OP Celevon Edraven vs. KAP Atyiru Caesus Entar

Obelisk Prelate Celevon Edraven

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Obelisk, Shadow

Krath Archpriestess Atyiru Caesus Entar

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Female Miraluka, Krath, Sorcerer

For the most part, there was really an overarching story present here. Both of you portrayed that this was merely a snapshot of a moment in time for both your characters. Definitely try to feed into that in your writing as it is a good direction to take.

From a technical standpoint, both of you should try to improve your use of the character sheets. From either perspective, there could have been more delving into the abilities and aspects there, demonstrating a deep understanding of the characters beyond the comradery you both already demonstrate.

At the end of the day, this is a judgement and I have to deliver a verdict. The only thing keeping this from a tie, when it comes down to it, is story. Atyiru provided the more complete story in this case, engaging the reader and challenging them to look beyond the conflict itself, though at the risk of losing sight of the conflict. The risk, and for the most part pulling it off, elevates her to the win on this one.

Keep writing, keep getting better, and I look forward to seeing more of these characters' stories.

Hall Duelist Hall - Old Container
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants OP Celevon Edraven, KAP Atyiru Caesus Entar
Winner KAP Atyiru Caesus Entar
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
OP Celevon Edraven's Character Snapshot Snapshot
KAP Atyiru Caesus Entar's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Selen: Arcona Citadel - Courtyard
Last Post 5 March, 2015 11:03 AM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Score: 4 Score: 4
Rationale: Minor errors in spelling and the occasional repeated word in back-to-back sentences. The flow of your writing is generally good and doesn't jar the reader. Rationale: Minor errors in spelling and grammar, perhaps run it through a spell check that "one last time" before submitting, or have another review.
Story - 40%
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Score: 4 Score: 4
Rationale: For the most part, your story is conveyed well and the conflict maintains a steady flow. You bring about a satisfying resolution for the reader, but leaves a desire for more. Rationale: The story itself is interesting, you make a great case setting up the fight and then starting to get into it... And then you go to the sidelines. This pulls the reader out of the conflict, which should be the focus, and places them elsewhere. Your final post felt less like an aside and more in line with what had become the story of the battle. You kept the conflict and made a good attempt at linking everything together, giving this story a full circle conclusion. The stuttering corporal was a little much as a reader, and this kept you away from a 5.
Realism - 25%
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Score: 4 Score: 4
Rationale: For the most part, your dedication to the characters and world is realistic. However, where your combat aspects convey an unrelenting attack, seeking to weaken an opponent, your writing does not convey the same. In this way, Cel is not written in line with the CS and as such prevents you from reaching full marks. Rationale: Your level of realism shown is generally pretty good, however you seem to step around utilizing the character sheets to really demonstrate the skills of these characters. For example, you could have written Celevon dodging the blaster bolt to the foot based on his sheet, though it works within the narrative you presented.
Continuity - 20%
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Score: 4 Score: 4
Rationale: You took your opponent's posts and built upon them nicely, while never making the reader feel lost in the process. Generally you didn't ignore your own, or your opponent's posts and tied them all together. Rationale: No real issues to speak of. You generally tied your own posts and your opponents together nicely.
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri's Score: 4.0 Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir's Score: 4.0

Despite being on the first level of the Citadel, the massive courtyard remains hidden behind towering walls of stone and sediment. An elongated central patch of neatly trimmed grass stretches out for almost fifty-meters while maintaining a twenty-meter width. At the center of the grass is a large, ovular fountain in the shape of the Arcona emblem, with water running from the tips of each pointed edge. Vegetation grows along some of the walls, and an archaic clock-face is carved into the face of one of the entryways. A small group of rotating sharpshooters are scattered across the walls as the courtyard is supposed to serve as a safe place for Arconans to enjoy some quiet time, or to meet with visitors. It has served as the venue for multiple honor-duels over time, and there is a significant crater off to the side of the grass left behind as a result of a contest between Marick Arconae and Wuntila Arconae. The duel had taken place prior to either Arconae serving as Shadow Lords and in a quieter time before all Arcona knew was warfare.

As you walk towards the back of the courtyard, closer to the base of the cliff that the Citadel is constructed upon, a tall tree shoots up from the stone, its shade guarding an entrance into the Citadel proper.

“M-m-ma’am, s-sir, do I h-have to do this?”

“Yes, Lance Corproal Murray, you most certainly do! And with a smile, man, for goodness’ sakes!”

The poor, thin-faced guardsman twitched his quivering lips into something resembling a grin, looking like he was “‘most certainly’” going to vomit. He lifted one shaking hand and gestured formally towards his left.

“L-lady Atyi—”

“Oh, do the whole thing, Murray, come now! This is for a lady’s honor after all.”

Murray swallowed thickly, eyes flicking up to the ramparts surrounding the courtyard, as if to silently beg his fellow mates to make good use of their rifles and put him out of his misery. He coughed three times to clear his throat and began again.

“On this day, the thirteen of the month, thirty-eighth year after the Battle of Yevin, at thirteen-hundred hours—”

“Lucky,” was all the other occupant of the green rumbled, squinting in the sun as he removed his mask.

“—I d-do pledge witness to this du-uel between the L-lady Atyuri—”

“Atyiru, dear! Atyiru! A-t-y-i-r-u. It’s a bit hard to pronounce in Basic, I know.”

The man flinched badly. “My apo-ap-apap—”

“Oh, dear sweetling, do calm down. Shh. It’s okay, just breathe. You’re not some fluffy little baby hoojib. You’re a Lance Corporal of Clan Arcona! You’re a man with a spine! A full grown adult perfectly capable of finishing his sentences. Right?!”

“R-right ma’am, yes ma’am!”

Good! Now, finish up. No apologies.”

“Yes, ma’am. I do, do pledge my witness to this duel b-between Lady At..yiru?” The poor man received a nod. “Atyiru Caybus—”

Under her breath, the Miraluka sighed and muttered, “Oh, frak it.”

“--Entar, Aedile of House Galeres, Shadesworn of the Second Circle, the Mountain of Arcona, and Lord Celevon Edraven, Aedile of House Galeres, Master of the Antei Contract Bureau, Shadesworn of the Second Circle, Shadicar. The matter of the duel is to the honor of the Lady...er…” he squinted and pulled out the small business card he’d been given. “Do I have this right? Tyffany Lace, with a yivt instead of an isk?”

“That’s the gem.”

“Riiight, ma’am, sir. For the honor of one Lady Tyffany Lace, having been presumed upon with possession, and for the violation of the Brethren’s Code—”

“What?” Atyiru interrupted again. “I would never violate the Brethren’s Code! It’s the most sacred of codes any of we faithful hold dear! How dare you say that, Cel!”

“How dare I?” the Human scoffed grumpily. “You broke your oath as one of the brethren!”

Atyiru gasped.

“Y-you insult me, Celevon! I would never, ever—”

“You violated my dibs!”

“Dibs? I did not — no! I saw her first!”

“You can’t even see!”

“Oh, that’s irrelevant! I sensed-saw her first, damn you! I saw her before you called your silly dibs! It’s you that broke the code!”

Celevon also gasped.

The sound of a lightsaber activating punctuated the argument. The Shadicar bent at the knee and sprang forward, blue blade clutched tightly. Atyiru dived, not-so-gently shoved the Lance Corporal out of harm’s way, and rolled under the Human’s first strike. Half a heartbeat, and she threw herself to the left to avoid being impaled from behind.

The Archpriestess rolled again, coming into an upright crouch and spitting out clods of dirt as Celevon uncurled from his downward strike. He held his saber loosely now, its tip blackening the sweet grass.

Atyiru took the chance to draw her own seraphic lightsaber. She stood, whirling it before her, a ceaselessly moving shield to counter the assassin’s deathly-still blade.

Somewhere up on the bulwarks, the other sharpshooters watched their fellow soldier scramble away from the two fighting godlings and began to chant.

“Fight, fight, fight, fight!”


Off to the side, lazing drunkenly under the shade of the great tree, the dueling pair’s “honorable stand-ins” watched the fight with bleary eyes and silly grins.

“Shhhould just stay hammered more of’en,” Uji observed. “No hangover, jusht drunk or dead.”

“S’how I uh, prefer to live..he..hehe…” Kordath replied, taking a small swig from his quickly-emptying flask. “Shay, doya think we shhoulda, eh, shtop them?”

“Naahhhh. They’ll be fiiine. Blinky’s got this,” the red-eyed Human paused. “When did I shtart sayin’ dat?”

“Too much shtime aroun’ me, mate, bad for ya health, right, heh,” the Ryn chuckled back. “An’ I dunno...Cel’s...looks fasht.”

“Maybe fightin’-wise he’s better, buh Atty’s got—”

They both shared half-dazed looks.

Uji stuck out a leg and kicked at the cowering mundane soldier nearby that had officiated the dueling business. “O-oi, you, whatsername. C’mere an’ witness thish.”

“Whadda we bettin’?” Kord asked. “Tab at the Tipshy Rancor?”

“No,” Uji said. “I propose a shlap bet.”

Kordath drunkenly gasped. Lance Corporal Murray observed that there was a lot of gasping going on.

“Slaps? Heh-h nonononooooo man, not ag — hic! --agin!”

“C’monnn. Three to...to five! If Cevon wins, I get five, an’ if Atty wins, I get three.”

“Oka--wait waht? No!”

“You!” the Templar kicked at the Lance Corporal again. “He shaid okay, righ? Tha’s it!”

“Both sides need to benefit for a fair challenge, s-sir,” the poor man groaned, curling in on himself in the grass.

“Pssssht, fiiiine. If Atty wins, you can have...two.”

“Mahke it five!”

“If Atty wins five timesh, you can have two.”

The Ryn lifted his flask to throw it at his Obelisk companion, then seemed to think better of it and just drank some more.

“Three each. Blinky beats ‘im, me win. Broody, then you do.”

“Bahhh. Fine. Leshhh deal.”

They missed twice before finally shaking on it. Back across the courtyard green, Atyiru and Celevon danced around in colorful blurs, plasma flashing.

Lance Corporal Murray cried quietly to himself.

The Onderonian felt his lips curving into a grin as he and the Galerean Aedile wove around one another, plasma spitting and hissing as their blades connected for only an instant. A split-second in time, then the Assassin attacked from an entirely different angle as he tested the Archpriestess’ defenses. The pair had neither sparred nor dueled prior to this incident.

‘I think this is the first time I’ve seen her with her lightsaber in hand,’ Celevon mused in the back of his mind.

This was when the Obelisk felt most alive. A weapon in hand, moving through the intricacies of combat against an opponent, adrenaline singing through his blood. Whether it be sparring or a matter of life or death, it caused the same reaction.

The Lance Corporal watched the fight, his jaw steadily getting lower and lower as both Aediles continued their dangerous dance. The pair were moving almost too quickly for Murray to track, cyan and cobalt beams flashing and spinning in a hypnotic fashion. Both suddenly paused in their combat and backed away from one another. It suddenly occurred to the soldier how similar, yet different the two were.

It was like seeing a battle of primal elements. Ice and fire. Atyiru and Celevon had identical attire in their Invicta robes, down to the dark cloaks across their shoulders. That, however, was where the similarities ended. The Miraluka’s bronze flesh, long braided platinum hair and small smile contrasted sharply with the Prelate’s alabaster skin, ebony locks and wicked grin.

A heartbeat later, the second-tier Equites leapt back into their fight, their blades locked together.

“How dare you accuse me of breaking the Brethren Code!”

“You never called dibs,” the Prelate hissed back, mercurial eyes narrowed at the female.

“I may have never said it aloud, but it was implied,” Atyiru retorted.

“Implied dibs don’t count. I called it aloud.”

“I said we could share!”

“Please,” Celevon snorted. “Sharing for you means ‘you stand over there and wait your turn’.”

“I....” the Archpriestess trailed off, a strange expression crossing her features. “Do you hear that?”

The Onderonian listened for a moment, a look of disbelief spreading across his face as his eyes widened.

Slowly, in unison, both Aediles turned their gaze to where the drunken pair were sat. The Ryn and the Templar were singing loudly and so far off-key that it was almost painful to bear.


“-the frack?” Atyiru finished, head turned in the same direction.

The Lance Corporal appeared to be traumatized, slowly rocking in the foetal position as the members of the Nighthawk continued their slurred song.

“Hakchuua Ma-cha-cha, what a wonder(hic)ful phrashe..”

Atyiru’s eyebrows twitched. She glowered eyelessly at the drunken duo as they sang and shimmied under the tree.

In one quick, smooth motion, she drew her blaster, aimed, and fired. Liquid fire burst from Kordath’s hand, tearing a shriek from the Ryn as his whiskey immolated. In seconds, all that was left was his flask, the smoldering hole ripped through it, and his smoking fur.

If he’d been less drunk, less shocked, and less horrified, Kordath would have attacked the Miraluka then and there, she knew. As it was, he threw himself to the ground and sobbed, clinging to Uji’s legs.

“N-no-not me whishkeeeeey!”

“She’sh a monshter!” the sloshed Templar slurred. “A mean monshter!”

A shining lightsaber seared next to her throat in a blink. Its heat pricked her skin uncomfortably.

“On the one hands, you shut those idiots up,” the Qel-Droman Aedile grumbled. “On the other, that was probably good whiskey.”

“I-i-i-it waaaas!” wailed the Ryn.

Celevon nodded to himself. “Someone kick the Lance Corporal up. This duel is for Lady Lace and the whiskey now.”

“Oh, for the love of—” Atyiru cried exasperatedly, pointing her drawn blaster and shooting the Onderonian in the foot.

Celevon shouted and flinched, grabbing at his injured appendage as Atyiru dove out of the way of his lightsaber pinwheeling through the air, losing hers in the process.

The Miraluka rolled backwards again only to jerk to a halt as her cape pulled taut around her throat and choked her. A glimmering knife embedded in the earth pinned the flapping fabric — and her — down. Celevon hobbled towards her, growling in pain, his knives in hand.

Atyiru’s nimble fingers scrabbling at the clasp of her cloak, snapping it a heartbeat too late as the Shadicar’s blade descended. Cold metal sliced through the flesh of her cheek, showing her too-white teeth through the wound. The Galeren Aedile somersaulted desperately away, rolling once, twice...and then her stomach was lurching and her nerves screaming in warning all up her spine as the ground disappeared under her.

For a breath, she was suspended in terrible limbo.

Then she was falling ass-over-head down into the crater blaster into the courtyard grounds. The back of her head met rock, and then the stone was silence and the words were wind.


Atyiru jerked back into the waking world with a groan, healing herself unconsciously. Dust and rock chips crumbled down around her as someone made their way carefully down into the crater.

Celevon’s hand stuck out, an offering instead of a threat. She took it gratefully as he helped her up.

“It wouldn’t be much of a gentlemen’s duel if I didn’t act like a gentleman and help the lady up.”

“And I wouldn’t be much of a lady if I didn’t thank you just properly so for your aid, good man.” Dipping in a short curtsy, Atyiru leaned forward and kissed the man’s masked ‘cheek.’

“Now, that’s hardly proper.”

“Yes, but let’s be honest here...neither was Tyffany.”

They laughed. Up above, Kordath sobbed into Uji’s tunic as the Human rocked him gently.

Curled up on the ground and all out of tears, Lance Corporal Murray decided to retire.

“I...” the Onderonian trailed off, staring at the pair in horror.

“Yeah...” the Archpriestess replied, cocking her head to the side.

“.. The frack are they singing?!”

“Whatever it is, they’re mangling it horribly. And they’re majorly off-key,” Atyiru winced, wishing for the moment that she couldn’t hear.

Both Aedile’s dropped their lightsabers to the ground, taking no notice of the extinguished blades as they covered their ears. Kordath had started screeching what they assumed was a solo vocal part.

“I... can’t stand this... torment,” the Prelate growled through gritted teeth. “Is there some way we can shut them up?!”

“Normally, I’m not one to advocate violence... in this case, though,” the Krath replied loudly.

“Aye. I understand. Truce?”

“Once those two are quiet, we’ll agree to terms.”

The pair nodded and moved swiftly towards the drunken Nighthawk members, grimaces of pain sufficing their features.

“Uji... hic Whazzer they doin’?”

“I dunno..... are they schpinning?” the other retorted in a confused manner.


Atyiru took the most direct route, stomping towards the Ryn as the pair started singing again. The Archpriestess ripped the bottle from Kordath’s grasp and bashed it over his head. The glass shattered, rendering the alien unconscious. Normally, she was against alcohol abuse, even refusing to spill the smallest of amounts. In this case, it was a necessary sacrifice for her ears.

The Qel-Droman rolled his eyes as Uji kept right on singing. Wasting no time, Celevon rushed forward, grabbed the other Onderonian by the forehead with his fingers touching each temple. In a harsh motion, the Prelate bashed the back of the Templar’s head into the trunk of the ancient tree.

Finally, blessed silence.

“Did you have to be so rough with him, Celevon? He could have a concussion..”

“He was still singing... Besides, one of the Healers can take care of both of their injuries rather quickly.”

“Fair enough, I suppose. So...”

“So, what?” the male queried, cocking an eyebrow at his friend.

“Are we going to share Tyffany?”

“I don’t see why not. She’s just a stripper,” Celevon shrugged as he attempted to suppress his amusement. He knew she would correct him. And, right on cue..

“Exotic dancer!”


“Urgh! Why must you be so frustrating?”

“Oh, that just comes to me naturally.”