Warlord Nora Olen vs. Ranger Creon

Warlord Nora Olen

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Ranger Creon

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Human, Jedi, Sorcerer, Mandalorian

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Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Warlord Nora Olen, Ranger Creon
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Nora Olen's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Ranger Creon's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Dathomir: Desolate Swamps
Last Post 17 May, 2023 3:45 AM UTC
Member timing out Creon Neverse

Dathomir Desolate Swamp

Once, it was the home to the witches of Dathomir, otherwise known as the Nightsisters. Tucked away in from the rest of the galaxy in an isolated cluster, the Nightsisters were able to draw energy from the planet itself, and pursued a type of ritualistic magic. They ruled over the population of Zabrak—Nightbrothers—and used them as a warrior caste to serve their purposes.

Then, the Clone Wars. The Nightsisters were pulled into the conflict due to the machinations of Mother Talzin and her rival Darth Sidious. This ultimately led to the eradication of the Dathomirians and their settlements. The desolation was claimed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the last Nightsister fell.

Now, the planet known as Dathomir is a haunted skeleton of its former greatness. A perpetual crimson glow coats the planet. The bleak world has become an amalgamation of ruined forest, decrepit swamp lands, and withered mountains worn to the sands of time.

In the desolate swamps, faint echoes haunt the graves of the long-dead witches, infusing the green fog that spreads above the damp ground. Dreadful whispers rumoured to be lingering incantations defend the world from intruders. Tall tales and rumors of zombies and ritual sacrifice alluding to grisly flashes of imagery.

The trees, large and misshapen, promise misery to those who touch their tortured bark and open themselves to the memories of the place. Eerie as the voices over the wind, the water beneath the fog appears red and bubbling, as if the land itself were pockmarked in cauldrons of blood to keep the incantations alive.

Creatures unaffected by the purge of the Nightsisters still remain. Snakes, reptiles and insects of varying lethality wander the wasteland. Reports have even said that rancor still roam freely.

This is Dathomir.

The dense fog hung low over the desolate swamps of Dathomir, obscuring the ruined landscape and infusing the air with an otherworldly chill. Nora Olen, a female Zeltron Sith, strode purposefully through the mist, her Equite Brotherhood Robes billowing around her. The crimson glow that permeated the planet cast an eerie light on her cerise skin and the red blade of her lightsaber, held tightly in her gloved hand.

As Nora ventured deeper into the heart of the haunted planet, she could feel the presence of ancient power resonating through the very ground. The whispers of long-dead witches echoed through her mind, tempting her with forbidden knowledge and dark secrets. She was drawn to Dathomir by the remnants of the Nightsisters' legacy, seeking to tap into the residual energies that still clung to the forsaken world.

Unbeknownst to Nora, another figure lurked amidst the shadows, watching her every move. Creon, a human male Jedi and Sorcerer clad in Mandalorian Beskar Armor, observed the Sith from a concealed vantage point. His keen senses allowed him to detect the turmoil within Nora's spirit, the allure of the dark side that threatened to consume her.

Creon had arrived on Dathomir with a different purpose in mind. He sought to reclaim the ancient knowledge of the Nightsisters, not for personal gain, but to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The tainted remnants of the Sith's influence could wreak havoc on the galaxy if unleashed. And so, he prepared himself for the inevitable confrontation with Nora, knowing that their paths were destined to cross.

Their meeting was bound to be a clash of ideologies, as well as a test of skill and power. Nora, adept in Manipulation, Telekinesis, and Form VII lightsaber combat, exuded confidence and a hunger for dominance. Creon, with his Resolve, Control Self, Precognition, and Healing abilities, was a formidable adversary, his connection to the Force granting him insight and strength.

As Nora ventured deeper into the heart of Dathomir's twisted wilderness, her steps grew cautious, her senses heightened. She could feel a prickle at the back of her neck, a sense of being watched. Nora's emerald eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of her unknown observer.

Creon, ever patient, continued to shadow Nora's movements, using his Mandalorian Vambraces to cloak his presence in the Force. He knew that the time for concealment would soon come to an end, and a confrontation between the Sith and the Jedi was inevitable.

Finally, the moment arrived when their paths intersected in a clearing strewn with gnarled, blackened trees. Nora paused, her senses tingling with anticipation. Creon emerged from the shadows, his beskar armor gleaming dully in the crimson light.

Their eyes locked, and a charged silence filled the air. The dark side and the light side stood poised for battle, each determined to protect their own beliefs and preserve the fragile balance of the Force. The fate of Dathomir, and perhaps the galaxy itself, hung in the balance.

The clearing became an arena of anticipation as Nora and Creon stared each other down, their conflicting auras pulsating with the power of their respective alignments. The air crackled with the energy of imminent conflict, the haunted echoes of Dathomir swirling around them.

With a flick of her wrist, Nora activated her red lightsaber, casting an ominous glow upon her features. The crimson blade hummed to life, ready to rend through the fabric of reality itself. She assumed a defensive stance, her form VII lightsaber training lending her an aggressive and unpredictable edge.

Creon's eyes narrowed beneath his Mandalorian helmet as he unholstered his Sith Sword, its serrated blade gleaming with an ethereal luminescence. He knew he couldn't rely solely on his lightsaber skills; his sorcery and precognition would be paramount in this confrontation. His resolve hardened, his connection to the light side bolstering his spirit.

Without warning, Nora lunged forward, her speed and agility propelled by the dark side coursing through her veins. Her lightsaber whirled through the air, aimed for Creon's defenses. He deftly parried her blows with his Sith Sword, their weapons clashing in a symphony of sparks and raw power.

As the clash intensified, the surrounding trees shuddered with the force of their duel, their tortured bark weeping an oily black sap. The echoes of long-forgotten incantations seemed to grow louder, fueling Nora's rage and Creon's determination. The ground beneath them trembled, as if the very planet itself responded to their clash.

Creon drew upon his sorcerous abilities, channeling the light side of the Force to augment his movements. He dodged and weaved, his precognition guiding his every step. With each strike, he aimed not to defeat Nora, but to awaken the dormant flicker of light buried within her soul.

Nora, fueled by the seductive whispers of the dark side, pressed her attack with a ferocity that bordered on madness. Her Juyo lightsaber form allowed her to unleash devastatingly aggressive strikes, seeking to overpower Creon's defenses. But he held steady, his Mandalorian armor providing a steadfast barrier against her assault.

Their clash continued unabated, the intensity of their struggle escalating with every passing moment. Nora unleashed bursts of telekinetic force, hurling debris and uprooting trees in a tempestuous display of power. Creon countered with his control over self, his focused demeanor warding off her manipulative advances.

As the battle raged on, their surroundings seemed to meld with their conflict. The mists thickened, forming eerie apparitions that danced on the periphery of their vision. Shadows writhed, elongating and intertwining, as if the very essence of Dathomir rose up to witness the confrontation.

But even in the midst of chaos, a flicker of realization ignited within Nora. She could feel the whispers of her past, the echoes of the Nightsisters and their tragic downfall. Doubt gnawed at her, a kernel of uncertainty in the face of Creon's unwavering conviction.

In a moment of respite, their blades locked together, the duel momentarily frozen. Nora's gaze bore into Creon's helmeted visage, her voice a mixture of defiance and vulnerability.

"Why do you fight against me? Can't you see the power that awaits? The power we could wield together?"

Creon's voice was firm, his eyes shining with steadfast determination. "The dark side offers only a path of destruction and despair. I fight for the light, for balance. There is redemption even for one like you."