Mystic Koharu vs. Warden Draca Zul

Mystic Koharu

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Kushiban, Force Disciple, Defender

Warden Draca Zul

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Zabrak, Jedi, Arcanist

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Hall Scenario Hall
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Mystic Koharu, Warden Draca Zul
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Mystic Koharu's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warden Draca Zul's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue [Scenario] Kasiya: Glitter Problems On Floor 42
Last Post 25 June, 2023 1:51 PM UTC
Member timing out Aylin Sajark


Upon first inspection, one would not understand why Floor 42 of the Taldryan Tower was so heavily restricted, though that quickly changes once a few steps are taken inside. Originally authorised by Supreme Chancellor Appius Taldrya Wight, clearance is required to access the rooms beyond. A double layer of thick, durasteel blast doors opens to a menagerie of clearly defined spaces, the machinations of Aylin Sajark and Dasha Talus present for all to see in its glittery glory.

A large Research and Development Zone connects to a prototype testing area where an assortment of experimental weapons, equipment and explosives are tested. A Lab is situated in the centre, a place where new formulas are created. The Droid Zone exists further in which houses a collection of parts required to both repair and make new droids. It connects to a Slicing Zone, which contains terminals that connect to operating systems all over Kasiya. Lastly, a large Garage is sectioned away from the rest of the floor as the only other means of access for supplies to get to this level. Floor 42 is, for this reason, a lot higher up than the floors below it.

A defence system has been put in place to deter would-be snoops and thieves that attempt to break into the secrets Floor 42 possess. However, rogue servitors have gone wild, attempting to cover anything that moves in glitter, including the droids within that are hostile to potential invaders. It feels like Floor 42 is alive as it attempts to repel invaders, a credit and debit to the minds of Aylin and Dasha.

You and a fellow member have been tasked by Taldryan's Supreme Chancellor to enter Floor 42 and getting it under control. You must salvage whatever equipment and secrets that can be saved. Succeed, and you will be handsomely rewarded. Fail, and a glittery fate awaits…

Aylin was waiting impatiently at the entrance of the 42th floor. She was walking back and forth, wondering if her message had been clear enough that it could not wait or that there was something else going on that they could not respond.

“Gah, this is not helping!” she yelled at herself as she checked the datapad again.

When she was reading the data she had sent for a millionth time, the turbolift door opened behind her. Lost in thought she didn’t hear the pair of boots and soft paws stepping out the lift and walking up behind her.

“Aylin?” Koharu asked, making her nearly jump out of her skin.

“You are here!?” the Nautolan replied as she quickly turned around, nearly dropping her datapad. “I was worried you didn’t get my message.”

“We did, multiple times even,” Draca said, “What is going on that you can’t solve your own problems?”

“I don’t exactly know,” Aylin said with a sheepish grin on her face, “but it is important that you go to action quickly before it gets out of hand even further.”

“Something we should look out for?” the Kushiban asked.

“Everything,” Aylin said while dramatically moving her hands.

Both of them frowned at the Nautolan.

Aylin let out a nervous chuckle as the joke wasn’t appreciated at all. “Alright,” she said more seriously, “I don’t know exactly what is going on there but expect the traps to be armed, and the droids to be evil. That is all I can say.”

“Alright. How hard can it be?” Draca finally said as he stepped towards the door. Koharu followed suit.

“Good luck in there,” the Nautolan said as the door hissed open, giving entrance to both of them. “I will be waiting here.”

The Kushiban and Zabrak stepped into the large entrance room. As soon as they stepped further into the room, the door closed behind them and a mechanical click could be heard indicating that the door was locked. A light flickering overhead, giving off an eerie vibe to all the equipment sprawled about in the room.

“Guess there is no way back now,” Koharu said as she looked around.

So far she only saw equipment, lockers and tables standing about in the room. There were a lot of unfinished projects about, not only on the tables but also on the floor. Some of them seemed to have had some accidents– others just seemed lifeless on the floor.

“I hope the glitter rumors are just that…” she said softly as she ventured further into the room.

They were not.

As Koharu stepped forward, she inadvertently stepped on a pressure plate. The tile gave way, and the Kushiban glanced down at the sudden descent of her foot.


Two turrets descended from the ceiling, pelting her in a storm of glitter so profound that it was hard to tell where the Koharu ended and the glitter began. Worst of all was the colour.


She was fabulously sparkly, shimmering, each little movement leaving a cloud of the substance in its wake.

Koharu inhaled a deep breath. "Are you… KIDDING ME!?"

She attempted to wipe it away, shaking, only to make more of a mess of herself than she already had. Draca, having observed all this go down, couldn't stop the raucous laughter that overtook him. He bellowed, he knew he shouldn't. Koharu was obviously livid, but he just couldn't help himself! It was too funny, and the little shake of her ears as they stood vertically didn't help alleviate the image either. His voice echoed throughout the room as he took a step forward next to Koharu, intending to help her.

Only to step onto a pressure plate of his own.

Draca looked up, expecting turrets to come from the ceiling, like they had with Koharu. However, these instead came from the floor beside him. He was too late to react as he was jet washed with a sticky, black substance, covering him from head to toe.

"AH! What is this stuff!?" Draca exclaimed. Whatever it was, it had a very caramel-like sweetness in its smell, mixed with what smelled like rain on damp earth.

This time, it was Koharu's turn to laugh. Draca folded his arms across his chest.

"Very funny…" Draca wiped off some of the substance from himself. It had gotten everywhere.

Koharu, thankfully, composed herself. "It's tar. I'm guessing we were supposed to get hit by both at once. What kind of defence system is this supposed to be?"

Whether an act of the Force or not, Koharu quickly got her answer as clamouring, hard, metallic footsteps approached from one of the adjacent rooms. They marched in unison, organised, and when the blast doors to the Droid Zone slid open, it revealed a small platoon of Clone Wars Era B-1 Battle Droids. They seemed to be carrying a weapon on them each that neither Draca nor Koharu recognised.

The Force sent a ripple through Draca's mind, like the ocean tides approaching the beach.

"Intruders!" The droid at the front proclaimed. "Light them up!"

Draca lanced forward, the Force glowing through every vein in his body. He jumped, surprising the droids as he landed in front of the large group of automatons. He retrieved his lightsabers, ready to cut them down as he pressed the activation switch on his weapons.

Nothing happened.

Draca's hearts plummeted to his feet. He pressed again, and again. No reaction. The tar had clogged the hilt, and he was in the worst position he could be in. The droids aimed, their mechanical fingers pressing down on their triggers. He gasped, staggering back, falling onto his rear.

"DRACA!" Koharu screamed.

She leapt forward after Draca, landing in front of him.

It was all part of one elaborate plan. The glitter, the tar, and now the droids. Jets of flames erupted out of their weapons in an attempt to ignite Draca where he lay.

The Zabrak shielded his face in a feeble attempt to protect himself. Yet, to his surprise, the flames never touched him.

Koharu held her hands up, forming a protective barrier around herself, and thus, him. She was taller than him whilst he laid behind her, therefore, shielding him.

"Draca, do something!" Koharu strained against the almost intolerable heat. "I can't hold this for long!"