Myrkr is a dangerous world for nearly all sentients. Although once settled by the Neti, it has long since evolved from those days. The flora of Myrkr has a high metal-count, making it easy to hide from sensors and the perfect spot to set-up a pirate base or other criminal operation. What also made this world perfect for all manner of seedy individuals is the presence of ysalamiri—creatures with the ability to neutralize the Force.
The ysalamiri are located deep within the forests of Myrkr, where you have also found yourself. They have evolved the ability to make a bubble that excludes the Force to protect themselves from dangerous predators called vornskrs. These dangerous, canine-like predators hunt using the Force, and as such are highly attracted to anything that is Force-sensitive.
The forests of Myrkr are not for the faint-of-heart. It was used by the Yuuzhan Vong to create monstrosities, and continues to be utilized by the seedier elements of the galaxy. The dangers that lurk under the shadowy canopy cannot be underestimated. Not even the Force can protect you from the dangers of the forest.
You stand seemingly alone in a small clearing. Though you can feel the Force at the moment, you know that not far from this clearing, many of Myrkr’s horrors lie – including the Force-negating ysalamiri – can easily be found… You quickly realize this clearing won’t be safe for long as you sense you are not alone.
Kybers optic sensors scanned the area. In a quest for knowledge, the shard had overstepped its bounds and now found itself in quite possibly the worst possible situation. Alone on an unfamiliar planet. Kilometers away from any source of technology. Beset by beasts and predators from all sides. It was by no stretch of the imagination that this place was the absolute worst place Kyber could possibly be in.
Stepping into the clearing further his sensors would detect something. Movement. It was not one of the terrifying Vornskrs that stalked the lush yet inhospitable world, but that didn't mean it was any better than the hundred or so other monstrous nightmares that certainly stalked the planet. Certain in the knowledge that it could neither cow nor control such a beast, it opted for the simplest option. Unholstering its blaster postal Kyber took quick aim at the dim blur amidst the tree line and opened fire.
Had Kyber possessed eyebrows, they would have raised quizzically as the dim form seemed preternaturally adept at avoiding the blaster fire. Dashing from the tree-line Kybers optic sensors would finally get a clear lock on the target. Humanoid...and wearing the hooded cloak and colors of one who belonged to the Obelisk order. Kyber silently cursed to itself. Attacking a member of the brotherhood of all things! He needed to cover this up. Needed to make sure that his mistake never got out!
And it was with these thoughts in mind that Kyber sought to unload the blaster clip into the strafing enemy. The Obelisk igniting their green armory saber as they spiraled around and around. Soon enough they would be within closing distance. Kyber couldn't even tell if the blasts were connecting properly as the strafing form seemed utterly undaunted should one of the blasts hit. Dropping the blaster in disgust, Kyber drew its own armory saber, igniting the crimson blade. Angling the weapon into a low guard Kyber focused the force and created a small barrier immediately meant to cover its upper torso and head. Optics still focused on the spiraling enemy, ready for the moment of inevitable clash.
Calvo looked towards where the blaster bolts had come from, and saw a red saber ignite. He looked at his companion. Rek’lia, a trandoshan of his squad. She was behind a tree, and apparently out of sight of the assailant.
“Rek’lia stay here. And out of the fight. Though if I am about to be killed, shoot the man.” Calvo stated. He turned to look at the being that attacked him. He was able to see basic Brotherhood robes, with Krath Colors, but could not make out the assailant. “A krath. Rek’lia, if I am about to die just throw a grenade towards us. Best die killing whatever this is.
Calvo jumped into the trees and went from tree to tree towards the assailant. Kyber noticed this and thought it was different, not a tactic used by many of the Obelisk order. Still, Kyber had such attack patterns in his mind from studying, and thought he knew what to do. Kyber jumped up, attempting to confuse his opponent, though he found himself falling backward, unable to move.
Calvo smiled, his Force ability working alongside gravity. Jumping down before the effect wore off, he landed a kick on the foe, and was surprised by how study his opponent felt. Taking a quick glance he noticed that he was fighting a droid. Using the Force once more to take the droids saber, he leaped back into the trees.
I don't know how much longer I can hold such an offensive, especially against a droid. The jumps take a lot of energy, Calvo thought. I should be able to go a minute or two more before I have to directly engage. The trees do help with my own defensive ideas but… I need to move.
Calvo leaped again from tree to tree closer toward the ysalamiri. My best hope, He thought, is to make sure my opponent thinks I am trying to take away his powers. Then I will decide whether to kill him, or try to use him as a spy for me.
Changing direction, he leaped back, further from the ysalamiri, and tried to hide in the trees.
Kyber stumbled back as the kick landed. Kybers upper barrier had softened the blow allowing the clumsy droid-chasis to remain upright, but in doing so Kyber had failed to maintain the "force bubble" necessary for warding off enemy force techniques. Silently cursing itself as its lightsaber was ripped from its grasp and the enemy receded back into the trees. It seemed this enemy was a cautious one. Kybers position was somehow even worse than before. The enemy had taken its lightsaber, its blaster rested at its feet with only a few shots left. And now the enemy was retreating back into guerrilla cover. The droid chassis was sturdy, but not at all acrobatic, and Kyber knew that stepping out of the touch clearing would impede its mobility far too much, allowing the enemy a perfect chance from a vulnerable position.
Calming itself, Nothing deactivated the droid chassis. The upper body would slump over, its head and arms dangling as its knees and hips locked, keeping the droid in a standing but inactive posture somewhere between subservient and dead. Retreating into itself, the small green stone that was Kybers true body would reach out with its native senses. Electromagnetic fields within a few feet of itself. Faint and listless...but ever present. This would be the zone of defense. It was only through this field and the disruption of said field that Kyber could reasonably defend itself.
Now however, it needed to attack. Extending its consciousness through the force, Kyber felt around. It could only maintain this conception through the force for so long, franticly searching out the nearest being. Somewhere amidst the tree line, Kyber would find them. Scanning the being, it was strange. It did not seem to have Kybers lightsaber, and was significantly more well armed...still it also possessed a slew of weapons and had a rifle trained on the chassis. Kyber couldn't hold the connection for much longer. With one last mental push Kyber drew on its telekinetic skills, and activated one of the grenades.
Snapping back into its body, Kyber would feel that all-to familiar sensation...pain. It had extended its force powers farther than it had meant to, sensing out to ranges and for a length of time it had never tried before. Retreating back into its mind Kyber meditated on the pain, and began to seethe under the pressure, seeking to build more resentment, more anger, more passion as it made ready for its next offensive.
Calvo's loyal soldier may have been surprised as one of the grenades on its person began the slow beep implying that it was armed. As the beeping grew faster and louder, they may have even been able to identify which of its grenades was so armed. As the beeping reached a crescendo they may have even been able to grab hold of the grenade..but were they able to throw it hard and far enough away to escape the sudden blast?
Rek’lia was barely able to get the grenade away before it blew up, though she was caught in the explosion, and badly burned and injured. Calvo saw the explosion and was able to figure out what happened. Igniting both sabers, he leaped toward the droid. It was just turning back on, and Calvo rammed his legs into it.
Kyber, not expecting his opponent to be so sudden, was pushed back a meter. Calvo, channeling the Force into a rage, attacked, both sabers hacking and slashing with all of Calvo’s strength, hitting the barrier, missing, and even slicing into the droid.
“You hurt my friend!” Calvo yelled, giving into the depth of his rage. He slashed viscously, cutting into the droid, then kicked at it, launching himself backward. Before his rage ended, Calvo leaped back into the trees.
Kyber, realizing that his chances were fading if his opponent kept with these guerilla tactics, he lashed out with a telekinetic strike, knocking Calvo out of the air.
Calvo landed, his rage ending and fatigue setting in. No, he thought, I will not let my friend die. He felt Kyber’s saber being pulled from his grasp, and let go. Standing up, he saw his opponent, and then saw his opponent multiply.
“Which one is me? Come on Elomin. There is no way to save your soldier.” Kyber laughed.
Calvo, looking at this impossibility, drew again on the Force, starring into the forms. They all seemed so real, and Calvo attacked throwing himself into the group, slashing at all of them, and cut through almost all the illusions, until there were only two of Kyber left.
“Bring it Krath. You won’t keep me from saving my friend. Surrender and help me please. Or I will kill you to save her.” Calvo stated, his tone final.
Kyber felt a deep sense of satisfaction reverberate as the enraged opponent charged. Throwing up another barrier, Kyber barely avoided the first strike. The second one from its own read lightsaber cut deep into the lower portion of its torso. The chassis mobility had been decreased. It wouldn't be able to turn at its waist as it should have. It could have been far worse however. Had Kyber been a being of flesh and blood, the saber would have almost certainly disemboweled it. The next strike would cut down. Unable to hold the barrier any more the lightsaber would cleave right through the droids left arm, severing it at the shoulder.
With the telekinetic blow, Kyber would feel a sense of triumph, modulating the voice-synthesizer to mock the Elomin. The illusions were hastily made, but reasonable facsimiles of Kybers wounded form, Kyber had little doubt the enemies rage addled mind, Kyber was counting on them not being too focused. With its lightsaber telekinetically wrenched from the enemies grasp Kyber and the illusions "charged" seeking to disorient the enemy until only the two remained. Attacking from two separate angles Kyber would find it difficult to maintain both illusions and needed to keep their movements mirrored.
Dropping low, Calvo would enter into a stance between crouching and kneeling, a Teras-kasi technique. One hand would extend into the the lower torso of the illusion, dissipating the phantom. The other would imaple Kyber at the waist. A quick flick and Kyber would fall to the ground, its lower body missing.
Calvo was quick to scurry forward, pinning kyber remaining arm beneath his knee, cutting the lightsaber out of its grip and sending the weapon flying. "This...this, is for her!" he shouted raising his lightsaber and plunging it deep into Kybers head. The droids optics fluttered for a moment, the body twitched and at last, the droid fell still.
Breathing heavily from his sudden melee Calvo knelt there for a moment taking in the sight of the slain enemy. As Calvo stumbled away to his fallen comrade Kyber lay there. Still trapped within the chest cavity of droid chassis. It could have opened the chassis, revealing the crystalline form within. It could have summoned up the last of its will to send a brief shock towards the opponent. It could have drawn that shock out into a distraction. Perhaps it could have even mustered up enough energy to summon up its lightsaber, igniting it and sending it flying through the Elomins brain....
But it chose not to. After its sudden display of force in so short a time Kyber was exhausted. It might have been able to manage the shock, but even Kyber was unsure whether or not it would have the strength to draw up its lightsaber one final time and use it in such a way. No, it would have to wait. Bide its time. Kyber knew that it could not call this exchange a victory by any stretch of the imagination. But the psychological damage this person suffered...the death or perhaps near-death of their THAT...that was something it could be proud of. And so, Kyber allowed itself to drift off. Receding its mind deep, deep within itself..and dreaming of the day it could pluck the fruit of agony from this confused being.
“No. I cannot let you live.” stated Kyber coldly. He dispelled his illusion, and created another barrier. He then called on the Force, sending another telekinetic wave at Calvo.
Anticipating the attack, Calvo attempted to flip over the blast. In his fatigued condition he was caught in the blast and knocked into a tree. Calvo’s saber flew off landing almost four meters away. Believing his opponent dead, Kyber turned, and started to move away. Before Kyber was able to move more than two meters, Calvo got up and rammed his body into the droid, knocking both onto the ground, and causing the droid to lose its saber as well.
Kyber shoved Calvo off, and stood up, scanning for his lightsaber. Calvo, not giving up, kicked at the droids head. Kyber, having seen such an attack a few seconds before hand, unleashed the Force in a shock of energy that burned Calvo, though, due to his droid body’s lack of mobility, he was still hit.
Calvo called on the Force to strengthen his skin and endurance. Then he launched his offensive, seeking to beat the droid. He threw a series of punches, kicks, and other strikes against the droid, many being foiled by the barrier, and a few hit the droid, denting the chest, and causing the ring of hollow metal to sound.
Kyber, realizing his opponent’s new edge, tried to move out of the way. Calvo, exhausted and injured, still pressed the attack. Slamming his hand into the droids chassis, he punched through the metal, and broke his arm. Using the force to allow him to ignore the injury, he grabbed the crystal inside and pulled it out of the droid.
The droid body shut off, and Calvo quickly switched the hand he was holding Kyber in, and stared at the crystal. “Now shard!” Calvo stated. “You are not going to die. You will do nothing, and I will get you a new body. For now though, I will put you right in the ground and heal my friend. We will come back for you.”
Calvo ran off to heal Rek'lia. When he was done he came back grabbed Kyber, and brought the crystal with him off the planet, as he promised.