Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia vs. Neophyte Sklar Tavis

Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Female Zeltron, Sith, Seeker

Neophyte Sklar Tavis

Journeyman 1, Journeyman tier, Unaffiliated
Male Human, Sith, Defender

A solid match up. Good use of character quirks there, definitely made it more interesting. Great work guys.

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia, Neophyte Sklar Tavis
Winner Neophyte Sklar Tavis
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Neophyte Sklar Tavis's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Felucia: Rancor Graveyard
Last Post 15 July, 2023 4:10 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Nora Olen Scout Hevan Slavis
Score: 4 Score: 4 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Nora Olen's Score: 4.0 Scout Hevan Slavis's Score: 3.22

Felucia Rancor Graveyard

Hidden in Felucia’s jungle lies a two hundred meter expanse marking the ancient burial site of this world’s deadliest creatures and the location of innumerable remnants of hundreds, if not thousands of rancors. A circular enclosure of sun-bleached bones are arranged in the center of the cemetery—no doubt the former dwelling of a powerful practitioner of the Force. Cobwebs cling to the fallen beasts, a testament to the primordial age of some of the creatures.

Somewhat obscured by surrounding cliffs and the luminescent jungle, the dusted bones and carcasses are cast in a faint shadow, leaving just enough light to see by. The atmosphere is thick and stifling, with a strong overtone of dust and bone suspended in the still air. The taint of the Dark Side's influence has polluted the landmark over time, giving form to a dreadful aura that has scared off scavengers hoping to sell off a rancor tusk or two. Unlike most of Felucia, the area is nearly devoid of life aside from ravenous predators dwelling within the hollowed-out husks of dead rancors.

Warlord Nora Olen di Plagia, clad in her Equite Brotherhood Robes and Armorweave Cloak, stepped cautiously through the thick underbrush of Felucia's jungle. Her vibrant blue hair stood out against the darkened backdrop, and her piercing green eyes scanned the surroundings, ever vigilant. The oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily upon her, as if the very air conspired against her. She could sense the ancient power and the malevolence that had tainted this burial ground, but it only fueled her determination.

Waiting amidst the sun-bleached bones and remnants of countless fallen rancors, Nora's adversary stood resolute. Neophyte Sklar Tavis, an unaffiliated Sith, emanated an air of darkness that matched the corrupted aura of the place. His black hair glistened in the faint light, and his piercing green eyes locked onto Nora with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine. The two Sith were about to engage in a battle of wills and blades, a clash of power and skill.

As Nora approached the circular enclosure, her gaze fixed upon Sklar, her red lightsaber humming with anticipation at her side. She couldn't help but taunt her opponent, a wicked grin forming on her lips. "Well, Sklar Tavis, you've chosen a fitting stage for our encounter. A graveyard of beasts, where even the bravest predators fear to tread. Are you ready to face the wrath of Clan Plagueis?"

Sklar's response was laced with a cold confidence. "Nora Olen di Plagia, the infamous Equite of Clan Plagueis. You may wield the power of the Sith, but your arrogance will be your downfall. Prepare to be humbled by the might of an unaffiliated Sith, unencumbered by the chains of allegiance."

The tension hung thick in the air as the two Sith squared off, a battle of ideologies and personal vendettas. Nora's hand tightened around the hilt of her lightsaber as she ignited the crimson blade, casting an eerie glow across the bones and cobwebs. The jungle seemed to fall silent, as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation of the imminent clash.

With a flicker of movement, Sklar drew his own lightsaber, the blade sizzling to life in a vibrant shade of red. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head mockingly. "Juyo, the primary form of the Sith, chosen by a seeker like you? A bold choice, but I suspect it won't be enough to save you."

Nora's voice dripped with disdain as she responded, her gaze locked firmly on her opponent. "Don't underestimate the power of a seeker, Sklar. The Force flows through me like a torrent, and I am its vessel. I will bring an end to your delusions of grandeur."

As the tension reached its peak, a charged silence descended upon the ancient burial ground. Nora and Sklar locked eyes, their gazes piercing through the darkness, each searching for a weakness in the other. The air crackled with anticipation, the weight of their respective powers hanging heavy in the stifling atmosphere.

The hunched human turned his head like a curious animal, examining the Plagueian, his mechanical parts hissing as hydraulics and pistons locked in place. "Target ID...Successful. Female Zeltron. Species are weak to the effects of the Vira 606 strain of biovirus. Know associates... Selika Roh... current leader of clan Plagueis. Qormus Aquila... Current proconsul to Plagueis. TuQuan Varick... House leader of Tyrannus. Bril Teg Arga... Servant to target. Unknown Human... ID pending, identit-" The augmented human's voice cracked between mechanical speech and human tongue. "I suggest you surrender." Nora's voice interrupted the cyborgs babble as she twirled he lightsaber in her hands.

Nora charged at Sklar, swinging her lightsaber up at his face, creating once more scar across his face, cutting right eye out. He countered by stabbing her with his wristblade, cutting deep into her stomach, letting blood pour from the large wound in her midriff. "One more scar for both of us." The human seemed almost impervious to the pain, his bionic left eye turning to face Nora again. He shut his lightsaber off, tossing it aside and pulling out his dagger and brandishing it at the Zeltron. Nora calmly unholstered her pistol, shooting Sklar in the stomach. Sklar laughed in a strange mix of human and bionic speech, pulling his robes aside to show the mechanical underbelly of his stomach, pistons still readjusting after the impact. "You cannot hurt me Olen... any flesh you take from me will only make me stronger."

He pulled his robes back, showing Nora the extensive mechanical parts that made up his body, following his body up to the neck, into the back of the head, into the brain, out the eye. Nora, brushing aside the augments, lunged at Sklar once again, slashing at his arm, a stroke that cut clean through the arm.

The arm fell to the floor, landing in the thick mud with a squelching noise, sinking slightly into the floor. Sklar glanced at the stump of his mechanical arm, turning away and facing Nora again, flicking his wristblade out and charging Nora.

She swung at him, to which he dodged, spinning underneath her arm and cutting into her thigh. Blood poured from the wound as Nora collapsed onto one knee, holding the deep wound in an effort to stop blood loss. He circled her to be behind her back, placing the blade at her neck and preparing to stab downwards.

Nora's mind raced as she felt the cold touch of Sklar's blade against her neck. The searing pain in her thigh made it difficult to focus, but she refused to yield to her injuries. With a surge of determination, she channeled her connection to the Force, drawing upon its power to bolster her strength and resilience.

As Sklar prepared to strike, Nora's reflexes kicked into overdrive. In a swift motion, she twisted her body, simultaneously using the Force to push herself backward and away from Sklar's blade. The move caught him off guard, causing his strike to miss its mark and leaving him momentarily exposed.

Seizing the opportunity, Nora unleashed a powerful Force push, sending a surge of telekinetic energy hurtling towards Sklar. He was caught off balance, stumbling backward as the invisible force slammed into him, throwing him several feet away. He crashed into a nearby tree, his mechanical body clanging against the trunk with a resounding impact.

Taking advantage of Sklar's momentary incapacitation, Nora struggled to her feet, her injured leg protesting with every movement. She clenched her jaw, refusing to let the pain deter her from her goal. Igniting her lightsaber once more, she closed the distance between them, closing in on her fallen adversary.

Sklar, his mechanical eye glowing with a sinister determination, pushed himself up from the ground. Despite his injuries, he refused to concede defeat. With a swift motion, he retrieved his discarded lightsaber, the crimson blade hissing back to life. There was a twisted grin on his face as he faced Nora, ready to resume their deadly dance.

The air crackled with tension as the two Sith circled each other, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. Nora knew she couldn't afford to hold back any longer. Drawing upon her training and her connection to the Force, she unleashed a flurry of precise and calculated attacks. Each swing of her lightsaber was met with a counter from Sklar, their blades clashing in a symphony of sparks and energy.

The duel raged on, their movements becoming a blur as they pushed the limits of their physical and mental capabilities. Nora's wounds throbbed with pain, her muscles strained with exertion, but she refused to relent. She channeled her anger, her passion, and her determination into each strike, driving herself forward with unwavering resolve.

Sklar, fueled by his own twisted ambitions and his undying allegiance to the dark side, matched Nora's every move with a ferocity that bordered on madness. The battle between them became a testament to their power and skill, a clash of two opposing forces unwilling to yield.

As the fight neared its climax, the jungle seemed to hold its breath once more, as if even nature itself recognized the significance of the moment. Nora and Sklar locked eyes, their gazes filled with equal parts hatred and determination. Each knew that only one of them would emerge victorious, and the fate of their conflict hung in the balance.

"Logic dictates that you would surrender, your peak operating capacity has been reduced by 65%" Sklar's computed voice only served to infuriate Nora further, who quickly pushed back against his lightsaber, forcing Sklar backwards. "It seems that your logic was incorrect cyborg." Nora was attacking viciously, drawing on her hate and passion to empower her attacks further.

Sklar's mechanical eye whipped around in it's socket, calculating each possible means of counterattack, nearly completely overwhelmed by the sheer fury that battered his defence. He pushed back, to no avail, the momentary push back against Nora allowed him to counterattack. Each strike he preformed was perfect, precise, cutting long, thin slits into Nora's arms, rendering it too painful to swing. He changed tactics, attacking with his wristblade now, attacking faster and stronger as Nora's defence fell, Nora now having to dodge and duck to avoid the blade. She tripped as she retreated, falling on a ancient finger bone, landing with a squelch in the mud.

Sklar moved in for the kill, but before he could end Nora's life, she screamed, letting out a earsplitting shriek, sending birds flying up across the arena, staggering Sklar, his ears ringing as he closed his eyes in pain.

Nora grabbed the stunned human, viciously ripping into his mechanical augments, pulling out various cables and wires. Steam poured out of damaged pipes, sparks flew from ripped up wiring, and small fires sprung up across his robes. She pulled indiscriminately, blood pouring over her hands and robes from tubes and fresh wounds in his skin,

His arm was bent off, his leg cut off with her lightsaber, his eye pulled out by her hand. Her emotions overwhelmed her, all she saw was red as she ripped Sklar apart. Throwing his metal parts aside, she got up, turning on the ruined body of Sklar. His lungs wheezed as he tried to crawl towards her, passing out within moments. Nora turned away, leaving the human to die.