While Brujah could not see through Creon's Beskar to read his response to the taunt, he could feel the anger radiating from him. Brujah thought that he heard another song start on the Savant's stereo, but any confirmation was quickly deemed impossible as the deafening roar of the Soulscorn pistol rang out. A grin cross Brujah's face as he raised his lightsaber and deflected the bolts into ocean floor. Still more shots rang out as the Mandalorian rushed the Sith.
"There you go!" the Battlemaster thought to himself. "Put that brain of yours away and rely on the firepower."
Brujah darted out of the way, deflecting some bolts and outright avoiding the others. Creon's anger had made him sloppy, and Vincent could feel the Beskar-clad maniac's desire for blood. As Creon's charge reached the Sith, he dropped the pistol and dove towards him in an attempt to take his legs and bring him to the ground, but Brujah leapt well over the Mandalorian and flipped, landing behind the stumbling ball of rage. The Savant lost his footing, but fired his jet pack to avoid hitting the ground. In an instant he was several meters above Brujah, who looked up at him with a renewed sense of confidence. The Sith stuck his arms out as his side while looking up at Creon, as if asking "What now?". The answer came before the question could even be asked. A full round of Whistling Birds were fired at once.
Brujah's senses screamed. He swatted away several of the projectiles, but was struck in the left shoulder while trying to duck away from the last few rounds. A scream escaped his lips as he did all he could to ignore the pain. The Mandalorian saw his opening and dove down at the Sith, driving the top of his helmet into Brujah's forehead. The Battlemaster dropped, and Creon quickly deactivated the jet pack and mounted him. Punches rained down on the face of Brujah as he dropped the hilt of his lightsaber, seemingly close to losing consciousness. Angrily, Creon yelled out at Brujah.
"YOU CHOSE THE WRONG MISSION!!" he screamed as he drove another hard punch down onto the bloodied face of the Sith. "YOU CHOSE THE WRONG MAN'S WIFE!"
Another punch rocked the Sith. Brujah's eyes were closed as blood began to rush from his nose. The fight appeared to be nearing its conclusion. The leather sheath on Brujah's belt began to shake wildly, but the Mandalorian was far too busy raining hell down on the Sith to notice. In an instant, Brujah's Sith dagger unsheathed itself and dug itself into the weak spot between the helmet and the chest on Creon's neck. The punches stopped. Again, Brujah thought he heard music, or was that the sound of blood gurgling in the Mandalorian's throat?
Creon backed up, trying to reach his feet. Instinctively he reached up and pulled the dagger out, tossing it to the ground with a clang. The world always looked a bit skewed under the waters of Naboo, but this spinning, it was more than the Mandalorian could take. Just when he was ready to lose hope, he saw his wife walking up to him slowly. She gently put her hands on the sides of his helmet.
"It's okay, Creon..." she said peacefully. "Let's just rest a while here..."
The Savant tried to speak back, but gargled nonsense was all that would escape his lips. Before he could realize that it was all an illusion brought on by the toxins in the dagger, the crimson blade of Brujah's lightsaber took of his head.
The Sith looked at the hole in his shoulder and spat the blood in his mouth down at the lifeless body of Savant Creon de Neverse. Taking a couple of steps, Brujah reached down and pulled the helmet off the ground, letting the lifeless head within it roll away as he turned and staggered away.