…" Anders placed his spare hand under his chin. "So either Howlader has gone senile, or there's something more nefarious at work here. Something you are responsible for."

"That is outrageous!" Hector retorted. "I would never do such a thing!"

"And yet, you'd make deals with murderers, and pillagers. Pirates. In my eyes, you are no better than them. I expected better from Clan Vizsla, but it appears my impressions of the Mercenary Clan were misplaced. I'm going to enjoy taking you down, Hector. Piece. By. Piece," Anders swished his lightsaber as he spoke those last three words.

Hector shook his head. "I'm disappointed, Anders. Yes, these men and women here have made mistakes in the past, but shouldn't they be given a chance to do better? To use their skills to make a difference for the Brotherhood?"

Anders never averted his gaze. "No."

He thrust forward his spare palm, sending his own wave of telekinetic energy towards Hector.

The rippling wave of Telekinetic energy barrelled forward.

Hector leapt into the air, gracefully flipping over the blast.

Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.

A series of nonsensical words and images bombarded his senses. The human’s vision blurred, forcing him to stumble to the ground as he landed.

Blue eyes hardened like chips of ice as he glared at Anderson. There was only one logical conclusion.

His foe was a Telepath.

In the time it took Hector to regain his bearings Anderson closed the gap between them.

The Chiss moved with purpose, lunging forward with his crimson blade poised to end the conflict.

Hector parried the stab at the last moment. The blade narrowly passed his face, scorching a portion of his hair.

Blades of citrine and crimson clashed again and again.

Hector backpedaled, forced to give ground to his opponent. Anderson fought not only with precision but with physical strength. Even after a few exchanges the Human could feel the beginnings of strain in his right arm. He had to change the flow of the battle.

The Force flowed through him, causing his movements to increase in speed.

Yellow slammed into red as Hector parried Anderson’s blow upward creating enough time for him to punch the Chiss in the face with his left hand.

The blow lacked any significant power behind it but it was adequate enough to knock the glasses from the Inquisitor’s face.

Hector took the opportunity to firmly grip his saber with both hands as he prepared to begin his offensive.

“Destroy his droid BD!” Hector ordered as he rushed forward.

BD-24 let out an affirmative series of beeps. It activated its carbonite projector, sending a stream of cold chemicals towards BUDD-E. The chrome plated droid activated its thrusters, leaping over the stream.

BUDD-E beeped angrily as it began to run at BD-24, shock prod activating and sparking in vengeance.

Anders' glasses hung on by their frame, and he tossed them to a side without a care. It didn't matter. They were inconsequential compared to BUDD-E. The Chiss' heart skipped a beat when he saw the carbonite spray threaten to freeze his little companion in place. Panic flashed through him, making hairs stand on end before relief washed it away. BUDD-E was adaptive even at the worst of times.

The split-second distraction, however, was enough to put Anders on the defensive. Hector exploded at him with Force-granted agility the likes of which the Inquisitor had rarely experienced. Hector's blade was a blur of motion, a cyclone of mobility, forcing Anders to backpedal or threaten to be dissected.

Anders scowled, seething as he bared his teeth towards his opponent. His one-handed grip on his lightsaber tightened as he parried and deflected each attack that came towards him. Who the hell did Hector think he was? Where was Hector's honour? Where was his respect for the duel at hand? The etiquette of lightsaber to lightsaber was what separated men from thugs. Yet, he had shown none. Hector lacked the class and tact of an honourable opponent. What did Anders expect from someone who made deals with pirates? Anders couldn't stand it. It added further fuel to the fire of why this Vizlian needed to be defeated. He was scum, plain and simple.

Anders hated scum.

Hector continued to swing at Anders like a madman on spice. It was hard to see the Human's face through the rapid swooshing of his lightsaber as it moved from one angle to the next. Anders bit his lip. He needed to do something quickly.

Unfortunately for Hector, experience was Anders' greatest weapon. What Ataru had in speed, it lacked in precision, and it didn't matter how fast Hector moved if the Inquisitor knew what to do to counter it. When Hector next swung again, Anders sidestepped, Hector's blade missing by inches. The dark side swirled in the Inquisitor's mind, warning him of Hector's next attack, which the Sith deftly parried to the side, conserving energy.

Despite this, Anders was distracted by the second battle now taking place by the feet. BUDD-E and BD-24 were poised against one another. BUDD-E, luckily managed to get the jolt onto its opponent, but had its mechanical legs frozen in place by the last of the carbonite spray from Hector's droid.

BUDD-E was now trapped and defenceless. It called out for his help.

Anders couldn't lose BUDD-E. That little droid had been his only companion for the longest time. Anger swelled within him as he forced a saber lock between him and his opponent.

"You are pathetic!" Anders spat at him. "Resorting to cheap tricks and distractions to get an advantage over me. You are no warrior."

"Says the one… who's been on the defensive!" Hector retorted, though failing to hide his growing fatigue.

This was it, this was Anders' chance.

"Getting tired, Hector? I know a young Zabraki Jedi, Draca is his name," Anders pressed the lock against Hector and leaned in closer. "He is a far better combatant. You are a complete disappointment."

Hector scowled and broke the lock. He pulled back his lightsaber, intending a lunge towards Anders.


Anders thrust forward an open palm, driving his desperation to save his friend into a telekinetic blast. It pushed Hector to the other side of the arena.

The Chiss didn't waste a second in freeing BUDD-E from its carbonite prison. With a deft flick of his wrist, his lightsaber tore through the hardened metal alloy, letting him free his little companion.

"Buddy, are you OK?"

The little droid let out a soft whimper. Anders grit his teeth. He trembled, his pupils dilated as he placed the little droid back on his shoulder.

"You'll be safe there. Now…"

Anders stomped his boot on top of BD-24's head, holding it in place before it could recover and leap away. The Chiss grinned menacingly. If Hector wanted to order BUDD-E's destruction, then two could play that game. The little droid tried to squirm under his boot, trying to free itself. Anders waited until Hector returned to his feet before slicing his lightsaber through it, cutting it in half and leaving a sparkling, orange trail in its wake.

It felt good.

Revenge really was a dish best-served cold.

"Hey!" Hector called out. "Do you have any idea how expensive those things are!?"

Anders shook his head. Did Hector only care about the credits he'd lost? Typical. He was a Vizslian scumbag through and through.

The Chiss angled his lightsaber towards the Human and began to slowly close the distance between them. With each step Anders took, Hector backpedalled. Anders could feel the throbbing beat of his heart in his ears, the increasing pace of his breath. This last exchange would decide it all.

He connected with Hector's mind through the Force, leaving a simple, yet direct message;

'You have lost. It is useless to resist…'

Hector snarled, charging forward like an angry Gammorean. Anders felt the warning from the Force, his lips forming a smirk as he prepared to cut down his foe.

"You will yi-"

Anders never got to finish his Mind Trick before Hector drove his lightsaber into the ground. He dragged it across the ground and kicked up a splattering of burning orange sparks into Anders' face.


The Chiss staggered back, having gotten singed across his face. It seared his skin, burning him, and was forced to wipe his face with his sleeve. He managed to catch a glimpse of Hector leaping into the air, spinning as the Human arched his blade towards him like a twirling guillotine.

Anders was done with all of Hector's dirty tricks.

He stepped back, narrowly avoiding being decapitated by Hector's lethal strike. Luckily, Hector was slower than he had been, and the Chiss was able to prepare for Hector's follow-up strike against him. When Hector struck, Anders took advantage of his weapon's curved hilt, angling his towards Hector's wrist.

It made contact, searing Hector's wrist.

The Human dropped his lightsaber as he recoiled, grasping at his injury with sweat on his face and ground teeth. He was about to reach out for the hilt with his good hand when Anders slashed through it with his lightsaber. He pointed the red blade at Hector, the tip inches from his throat.

Anders had done it, justice would be served.

"Now, on your knees."

Hector tensed, trying to fight the suggestion as the tendrils of the Force wormed its way into his mind. He dropped to one knee, then two, the suggestions too strong in his weakened state.

"You… won't get away with this… Anders…" Hector ground out.

"I think you will find I already have," Anders raised his weapon, piercing blood-red eyes glaring at the scum where he wanted him. He raised his weapon "Corruption like yours must be eradicated."

"There ya have it, ya wretched lot! Wasn't that something else?"

Anders' blade was mid-swing when he heard the Pirate Leader's voice. He stopped before cleaving Hector in twain.

"I gotta say, boys. You put on a hell of a show! We're really looking forward to… agh!"

The Chiss held his hand out towards the wretched man, wrapping a telekinetic grip around his throat. The pirate had a voice that grated on his nerves. How dare this scum interrupt him. He had no privileges here, not if Anders had anything to say about it.

A devilish idea came to his mind, an evil smile gracing his face.

"Anders, don't do it!"

Hector's plea fell on deaf ears. Anders pulled the Pirate Leader towards him, slicing vertically through him with all the retribution the Inquisitor felt he deserved. The body collapsed to the ground, having been sliced in twain.

"NO!" Hector cried out. Yet, it was music to Anders' ears.

The pirates surrounding their arena burst into an uproar, and began to swarm their arena. Anders spared the Human one last glance, a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

"Have fun, Hector," Anders sarcastically waved at him.

The dark side of the Force swelled within him, powering his legs as he performed a superhuman leap back up onto the catwalks above thirty feet in the air. He was more than happy to leave Hector to his fate as he made his escape through the rafters.

Hector blitzed forward, his yellow blade blurred as he unleashed an onslaught of lightsaber swings. The Force flowed through him and enhanced his already impressive speed.

Anderson weathered the assault as he was forewarned about each swing several moments in advance through the Force. At the speed Hector swung the Chiss could not clearly see each individual swing. Yet the Force and his own reaction time allowed him to intercept each attack with his own.

Hector continued his offensive. His foe was a Telepath and no doubt had other tricks in his disposal. He could not allow his opponent any time to prepare and bring those techniques to bear, not if he wanted to survive the encounter.

But maintaining his constant chain of attacks was beginning to tax him. Not in the physical sense, but the strength of will required to maintain increased speed through the Force. He was able to force even the legendary dueling saber form of Makashi on the defensive; but he had to be careful. Allowing Anderson a single moment of respite could bring about his doom.

He had to break the stalemate. And to do that he had to risk it all.

Hector feinted, faking an overhead blow before leaping away and disengaging from his opponent.

He hurled his lightsaber, telekinetically guiding it into the chassis of BUDD-E.

While the droid duel had been decided, the human would suffer for his inattention. Bolts of blue lightning slammed into him before his lightsaber could return.

Hector spazzemed, his legs buckled beneath him and he collapsed to the ground.

Anderson strode forward as he continued to emit a stream of Force lighting from his left hand.

“You will suffer for that.” The Chiss declared. His voice did not carry a loud tone but it was threatening all the same. It was like Ice. So cold that it would burn one’s hand if held against it long enough.

“BUDD-E was a friend. A kindred spirit. You will answer for your crimes. Before me and before the Inquisitorious.”

The Sith was overcome with emotion. Despair at the loss of his friend. And raw anger, no, hatred burned within him. The emotion amplified his lightning, the blue sparks turned purple and poured from his hand at an increased output.

Hector thrashed and squirmed as he screamed in agony.

BD-24 understood that its owner was in danger. Inaction would almost certainly result in the human’s death. But acting would bring the wrath of the Chiss upon it. The Chiss that was currently manhandling its owner. The Chiss that would likely destroy it if given the opportunity.

As it observed the torture of its owner it could not help but wonder, what is the value of a human soul? Did it possess such a thing given that it was created by humans? It had never analyzed such matters. Or perhaps it did in a subconscious manner. It had always sought to serve, going above and beyond its base directives.

The time had come to do so again.

BD-24 activated its thrusters, propelling it into the air. It flew into the air above Anderson and began to pelt him with sprays of Carbonite.

The liquid splashed onto Anders’ left arm, freezing it solid and ending the stream of lighting.

“YOU!” Anders snarled as he gestured with his right arm.

A strange Force gripped BD-24 and sent the droid hurtling torwards the ground.

As a last act of defiance the droid fired a stim canister into the palm of Hector’s hand.

“Was I a good droid?” BD-24 wondered as oblivion overcame it.

Hector’s hand shook as he injected the stim. He could feel the pain in his body subsiding and the tremors which gripped him fade away.

Droids may not have souls or even be truly sentient but without BD-24 he would certainly be dead, or suffer a fate worse than death. He would not forget that.

He was resolved in body and mind. Anders had come to slay him out of some foolish, misguided fantasy. It had cost him his droid. It would cost him a lot more if Hector had anything to say about it.

Blue eyes tinted yellow as he allowed the Force to take him.

Fury filled him to the core as he sprinted forward, even faster than before.

He had to stop Anders. He had to kill Anders. He had to live.

He swung his saber with wild abandon, no longer concerned with the possibility of a riposte from Anders.

For the first time in the fight he could see true fear in Anders eyes. The winner of the conflict was no longer certain.

Despite the fury overtaking him Hector was not yet a mindless beast. He had enough intellect to devise a single tactic, an all or nothing gambit to bet it all.

He once again feinted but instead of pulling away he slammed the hilt of his saber into Anders face, interrupting the Chiss attempt at a riposte.

Hector savagely stabbed his saber through Anderson’s chest, lifting him into the air and then hurling him off the blade.

With his goal complete the human could feel his strength leave him. A bone aching tiredness and throbbing pain filled his very being. His eyes shut as he collapsed alongside his foe.