Major Evelyn Wyvern vs. Eminent Foxen Erinos

Major Evelyn Wyvern

Equite 1, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Epicanthix, Loyalist, Ace

Eminent Foxen Erinos

Elder 1, Elder tier, Unaffiliated
Male Nautolan, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

A nice match from both of you. It was straightforward and well characterized. Sagitta, your last post felt more like a normal one than a closer, so just be sure to keep track of when a post is supposed to include a resolution of the match. Great work guys!

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Major Evelyn Wyvern, Eminent Foxen Erinos
Winner Eminent Foxen Erinos
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Major Evelyn Wyvern's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Eminent Foxen Erinos's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Selen: Fort Blindshot
Last Post 14 September, 2023 7:46 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Score: 5 (Advantage) Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Score: 5 (Advantage) Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Score: 5 (Advantage) Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir's Score: 5.29 Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis's Score: 4.6


A sprawling complex of training installations, barracks, and hardened defensive fortifications, Fort Blindshot serves as the beating heart of Selen’s planetary garrison. Set upon an extinct volcanic island and isolated from civilian populations, the island’s separate buildings serve three central needs for the AAF; military administration; the training and garrisoning of Dajorran Defense Forces soldiery; and a nexus of defensive structures prepared for the event of a planetary invasion.

The low, western quarter of the island is dominated by long rows of barracks and residential buildings, necessary to support the base’s soldiery and their families. These barracks, and the dining and entertainment facilities that underprop them, butt up against the sea-wall that borders the western periphery of the island, lines of turbolaser-decked hardpoints often washed over by thick banks of seaborne fog. Beyond the residential complex, the base’s main starport serves as an essential line of defense and logistical capacity, defended by frequent patrols of atmospheric fightercraft.

Rugged foothills make up the southeastern quarter of the island, criss-crossed by long, pitted firing ranges where recruits and soldiers in training practice on everything from small arms to batteries of artillery. The “star” of this quarter is a large firing range sporting moving holotargets and practice droids within a mock urban environment. As the foothills bleed into the massive volcanic caldera that makes up the northern range of the island, the firing ranges transition into terrain courses, steep mountain passes, simulated defensive positions, and faux villages and towns that serve to familiarize recruits with a wide variety of combat environments.

Evelyn grunted in frustration as she slid out from underneath her ship. She had grime on her cheek, she tried to clean it off with her sleeve to no avail. She couldn’t sleep well anymore. Something was hovering over the horizon and it bothered her. Grabbing a rag, she wiped the grime and oil from her hands.

She could feel she was being watched.

Foxen stared at Evelyn, bright red eyes assessing the environment.

Target Distance: 2 m

Environmental Threat level: Minimal. No fraking animals.

Assessment: musculoskeletal build same, flight suit covered in oil and grime; new visible scars: none found; braid 8 cm longer, need of a trim; nails, neat, unbroken; increase darkening around eyes. Grime smeared on her right cheek.

Conclusion: she is 90% healthy: 5-15% slower due to lack of sleep.

Evelyn turned and nodded to the familiar figure. “Hey, Foxen.” Right on time. He always was and that was one of the many things she liked about him. Evelyn’s hands grasped the ends of her cockpit and lifted herself over, as she grabbed something from the inside. Sliding back down, she had her rapier in her hand.

“Here?” she asked, her green eyes showing a hint of sadness when she got a more proper look at Foxen– his new scars and a missing finger. She was glad he was rescued. She had never been that furious. How could it have happened under their radar? Sure, they managed to rescue a few, but there were many lost.

Inventory updated: Rapier. Recently cleaned. Poison removed.

Re-evaluate Environmental Analysis: 10 meters radius. Ideal for rapier match. One obstacle: ASOG; Assault Ship on Ground. No mechanical sounds; turned off.


Evelyn didn’t know all the sign language but she had learned the basics. Colors, numbers, alphabet, wh-questions, yes, and no. When she saw Foxen signed to her, she nodded while reaching into her pockets to fetch a rapier tip cover. After putting it on, she relaxed back and put her left arm behind her back. Emerald hues watched him. He always had the advantage of being much bigger but Evelyn didn’t mind.

She needed that challenge.

When he was ready, she bowed forward and Foxen bowed in return. Leaning back, their rapiers were up in the air. She lunged forward when he stepped back and slightly to the left. He flicked his wrist and thrust forward. Evelyn blocked with her rapier and pushed up in an attempt to slide his rapier up. Foxen twisted his wrist fluidly and rotated her rapier, causing Evelyn to rotate as well, leaving her exposed. She felt a thrust on her side, causing her to grunt in discomfort.

She continued to rotate and managed to lunge forward with a strike of her own. He parried the thrust by batting her weapon aside.

“That was good.”

Then, Foxen surprised her.

The rapier in that massive, mottled black hand whipped out, slicing directly for Evelyn's throat.

Decades of battle training and duelist's reflexes had her reeling, bending at the back like a bow taut to lean away from and under the lash. Her feet followed in quick-step, alighting backwards as if in flight.

But then she paused again, shock muted on her collected features. Any waver in her voice she leveled, even though her heart had galloped in her chest.

"Alright, Foxen?" Evelyn asked, not because he had struck for her head, as their matches had always been a challenge between themselves -- full body target valid, striking and slashing allowed -- but because of the viciousness of the blow.

The Nautolan hybrid across from her didn't blink, didn't move at first, only holding himself in absolute stillness, blade lifted. Evelyn noted his position was not as refined as she was used to from his spectacular form and control; his stance was guarded, as if he were in a fight, not a match. His chest lifted rapidly. Her concern grew, though she didn't show it.

So-so, the man conveyed with a wobble of his off-hand, unfolding it from behind his back. He spelled slowly, impeded by his missing finger. ME N-E-E-D. R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R. WHERE ME.

I need to remember where I am.

"Fort Blindshot," the pilot supplied, keeping her tone steady. "With me."

Yes, Foxen replied. And then, a question, brows lowered, lifting his rapier again: yes?

"Yes." Evelyn readied herself. "On your ready."

No sooner had the last syllable left her lips than did the larger man nearly blur, a shadow that moved too fast for its behemoth size. He struck high, then low, and Evelyn retreated from the first, twisted aside of the second, slapped his blade with her own as it retracted.

Her hit did not unseat his hold in the slightest, and with another lunge, Foxen's saber struck out, twining with her blade and ripping it from her hand with a keening wobble of flexible steel. In the same motion, his momentum carried on, the tip stabbing upwards.

Evelyn gasped as a line of fiery pain sliced across her cheek, the stab glancing off her cheekbone, perhaps not only spitting her skull because Foxen didn't intend to. She stumbled back, clapping a stained hand to the wound, green eyes fixing on him with shock once more. This time, she struggled to mask it.

"Erinos, what the k-- in the world?" Reverting to formality though she did, she managed not to curse as the mercenary she once had been.

The Nautolan hissed a low sound, retreating his saber arm to a loose position and pointing at her with his other hand as viciously as he'd attacked.

You, he said. And then repeating himself from earlier, only a new subject: you need to remember where you are.

"Having a duel with an old compatriot? We did not agree to blood!"

We no A-G-R-E-E to A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

That...was true. She had blunted her tip, but Foxen hadn't his. They hadn't set any match rules.

She had always done that.

D-I-T-R-A-C-T-E-D. P-R-E-T-E-N-D-I-N-G, Foxen went on. Stop.

"I'm not pretending anything, Erinos." Drawing a handkerchief from her suit pockets, she pressed it to the wound, dabbing at the mess of blood ruining her collar. She grit her teeth to push down a well of anger at as much.

No, he denied her simply, and then lunged once more.

Block. Block. Counter. Parry. Her hand held the handkerchief and was pressed against the wound on her cheek to try to stop the bleeding. The other was making quick work to keep the massive Nautolan at bay. Her anger and frustration were getting to her. She executed an excellent parry that forced Foxen to block, her body spun around as she slid the rapier against her foot, and removed the cover tip.

Then, she slashed at his arm. A small cut. Foxen’s head moved to look at the small cut and he seemed to be unfazed by it. He only resumed his pose, rapier at the ready.


Evelyn exhaled in exasperation and exhaustion.

Subject displaying anger. Movements are sloppier. Accompanying a well-timed and focused lunge, his wrist flicked at her side. Another whack met at the side of her torso. The Wyvern inhaled deeply in pain. How did she not see that coming?

Evelyn took several steps back. “Erinos, stop!”


Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Erinos, we’re not in danger, we’re at Fort Blind-” He shook his head.

‘You. D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S.’

Evelyn scoffed. If he meant that he was dangerous to her, he was proving it. But the other way around? How could she possibly be dangerous? Her eyes darted to his side and she saw something that could help her. He lunged forward but Evelyn surprised him by lunging forward this time with her rapier down at her side, and her hand reached out to one of his inner pockets and grabbed a throwing knife.

Foxen made a disgusted noise.

Target was too close to him. His foot went to kick behind the Wyvern’s knee. He watched her grimace in pain when her knee slammed into the hard concrete. He did not flinch at the sound.

Status update: Right kneecap 83% bruised.

An opening on the Wyvern. He went in for a swipe at her. She succeeded in blocking by making an X with her rapier and his dagger and lifted up.

Inventory updated: 5/6 throwing knives. The Wyvern had stolen one. Frakking sneaky bitch.

Evelyn raised the weapons towards the sky and shoved them to the side. She fell to the side only to have her feet kick underneath his left rib cage. Foxen stumbled back. Evelyn glared at him. Her breathing was ragged and she could feel the sweat sliding down the back of her neck. Her muscles were burning. She arched her back and kicked her legs out to hop back up.

He was at the ready. His fist made contact at her side. With a grunt in pain, she responded by uppercutting him in the jaw.

It felt like she was hitting a brick wall. Evelyn shook her hand out of pain while taking several steps back, slightly limped.

He was far more trained than she ever was. And powerful. She gritted her teeth. She looks rough for wear. Her breathing was labored.


The Wyvern mentioned his name. He didn’t fall for the ruse.

“You. D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S your T-E-A-M.”

You are dangerous to your team.

If the Wyvern does not get her head together and frakking learn how to fight, she will not survive this upcoming war.

Time to properly teach her a lesson.


Evelyn’s jaw tightened. Did he just say that she was a liability to her squad?! He sheathed his rapier.

“What are you-”

She didn’t have time to finish her sentence before Foxen took another step forward. Evelyn saw movement, which caused her to limp back and barely miss his punch. His knuckles scraped at the fabric of her thin flight jumpsuit. Then a hook from Foxen came, and she reflexively brought her arm up to block the punch to her face. A pained expression washed over her face.

The impact hurt her arm. A bruise started to form.

BRIIIiiiiirRIIiiingggggg went the clash of their blades.

Fencing foils weren't meant for locked holds. They were too thin, bending with the contact. Such as it was that Evelyn couldn't bear the brunt when Foxen attacked, her sword nearly flying from her hand. She slapped the other onto the grip just to keep hold, and all it managed was to allow him to push both her arms down as her rapier recoiled from side to side. The Nautolan kept coming though, bulldozing forward, and shoved, throwing her straight off her feet.

The Echani hybrid hit the ground by the shoulders with bruising force, a cry silenced by the air being shocked from her lungs. Still, even breathless, she rolled into the fall instinctually with her training, scrambling to get back to her feet, palms scraping the dirt, a jammed nail trailing blood from the cuticle.


She didn't get to finish her order. Foxen was still coming, she'd dropped her saber, and he had drawn a machete in his dominant hand from his side holster. Evelyn gasped for breath and jerked back of a slash for her torso, imagining the thick, chopping blade lodging in her sternum like it was a log.

Surrender was not in her repertoire, and yet survival was stronger; the pilot stumbled back again and then backpedaled smoothly once she got her feet under her. Foxen's longer legs ate up the distance. Cursing, Evelyn's wide green eyes narrowed and she juked around and ran forward instead, twisting at the hips and snapping out an open hand to chop at the Nautolan as she darted past.

She aimed right for the spot where his pinkie had once been, feeling sick at it when she made contact with knucklebone.

A tiny hiss was all that escaped Foxen, but on him it was a screech. The CLANG of his own rapier dropping shouted for him, his fingers flying wide with the shock of pain that numbed his palm. Two rows of razor teeth bore at her as she twisted, skidded, reversed, and dove for the weapon the man had lost.

The woman swept the rapier up into her practiced grip just in time to keep a brutal chop from embedding in her arm. What it didn't do was stop the blade entirely, and the machete sliced viciously across her bicep as it screed over metal and down and off in a completed swing. Evelyn gasped, wavering, and was still reeling when Foxen reversed his hold and swung back up, slicing into her thigh.

With all her wherewithal, the duelist ignores the agony, dropped her saber and caught it in her other hand, thrusting her uninjured arm forward. There was hardly space between them, and so even with the weapon feeling unfit and alien in her offhand, she managed to stab right at Foxen.

But even with him cutting into her, her body couldn't shake what she believed; this was an ally. Someone she was meant to protect. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be.

Her thrust aimed off, up. Already made worse by her left hand, a true strike wouldn't have hit an organ but by luck, but she deliberately drew the tip upwards, more punching him in the chest with the hand guard than anything else. Foxen didn't budge an inch, and when his gaze fell to the impact and saw no blood, he made a disgusted noise.

The Nautolan's damaged hand lifted and batted hers aside, hard. The rapier flew from her fingers, pain numbing them, the blow spinning her about bodily. Another jab at her back sent her flat to the ground again, and then weight was there, pinning her briefly before he shoved her over onto her back. He shook her once. Her head spun as it knocked to concrete now, and she yelled with pain and defiance.

Those large hands pulled away, but it was only a reprieve from the physical violence. Through her screwed up eyes, she watched the Mandalorian start to yell.

G-E-T your shit TOGETHER, Foxen snapped, a snarl curling his lips back. Jax has L-O-S-T E-N-O-U-G-H A-L-R-E-A-D-Y. Doesn't N-E-E-D to L-O-S-E you too. You aren't A-L-L-O-W-E-D to DIE. Do B-E-T-T-E-R.

Do better?

"'Do better?!'" Evelyn hollered back at him. "Are you insane, Erinos?! I'm fine! Or I was before this sham! I'm not karking dead, now am I?"

You W-I-L-L B-E, L-I-K-E T-H-I-S.

"You are so bloody arrogant, it's a wonder you don't float the hell away," she scathed, trying to measure her breathing.

I'm R-I-G-H-T. L-O-O-K at yourself. L-O-O-K at your C-H-O-I-C-E-S. His hand lashed out, a girder around her arm, and he sunk his thumb into the open gash. She stifled a scream, and he was releasing her again before a second had even passed. Foxen stared down at her, looming. Look how many times I could have killed you, that glare said. He gestured again. L-O-O-K.

"I'm not doing anything! I'm perfectly capable! This is-- Of course you savaged me, you're acting like an animal!"

The Nautolan flinched. That alone made her gape. Not once had she seen Foxen cringe. Not once in all their years.

He stood in a flash and retreated from her a solid two meters, shoulders lifting tight, a sharp, hissing exhale. He paced a moment, then pivoted around, and his face was more open and cracked with what she could only call shame than she had ever seen it. She hadn't thought him capable of the emotion.


The anger she was feeling slowly drained out of her. Evelyn looked over at the Mandalorian with a grimace, then sighed.

"Well couldn't we have led with that?" she grumbled, wincing as she pushed herself onto her knees. Foxen set aside his blade, pointing at her.

You too he asserted again. You're D-I-F-F-E-R-R-N-T. You are B-R-O-K-E-N. It was matter of fact, no inflection in the way his hands moved nor his face, neither sympathy nor disdain. Is it B-E-C-A-U-S-E of Aketa?

For a moment -- just a moment -- she didn't recognize the sign. Then, snap-freeze, it came back to her: Aketa's name sign.

She hadn't seen it in five years, not since Foxen disappeared.

Not since--

Guilt welled first; how could she have forgotten that sign for even a second?! Her wife's name? Then a sudden and overflowing pain she struggled desperately to swallow down. Evelyn stiffened, a lump lodging in her throat.

"H-how-- who. Told you?"

Jax, the of course didn't need to be added, flippant as the name was. O-B-V-I-O-U-S T-H-O-U-G-H. Or she W-O-U-L-D be here.

She was already spent of tears, few as she had, and so all that was wrung out of her was a whimper and a nod.

"She would be," the pilot agreed.

For a little while, silence reigned, aside from her small grunts when the thread pulled. He moved to her leg, then her cheek, and she had to close one eye on the wince, but that one was small and thin; a layer of bacta would do now, and she would treat it fully later to assure not a single scar.

"Your hand. That's more recent, isn't it?"

Foxen stilled briefly, then nodded.

"But you're having difficulty sparring to practice?"

Another nod. Their conversation was forestalled as he checked his work and grunted in acceptance before responding.

Seven W-E-E-K-S. I N-E-E-D to G-E-T G-O-O-D A-G-A-I-N. Help me?

Evelyn could only snort. Just like Foxen, to ask that after abusing her like this. But that was how he was. And she knew his word was absolute.

"Of course," the woman sighed, and wiped at her eyes one more time. The salt water was making her cut cheek sting even with the bacta. She sniffed, jaw tightening a moment. "And have a point. That wasn't a good showing. Maybe I have become…distracted."

G-E-T B-E-T-T-E-R, he repeated, advice, encouragement, and chastisement in one.

"Yes," Evelyn replied, and clasped his hand when he offered it to assist her in standing. The contact disappeared not a heartbeat later, a small cringe to his spine at it. Another scar. Another bit of broken. But they could be better, couldn't they? "Yes, let's."

Evelyn's eyes closed against welling tears. No, no, she would not cry. Not about this, not still, not here.

A snapping of fingers called for her attention. Her green gaze blinked back open, and she saw Foxen having gotten closer. He crouched down again to be on her level, and gestured.

I'm S-O-R-R-Y I wasn't here for you, he said, and those words, from him of all people, with that sincerity and gravity on him, broke the dam. A sob escaped her mouth, one she slapped a hand over, and her shoulders shook.

The Nautolan made no move to comfort of any kind. He just stared at her while she cried, unblinking red eyes watching the whole thing. Only when she was done trembling and wiping her face did he move, and that only to remove the medical kit from his lower back holster, opening it and beginning to sort materials out. He motioned for her, drawing up a needle of gut and thread and bacta doses.

The Echani hybrid didn't say anything either, didn't protest. She painfully shrugged out of her suit top and turned to offer Foxen the deepest slash on her arm, knuckles whitening in the fabric as she held still while he sewed her skin up like she would repair a button on his coat.