Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia vs. Hunter Hevan Slavis

Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Hunter Hevan Slavis

Journeyman 3, Journeyman tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Sith, Shadow

Good action, and excellent usage of the venue to push the story along. This was a singular ending, something that I think got missed by Nora at the end there. Look forward to seeing more matches from the both of you, great work!

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia, Hunter Hevan Slavis
Winner Hunter Hevan Slavis
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Hunter Hevan Slavis's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Luprora: Rising Tides
Last Post 29 May, 2023 4:02 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 3 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Nora Olen's Score: 3.75 Scout Hevan Slavis's Score: 3.92

Luprora Rising Tides

At one point in time Luprora stood as a haven to the immigrated Lupr’or. The haven did not last as worsening climates reduced the population down to a single settlement. All that remains is the corpse of a civilization, constructed from a combination of wood and metal that barely resemble buildings. They function more as a protective shell and a solid frame for those that remain, hoped to be far outside the reach of the native threats.

The rising tide of the expansive seas lap at the outcroppings of obsidian rock that makes up what remains of the land. Mountainous croppings that shrink with the coming waters. Passageways and staircases are carved into the stone itself, left to assist those travelling in low tide. The scattered relics of technology lies abandoned throughout the expanse as a testament to the Lupr'or's original immigration, left unused and at the mercy of erosion and time.

Luprora Rising Tides

The tide stands as the greatest threat to life on Luprora. Starting at its lowest point at dawn, the tide rises throughout the day and brings with it the native Tsw’ells. These tentacled monstrosities sleep in the earliest hours of the morning and reside in the ocean’s waters. It is ill-advised to travel along the shoreline, as Tsw’ells have been known to drag unsuspecting individuals to their deaths beneath the waves. These massive creatures aren't the lone threat to those who trespass upon the surface. The R’ora live among the shallow outcroppings across the planet. Extremely territorial, this species is sentient enough to wield primitive polearms and rely on the presence of Tsw’ells for protection.

Luprora the haven is a promise lost to the sea, with only the battle for survival left behind.

The relentless sound of crashing waves echoed throughout the desolate remnants of Luprora, a once-thriving haven for the Lupr'or people. The fading sunlight painted the sky with hues of crimson and gold, casting an eerie glow upon the decaying structures of wood and metal that stood as the last vestiges of civilization. As the rising tide threatened to devour what little land remained, the stage was set for a fateful encounter between two Sith warriors, Nora Olen and Hevan Slavis.

Nora Olen, a Zeltron Sith with her piercing red lightsaber and formidable array of weaponry, exuded an aura of raw power. Her Equite Brotherhood Robes billowed in the salty breeze, blending seamlessly with her Armorweave Cloak. Her emerald eyes glinted with a mix of determination and malice as she surveyed the treacherous landscape, her mind focused on the impending battle.

Opposing her was Hevan Slavis, a seasoned Human Sith with a lean and athletic build. Clad in Journeyman Brotherhood Robes and equipped with a Scout Pack, he wielded a lightsaber and a Blaster Sniper Rifle, a deadly combination for both long-range and close-quarters combat. Hevan's presence was marked by an air of calculated precision, his gaze fixed upon Nora as he prepared to face her in the crumbling ruins of Luprora.

The waning light revealed the strategic advantage provided by the shifting landscape. Obsidian rock formations, jutting out amidst the rising tides, created a labyrinth of natural barriers and precarious footing. Passageways and staircases carved into the stone offered temporary respite during low tide, but danger lurked with every step. The ocean, ever encroaching, was both a constant reminder of mortality and the habitat of the fearsome Tsw'ells, slumbering monstrosities waiting to be awakened.

Nora knew that treading the shoreline was a perilous choice. Tsw'ells, with their tentacled appendages and insatiable hunger, lurked beneath the surface, ready to seize unsuspecting prey and drag them into the depths of the merciless waves. The R'ora, the territorial and sentient inhabitants of the shallow outcroppings, relied on the Tsw'ells for protection, wielding primitive polearms with lethal expertise.

As the tension thickened, Nora and Hevan faced each other, separated by a stretch of jagged rock formations. The scent of brine and decay mingled in the air, a foreboding reminder of the desolation that surrounded them. Nora's Manipulation abilities and proficiency in Telekinesis and Form VII (Juyo) lightsaber combat form made her a formidable adversary, while Hevan's expertise in Survival, Blasters, and the Djem So lightsaber form hinted at his adaptability and versatility.

Locked in a silent confrontation, the two Sith warriors stared each other down, their eyes flickering with suppressed intensity. The weight of their shared allegiance to the Dark Side of the Force hung heavy in the air, threatening to consume everything in its wake. The battle for survival on Luprora would unfold as a symphony of violence, the clash of lightsabers resonating with the roar of the ocean.

With the dying light as their witness and the remnants of a fallen civilization surrounding them, Nora and Hevan prepared to unleash the full extent of their powers, each determined to claim victory in this barren wasteland. The fate of Luprora hung in the balance as the first move in their deadly dance was about to be made, setting into motion a cataclysmic clash between two Sith warriors on the edge of existence.

A charged silence settled over the desolate battleground as Nora and Hevan, two Sith warriors, prepared to unleash their wrath upon each other. Their intentions clashed in the fading light, their hearts pulsating with the raw power of the Dark Side.

With a swift motion, Nora ignited her red lightsaber, casting an eerie glow upon her face. The blade crackled with malevolence as she assumed a defensive stance, her eyes locked onto her adversary. Hevan, undeterred, activated his own weapon, a beam of blue light slicing through the encroaching darkness. His grip tightened on his Blaster Sniper Rifle, ready to unleash a barrage of deadly bolts.

Their battle began.

Nora's mastery of Manipulation allowed her to tap into her opponent's deepest fears and manipulate their emotions. As she reached out with her mind, she sought to unsettle Hevan, probing for any weakness. Her telekinetic abilities, honed through rigorous training, gave her an advantage in maneuvering the environment to her advantage. With a focused gaze, she directed a surge of energy towards a crumbling section of the obsidian rock formation, causing it to collapse and obstruct Hevan's line of sight.

Aware of the shifting terrain, Hevan's survival instincts kicked in. Swiftly evading the falling debris, he activated his Force Cloak, temporarily obscuring his presence. Shadows enveloped him as he weaved through the labyrinth of rocks, his Djem So lightsaber form granting him superior defense and counters. Blaster Sniper Rifle held with steady hands, he scanned the chaos for any sign of Nora.

Sensing Hevan's concealment, Nora's lips curled into a malevolent grin. Drawing upon her mastery of manipulation, she summoned the Force to create an illusion, manifesting a false image of herself standing in an exposed position, seemingly unaware of Hevan's presence. Her aim was to lure him into a trap, to exploit his desire for the perfect vantage point.

Hevan, though momentarily deceived, trusted his instincts and heightened senses. Steadying his breathing, he silently approached the illusion with caution, his lightsaber at the ready. As he moved closer, a surge of dread coursed through him, warning him of the imminent danger. With a swift swing of his blade, he dispelled the illusion, revealing the treacherous smile of Nora, who had used the diversion to reposition herself.

The dance of shadows continued, a deadly game of wits and physical prowess. The remnants of Luprora bore witness to the destructive force unleashed by the two Sith warriors. Their lightsabers clashed with thunderous reverberations, illuminating the darkness with bursts of crimson and azure brilliance. Each strike and parry were executed with precision and purpose, the sound of steel against energy filling the air.

Nora's mastery of Form VII (Juyo) allowed her to channel her aggression and intensity into her combat style. Her movements were swift and relentless, seeking to overwhelm Hevan with a flurry of attacks. But Hevan, a practitioner of Djem So, utilized his opponent's aggression against her. He matched her blows with calculated counters, utilizing his own strength to redirect and overpower her assaults.

Amidst the chaos, the rising tide pressed closer, threatening to swallow them whole. The echoes of the Tsw'ells' slumbering growls carried on the wind, a constant reminder of the perilous waters that surrounded them. The shifting landscape added another layer of unpredictability to their duel, forcing them to adapt and recalibrate their strategies in a precarious balancing act.

As the battle raged on, their connection to the Dark Side fueled their endurance and determination. Sweat mingled with the saltwater, cascading down their furrowed brows as they exerted themselves to the brink. Each clash of their weapons sent sparks flying, a symphony of destruction in the dying light.

The outcome of their conflict hung in the balance, the fate of Luprora trembling in the balance. The rising tide continued its relentless advance, its watery tendrils inching closer to engulf the remnants of the fallen civilization. Yet, within the chaos, the clash of wills and lightsabers persisted, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Sith.

Hevan and Nora's blades clashed, the two pushing against the others weapon, both grunting in effort. Nora looked up at the taller human, hissing at him as she pushed upwards against the blade. "TuQ's slipping in terms of picking apprentices. I'll need to ask him about his decision to choose you of all people." The Zeltron appeared carefree despite the two still locking blades, Hevan staring her with contempt, his eyes seemingly burning with rage. He grunted and snarled, spitting on her and looking at her with pure hatred. Hevan used this, dropping his stance and ducking under Nora's blind swing, Hevan already pulling his blade up to the Zeltron's chin. Nora, taking the humans act of mercy to curse herself for her distraction, talking meaninglessly to the Human as she focused on moving one of the rocks that littered the area.

"Good job Hevan, you did well. I surrender. How about we don't mention this to the dread lord, and you get to live?" Hevan, immediately suspicious of strange nature of the woman, looked around just in time to see the rock fly towards him, the subtle motion of Nora's hand enough to cause it to hit him, and he flew back several metres, his forehead bleeding. Hevan looked up upon his landing, instinctively tucking himself into a ball when flying most likely saved his life, but Nora had already ignited her blade again, and was walking towards him. Nora advanced on the fallen Human, her red blade spitting as droplets of water hit it, as Hevan groaned as he picked himself up. To Hevan's horror, his robes were wet, meaning that both of them had a few minutes at most to get to higher ground. He ran past Nora, towards one of the large stone columns and began to climb up to it, fully aware of the dangers of letting the water reach you, Nora followed him, jumping and climbing up the vast columns of stone, but Hevan simply throwed his grappling hook up to different pillar upon seeing Nora climbing after him, swinging over a chasm to the other side. Hevan, with his tool, could climb it much easier than Nora, who had to grasp and struggle on every foothold and handhold. When Nora eventually clambered on the platform, she saw why the human was not waiting for her. The two were separated by the broken bridges that used to link the passageways together, Hevan sitting down, legs dangling over the broken bridge, looking down at the rising tide. He looked up, clapping sarcastically, and called out to Nora from across the gap, but his voice faint in her ears due to the strong wind that passed between the two pillars of stone.

"You really don't do much climbing, do you Nora? How did you survive this long?" The human's taunts irritated Nora, this being shown to the human through her lightsabers reignition, a gesture Hevan cared little about. However, he instead gave her the curtesy of silently staring at her, then lifting his blaster and shooting once at her, the bolt being skillfully blocked by Nora, the redirected bolt causing Hevan to move his head a few inches left, the shot impacting where his head had been only moments prior.

"Be seeing you around Questor. Give Bril my greetings will you?" Hevan shrugged, got up, and began to walk away, but was grabbed by the force, and pulled over to her walkway across the gap, slammed through a wooden railing and rolling into the stone wall, lying in a heap.

"I don't think so Hevan, can't you just stick around a bit?" Nora quipped,running at the still dazed Hevan, kicking him in the face and knocking him back to the floor, punching him indiscriminately. Hevan shielded his face, but Nora simply pulled the arm back, continuing her attacks without remorse. As his vision blurred, Hevan felt the rotting wood behind him start to give way, a would-be problem solved by using one arm to grab his grappling hook, stabbing it into the wood, Nora far to preoccupied by repeatedly hitting his face to notice. With a groan, the wood broke and Hevan fell backwards, Nora, nearly falling off too, was forced to watch Hevan slide down onto a lower platform, landing in a heap upon the breaking wooden deck. He got up and looked up at Nora, visibly hurt, but still taking a swig from his flask, staring at her from below. She looked down at him, unholstering her blaster and letting off a shot. As Hevan smirked in amusement as she struggled to line up a shot, then laughed as the shot hit about a meter away, informing Nora of his amusement by shouting up at her with obvious pain, but also joy, in his voice "Ooh, swing and a miss! Better luck next time Nora!" But this feeling of amusement soon turned to horror as she decided to join him, as she leapt off the platform, blue hair fluttering as she fell.

She landed hard on the deck, but got up after a moment of waiting. Hevan backed away, blade ignited, but not wishing to continue the fight, backing into a broken ancient chapel. The sea leapt up through a broken and crumbling wall, and the two were momentarily separated by a wall of water that splashed through a broken window. Sea spray filled the room, Hevan wiping the salt water from his eyes, Nora. Nora's blade ignited again, and she lifted her blaster, ready to shoot him at a moments notice. Hevan backed up until the edge, looking between Nora and the sea, but as he was slipping his goggles over his head, Nora realizing what he was planning on doing, charged forward, a action that caused the Human to fall backwards into the sea earlier than planned.

As Hevan fell, he was just able to see Nora's blade cutting through the stone wall, the shot from her blaster flying over him, before all sound was muffled, his vision filled with white and the air knocked out of his lungs. Nora soon heard the splash in between the waves, looking over the drop to see him disappear into the white foam, and she screamed to the sky, in anger and confusion on whether or not to follow him.

Nora's heart pounded in her chest as she stood on the edge of the broken chapel, staring into the tumultuous sea below. Conflicting emotions washed over her, battling within her mind. Should she pursue Hevan into the treacherous waters or seize this moment of victory and leave him to his fate?

The fading light of the day cast an ethereal glow on the chaotic scene before her. The crashing waves, frothing with fury, seemed to beckon her with an eerie allure. The remnants of Luprora, once a thriving haven, now lay in ruins around her, mirroring the turmoil within her own soul.

Nora's red lightsaber hummed in her grip, its crimson blade pulsating with malevolence. She was torn between her desire to emerge triumphant from this battle and the lingering threads of a connection she felt with Hevan, however begrudgingly. A flicker of compassion and curiosity tugged at her, urging her to follow him into the unknown.

With a deep breath, Nora made her decision. She would descend into the churning depths and confront Hevan once more. The dark side whispered in her mind, stoking her anger and fueling her determination. She stepped back from the edge, gathering her strength, and leaped into the tempestuous sea below.

The impact with the water was jarring, swallowing her whole and plunging her into darkness. Nora's body contorted as she fought against the currents, her limbs flailing in the unforgiving depths. The saltwater stung her eyes and filled her lungs, but her connection to the Force granted her a semblance of control. With a surge of power, she propelled herself deeper, searching for any sign of Hevan.

As she delved into the murky abyss, Nora's senses sharpened. The sound of rushing water filled her ears, punctuated by the distant rumblings of the Tsw'ells. Her eyes strained to penetrate the gloom, her emerald gaze piercing through the inky blackness. Her heightened perception guided her through the turbulent currents, inching her closer to her elusive target.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as Nora pushed forward, her determination unwavering. And then, through the haze, she caught a glimpse of movement. Hevan's figure materialized, disoriented and struggling against the force of the sea. Nora propelled herself towards him, a whirlwind of fury and anticipation.

As she reached him, Nora extended her arm, channeling the Force to create a protective bubble of air around them. The swirling water became a muffled symphony as they found refuge within their temporary sanctuary. Hevan's eyes widened in surprise as he beheld Nora, his rival and the source of his torment.

The air bubble offered a brief respite, but Nora knew their time was limited. The rising tide threatened to consume them, and the sea roiled with unpredictable currents. She gestured to Hevan, indicating they needed to swim upward, back to the surface. Hevan nodded, his face etched with determination, and they pushed against the water, propelling themselves upward through the churning depths.

Their ascent was a relentless battle against the surging waves, each stroke a testament to their strength and will to survive. Nora's lightsaber glowed brightly in the water, its crimson hue casting an eerie glow on their surroundings. The chaotic dance of light and shadow mirrored their internal struggle as Sith warriors, their destinies intertwined in this cataclysmic clash.

As they neared the surface, Nora's senses heightened once again. The muffled sounds of the Tsw'ells grew louder, their presence a constant reminder of the dangers lurking within the depths. She could feel their malevolence, their hunger waiting to.

Nora and Hevan continued their arduous ascent, muscles burning with exertion as they fought against the relentless pull of the ocean. The tumultuous waters thrashed around them, threatening to consume them in their watery embrace. Each stroke propelled them closer to the surface, but the ever-present danger of the Tsw'ells lingered, their malevolent presence growing stronger with every passing moment.

Nora's mind raced, her focus split between the physical strain of swimming and the looming threat of the sea creatures lurking below. Her senses, honed by the Force, detected the ripples and disturbances beneath the surface, warning her of the impending danger. She knew that the Tsw'ells, ancient and merciless, would not hesitate to strike at any moment.

With a surge of determination, Nora urged herself forward, propelling her body through the water with all her might. The power of the Force coursed through her, lending her the strength and agility needed to navigate the treacherous depths. She could feel Hevan at her side, his own struggles evident in his labored breathing and relentless strokes.

As they breached the surface, gasping for precious air, Nora's heart raced with both relief and dread. The battle was far from over. The Tsw'ells circled menacingly, their massive forms looming in the tumultuous waters. Their razor-sharp teeth glistened in the fading light, a stark reminder of the imminent danger they posed.

Drawing upon her connection to the Force, Nora prepared herself for the coming onslaught. She focused her energy, shielding herself and Hevan within an invisible barrier, creating a temporary sanctuary amidst the chaos. The Tsw'ells circled closer, their predatory instincts triggered by the scent of blood and the aura of the dark side that surrounded them.

With a primal roar, the largest of the Tsw'ells lunged forward, jaws wide open, aiming to tear apart the intruders in its domain. Nora's lightsaber ignited in a blaze of red, the crimson blade slashing through the water with deadly precision. She deflected the creature's first attack, its teeth clashing against the energy field protecting her.

Hevan, emboldened by Nora's display of power, drew upon his own skills honed through years of survival and combat. His blaster came to life in his hands, firing precise shots at the encroaching Tsw'ells. The bolts exploded into sparks as they impacted the creatures' scaly hides, momentarily deterring their advance.

The battle unfolded in a chaotic dance of skill, strength, and desperation. Nora and Hevan moved in harmony, their actions synchronized as they fought for their lives against the relentless onslaught. With every swing of her lightsaber, Nora cleaved through the water, deflecting the snapping jaws and evading the deadly strikes. Hevan's blaster shots found their mark, creating small explosions that temporarily disoriented the Tsw'ells.

But the creatures were relentless, driven by instinct and hunger. Their numbers seemed endless, a testament to their dominance in these treacherous waters. Nora's energy waned, her limbs heavy with fatigue, but she refused to yield. She channeled her remaining strength, drawing upon the dark side as a wellspring of power.

As the battle reached its crescendo, an opportunity presented itself—a fleeting moment of vulnerability in the Tsw'ells' relentless assault. Nora seized the opening, her lightsaber whirling through the water in a blur of motion. With a swift and precise strike, she severed the dorsal fin of the largest creature, a crippling blow that sent it into a thrashing frenzy.

Emboldened by their temporary victory, Nora and Hevan pressed forward, driving the Tsw'ells back with every strike. The creatures, wounded and disoriented, retreated into the depths, their predatory instincts overpowered by the fierce determination of their adversaries. The waters calmed, the threat dissipated, and silence settled upon the scene.

Exhausted and battered, Nora and Hevan floated amidst the wreckage of their battle. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the sea's surface. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they clung to each other, their rivalry momentarily forgotten in the face of their shared survival. Nora and Hevan reached an unspoken understanding. The line between enemies and allies had blurred, replaced by a mutual respect forged through adversity. They had both stared into the abyss and emerged stronger for it.

With the danger momentarily subsided, Nora's heart softened, and a flicker of compassion swelled within her. She extended a hand towards Hevan, offering assistance and a chance at redemption. Hevan hesitated for a moment, his pride and stubbornness warring within him. But ultimately, he reached out, accepting Nora's hand, and they pulled each other to safety amidst the wreckage of Luprora.

Their bitter rivalry transformed into an unlikely alliance, borne out of shared survival and a recognition of their common humanity. Nora knew that their paths would inevitably diverge again, that the dark side still coursed through her veins and Hevan was far from redemption. But in that moment, they found solace in the unity born from chaos.

As they made their way back to solid ground, Nora couldn't help but glance back at the tumultuous sea. It had tested her resolve, shattered her illusions, and revealed her strength. The chapel, broken and battered like her own spirit, stood as a symbol of the trials she had overcome.

Nora's journey was far from over, and the pull of the dark side remained a constant presence. But for now, she had learned the value of compassion, the strength in unity, and the resilience of her own spirit. With renewed determination, she embarked on the next chapter of her story, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her.

And as the remnants of Luprora faded into the horizon, the echoes of her battles would linger, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a Sith warrior who dared to defy her destiny and forge her own path.

Nora pulled Hevan up, and the two shared a glance. "Thanks Nora." Hevan could barely talk, coughing up water and blood. His hand momentarily lowered to his saber, but he stopped it, choosing instead to help support Nora. Both of them shared another glance, before they began to limp back to dry land. Nora, taxed and exhausted by the strain of the battle, stumbled and tripped as she walked, the uneven terrain causing much trouble for the exhausted duo. They were able to get below one of the wooden walkways, Hevan throwing his grappling hook over a railing, and pulling tight on it, helping Nora up it, then following, his arms burning in unfelt agony as he climbed. He grasped the top, but the rotting wood crumbled under both Nora and his own weight, Nora grabbing his arm as he fell.

"You do realize I could just drop you now?" Nora had a weak grin, but pulled Hevan up, who bowed his head slightly, silently thanking Nora. The two staggered across ancient stone passageways, climbed across small platforms and stumbled across wooden bridges. The two were mostly silent, save for the occasional murmur of thanks, too exhausted to speak. Many times, the two rested and ate any unsoaked rations from Hevan's pack, sitting in the flickering light of a camping stove. Both of them did not realize just how far the water carried them away, and only after a hour of trekking, did the two find themselves above the ancient chapel. Their robes had mostly dried out, but the darkening night sky cast a chill over the two, and they decided to spend the night in the chapel rather than attempt to traverse the dangerous pathways that would lead to firm, solid ground.

Hevan awoke in the early morning, the sun casting a long shaft of light through the broken windows that they slept underneath. The tide would not rise this far, but they had both been woken by sea spray and waves many times overnight. He got up, screeched and groaned in pain, walked over to the flickering fire they had set up, using driftwood and any dry wood, which was mostly ash and cinders now, but still burning. He cooked some rations, looking over at the still asleep Nora, before prodding her midriff with a charred stick. She opened her eyes, smelling the food and slowly accepting it.

After the meager meal, the two got up and started their journey again. After another small journey across the chasms, they saw some of the only solid land on the planet, where their conflict had started. Hevan helped Nora onto the ground, thick clumps of grass providing perfect cushions as opposed to sleeping under a tarpaulin, and while he transmitted a signal to their clan, Nora collapsed of exhaustion, a act soon followed by Hevan.

Hevan, barely conscious upon the shuttles arrival, was carried upon the vessel, seeing blurred images of Nora strapped to a stretcher, an oxygen mask over her face. He saw the blurred face of TuQ'uan Varick, before a similar mask was placed upon his face, and he delved into unconsciousness. He awoke, hours, days, weeks later inside a bacta tank, able to just see the red body of Nora across the medical bay from him, medical staff hustling to and fro, before passing out again.