Warlord Zenod'ande'rson vs. Raider Titius Osseus

Warlord Zenod'ande'rson

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Chiss, Sith, Seeker, Sith Eternal

Raider Titius Osseus

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist

Quite a dramatic and violent match there guys. Good work!

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Warlord Zenod'ande'rson, Raider Titius Osseus
Winner Warlord Zenod'ande'rson
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Warlord Zenod'ande'rson's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Raider Titius Osseus's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Seraph: The Lighthouse
Last Post 18 December, 2023 5:37 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson Magistrate Titius Osseus
Score: 4 Score: 3
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson Magistrate Titius Osseus
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson Magistrate Titius Osseus
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson Magistrate Titius Osseus
Score: 5 Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson's Score: 4.7 Magistrate Titius Osseus's Score: 3.85


Located in the harbor of Caelestis City on Seraph, and rising from the tides without a rock in sight, the 250 meter tall lighthouse is a beacon of safety for seafaring vessels. For anyone else, it is a frequent and infamous place to carry out feuds under Meraxis' Code Duello.

The most popular choice for duels is the top-level platform, fifty meters wide and open to the elements, save for the tall transparisteel cylinder protecting the torch. There is no barrier around the edge of the platform to prevent a 250 meter fall into the waters below. However, robust Meraxian engineering has hardened the critical components of the lighthouse in such a fashion that the whole building is open for battle, provided the duelists sign off on funding repairs.

It has become quite an attraction for the local populace to watch the duels unfold from the harbor or from nearby tall buildings.

Sometimes, even the best-laid plans ended in disaster. It was a fact that Anders had learned quickly during his tenure in the Inquisitorius. The ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome was a valuable skill to have when situations turned dire.

In that case, where did it all go wrong?

He replayed the information he had as he was forced up the stairway of the Seraph Lighthouse by an assortment of Imperial Guards prodding and poking his back with pikes, daring him to try and resist and free himself from his handcuffs. Under normal circumstances, Anders would have free reign to travel back and forth between the Seven Clans of the Brotherhood as was required of him by his status as a High Inquisitor and a Golden Envoy. His position as Taldryan's Spymaster, however, had affiliated him with a political rival. The Scholae Palatinae Empire were not willing to take chances with someone associated with a Republic of all things roaming around their territories unchecked.

It was a detail Anders cursed himself for overlooking. He was never usually this sloppy. He prided himself on being as meticulous as possible and missing this point ground on his nerves in ways that irritated him to no end like a horrid itch he couldn't scratch.

He was pushed to the top and out into the open Seraph night. Dark, ominous clouds covered the sky above, obscuring the stars from natural sight. A humid breeze wafted past him. At least it wasn't as cold as it was on Kasiya. If Anders listened, he would have heard the chattering and murmurings coming from the harbour below and the adjacent buildings across the water.

Instead, he was focused on the man in front of him. A Human male standing nearly six feet tall with a mess of blonde hair and artificial ears that opened his mouth to speak.

"What's up, Force-Slave? Welcome to the Caperion System! Did you have a good look around? Get a chance to take in the sights? You are standing on top of one of the finest places in all of the Empire. Hope it was worth it because the Emperor wants you dead and I get to be the lucky son of a bitch to do the deed!"

His quarry was here. The one he was looking for. He stood with his arms spread out like a performer on a stage. Anders couldn't believe his luck.

"Titius Osseus," Anders spoke, his tone dry and cold like a bitter wind. No doubt Titius was enjoying this, given his disdain for those who wielded the Force.

To Anders, that was the mark of someone jealous of his gifts. Pure and simple.

"Really? Is that all you have to say? You're usually so chatty," Titius placed his arms on his hip and gestured for the Imperial Guard to step forward and hand him Anders' lightsaber. The weapon was contained in a small bag. Then there was also the small cage containing BUDD-E, the Chiss' little droid. "At least try to make this entertaining. We have guests watching that would have paid good money to watch me kill you."

To make his point, drone cameras circled the upcoming spectacle from above, broadcasting it across the Caperion News Network.

Anders narrowed his eyes. "Those are bold words for someone ignorant of the power of the dark side."

Titius scoffed and rolled his eyes, wiggling the bag in front of Anders in an attempt to mock him. "And those are bold words for someone without a weap-"

He reached inside the bag. As soon as Titius' fingers wrapped around the metallic hilt, he yelped in pain as an electrical discharge coursed through his body. It made him toss the weapon into the air like it was on fire.

Anders twisted his body and leaned forward, opening his hands. He wrapped a telekinetic grip around his weapon and pulled the lightsaber into his hands before it could go over the platform edge.

The crimson blade snapped out of the hilt and through the handcuffs, cutting through them like they were made from flimsy armorweave. Anders straightened his posture, pointing the tip of his lightsaber towards him. The Imperial Guards surrounded him but otherwise did not attack.

Titius, much to no one's surprise, burst out into a chilling laughter.

"And here I was thinking this was going to be boring!" Titius gestured for the Imperial Guards to stand back. "This one's mine. I'm gonna enjoy blowing him to bits."

Anders glared daggers at Titius. "You are all talk. You like listening to the sound of your voice more than anything else. You are scum, delighting in the deaths of Force-sensitives that cross your path because you envy their abilities."

Titius had a response for Anders, just not one the Inquisitor expected. He placed his boot on BUDD-E's cage and kicked it towards the edge of the platform, a devilish grin plastered on his face.

Anders' eyes widened. Buddy!

He reached out with his spare hand, willing the cage to come to an abrupt stop at the edge of the platform. It teetered, threatening to fall into the ocean below.

A klaxon went off in Anders' subconscious, a ringing from the dark side that refused to go silent. His eyes peered at Titius, who was already retrieving a circular object from a storage pocket on his suit. He haphazardly tossed it in Anders' direction, the cocky smile having never left his face. It would have hit the Inquisitor in his chest like a bullseye on a dartboard if the Force hadn't already pre-warned him.

On instinct, Anders swiped the grenade away from him with a wave of energy summoned via the palm of his hand. The circular object soared through the air, coming between a pair of Imperial Guards standing on the edge of the platform.


Anders could feel the concussive blast from several feet away and shielded his face with his arm. The Imperial Guards, unfortunately for them, were not so lucky and were sent careening off of the platform and into the murky depths of the Seraph harbour. He heard the splash several seconds later when they finally hit the water.


Anders heard Titius make the sound, the click of his tongue in minor annoyance more than anything else. There was no care for comrades lost and no regard for collateral damage.

Who did Titius think he was?

Did he think himself above them? Was he that spiteful that the gift of the Force touched others and not him that it turned him into a sadist who delighted in the pain he inflicted upon others? Judging by the shared glances between the Imperial Guards, he wasn't the only one thinking it.

Murder for murder's sake is not justice. To Anders, Titius was the worst kind of scum in the galaxy. This was why the Chiss came to the Caperion System. This was why he made it his mission to find Titius.

This was why Titius deserved death.

The dark side within Anders fed on his inner turmoil, adding coals to the burning furnace within his soul. The Chiss drove that hateful fire through his body, manifesting it into sparks of electrical fury that lanced from his fingertips.

Titius was halfway through retrieving his blaster rifle when the stream of lightning struck him, enveloping him in a flashing cocoon of anguish. The Palatinean dropped his weapon and fell to his knees, clenching his fists and eyes. The panels on his ears began to blink rapidly.

Within seconds the stream had stopped. Anders prowled forward with his crimson blade humming ominously in his hand.

"You are little more than wretched filth, Mister Osseus. You may die as you lived; on your knees before your superiors," Anders raised his weapon. "I take great pleasure informing you that you will not be missed by this galaxy. Goodbye, Titius."

He was about to strike the Palatinean down, but paused when he heard a low chuckle croaking out of Titius' throat.

Titius slowly lifted his head, still grinning that same, malevolent grin.

"I know something you don't know," Titius said in a sing-songy voice.

Anders felt a shiver descend his spine. What was that supposed to mean? Did Titius have some sort of backup plan in the event of his death?

Information was a vital resource to Anders. Without a moment's hesitation, he penetrated the consciousness of Titius' mind, searching for the thoughts that would reveal all.

He instantly found two words that made Titius' behaviour hauntingly clear.

Biotech Implant.

BUDD-E squealed inside its cage as Titius leapt to his feet, the numbing effects of the pain relievers already having taken effect.

"Surprise!" He yelled, grabbing Anders' shoulder.

The Golden Envoy flinched dramatically as Titius laid his hand on their shoulder.

"You didn't seriously think I came unprepared." Levering the shoulder, Titius drove a knee into Anders waist. The impact bent the Inquisitor double but left him unharmed through the cortosis. The mercenary was fast despite his lack of power, wielding his body like a weapon.

Ander snapped his lightsaber off mere moments before the hilt passed over his back. His opponent whirled behind him, cleanly forcing him forward and down towards the platform. Forcing his free hand forward, Anders caught himself before his face impacted the floor. He drew a deep breath and blew forcefully as he pressed up.

Pain shot through the locked shoulder catching Anders off guard. He slumped into a pile.

Titius released the Spymaster, stepping back to his original stance. Reaching behind, he flipped on his signature helm. A loud hiss sounded through the night as its seals engaged around the neck. The next words took on a dull metallic tone.

“High Inquisitor? SpyMASTER? I expected more from such grandiose titles.” He watched as Anders rolled over, focused on his torqued shoulder. “...and they let you train a student!”

Crouching, Titius rearmed himself, gently checking the weapon with a practiced hand. The loss of attention proved ignorant as the weapon lurched out of his grasp, sailing off the edge of the platform. Snapping his vision back, he caught Anders lowering his outstretched arm while rising to his feet.

“I have something to live for.” Anders drew himself back to a dignified stance.

A shame you will never know that joy a voice echoed in Titius' head.

“Get out of my head, filthy Sithspawn!” Titius howled, hurling a canister at Anders. Raising a hand, the Chiss reversed the projectile back to Titius. A dull thump echoed as it disintegrated into a rapidly expanding vermillion cloud between the combatants. From the sideline, BUDD-E squealed with glee.

“Stitches, deal with that annoying scrap pile.” In response, a dull warbling hum rose. A doubt tickled Anders as he struggled to place the sound. Tracking the noise, he saw a small black shape zip out with green contrails.

If there was one thing Anders knew about Titius, it was that the Palatinean had a penchant for poisons. Anders heard coughing and sputtering before he heard the bodies of some of the surrounding guards slumping onto the platform or crashing into the water below.

Those who remained exchanged glances, gripping their blasters tighter.

The Chiss had no choice but to backpedal as Stitches appeared in his line of sight. It followed Titius’ command and turned its pair of simple blasters upon the cage containing BUDD-E.

“Buddy!” Anders reached out with an outstretched hand, sparks manifesting at his fingertips.

They vanished when he saw twin shots blast BUDD-E through the cage. The little droid squealed in a high-pitched anguish before erupting into a cacophony of sparks and flames. The chassis of the droid slumped in the cage, unmoving and lifeless.

“Buddy!” Anders gasped.

Titius placed his foot on the cage and booted it off the platform edge and dusted off his hands.

“One down,” the metallic, robotic voice failed to hide the undertone of a smirk behind the helmet as the last of the gas vanished into the atmosphere. “One to go.”

How dare he…

How DARE he!

Anders’ malice surged through him like an inferno threatening to destroy everything in its path. His eyes widened as an amber hue consumed his red irises. He growled, baring his teeth like a wild animal.


Anders released a primal roar as lightning erupted out of his fingers. Killing Titius wasn't enough anymore.

He was destined to make him suffer.

Titius quickly grabbed Stitches beside him and tossed the droid into the oncoming storm. The droid crackled as electricity coiled around it like a viper sinking its fangs into its metallic prey. The droid burst into sparks and flame, collapsing at Titius’ feet.

Anders heard his heart pounding in his ears. The dark side was a double-edged sword that gave and took from him with each use. Fatigue slowly crept over him. His right shoulder hurt like it'd been stung by a thousand hornets.

He drew upon his lightsaber again, the crimson blade piercing out of the hilt with a hard snap. Anders could hear the roar of crowds from the adjacent buildings as the swarm of droids above circled both combatants.

Titius grabbed his pike, twirling it in his hand briefly before pointing the blade end at the Inquisitor. He lunged forward with the intent to drive the weapon into Anders’ damaged shoulder.

It was typical that Titius would use a weapon capable of torture. He lived as scum and he would *die as scum.

Anders felt the presence of the dark side urge him to move to the left, thus allowing him to hide his injured shoulder. He winced as he attempted to counter and cut the bladed shaft of the pike, but fell short due to the burning pain in his upper body. The Force continued to guide him as he moved to evade each of Titius’ lunges and thrusts. Titius was capable of more complex manoeuvres with the pike, but Anders was still faster, even whilst hampered with an injury.

Anders grimaced and bit his bottom lip when he was pushed towards the platform edge. Out of desperation, he grasped one of the floating droids whirling around them with the Force and sent it crashing at Titius’ feet.

“Getting desperate are we?” Titius’ mechanical mocking would have perhaps sent chills down the spines of lesser beings.

But not Anders. He understood this fight was not lost until one of them drew their last breath. It would not be him. He refused to die to someone so much lesser than himself.

BUDD-E must be avenged.

“You may talk all you want, but you have yet to strike a decisive blow. Personally, you seem incapable of doing so,” Anders watched as Titius grasped his pike tighter.

Titius snorted. “Really now? In case you haven't noticed, I have literally pushed you to the edge.”

“Then why do you not finish the job?”

Titius did not answer.

“In my opinion, it is because you are afraid. That is why you hide behind your weapons and your poisons. You know it means nothing compared to the power of the Force. You know that you mean nothing to the power of the Force.”

“Shut up…” Titius snarled.

“In the end, you are little more than a slave to those who wield the Force. A Force slave.

“SHUT UP!” Titius’ metallic voice cracked through his helmet.

Dun Möch was an effective tactic, opening the door to Titius' mind and allowing Anders free passage into his subconscious. The Chiss connected his mental strings to Titius and uttered two simple words;

”Make me.”

Titius lunged forward on Anders’ intent. It was a telegraphed attack, straightforward, one that Anders evaded easily. With a simple, yet deft flick of his wrist, Anders' crimson blade snapped through the pike, leaving it little more than a staff. Titius was now the one with his feet to the edge with Anders’ lightsaber inches from his chin.

“You…” Titius growled. “Hey! Don't just stand there! Shoot him!”

The Imperial Guards did not move. They did not raise their blasters, nor did they take a step towards Anders. They remained in place. Unflinching, unmoving. There it was. The consequences of his actions.


Titius didn't get to finish whatever question he had as Anders drove his crimson blade through his chin and out the top of his skull. Anders kicked Titius’ body, allowing the Palatinean to drop into the murky depths of the ocean below.

Anders exhaled a sigh of relief. It was over. He had won.

The Imperial Guards that remained stood at the edge of the platform. None moved to apprehend him. None blocked his escape.

Anders wasn't expecting their help. Why would they? They swore allegiance only to their Emperor, but they understood honour, and Titius had none. Anders knew he would be a fool to relinquish his one chance to escape.

He never looked back as he fled down the staircase, lamenting the loss of BUDD-E with a heavy pang in his heart.

Watching the shape flit outward, Anders felt a sudden feeling of pressure followed by a dull scraping hiss. He dove backwards as the grenade exploded where he had stood moments before. Shrapnel peppered his armor, a stray piece carving a deep gash in his temple. Shaking off the ringing from the blast, he again felt the pressure. Another hiss heralded the next grenade, driving him back another jump. The raw concussive force caused Anders to tear up. Pulling himself together, the Envoy reached his mind into the cloud, feeling for his opponent.

Anders recoiled when his mind contacted Titius. Roiling hot rage bellowed across the connection, a mind devoid of anything other than suffering. Anders felt a rise of bile at the pure hatred, pulling back as Titius stepped into view.

An urgent squeal punched into Anders. Snapping his view over to BUDD-E, he caught a glimpse of a Viper probot pushing the cage towards the edge of the platform. BUDD-E was throwing their shock prod desperately against the probot’s erratic movement.Anders shot an arm out, grabbing the probot and hurling it in an arc towards Titius. The droid squealed as it flew, stopping itself a distance off the platform.

Anders looked at Titius. Snapping blade into ready, he looked down his nose at the mercenary. “Your final gasp at dignity, gone as fast as water upon my skin. Now in honor of those you have given no choice and the power vested in me by the Taldryan Republic. Titius Osseus , I hereby sentence you to death.” Raising his lightsaber to high ready, he brought the blade in a downward arc. The mercenary rolled hard to the left, leaving the incoming blade to gouge a grove where he had stood moments before. In response, unholstered his force pike. The crackle of the pike rose to meet the lightsaber as Titius threw the head forward in a thrust. Anders easily sidestepped, moving for a riposte. Saber met haft, easily cleaving the staff apart. Titius jumped back from the strike before charging forward in a tackle.


A wet thud as Titius’ arm separated from his elbow. Caught off guard, he stumbled and slid past Anders. His breath caught as the missing limb registered then felt the warm flush of stimulants spread through his chest.

“Tenacious until the very end. If you had been one of my guard, I would almost respect you, Titius.” Anders stood over his quarry.

“No respect for scum who use the Force as a crutch.” Titius rolled over to face Anders one final time. “Now run.” A shrill whine rose as Anders sensed impending doom. Crouching, he deployed his portable wall as the world stood still.

The night lit with a blinding white glow. Anders felt himself lifted off his feet from the explosion. As his vision returned, he saw only water as he plummeted through the air. He was too high, too far from anything to catch himself. Taking peace in knowing Titius could not have survived, he felt out for Draca as the water came to meet him.