Foxen pondered for a critical twelve heartbeats, then offered up a critique.
Think it sounds like a me-shaped plan. Effective, but costly. Would consider a you plan.
And what's a me plan besides the plan I'm suggesting? Erinyes knew Foxen better to think he was just some male explaining something she already knew to her, and genuinely was curious to his suggestion. It didn't tamp down her anger, but that was part of being already angry.
You make connections. Emmisary, no? Connect. We go grab a comm off one of the bodies not currently foil-wrapped for oven roasting and make contact. Aim for the accountant. He's turned coat before, from the Rang Clan. Could do it again. Especially pinned down against a jediit and a superior assassin willing to spar him with only five other men and one of them is the one we want. He shrugged and a blaster mark ripped open with the motion, spitting blood. His face didn't so much as twitch. If it doesn't work, then cut a hole in the floor and annihilation.
"Huh," the Zeltron more felt herself say than heard it, a throb of agony all through her skull and around her eyes in a band. "That... actually makes more sense." She switched back to signing. And it does sound more like a me plan, yeah. How'd you manage that?
Observation across multiple occasions casual and Mission, the Nautolan hybrid answered, reaching into his pack and drawing out a tightly wrapped container. From that came a plastic-sealed bar that he pushed into her offhand. Here. You are an inoptimal you when calorie deficient from combination excess Force usage and high metabolism.
Erinyes stared at it. No simple military rations, the snack bar was definitely homemade, and likely chock-full of both ridiculous nutrition and taste, though possibly more for a bird than not.
Are you saying I'm not me when I'm hungry?
Don't get cute. You aren't.
She huffed, and a few very good bites later, did feel a little bit better. Rage was good fuel and all, but it didn't make for great diplomacy. At her agreement, Foxen went and fetched an Anooba's communicator to go with the absconded rifle, passing it to her once the Emissary finished her snack.
Speaking of not yourself, Erinyes commented, you seemed like you checked out for a second down there. That going to happen again?
She gave it up with a shrug in the name of their beautiful friendship and business-ship.
Alright then. Here goes nothing.
She keyed to the open comm frequency, hoping whoever was on it above them heard them out, if only to be less a pain in the ass. Not being able to hear her own voice very well was irritating, but if there was one thing the Zeltron was good at besides saber combat, it was battles of the tongue, and her still-livewire senses gave her excellent emotional cues of classical greed, pride and anger common to gang life marinated in fear for those lives.
"Hello there, everyone," the duelist began. "As you've noticed, you're under attack. But I have good news for you! We're only really after your boss. If you want to ditch out of here and not end up pancaked or full of extra holes like the rest of your coworkers, we're happy to let you by. Just come downstairs and wait in the lobby— we kinda sealed the doors so we'll have to let you out when we're done."
Foxen signed at her when she took a breath, and she had to pause briefly to parse what he was saying.
Use term 'red' and 'rancor' in succession. Old Rang code. Will signal A-R-A-R.
"...willsignar— significant, that is, this is a great opportunity for you. I'm even willing to take any helping hands, and I guarantee the benefits and food are better where I work than here. We've seen the kitchen. Mynock, really? That's bad even for Chute Town. I could get you fresh red rancor steaks if you wanted them. Hell, the guy with me is a professional chef who brought snacks. Anyway, point is: give up, walk out, that's all you have to do and then we don't have to have a problem. We'll give you three minutes."
Her companion nodded his approval, so she cut off the message and then tossed the communicator over her shoulder. They'd have no more use for it. This wasn't actually a negotiation; it was a stay of execution.
Erinyes didn't bother to count, as she had a seven foot something chrono standing right next to her unsheathing a Mandalorian sword that probably had felt it needed to compensate to him. The souls she could feel above were like a kicked hive of kiliks, frenetic, buzzing. But also apprehensive. When Foxen signaled her to mark the time halfway, she felt the shift.
A thought also occurred.
Some are cooperating. Let them go. Just because she'd promised not to hurt them didn't mean Foxen wouldn't.
Inefficient. We should terminate them all. Ronhys Arar will likely turn on you the moment he's free of here too.
Look, you don't get a good reputation recruiting by offing every recruit, and that's my job now, so leave them alone.
Fine. Confirm. But not sharing the food. You were exception.
Oddly it was that sentiment that had a smile on her face welcoming the one remaining Trandoshan, Gamorrean, and Weequay that came down the stairs from the fourth floor, helpfully littered with the bisected remains of two other Anoobas.
It even stayed when her instincts whispered with the shadow discoloring her eyes that now was a good time to duck.
The Emissary vaulted away, her body pinwheeling gracefully through the cramped sheet metal space, fingers brushing the floor while booted toes brushed the wall and her torso twisted perfectly around a massive blaster cannon shot. The consecutive four massive plasma slugs blasted by while she was forced back down the landing of the third floor, debris from the ruined, bulldozed barricade scattered on either side. The Gamorrean weighed down by the heavy repeating gun stomped forward, pressing the advantage.
A blur of black motion and glint of metal was the only herald of Foxen moving to intercept. With one mighty cleave from the giant Nautolan, his beskad sheared through the gun barrel and downward through porcine legs, slicing clean through thigh and ankle. Felled like a tree, the Gamorrean screamed in swine shrieks as he hit the ground in three pieces and a clatter of machinery.
The Zeltron could barely hear it, which was all the better as she popped back up and reignited her saber, sending it screaming towards the Trandoshan barreling in to strike at Foxen while the latter was still lifting one hand off the sword to parry. The reptilian head bounced as it rolled, and the body with forward momentum was promptly shouldered away by the Nautolan mercenary. They turned back on the Weequay, so much smaller comparatively, and found him staring, blanched. He threw down his concussion rifle.
"I give up, I give up, don't—ack."
"The deal was for walking out," Erinyes growled, glaring at the Anooba held aloft in the air in one scarred, black-veined granite hand. Foxen lifted one finger to allow air into the man's windpipe.
"S-sorry, I—"
"Is Sinjar still up there?"
"Yes!" squealed their captive, getting two fingers of oxygen now, as a treat. He was loud enough to hear, faintly, at least. His feet kicked and his fingers scrabbled to no avail to get leverage as he choked slowly between gravity and the unyielding force that was Foxen on a mission. "He— hurk— locked. In. His office! All secure, can't—"
"Good enough. Let him go."
Black eyes bulged in surprise and relief as the Weequay was promptly dropped, wheezing.
"Wh— really?"
"You still had like a minute."
27.01 seconds, Foxen corrected, unbeknownst to their informant.
"Thank you! Thank you, karabast, I'll go I'm going I'm going— gaaah…"
It was a lot of carnage. Between that and the food she didn't blame him for vomiting before he even got down to the second floor. Erinyes turned back.
Shall we?
They advanced again. The fourth floor was clear, mostly bedrooms divided more by sheets and piled belongings than actual walls. Scattered weapons. Sabacc cards and spice cuts left mid-game. They bypassed it all and up to the fifth floor.
A Givin was waiting there, hand on his hip holster. A nasty scar fueled his chin nearly in two. Erinyes raised an eyebrow.
"Ronhys Arar, I presume?"
He cringed slightly. "No need to yell, please."
"Actually kind of is, thanks to your welcoming party. Are you to thank for that?"
"The rifles were Sinjar's idea. He was paranoid about being watched by your kind here on the Matron. As he should be."
"Then he should have known better. You seem like you do."
"I got your message." He peered between them, paused on Foxen, then looked back to her. "Sinjar is in there. You won't get paste those doors with paltry little hackjob spike kits. I'll unlock it for you, if you mean your deal."
The Zeltron waved her unlit saber at him. "Try again, friend. I have a slicer right here." She glanced to Foxen. "We don't need you for this. Information is interesting though. All the files Sinjar has, anything on his trafficking operations, anything on anyone he's dealt with. Accounts, records, spending, contacts, search history, late night holonet DMs, all of it."
"Done," Arar said.
Foxen's hand touched his chin then offer back to her.
Thank you.
You got it, she replied, then redirected their attention. "Join your buddy downstairs. We'll be done shortly."
The codebreaker didn't stick around. That was fine.
Erinyes passed Foxen one saber. He lifted a brow ridge.
I'm not cutting a doorway tall enough for you. Get at it.
Chuffing, he got to work, the hilt of her saber tiny in his palm. When the shape was complete, he stepped aside for Erinyes to telekinetically fling the metal slab inwards, effectively crushing anything behind it, if Sinjar had been fool enough to just wait there.
It turned out by the brief scattergun salvo that he wasn't, but two turns of her saber batted those shots away, and then a throwing knife was in his hand, and in his other hand, and lining his arms as the Muun was quickly pinned to the wall.
She shot Foxen a look.
Just how many knives do you have?
Never too many. Want me to kill him?
Please. She was done by now, tired and successful. The Zeltron didn't even look as Foxen's arm chambered again and suddenly the muffled, tinny yammering that was Sinjar's last ranting words was quiet again. Erinyes sighed, finally released her hold on the Dark Side, like slipping into a bath after a long day.
A bath sounded great right about now.
Be downstairs when you're done in there. Foxen would turn that office and that corpse inside out looking for the leads he wanted. It could take a minute. Her stomach rumbled. The idea of those mynock skewers was not it. Can I have the rest of those snacks?
The Nautolan tossed her the package, stepping through their carved entrance and into the room. She turned on her heel. They both left red footprints from the red bottoms of their shoes.
And that was that.