Hunter Hevan Slavis vs. Battlemaster Kul'tak Drol

Hunter Hevan Slavis

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Sith, Shadow

Battlemaster Kul'tak Drol

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Zabrak, Sith, Shadow

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Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 3 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Hunter Hevan Slavis, Battlemaster Kul'tak Drol
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Hunter Hevan Slavis's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Battlemaster Kul'tak Drol's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Kashyyyk: Rainforest Canopies
Last Post 1 June, 2023 2:01 PM UTC
Member timing out Kul'tak Drol

Kashyyyk Rainforest Canopies

The wild planet of Kashyyyk is known to be home to the gentle, but short-tempered race of Wookiees. Wild and untamed, the lush, wroshyr tree-filled forests form a multi-layered deathtrap. The local wildlife present a threat as one descends towards the forest floor, though the battle-scarred beaches and the remnants of the Clone Wars provide refuge. However, as one ascends the danger of falling becomes the largest threat until coming in contact with the Wookiee settlements. Fauna and flora flourish in delight, growing within dirt pockets in the crevices of the trees. Some of these plants are carnivorous, becoming larger and deadlier closer to the forest floor. Others have some form of consciousness, able to communicate with the Wookiees to give some understanding of their use.

Kashyyyk Rainforest Canopies

Above the Wookie settlements rests the wild rain forest canopies. Within the crevices of the trees, empty fruit and rotting shells from seeds show the spring season has ended. A soft wind whistles between the thick vines and shrubs that stick to the trunks of the ancient and sleeping giants. Despite the never-ending lack of footholds aside from the branches of wroshyr trees, a series of abandoned and rotting platforms are suspended a hundred meters above the surface, once home to its own Wookiee settlement. Overgrown and decayed, it has since nourished countless plants and trees with their outstretched branches sheltering the dense and soft floor from the extreme sun rays and torrential rain. Upon closer inspection unusual signs become notable. Moss carpets particular areas on the platforms and nowhere else, and tree-dwelling animals and birds never seem to land on the surface.

Tread carefully, or fall whim to the creatures that inhabit this terrain.

Kul walked over the dense floor of decaying leaves as he followed a small path, lined with dangerous animal nests and plants. He was on edge, Kashyyk is not a place he would want to get lost in, his eyes scanned the trees and ground as his Vornskrr leapt on decaying logs and branches. The animal let out some barks and cries, the sound joining the calls of birds and other animals that frequented the area. As he walked, he searched for a easy method of getting up to the main Wookie settlement, hoping to see a ramp or staircase that would lead him up. As he walked through a rare small patch of sunlight, the shadows of birds flew across it, the Zabrak ignoring this and pushing forward, swinging his legs over a fallen tree. Along the sides of the path, strange plants turned towards him, causing any that would get too close to get slashed by a quick cut from one of Kul's Ryyk blades. Unbeknownst to him, a human was waiting on one of the damp and rotting platforms that lined the trees, setting a rifle down and watching him through the sight. Kul caught sight of a old, broken stairway that could lead him off the floor starting to climb it. After the long process of climbing it, his leg often crashing through the rotting wood, he stood up and caught his breath for a second.

It was during this momentary pause that a blaster shot slammed into something above the Zabrak, causing a small Mykal to fall to the forest floor, being engulfed by the carnivorous plants, the silent shot not giving the zabrak any indication of it's origin. He scanned the trees, only seeing dead wood and collapsed platforms. The Zabrak spotted a shadow move into up into the trees, causing him to clamber up to a small, partially falling bridge, before he made the decision to cross it. As he crossed, his Vornskrr barked and clawed at the floor, unsure of whether to cross after his master, but upon Kul's safe crossing, the Vornksrr rushed across, jumping and sprinting across the gaps and ancient wood. As the two started their ascent up after the shadow, the bridge gave way as a second shot impacted one of the mouldy ropes holding it up, the wood crashing into the forest floor. Kul, forced to climb up a ancient ladder, cursed as one of the rungs gave way, but nonetheless kept up the chase. At the top, he reached a small platform nearly entirety shrouded by leaves and branches, but he knew this is where the shots had come from.

He followed up the tree trunk, sometimes having to climb up the branches whenever the stairs looked too rotten to walk on, often only seeing the figure move behind cover after a blaster bolt shot near him. Only after the fifth shot did he realize he was being toyed with, only making him more determined to catch the person responsible. This tactic of running and shooting, while common against those armed with the force and a lightsaber, had no place here if the person did not know who he was. His mind recalled the tight corridors of a Venator, where an assailant attacked him from the darkness, using the same hit and run tactics. Now he knew who the person was, and if he followed his strategy, would wait for him to be visible, then shoot at him. Thinking on a platform, the Zabrak faded away as he began to climb once again, now able to see rays of sunlight burst through the canopy into his eyes. He made a silent vow to take the human to his master, missing limbs if necessary, pursuing him up the tree.

Soon it became necessary to walk across a bridge, to which he did with no question, knowing he was hidden to the human's eye. He followed the route up, soon seeing the human a little distance above him, on a small branch with a blaster aimed at the bridge he was just on. The human lowered his blaster, feeling that something was watching him, seeing a eager Vornskrr watching him. The human turned his weapon on the animal, knowing that it's master was nearby. "Come on out Kul." The human spoke to the animal, and as Kul faded back into eyesight, the humans sight focused in between his eyes. "Well Journeyman, we meet again it seems."

"I would say good to see you, but I'm afraid it would be a lie." Hevan responded, but he kept his blaster up as he readied to make a quick escape if necessary.

"I must ask, what did Varick send his dog out for now?" The Zabrak's hands closed on his sabers, a gesture not unnoticed by the human.

"Sent out?" Hevan laughed weakly "No, I came out here of my own accord. I'm here on holiday." The human's weak lie was pathetic to Kul, and he laughed at the attempt. "Then your secrets will be thrown at your master's feet along with your corpse." The threat was enough reason for the human to fire, the shot blocked by the Zabrak, who started to move towards the human. Hevan, not wishing for a fight, shot a grappling hook into the air, but this was too late as the Zabrak made an assisted leap onto the platform, temporarily holding the human down as Shor'kir bit into Hevan's leg, growling as the human broke free and lifted the pair into the air. The grappling hook, already damaged and not made for the violent and weight of the two, snapped, causing them to fall back down onto the platform . Hevan kicked the Vornskrr back, ignited his lightsaber and raising his arm, ready to fight tooth and nail against the two that were approaching him.

Both figures circled Hevan in tandem. Their synchronized teamwork had been molded through hunting, and this…journeyman was just another form of prey caught now within their sights. The advantage lay with the hunters, and Kul knew from his last encounter with Hevan that the older Sith shied from direct conflict. His flame-colored eyes swept over Hevan’s rifle as it lay on the platform and a sneer crept up his cheeks. He slid his sabers back into their sheathes. Perhaps Kul could teach the Journeyman what the mercenary master could not. And if that meant the Summit took notice of the hat-laden fellow's failures, all the better.

“I see Varick still lacks the foresight to properly train his proteges. If you are not brave enough to fight me head-on, you should at least have landed one shot before I made it to you.”

While the Zabrak spoke, his Vornskr pounced towards Hevan from behind. It snapped its jaws just inches from his heels before it recoiled back out of reach, maw soaked with saliva. Hevan did not let the taunt push him to flee, however, lest he find himself crushed between both hunters. While amused that his prey did not flinch outright, Kul did not smile. He sunk his weight into his thighs and toes, his hands positioned before him with practiced care. The left was stretched halfway with fingers curled to grip air, while the right reached towards Hevan and beckoned.

"I'll give you one more shot. Aim true, Hunter. Because if you miss you die."

Hevan was quite aware it was some form of trap, if not the specifics. Though upon inspection the murderous intent often suffused with Kul's presence in the Force had waned somewhat. He spared a glance at the pair of beasts behind and before him. His pulse had quickened, the dull thump in his head reminding him that he was past overdue for a drink. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face and nestled into the corner of his lips. He shoved down the urge to wipe it and instead deactivated his saber before he re-hitched it to his waist as well and picked up the DLT rifle. Shor'kir merely watched with guarded, but curious eyes.

"I'm not sure what you hope to get out of this, but don't blame me when you get a new chest cavity."

Hevan hefted the rifle up and centered the barrel with Kul's chest. If anything perhaps he could use the moment to make some space and rework his escape into his schedule. He muttered an odd curse about Zabraks and pride before the sound of the ammo canister charging overshadowed him. Kul remained stoic, content to wait. He did not have to wait long as the energy gathered in the rifle finished being suffused into a solid bolt of plasma as the trigger was pulled. Hevan had expected the Zabrak to move out of the way or maybe even quick-draw his saber into a guard. Instead Kul stood rooted, his only movement a swift closing of the curled fingers on his left hand into a ball. Just as the bolt's path intersected with his arms' reach it came to an immediate stop. The energy splashed across a translucent film before dissipating into nothingness. Kul grinned, pleased with himself. He then drew his sabers once again and the whole-and-a-half blade duo hummed to life.

"Now perhaps you will understand what Varick could never teach you. What real power feels like. I will enjoy beating the lesson into your memory, however short a time it might remain."

"What could you teach me? The ways of failure and ignorance?" Hevan ignored Kul's threat, but drew his blade and he looked between the animal and Zabrak. Kul circled him, spinning his blade in his hand, and the Vornkrr circled too, like predators about to pounce, while Hevan's mind raced to think of an escape. Kul effortlessly slashed at Hevan, who blocked the attack, and Shor'kir jumped, causing Hevan to dodge the attack, kicking the Vornskrr as it passed him. The animal was angry now, attacking Hevan but was called back by Kul. "Pity Varick didn't teach you enough to survive," Kul continued as he circled, obviously playing with the Human. Hevan, in an attempt to escape, slashed at the floor beneath him, falling as Kul lunged forward, Kul's red blade stabbing over Hevan's head by a few centimeters, but Hevan fell down into the lower levels of Kashyyk still having a head attached to his body. Kul growled, jumping down after the journeyman, branches and leaves cushioning his fall into the dark depths. He steeled his legs for a landing, crashing through the trees into the twilight depths of the forest planet. He fell in a crumpled heap, the leaves deeper than expected.

He could barely hear the Vornksrr barking, but got up and pushed into the jungle depths, following any footprints he could find. He followed for a while, but the footprints seemingly disappeared into the trees, leaving Kul perplexed and on edge. He pulled out his scanner, searching for any lifeforms, but, being Kashyyk, a great many lifeforms appeared on the scanner, big and small. He started to search the area, but heard a rustling of leaves and looked around, seeing Hevan seemingly lift himself out of the forest floor, leaves falling of the ghille suit as the human leveled his blaster at him. "Back down Kul. Now. I won't ask again." Kul stood still once again, but Hevan did not aim at him when he shot, shooting upwards into the trees. A furious roar echoed through the trees, and Hevan ran. "What did you do?" Kul shouted, following the human as a massive Minstyngar jumped from the trees, sending a tremor through the ground strong enough to make Kul nearly lose his footing. He was no longer chasing Hevan, only running away from the ravenous animal, following Hevan's path if only to escape. The beast roared again, pushing aside bushes that would stop the Zabrak in his tracks, roaring furiously as it gave chase. Kul could barely see Hevan, who was pulling himself onto a large branch.

Kul reached Hevan with the animal just behind him, and jumped for the branch, falling but being caught by Hevan. Hevan looked into his eyes, not seeing the rage that normally filled them, only fear and terror. "I could drop you now, let you and the beast have some fun you know." Hevan shifted his body so he could lower Kul down towards the beasts outstretched arms. "No one would ever know what killed you. You could be left to the will of the forest." Kul grasped frantically at the branch, Hevan simply holding him up. "I just wanted to look into your eyes as I dropped you." Hevan let go.