Ellac Conrat vs. Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz

Ellac Conrat, Quaestor

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Scholae Palatinae
Male Human, Sith, Juggernaut, Imperial

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, Justicar

Elder 2, Elder tier, Chamber of Justice
Male Human, Sith, Seeker, Imperial

Fantastic match. Lots of good character interactions along side the juicy combat. Great work from both of you!

Hall Duelist Hall
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 7 Days
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Ellac Conrat, Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Winner Ellac Conrat
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Ellac Conrat's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Kalsunor: Massassi Arena
Last Post 31 May, 2024 7:42 PM UTC
Syntax - 15%
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz Ellac Conrat
Score: 5 (Advantage) Score: 5
Rationale: Rationale:
Story - 40%
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz Ellac Conrat
Score: 5 Score: 5 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Realism - 30%
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz Ellac Conrat
Score: 4 (Advantage) Score: 4
Rationale: Rationale:
Creativity - 15%
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz Ellac Conrat
Score: 5 Score: 5 (Advantage)
Rationale: Rationale:
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz's Score: 4.92 Ellac Conrat's Score: 4.97

Kalsunor Massassi Arena

Elevated over a ravine, the Massassi Arena has withstood the tests of time. It is arranged in a circular formation and made by a slab of stone that connects the opposite slopes of the ravine. On its eastern side, the floating arena leads to a staircase and into a near-vertical cliff face. Because of its nearly unsupported vantage that overlooks a several hundred-meter fall, even the smallest creatures can feel the occasional motion the platform makes as the breeze brushes across its cold surface.

Adding to the adrenaline rush of standing within the slab’s concentric patterns carved into the rock, barriers and obstacles echo the Massassi’s commitment to taking every advantage over their opponents. Pillars ring the outer edge without guardrails linking them, some remaining intact and others having toppled into the arena or over the perilous heights to the ground far below. Weeds and other flora cover each surface as nature seeks to reclaim the ravine and eventually send the arena itself to the depths.

A creaky rope-bridge leads away towards another ancient suspended platform with the same weathered, upturned stones. Mossy footing, and uneven ground make each of these platforms unique in small subtle ways. While there is no seating for formal spectators, the ancient stones of the Massassi Arena hold an omniscient, aged wisdom that speak to the things they have seen and the battles fought through history.

A third rope-bridge leads to yet another platform, completing the triad of battlegrounds that make up the Massassi Arena.

Ellac drew a breath as a damp breeze blew against his face. Even at the height of the ravine where the wind moved more freely, humidity hung thick in the air. Swarms of tiny insects gathered in thin clouds around him as he peered into the chasm below.

Beneath his feet, a near vertical cliff face stooped several hundred meters down to the rapids that snaked along its base. Across the river, opposite to Ellac, another cliff towered over the crevasse as if the two sides had been torn in two to swallow those reckless enough to traverse this deep into the jungle. But there, high above the ravine, Ellac’s gaze settled on a tiered trio of large, discus platforms that hung haphazardly between the two sides of an ancient ruin with steps leading down to it from either side.

The familiar beeping of his comlink called his attention from the scenery. Raising a hand to his ear, he activated the device. “What is it?”

“Statement: Master, my sensors are detecting multiple organic lifeforms in the area.”

“I sense it too. In the ground,” Ellac said, grinding the dirt beneath his boot.

“Advisement: If they have taken refuge beneath the planet’s surface, there may well be a reason.”

“What kind of reason?”

“Commentary: How should I know, Master? I was told to stay on the ship like some kind of common astromech.”

“What about the ship’s sensors? Are they picking anything up?” Ellac said, disregarding the droid’s complaint.

“Objection: This is a waste of my programming, Master.”

“The sensors, now.” Ellac growled.

A brief moment passed before HK-89 answered. “Statement: I do not see anything on the ship’s sensors other than what we already know… Wait, there is a ship that just came out of hyperspace above Kalsunor.”

Ellac’s eye immediately rose to the cloudless sky. “Designation?”

“Answer: It is a Brotherhood shuttle designated to the Dark Council.”

Ellac frantically searched the airspace for the vessel, scouring every inch of the skyline he could see. ‘What’s happening to me?’ he thought, confused by the anxiety that had begun to creep over him.

“Supplication: If you are planning to combat a member of the Dark Council, please Master, allow me to join you. It has been too long since I have faced a capable combatant, and if what I’ve heard of your previous encounters with the Justicar is true, you will need assistance.”

“No!” Ellac’s face instantly fell into a furious scowl. “Kamijin is mine! Keep your metal mouth shut and stay on those scanners.” Without waiting for a response, he cut off the comm. His breathing had now become uneasy as dread filled his stomach. Flashes of Kamjin’s fiery eyes raced across his mind as if they had been seared into the very fibers of his memory.

The sound of sublight engines entering the atmosphere drew his attention back to the skies. He could sense Kamjin’s presence now, feeling him draw near as Ellac watched the shuttle descend. The draw of the dark side grew thick within him, churning like the rapids in the chasm below him. Drawing a deep breath, the Sith moved down the steep staircase to the stone platforms.

As he descended into the ruins, the air became stale and sour as the vegetation got thicker along the path. Moss and vines reached across the old stones, almost entirely in some places, as time gave back to nature what was hers. Careful not to lose his footing, Ellac scaled the steps lower until he had made it to the highest of the three platforms.

Just like the path, moss had grown over much of the plate’s edges, creeping slowly along until the whole thing either fell or was overtaken by the ravine. Coaxial in design, a ring of pillars dotted the outer edge of the platform, many of them now having crumbled. Off to one side, a rope bridge more ancient in appearance than even the stone, stretched down to the second of the platforms.

Just then, as if on cue, a sudden breeze swept through the canyon, causing both the bridge and the platform itself to creak and shudder beneath the Equite’s feet. Peering over the side, Ellac kicked a loose stone over the edge, watching as it plummeted to the depths. He wondered how many people had fallen into the ravine as the stone had, how many bodies carried away by the current of the river…

‘What if you end up one of them?’ The question had come so quickly to his mind that it seemed almost like it had been someone else’s voice in his head. ‘What if this time, we don’t end up walking away?’

As he looked down, Ellac watched the shadow of a man slip across the stone at his feet. Raising his gaze to the afternoon sun, he waited for Kamjin to speak, but the Elder stood silent.

Ellac’s hand twitched in agitation as he tried to search Kamjin’s thoughts, but he found nothing but the echoes of his own mind reflected back at him. With a frustrated growl, Ellac turned to face Kamjin. “Say something!”

Kamjin’s eyes narrowed for a moment before he pulled the saberstaff from his belt. The purple blade snapped to life on one end as he lowered the weapon to his side. There was an air about him as he stood poised before Ellac; Something in his eyes that whispered of a power Ellac had not yet seen from his former Emperor.

Widening his stance, Ellac retrieved his own double-bladed saber, igniting both blades with a circular flourish that brought them to bear in front of him. His muscles groaned as he gave himself to the Dark Side of the Force, his body and his vision dialed in on his opponent with only one purpose in mind… But a new feeling accompanied the all familiar rush of adrenaline that came in battle, settling itself in the deepest pits of his stomach: Dread.

Launching forward with ferocious speed, Ellac twirled his lightsaber in a rapid spiral, leaping off his lead foot to bring his weapon down on Kamjin.

Sidestepping behind Ellac, Kamjin twisted his blade around to cut into the young man’s exposed back, but met only air as Ellac rolled forward, digging the toe of his boot into the moss-covered stone to turn him back to face the Justicar.

Careful not to slip, Ellac shot forward again, double blades whizzing at Kamjin’s face who parried the initial swing, rolling his wrist to block Ellac’s lower blade that swept up toward his abdomen.

His feet dancing as fast as he could move them, Ellac swung and pivoted, turning his lightsaber over and under with each step as he drove Kamjin into the center of the platform. White light flashed across the ravine as plasma met plasma with a fiery hiss that echoed against the ruins.

‘He won’t be able to keep this pace up for long,’ Ellac thought as he poured his fury into his blades. ‘I just have to keep him on the defensive.’

And that was when Kamjin, as if reading his very thoughts, pulled the second hilt from its twin.

Kamjin felt a rush of exuberance as the fear passed across Ellac's face as his hilt split in two. The purple glow crashing inward and exploding out with blood red and frosty blue hues. He's gotten stronger, Kamjin thought as his blades twirled and slapped against the twin-blades of Ellac's staff. But it wouldn't be enough. Kamjin already knew he had won the battle before it had begun. As Ellac's lone human eye pulsed as sparks flew from their connecting blades, Kamjin's heart raced. Like all Sith, Kamjin fed off fear. It made him stronger and he had sensed Ellac's fear before he had even landed his shuttle.

Kamjin thrusted and noted Ellac hadn't quite mastered using both hands to handle the double-bladed lightsaber. The clumsy off-handed parry allowed Kamjin to slash up on the opposing blade and sent the hilt spiraling out of Ellac's hands. Ellac thrust out his hand, sending Kamjin skittering back along the platform, his cloak billowing around him. Good, Kamjin thought for a moment before watching Ellac dive after his lightsaber. Kamjin shook his head as he extinguished his blue lightsaber and returned it to his thigh. Bringing the same arm up in fist he tugged Ellac back from his saber.

Ellac scrambled, panic setting in, as Kamjin released him. Splaying his fingers he sent arcs of Force Lightning cascading over Ellac's prone body to strike true on the discarded saber. The electricity danced over the metal handle while the Christophsis crystal within hallowed in agony. Ellac pulled back, covering his ears from the horror as the saber hilt began to melt.

"No," Ellac moaned, looking at his newly acquired weapon be reduced to slag. Ellac scrambled to his feet as Kamjin lowered his hand. Ellac's nostrils flared. All of his hard work. All of his training. His advancements. This man. This monster of a creature. He didn't care what Ellac had suffered through. Ellac stared at the impassive face on the Justicar. Before he had taunted him. Spoke to him. Now, nothing. "I hate you!" Ellac snapped. "I hate you!" he howled again. "What is this? Some sort of lesson? Some sort of opportunity for me to learn? All you've ever done is hurt me. All you've ever done is take from me. You're not my Master. You never were my Master. So why do you continue to haunt me?" Tears streamed from Ellac's lone remaining eye as his chest heaved from the raw emotions.

Kamjin, silently, raised his blood red saber to en garde.

Thump, thump

Ellac’s head pounded and his very bones seemed to scream as his heart began to throb throughout his body.

Thump, thump

‘Hate him… Hate him… I hate him.’ The voice in his head screamed over and over again, maddeningly.

Thump, thump

The young Sith’s tears turned red as the stream turned to blood, his lone green eye growing dim as they turned a fiery yellow. Ellac’s whole body buzzed with rage as he felt his body lurch forward, but numbly, as if it had taken a mind of its own. It moved of its own accord. Ellac was no longer in control. ‘Hate him, hate him, hate him, hate him…’

And then the world went black.

Kamjin held his stance, eyes narrowing as he watched Ellac hunch over and he sensed the dark side of the Force begin to creep over the boy like a fog, shrouding even his mind in its darkness.

This wasn’t the first time Kamjin had seen the now Equite lose himself to his anger, but he had never seen him do… this. In the past, Ellac had immediately thrown himself at whatever was in his path with no regard for personal wellbeing. But now… He just stood there, teetering his own weight; While he was upright, all sense of balance seemed to be lost to him. His head hung between his slumped shoulders, he stumbled in place as every odd twitch or convulsion tugged him in a different direction. But to Kamjin, the strangest thing about Ellac’s behavior wasn’t the standing or the twitching… It was his voice. Low and shaky, the boy had begun to murmur to himself in a hushed tone, but Kamjin couldn’t make out the words, just the slurred humming of a man lost to himself.

With a long breath, Kamjin tipped his crimson blade to the ground directly in front of him, readying himself.

The young Sith’s head twitched at Kamjin’s words, triggering his whole body to lean forward. Dropping onto his hands, Ellac dug the claws of his vibrogloves into the stone, launching himself forward on all-fours at his tormentor with furious speed.

Twisting his wrist, Kamjin swiped up to intercept Ellac, but the boy was much faster than Kamjin had anticipated and had already made it within arms reach of him. Pivoting on his toe, Kamjin barely dodged a set of vibroclaws that hurtled past his face, instinctively stepping back to ready himself again.

Landing on the ground past Kamjin, the shriek of metal dragging across stone rang between the chasm walls as Ellac spun himself back around, pulling a back up saber from his belt, the weapon igniting as he lunged at Kamjin. Bearing his blade down in a vicious diagonal slash, the two sith blades crashed together, and to the Elder’s surprise, nearly knocking the lightsaber from his hand. Using the shock of the attack, Ellac swiped with his free hand past Kamjin’s defense, slicing the skin of his cheek with one of his talons before the Justicar could pull away.

Releasing a blast of lighting at the enraged Equite that caused him to leap back, Kamjin raised a hand to touch the seeping cut on his face. “And I thought I’d have to tear every limb from your body…” he said, looking down at the red smears of blood on the tips of his fingers. “So be it.”

Kamjin breathed in. He felt the energies of the universe fill his body. Then he exhaled. Unlike the seething animal in front of him, lost to his own power, Kamjin was a Master of the Dark Side. The fear from Ellac made Kamjin feel almost giddy. Like a child who had snuck one to many cookies and was flush with sugar.

Kamjin smirked. The blood on his face grotesquely accenting his features. Ellac, in his addled state, missed seeing it...but he felt it. Like an insect in a trap. Ellac's lone eye widened at the same time Kamjin dashed forward. His cloak billowing behind him as he slashed with his blood red blade. Ellac countered, clumsily, and began to give ground.

Their blades danced as Kamjin pressed his attack. As their blades sizzled and cracked the beating of Ellac's heart grew ever louder. Soon it was all he could hear. It was as if he was watching himself fight in a silent holo-feature. Red on red blades crackled and snapped. Sparks flew wildly, setting small fires on the platform around them. Ellac watched as his body...or rather what remained of it...was pushed and pulled around the platform. Was he more machine now that man? Was he in control of the situation. He had to say something. Anything to rally himself. He couldn't let Kamjin control the situation. Not with that arrogant, smug, smirk on his face.

An unnatural scream sprang from Ellac as he leapt into the air. As he somersaulted over Kamjin's head the Justicar tucked into a roll. "You've taken enough from me!" Ellac screeched as he pivoted to press the attack on the Elder Sith. Kamjin grunted as he clumsily rolled under the attack. Turning to look at Ellac he thrust out his hand. An invisible wave of energy sprang forward, catching the Equite's ankle. Kamjin heard the crack as Ellac slammed face first into the platform.

Tears streamed from Ellac's face as they both regained their footing. Ellac stumbled slightly. "I hate you!!" Ellac said, was it a curse or a plea. Kamjin peered beyond the veil at Ellac. The twisted angry mass of dark energies flickered like the dying embers of a fire. "Why?" Ellac shouted as he blindly slashed at the Elder who deftly sidestepped the blow. "Why??" he pleaded, as Kamjin darted away from another haphazard strike. Ellac raged as the former Emperor's cloak fluttered behind him. Like one of those sportsmen who taunted a Bull Rancor to charge at them. "Why me? Why must you torment me? Why!!!" Ellac lunged again.

This time, in the blink of an eye, Kamjin had his free hand clasped around Ellac's throat. Ellac panicked. Forgetting his training he dropped his saber and scrambled to claw at Kamjin's gloved hand. Ellac knew he was stronger than the Elder. Why was it that Kamjin's grip wouldn't slacken? What devilry of the Force allowed the Master to prevent his fingers from being pried loose.

Kamjin extinguished his lightsaber, calmly reattaching its clips. Ellac thrashed about, trying to free himself. He saw the smirk on Kamjin's face, the blood had clouted and cracked on his cheek where he'd been sliced. "Let me go!" Ellac said, as icy dread filled him as he saw Kamjin's free hand approach his face. "What are you doing? Stop. Stop...STOP," Ellac howled as Kamjin dug his fingers into his last remaining eye. The sound that issued from Ellac's body unleashed a flock of predator avian creatures that had been watching the battle, hoping to feast on whatever remained.

Ellac's body convulsed as Kamjin dug deeper. Three fingers finally found their perch upon Ellac's eyeball and ripped it free of it's socket. Ellac collapsed, grasping blindly at his face, ignorant of the clawed gloves scratching at his skin. Kamjin scowled at the crumpled form of the Palatinaen. "Get up," Kamjin said, the scowl becoming more pronounced as Ellac rocked on his knees. Blood oozing from his wound. Kamjin looked down at the eyeball in his hand. Ellac's last green eye stared back at him. "Get up," Kamjin said again, dropping the eye to the ground and without notice crushing it beneath his boot as he picked up Ellac's extinguished hilt.

Ellac's mind reeled against the pain. The cybernetic eye tried to compensate for it's lost organic partner. Ellac saw Kamjin pick up his saber through static. As he threw his head back his arms snaked out as torrents of Force Lightning erupted blindly from his hand. Kamjin snapped on Ellac's saber to deflect the first blasts that came close to him. Massive branches from the surrounding forest trees exploded and crashed onto the platform. Kamjin steadied himself, fighting to maintain his balance as the millennia old trees rained down upon the platform. Fires quickly spread amongst the downed foliage, trapping the two Sith.

Kamjin grunted as he spun to avoid the blind blasts of electricity from Ellac. As his cloak twirled behind him it became entangled in the branches of a burning log. Enough of this, Kamjin thought to himself as he reached back with Ellac's blade and sliced himself free from his cloak. In one fluid motion he continued around and sliced through Ellac's remaining human arm. The limb fell lifeless to the ground. Electricity sputtering over it before laying still.

Ellac opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out. His cybernetic arm reaching over to the stump on his right shoulder. Ellac's mouth flapped open and close. "I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him," blared in his mind but he could no longer speak. The raging inferno around them had sucked the moisture from his mouth.

Kamjin stood over the defeated Sith. His short hair fluttered slightly in the breeze of the fire as he casually held Ellac's saber in his hand. "I'm certain you're thinking how much you hate me," Kamjin said, staring into the bloody mess that remained of Ellac. "But you don't hate me. You hate yourself. You hate yourself for your weakness against your Father. You hate yourself for killing your Father because it proved that you could have saved your Mother if you had acted the first time. You hate yourself because your sister has a better understand of the Dark Side than you do. You hate yourself because in your naivety you saw me as a replacement for your Father. That I would train you to become powerful," Kamjin said, kneeling down closer to Ellac. "I am not your Father."

If Ellac could cry through the blood he would have.

"You think I've been unkind to you. That I've tormented you beyond measure. The Dark Side is Fear. It is Anger. It is Hate. But you...you've remained conflicted. You've never embraced the Dark Side. You've been embraced by the Dark Side. I had though you might finally have overcome this. I thought you were finally a rival. But look at you. You're still the same pathetic child cowering from your Father's blows and your sister's sobs. You're not threat," Kamjin said, standing up. "You never were."

Ellac leapt after the Elder who sighed in exasperation. Sidestepping Ellac again Kamjin sliced through both of Ellac's thighs sending him crashing the ground. The branches cracked and collapsed as the blaze intensified. Kamjin saw the edges of Ellac's garments begin to glow orange as the fire fought to ignite upon him. Kamjin tossed aside Ellac's hilt and left him to be consumed by all the forces fighting for what was left of the Equite known as Ellac.