Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia vs. Adept Rajhin Cindertail

Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Adept Rajhin Cindertail

Elder 1, Elder tier, The Council
Male Togorian, Force Disciple, Juggernaut, Guardian

This was a well-written match though with its issues. Most of the heavy lifting of the match came from Turel's first post. Especially in shorter alternative endings, it is important to have both characters fully in the opener and ideally combat actually starting. That said this was very entertaining and a good read. Great work from both of you

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia, Adept Rajhin Cindertail
Winner Adept Rajhin Cindertail
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Adept Rajhin Cindertail's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Kalsunor: Massassi Arena
Last Post 16 June, 2023 3:29 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Champion Rajhin Cindertail Nora Olen
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Champion Rajhin Cindertail Nora Olen
Score: 5 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Champion Rajhin Cindertail Nora Olen
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Champion Rajhin Cindertail Nora Olen
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Champion Rajhin Cindertail's Score: 4.92 Nora Olen's Score: 3.6

Kalsunor Massassi Arena

Elevated over a ravine, the Massassi Arena has withstood the tests of time. It is arranged in a circular formation and made by a slab of stone that connects the opposite slopes of the ravine. On its eastern side, the floating arena leads to a staircase and into a near-vertical cliff face. Because of its nearly unsupported vantage that overlooks a several hundred-meter fall, even the smallest creatures can feel the occasional motion the platform makes as the breeze brushes across its cold surface.

Adding to the adrenaline rush of standing within the slab’s concentric patterns carved into the rock, barriers and obstacles echo the Massassi’s commitment to taking every advantage over their opponents. Pillars ring the outer edge without guardrails linking them, some remaining intact and others having toppled into the arena or over the perilous heights to the ground far below. Weeds and other flora cover each surface as nature seeks to reclaim the ravine and eventually send the arena itself to the depths.

A creaky rope-bridge leads away towards another ancient suspended platform with the same weathered, upturned stones. Mossy footing, and uneven ground make each of these platforms unique in small subtle ways. While there is no seating for formal spectators, the ancient stones of the Massassi Arena hold an omniscient, aged wisdom that speak to the things they have seen and the battles fought through history.

A third rope-bridge leads to yet another platform, completing the triad of battlegrounds that make up the Massassi Arena.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting an orange glow over the ancient Massassi Arena as Nora Olen stepped onto its weathered stones. She could feel the breeze gently brushing against her face, carrying with it the faint scent of moss and vegetation that had begun to reclaim this once-grand battleground. The arena stood proudly, elevated over a deep ravine, its circular formation a testament to the craftsmanship of a bygone era.

Nora's Equite Brotherhood Robes billowed around her as she made her way towards the center of the arena. The aged stones beneath her feet whispered of untold battles and ancient wisdom. The barriers and obstacles that lined the outer edge of the arena only heightened the anticipation coursing through her veins. Pillars stood like sentinels, some intact while others had succumbed to the ravages of time, toppling into the arena or disappearing into the depths below.

She glanced towards the eastern side of the arena, where a floating platform led to a staircase carved into the near-vertical cliff face. The treacherous ascent awaited anyone daring enough to venture into the unknown. The platform itself seemed almost weightless, its very existence defying logic as it hung suspended over the precipice. Nora's emerald eyes traced the patterns carved into the stone slab, mesmerized by the concentric designs that seemed to pulse with an ancient power.

But her attention was soon drawn to the creaky rope-bridge that beckoned her towards another platform. Its weathered planks and mossy footing spoke of countless footsteps that had traversed its path. Each platform in this triad of battlegrounds held its own subtle nuances, unique in their imperfections, offering a challenge to those who dared to tread upon them.

Nora's gaze shifted to the third rope-bridge, completing the trifecta of the Massassi Arena. The anticipation in her chest grew, the thrill of the impending encounter with her opponent sending a surge of energy through her veins. She tightened her grip on her red lightsaber, feeling the familiar hum of power resonating in her hand. The Force pulsed around her, the energy of the ancient arena resonating with her own presence.

As a Sith Zeltron, Nora knew the power of manipulation, of bending others to her will. Her Equite Brotherhood Robes draped around her like a cloak of authority, signifying her status among the Sith. The Ring of di Plagia adorned her finger, a symbol of her allegiance and a reminder of her own ambition. An Ancient Sith Amulet rested against her chest, its dark energy seeping into her being, fueling her hunger for power.

She had honed her skills in the art of lightsaber combat, specializing in the aggressive and unpredictable Juyo form. The blade of her red lightsaber glowed menacingly, reflecting her ferocity and determination. At her side, a Purge Electrobaton dangled from her belt, a weapon of choice for close-quarter engagements. A heavy blaster pistol completed her arsenal, ready to strike from a distance when needed.

But it was her proficiency in telekinesis that truly set her apart. The Force flowed through her, a current of power waiting to be unleashed. She had spent countless hours mastering her ability to manipulate objects with her mind, to send them hurtling towards her enemies or to shield herself from harm. Her hands tingled with anticipation, eager to shape the battlefield to her advantage.

Nora's steps grew purposeful as she made her way towards the center of the arena, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. She knew that her opponent, Rahhin Cindertail, awaited her. The name resonated in her mind, a worthy adversary, a Force disciple and a Juggernaut. Nora's lips curled into a confident smile. This would be a battle to remember, a clash of power and skill.

The Massassi Arena stood witness to their meeting, its ancient stones holding the weight of history. As Nora reached the center, the arena seemed to hum with anticipation, its aged wisdom calling forth the echoes of battles fought long ago. She closed her eyes, allowing the Force to guide her, to connect her to the energy pulsing through the very essence of this ancient place.

The stage was set. Nora Olen, Sith Seeker, would face Rahhin Cindertail, Force Disciple, in a battle that would reverberate through the annals of time. The Massassi Arena awaited their clash, the winds whispering of the battles that had unfolded here, and the battles that were yet to come.

A large figure stood at the center of the arena, seemingly unconcerned with the arrival of the newcomer. Standing on double-jointed legs in ornate crimson and gold armor, the tiger-like visage of Rajhin Cindertail was unmistakable. Bestial eyes of amber silently followed Nora as she stepped into the moss-covered stone floor that formed the focal point of the ancient arena. The Togorian made no move and kept his sword sheathed across his back, watching like a predator sizing up a challenger.

Nora came to a stop directly across from Rajhin, the blazing lightsaber in her hand casting the arena in a ruby glow. For a tense moment, there was only the hum of the saber, the surrounding trees swaying in the wind and the ambient jungle sounds.

Rajhin flashed his fangs with a hungry smile “Do you have what it takes to-”

The Fist’s question was cut off by a lightsaber flying straight for his head. The Left Hand of Dread did not come to this place to be lectured or talked down to.

An octagon-shaped shield sprung to life from the Togorian’s left forearm and, faster than Nora thought possible, was raised to intercept the spinning crimson blade. Reaching through the currents of the Force, the Warlord called the weapon back to her hand as she dashed forward to close the distance and press the attack.

Rajhin barely had split seconds to hop backward and to the side to avoid the Sith’s onslaught of slashes, occasionally parrying with the crystal-powered shield on his arm.

GOOD! SHOW NO MERCY FOR THE CHILDREN OF MORTIS WILL GRANT YOU NONE!” The Guardian-trained Fist seemed to be reveling in being very nearly on the backfoot from his opponent’s relentless aggression, which only fueled Nora’s anger and competitive drive.

The Sith Warlord eased off her furious but probing strikes as she split her concentration toward reaching out with the Force to grab a nearby broken pillar. Rajhin continued to parry and evade while refusing to draw his weapon. Such hubris Nora thought as she brought her ruby blade down in an overly telegraphed slash using a one-handed grip. The Fist parried with his shield as expected and within a heartbeat, the Zeltron made a motion toward her body with her free hand. Before Rajhin could react, the chunk of carved stone struck him in the back, knocking him forward.

The Togorian growled with pain as he stumbled forward, barely catching himself from falling. Nora did not hesitate, she swung with all her might in a two-handed horizontal slash that would have cleaved the Councilor in half. The crimson lightsaber hung in the air, seemingly frozen millimeters from Rajhin’s now outstretched and open right hand. The Fist gave a deep growl as he raised from the slight hunch Nora’s attack had caught him in. He said nothing but his amber eyes gleaned with focus and what Nora took as excitement.

It took the Zeltron a second to realize her arms and saber were held tightly in a telekinetic grip. For a lessor combatant, that might be a problem, but she was a di Plagia and not to be underestimated. Nora channeled the raw consuming fire of the dark side into her arm muscles, breaking free with a wide gesture. Now Rajhin only had a hold on the lightsaber, which remained suspended in the air before him.

Nora pulled her arms back and brought her hands toward her chest as if she were catching an invisible ball. With a swift and deliberate gesture, she thrust her hands forward, palms facing toward her opponent. A translucent surge of Force energy barreled toward the Togorian. Rajhin had only a moment to release his hold on the saber and steel himself from the oncoming blast. He crossed his arms in front of his head as the energy landed. The Fist slid backward half a meter but remained standing.

The Left Hand of Dread summoned her lightsaber to hand once again as her opponent drew his Sith sword. Nora readied herself as Rajhin dashed forward with unnatural speed.

As Rajhin dashed forward with unnatural speed, Nora prepared herself for the impending clash. Her red lightsaber blazed with crimson intensity, ready to meet the challenge presented by the Togorian Juggernaut. The air crackled with anticipation as the two combatants closed the distance between them.

Their weapons clashed in a dazzling display of skill and power. The distinctive hum of lightsabers filled the arena, echoing off the stone walls and pillars. Nora's relentless assault continued, her every strike aimed with precision and purpose. She pressed forward, channeling her anger and the dark side of the Force into her attacks, seeking to overwhelm her opponent.

Rajhin, however, proved to be a formidable adversary. His double-jointed legs and muscular build granted him agility and strength that matched his feline appearance. The Togorian expertly parried Nora's strikes with his Sith sword, the clash of their blades resonating through the arena. He moved with a fluid grace, dodging and weaving, never allowing himself to be cornered.

Their battle raged on, the Massassi Arena bearing witness to their dance of blades and the raw power of the Force. Nora could feel the ancient stones beneath her feet, their whispers of battles fought long ago fueling her determination. She tapped into her well of knowledge and training, drawing upon her adept manipulation of the Force and her mastery of the Juyo lightsaber form.

With each clash, the intensity between them grew. The exchange of blows became more ferocious, their movements fueled by a primal desire for victory. Nora's Zeltron heritage infused her actions with a touch of seduction, her manipulative prowess subtly influencing the course of the battle. She sought to exploit any weakness in her opponent, to unravel his defenses and strike at his core.

Yet Rajhin proved to be a true Juggernaut, unyielding and resilient. His amber eyes gleamed with a fierce determination, his lion-like claws adding a deadly edge to his attacks. He countered Nora's every move with calculated precision, his telekinetic shield bracer deflecting her strikes and absorbing the impact of her blows.

As the battle raged on, the arena itself seemed to come alive. The wind howled through the gaps in the stone pillars, carrying with it the echoes of ancient battles fought in this very place. The moss-covered ground trembled beneath their feet, as if the spirits of fallen warriors were urging them on. Nora felt a surge of energy, a connection to the Force that pulsed through her being. She channeled this power, allowing it to guide her movements and enhance her attacks.

Their clash intensified, the combatants locked in a deadly duel of wills. Their skills were evenly matched, each pushing the other to their limits. Nora's lightsaber danced with agility, its scarlet blade leaving trails of fire in its wake. Rajhin's Sith sword struck with deadly precision, his blows infused with the raw strength of a warrior.

With a swift and sudden movement, Nora unleashed a powerful telekinetic blast, sending a wave of Force energy hurtling towards Rajhin. The Togorian braced himself, crossing his arms in front of his head to shield against the onslaught. The impact sent him sliding backward, but he remained steadfast on his feet, undeterred.

The battle reached a crescendo, the combatants locked in a moment of intense focus. Nora's heart raced with anticipation as she prepared for the final exchange. Rajhin lunged forward, his speed blurring as he closed the distance between them. The clash of their blades echoed through the arena, their power reverberating off the stone walls.

In a final, decisive move, Nora called upon her reserves of strength and skill. With a precise strike, she aimed to disarm her opponent, her lightsaber poised to cleave through his defenses. But Rajhin, sensing her intent, summoned every ounce of his own power. With a sudden surge of strength, he deflected Nora's attack, knocking her off balance.

As Nora stumbled, Rajhin seized the opportunity. In a swift motion, he lunged forward, his Sith sword finding its mark. Pain seared through Nora's side as the blade cut deep, eliciting a cry of agony. She staggered backward, clutching her wounded side, her lightsaber falling from her grasp.

Rajhin stood before her, a mix of triumph and respect gleaming in his amber eyes. The battle had taken its toll on both of them, their bodies battered and bloodied. Yet they stood, warriors to the end, a testament to their skill and determination.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Rajhin sheathed his Sith sword and extended a hand towards Nora. She looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of pain and admiration. Slowly, she reached out and grasped his hand, allowing him to help her to her feet.

The Massassi Arena stood in silence, its ancient stones holding the weight of the battle that had unfolded within its hallowed grounds. Nora and Rajhin, bruised and battered, stood side by side, their rivalry transformed into a mutual respect. The arena had witnessed their clash, and its aged wisdom would forever carry the echoes of their fight.

Together, they exited the arena, the sun setting behind them, casting a golden glow over the ravine. As they walked away, their paths intertwined, their destinies forever altered by their encounter within the Massassi Arena.

Sith-altered steel moved through the air, slashing and probing almost faster than a mortal eye could follow. Sparks fell to the stone floor each time the alchemical sword struck the blazing plasma of the lightsaber. Nora was an experienced duelist and near peerless in her chosen Juyo form. Still, she had barely encountered anything with the sheer power Rajhin put into his swings. It took all her skill to parry the blows away; if she tried to directly block the raging Torgorian she’d be quickly overpowered.

The Zeltron’s mind raced to develop a counter-strategy, which was exceptionally challenging while keeping her opponent at bay. Range, she had to keep him at range. Up close, the Fist had the advantage, but given he had no range weapons that Nora could see, attacks from a distance would put her adversary on the defensive.

Rajhin snarled like a hungry beast as he pressed the attack, hoping to find a gap in his opponent’s defenses. Nora hopped back as she parried a particularly aggressive horizontal slash of the Sith Sword. In the precious second the Fist was committed and the sword swung away from her, the di Plagia shifted her saber to her right hand and extended her left, palm facing out, toward Rajhin. Nora didn’t have enough time or free concentration to conjure a blast as powerful as her prior attack but she did manage a strong enough shove through the Force to push the Togorian back with a deep THUMM sound.

While committed to the sword swing, Rajhin did not have a chance to steel himself from the telekinetic assault and was nearly knocked off his feet. He reflexively leaned forward to resist the push enough to stay standing, but he was now just out of striking distance. Nora seized the opportunity to dash away from her opponent to the edge of the stone circle. With a smooth, continuous motion, she turned around to face the Togorian again, tossed her saber to her side, drew her blaster, dropped to a knee and took aim.

The shots were wild and imprecise; only one or two bolts would have actually hit Rajhin had he simply stood still. The volley served its purpose of putting the Fist on the defensive as he now had to scramble to deflect the bolts with his special Sith sword.

VERY GOOD, ADAPT TO YOUR ENEMY!” Rajhin bellowed while batting blaster bolts away. The Fist stopped moving for a second and a transparent bubble of Force energy formed a protective cocoon around him, stopping subsequent blaster blots with bright purple flashes.

“Adapt to this!” Nora retorted as she gestured with her left hand while continuing to fire with the blaster in her right. A piece of rubble in the arena stands rose from the ground and launched itself at the Fist. The large slab of stone struck Rajhin’s barrier, shattering it and forcing him to resume blocking blaster volleys with his sword.

At the worst possible moment the blaster pistol overheated, nearly burning Nora’s hand. The Zeltron was forced to drop the firearm and recall her lightsaber which flew to her now empty hand and reactivated. Rajhin seized the opportunity and charged before Nora had a chance to bring the saber into a defensive position. As he got into melee range the Fist batted the lightsaber aside with the Sith Sword in his dominant hand and then reached to grab Nora’s wrist with his left.

Nora cried out in pain as Rajhin lifted her up by her right wrist, her lightsaber still blazing in her right hand above her. She instinctively pounded his arm with her free hand trying to release the grip. For a moment anger gave way to desperate fear as she recognized the vulnerable position she was in. The Togorian could easily gut her like a fish with the sword in his right hand while he held in the air with his left.


Fear and rage rose up inside Nora and she channeled that entire hurricane of intense emotion into her reply. “SHUT UUUUUUUUUP!!” The Force flowed through her vocal cords, amplifying her shout into a deafening blast. The Zeltron felt her opponent’s grip relax as he reflexively covered his ears in sharp pain. She swung her legs forward and pushed herself off Rajhin’s chest, breaking free and creating some distance.

The Fist had dropped his sword with both hands protectively cupping his ears which both had a slight drop of blood rolling down. Wasting no time the Left Hand of Dread dashed forward and had her crimson blade blazing against her opponent’s neck. Fur singed as the saber got millimeters away from making contact with skin.

For a moment, Nora was tempted, she could take the head of a councilor and the accompanying glory and infamy would be hers. This was supposed to be one on one training but accidents happen.

Rajhin smiled, “I yield.” His eyes fixed on hers. Surely he sensed the conflict within her.

The temptation passed; bragging rights would be enough for now. Besides, Nora thought, killing a member of the council would cause all sorts of political problems for her clan. She deactivated her saber and stepped away, her throat and wrist throbbing with pain from the battle’s exertions.

The Fist of the Brotherhood stood up and sheathed his sword, content to have pushed today’s trainee far enough to have bested him. He rubbed his ears one last time and wiped the small bit of blood on his hand off on his thighs.

“Well done young di Plagia, I see the forces of the Ascendant clan are in skilled hands,” he paused to rub his neck for emphasis, “if anything, Dracaryis underestimated you in the assessments he left me.”

Nora cracked a proud grin, “yeah, I get that a lot.”