Vanguard Elyon de Neverse vs. Warden Gui Sol

Vanguard Elyon de Neverse

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Human, Jedi, Defender, Consular

Warden Gui Sol

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kiffar, Jedi, Techweaver, Sentinel

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Hall Cooperative Hall
Messages 1 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Alternative Ending
Battle Status Closed by Timeout
Combatants Vanguard Elyon de Neverse, Warden Gui Sol
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Vanguard Elyon de Neverse's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Warden Gui Sol's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Nancora: Axio Transit Station Cresh
Last Post 19 December, 2023 7:25 PM UTC
Member timing out Daro Vane


On Nancora, the twin cities of Faron and Axio are connected via a single rail system. This direct line between them consists of staggered transit stations that provide a means of access to the badlands and the resources buried within them. Axio Transit Station Cresh is one such stop for the trams. Named as such due to its closer proximity to Axio than Faron, Station Cresh maintains the same design as all the other stations along the route.

The rail system itself spans four lines wide, double stacked to allow for maximum flow of transit. This results in eight active trams at any one time. Each side moves in the opposite direction of the other, meaning the fast moving trams could come rushing through at any time from either Faron, Axio, or both. The station itself consists of lifts and walkways leading to the surface far beneath the platform. The main buildings present offer up supply stalls serving food, beverages, and equipment, sold at a premium to account for their necessity in the Badlands. What remains is a small security presence as the Technocratic Guild has an armed garrison at each of their stations.

As a major supply route between the cities, the transit stations see a lot of traffic no matter the time. Station Cresh is one of the busiest, often seeing materials arriving from the lifts and being loaded onto the trams. The seeming small scale of the station can lend one to underestimating it, but its importance means any disruption will be dealt with swiftly.

In the late afternoon, the station was full of people of all races and droids helping with luggage and droids carrying cargo and preparing it to be loaded onto one of the trains. Everyone was hurrying somewhere and swarming around like colonies of ants in an anthill, tending to their queen. No one noticed the hooded figure in the rush. This person was standing near one of the platforms and watching the events around her. The young woman hid her long brown hair under her hood, and her bright blue eyes scanned the surroundings to see who had called her here. She was waiting for Gui Sol, who sent her a message that they would meet here. She had no idea why, but it sounded urgent.

Elyon de Neverse knew she could rely on him, as she had known Gui Sol for a few years and owed her life in the Brotherhood to him and her master. It was they who found her through the Force, frozen in carbonite, where she awaited awakening for decades. She regarded Gui as the older brother she never had, but who cares for her and looks out for her.

Elyon was lost in her thoughts for a moment, which is why she didn't notice the hooded person on the opposite side of the platform at first. It was a Force warning alerting her to the presence of a Force user. The young girl began to look around to find the one who was approaching, but she didn't see him anywhere on her side, but then she saw him. Young Kiffar, not much older than herself, looked at her. As soon as he realized that Elyon was looking at him, he waved and took off running.

The young Jedi stood there frozen because she wasn't expecting this. If he only invited her here to get revenge for her winning Narcona, she probably didn't punish him enough for cheating. Moreover, now he is trying to escape from her.

'Well wait, Gui. I won't let you win so quickly.” She said this to herself, thinking about how to get to the other side. If she ran through the underpass, she would lose sight of him. So the only shortest way was through the railroad tracks.

At that moment, however, the traffic control droid announced the arrival of trains from both sides, and this was her chance. The young Jedi waited for both trains to stop before moving on. With the help of the force, she strengthened her legs and jumped with a huge jump. With one jump, she found herself on top of the train. And with a second, smaller jump, she reached the second train, going in the opposite direction. Then she somersaulted down and landed softly on the platform on the other side. The humans and droids were a bit startled by her sudden appearance, but Elyon ignored them and took off running.

Passengers and local staff scrambled under her feet, and the young woman had to change direction many times. The lobby on this side of the station was just as full as the one on the other. It was like looking for an imaginary needle in a haystack. That's why she reached out to the force to see if she could find him with its help. She could sense all living things and sense droids as well, but Gui was somewhere in between.

The young Jedi stood on the bench and looked around the entire lobby. Elyon concentrated even more to be able to locate Kiffar. After a while, she was able to filter out everything around her and sense his presence near the entrance to the lobby. A young man stood casually leaning against a pillar that supported the roof of the vestibule not far from her, laughing. Elyon finally had direction, jumped off the bench, and started moving again. Gui noticed her and continued to move as well. The chase continued. The young Jedi kept her eyes on her target as a predator watched its prey.

Both runners had to avoid passengers who were making their way to the lobby and onto the platform with their luggage. They made their way out between them. Elyon almost managed to catch Kiffar, but the tall Gran got in her way and started cursing her for getting in his way. The young girl did not have time, and she didn't want to argue with him, so she excused herself, bowed, and walked away from him. He answered something else, but she didn't hear it anymore.

The young Jedi finally made her way out of the station and followed the street she now found herself on.

"Well, great, and Gui is nowhere to be seen again." She spoke to herself with difficulty in her voice. There had to be a reason for this meeting, but what? Elyon continued to scan the street when she noticed a hooded man arguing at one of the stalls that offered refreshments. The young girl smiled at the sight. She hid behind a pillar and waited to see what would happen next. After a while, the man carried a bowl of hot noodles to the nearest bench and started eating. Elyon carefully walked around him and sat next to him.

"Hello there, can you explain to me what this rush was supposed to mean? It was you who called me here.” The young Jedi said, waiting for his reaction.