Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia vs. Reaver Juda Graves

Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Reaver Juda Graves

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Zabrak, Mercenary, Director, Criminal Syndicate

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Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia, Reaver Juda Graves
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Reaver Juda Graves's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Batuu: Black Spire Outpost
Last Post 18 May, 2023 9:42 PM UTC
Member timing out Rowan Dragos


Black Spire Outpost is a small but thriving settlement on the Outer Rim world Batuu. Although Batuu’s remote location — it’s so far off the grid that couriers have to carry interstellar messages to a planet with a Holonet beacon — has given it a reputation as a good place to lay low and avoid attention, Black Spire has witnessed skirmishes in both the Clone Wars and the more recent war between the Resistance and First Order.

The Spire is a market town where Batuuans and the occasional outlanders come to buy and sell a surprising variety of wares. The main bazaar features handcrafted toys, clothing, pets, and the pervasive, mouthwatering scent wafting from Ronto Roaster’s grill, a converted pod racer engine. Customers interested in specialty goods tend to stick to Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities or Hondo Ohnaka’s latest “highly legitimate and extremely legal import/export business venture.” The most out of place customers must be the trickle of spiritual seekers who flock to Saavi’s scrapyard to pick through rusted durasteel and droid bits in search of something special.

Although people from small Rim communities are known for a certain aloofness with outsiders, Batuuans have gleefully adapted to the increased foot traffic in the bazaar and the planet is something of a minor tourist destination for coreward travellers with a taste for the exotic. Smiles and cries of “Bright suns, traveller!” invariably lead to foreign credits lining Batuuan pockets.

Although the planet has its share of thugs, typically found in Oga’s Cantina, even a First Order garrison couldn’t shake the feeling that this is the happiest place in the galaxy.

The sun began to set over the rugged landscape of Batuu, casting an orange glow across the bustling streets of Black Spire Outpost. Nora Olen, a striking Zeltron woman with flowing blue hair, walked confidently through the marketplace, her Equite Brotherhood Robes billowing behind her. The air was filled with a medley of scents, from the mouthwatering aroma of grilled meat at Ronto Roasters to the faint whiff of exotic spices wafting from a nearby food stall.

Nora's presence drew curious gazes from the locals and tourists alike, but her piercing emerald eyes remained fixed on her destination. Her gloved hand rested lightly on the grip of her heavy blaster pistol, a silent reminder of her dangerous nature. As a Sith adept, Nora was accustomed to commanding attention wherever she went, and Black Spire was no exception.

Juda Graves, a rugged Zabrak mercenary known for his cunning and ruthlessness, had made himself a prominent figure in the criminal underworld of Batuu. Clad in Dark Age Sith Armor, his jet-black horns protruding from his shaved head, he exuded an aura of power and danger. Nora had heard whispers of his exploits, and now their paths were destined to cross.

Unbeknownst to Nora, Juda had been monitoring her every move since she arrived on the planet. The criminal syndicate he directed had an interest in her unique skills, and he saw an opportunity to recruit her or eliminate her as a potential threat. With his heart of Zsoldos, a Sith scepter capable of channeling dark energies, and his trusty light shield and Mandalorian vambrace, Juda felt confident in his ability to confront the formidable Sith.

As Nora approached Saavi's scrapyard, a place frequented by spiritual seekers and scavengers, she felt an unsettling presence in the Force. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she sensed a malevolent energy approaching. With a swift motion, she unclasped her armorweave cloak, revealing her crimson lightsaber hanging at her side. Its menacing glow cast an eerie red light on the surroundings.

Juda emerged from the shadows, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Well, well, Nora Olen," he sneered, his deep voice dripping with arrogance. "I've been expecting you."

Nora's emerald eyes narrowed, her grip tightening around her lightsaber hilt. "And I you, Juda Graves," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of menace. "What is it that you want?"

Juda chuckled darkly, his eyes flicking between Nora's formidable arsenal. "Join me, Nora. Together, we could rule this sector, harnessing the power of the dark side for our own gain."

Nora's expression hardened, her telekinetic abilities pulsating with suppressed energy. "I serve no one but myself, Juda. The dark side is a means to an end, not a tool for manipulation."

With a sudden burst of energy, Nora ignited her blood-red lightsaber, its crimson blade casting an eerie glow on her pale face. The Force crackled with power as Juda activated his Sith scepter, a malevolent energy emanating from its core. The air grew heavy with anticipation as they circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

The crowd that had gathered to witness the confrontation watched with a mix of anticipation and fear, their eyes fixated on the two powerful figures locked in a deadly dance.

Nora's cerise skin seemed to radiate with a dark aura as she channeled the power of the Sith within her. Her red lightsaber whirred menacingly as she swung it in graceful arcs, testing the air with each precise movement. She was a master of Form VII, Juyo, known for its aggressive and unpredictable style, and she intended to unleash its fury upon her opponent.

Juda, his pale Zabrak skin contrasting sharply with his dark armor, maintained a calm and composed demeanor. He relied on his expertise in the K'thri martial arts form, a deadly combination of acrobatics, weapon proficiency, and brute strength. With his Sith scepter in hand, he channeled the dark side, allowing it to fuel his attacks and grant him an edge in combat.

Their eyes locked, the air crackling with tension as they circled each other. Nora made the first move, a sudden burst of Force-enhanced speed propelling her forward in a blur of red. She unleashed a flurry of precise strikes, each aimed at vital points on Juda's armored form.

Juda parried Nora's attacks with expert precision, his own movements fluid and calculated. With each clash of their weapons, sparks ignited, illuminating their faces with a flickering glow. His K'thri martial arts training allowed him to anticipate her strikes, effortlessly sidestepping and countering with swift and devastating blows.

The intensity of their duel intensified, their powers colliding in a spectacular display of lightsaber combat and dark side energies. Nora tapped into her telekinetic abilities, sending waves of invisible force hurtling toward Juda, attempting to knock him off balance. But he was no easy prey, using his resolve and stamina to resist her assault and retaliate with ferocious strength.

The onlookers watched in awe and terror as the clash between these two formidable adversaries reached its peak. The Force became palpable, the very fabric of reality seemingly warped by their sheer power. The crowd's gasps and whispers mingled with the crackling of lightsabers, creating an eerie symphony of chaos and anticipation.

Nora's mind raced, strategizing her next move, searching for a weakness in Juda's defenses. She decided to tap into her mastery of manipulation, utilizing her adept skills to toy with his emotions. With a venomous smile, she taunted him, sowing seeds of doubt and anger within his mind.

Juda's red eyes flashed with anger as her words struck a nerve. His attacks became more aggressive, fueled by his rising fury. But in his blind rage, he left himself open, a window of opportunity that Nora seized without hesitation.

With a burst of telekinetic force, she sent him hurtling backward, crashing into a nearby stall, scattering trinkets and goods in his wake. Before he could recover, Nora closed in with remarkable speed, her lightsaber poised to strike the final blow.

But Juda was not so easily defeated. With a desperate surge of strength, he activated his jetpack thrusters, propelling himself into the air, narrowly evading Nora's lethal strike. He somersaulted through the air, landing with a graceful agility behind her.

As Nora spun around to face him, she was met with a barrage of precise strikes from Juda's vibroblade. Each blow was aimed at exploiting her momentary vulnerability, but Nora's reflexes were honed by years of training. She deflected his attacks with her lightsaber, the clash of their weapons resounding through the outpost.