High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore vs. Archian

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, Reaper

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Kiffar, Force Disciple, Arcanist, Dark Jedi

Archian, Raider

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Male Shistavanen, Mercenary, Field Medic
Hall Singularity [2024]
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition Singularity [2024]
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, Archian
Winner High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Archian's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Arx: The Colosseum - The Shanty Town
Last Post 27 June, 2024 11:50 PM UTC
Judge #1: Idris Adenn
  High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore Archian
Syntax - 15% 4 3
Story - 40% 4 4
Realism - 30% 4 4
Creativity - 15% 4 3
Total 4.0 3.7
Well fought guys! It was refreshing to see a "darker" and more violent match, a lot of the others have been taking a much more playful approach. And boy did this one get dark. Very fun read. Congrats guys!
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore 4.0
Archian 3.7


Built from the shell of an ancient foundation, the Arx Colosseum has undergone renovations to allow multiple new configurations for battle. Its spectator setup remains largely the same, with high walls, tall enough for even the most savvy Jedi to find unscalable that lead up to spectator chairs which are divided into nearly organized sections to accommodate several thousand people. At the center, an elongated platform “box” contains a central throne of stone with various seats of smaller scale lined beside it in both directions. Two large holo-projection screens are set up on each side of the Colosseum, offering different angles of the match bia holocam drones.

Today’s setup is known as The Shanty Town.

Hundreds of shipping containers line the arena floor, some stacked tall, others singular obstacles forming the walls of a complex maze. Each has been converted to function as housing, windows, doors, even furnishments added to further sell the illusion of it being a living town.

While the only real life contained within is today’s combatants, that is far from the only level of danger found within.

Dozens of armed and battle-ready droids hide in wait. Turrets and barricades line the narrow passageways of the town. Expertly hidden mines wait to trigger with every step. Make no mistake, the Shanty Town is ready to kill all who enter it. Embracing its chaos, and surviving is no easy feat.

Upon the Brotherhood capital planet of Arx existed a structure built for the entertainment of the masses; a colosseum. This building was used for many types of violent activities and scenarios. On this day, the interior had been filled with a variety of shipping crates. They were placed both haphazardly and with purpose, forming a deadly maze of obstacles and traps.

Within the colosseum fabric trailed along uneven sandy ground. A solitary figure made its way across the sand, pausing every now and again to maneuver around a collapsed shipping crate.

If a sentient had asked Hector Von Ricmore if he desired or expected to fight within a colosseum he would have responded with a negative. Pit fighting was not an activity he typically engaged in. But the Will of the Force had led him here, . Aand he would follow it.

The area was not entirely abandoned. Splotches of red, blue and green littered the ground, dried blood from various species that had fought previously.

The first sign of life was not what Hector had expected. He had mentally prepared for vicious creatures. Deadly predators whom would hunt with ill intent. Instead he found himself before a tiny avian creature.

The Porg stared vacantly at the new arrival. There was nothing going on behind its big black eyes. As Hector drew closer the avian let out a chirp and proceeded to fly a short distance away. The Kiffar followed after the creature until his foot sank into the ground, a pressure plate beneath his boot.

A duo of turrets sprang out from the ground, firing blaster bolts forth. The Dark Jedi grabbed his lightsaber, igniting the purple blade and batting the shots away from his body. The sheer volume of blaster fire made it difficult to redirect the blasts back. So Hector made use of an alternative method. He reached out with the Force and gripped the nearest shipping container. With an exercise of will the crate levitated into the air and slowly began to move towards one of the turrets. When it hovered above the weapon the Kiffar let go of the connection, causing the container to crush the turret underneath.

WIth only one turret remaining, dealing with the weapon was a simple matter. The purple lightsaber redirected blaster bolt after blaster bolt back into the emplacement until it ceased firing.

With the conflict over Hector began to look for the Porg. The creature was no where in sight. Closing his eyes the Dark Jedi immersed himself in the Force. He could feel two life signs within the arena. One was wild and free; the Porg. The other radiated a connection to the Living Force, but it was dim, a candle flickering in the wind but refusing to be put out. This sentient was not strong in the Force but it was certainly capable of wielding it.

Mind made up, Hector traveled towards the signatures. Along the path his eyes witnessed several droid chassis. Each one had arrows sticking out of various areas, each arrow was embedded in what would amount to a vital area for the droid.

Upon examining the droids the Kiffar came to the following conclusion. ’It is likely that I am dealing with a skilled marksman. One who prefers to fight silently. And possibly avoids direct combat. I’ll need to conserve energy. Take any conflict patiently and wait for an opportunity.’

His strategizing was interrupted by a sinking feeling in his stomach, a warning from the Force that something was amiss. He threw up his left hand, stopping an arrow with the Force inches before it impacted his person.

Unlike the arrows left in the droids this projectile had a viscous green fluid dripping down the point. Likely a form of poison.

’So this marksman carries several arrow types. Some for droids and others for organic beings. I’m no doctor but I would assume the liquid to be a poison or toxin. I should avoid exposure if possible.’ The Kiffar thought to himself.

He glanced in the direction the projectile had come from. A slim hooded figure stood atop one of the shipping containers, bow in hand and arrow nocked. Besides the figure stood the Porg from earlier, excitedly chirping as it ran around the legs of its owner.

”I would like to give you the chance to surrender.” Hector offered. “If we fight, I can’t guarantee your safety. Lightsaber burns are immensely painful and I’m sure you don’t want anything to happen to your little avian friend.”

The hooded figure’s eyes narrowed at that last statement.

“I have my own reasons for being here. And we can handle ourselves just fine.” He responded.

The figure did not wait for a response, firing off his arrow and disappearing the moment Hector was distracted by deflecting it.

The Kiffar resigned himself to a chase and opened himself up to the Force, searching for the location of his assailant.

Arx City was impressive - both with its huge structure and different branches of still developing culture. Trade, military power and scientific center - all were contributing to its might.

All of that was great, except… Red Shistavanen hated crowds. Overpopulation was slowly building up: loud shouting, whispered gossips, and drumming of the starships stuck in the traffic. Sensitive wolf-man ears couldn't stand that for an extended period of time, that's why he was currently sneakily passing between the shipping containers at the Arx Colosseum.

But that wasn't exactly true, he had a mission - to find the Rare Purpleback Womp Rat, to breed it with recessive gene carrying Womp Rats of his own, and later research its behaviors for useful skills. All of these plans were passing through his head, while climbing at one of the container’s roofs. He couldn't give up on letting that Dark Jedi catch this rare creature first, because it was one of a kind. He laid flat down, and carefully prepared an arrow. He dipped the point carefully in the small jar of the green paralyzing poison which he kept between his robes. Alongside it he attached a piece of paper to the shaft with the message:

I will get that Purple Ratty first!

Porg was sitting next to him, staring at the posture of the Dark Jedi with its black eyes from the shadow of the adapted chimney, without making a sound. Red lifted upper body with his abdominal muscles, and slowly pulled the ready in position arrow back to gain maximum strength at the impact.

The Kiffar was holding a lightsaber, and standing still in the same place as he left him after dropping from a previous roof. This time male Dark Jedi closed his eyes, possibly searching for Shistavanen's signs of the Force - unlucky Archian wasn't the best in controlling it. Regretting that he didn't let Porg bring its Mandalorian helmet with a rocket backpack, he focused on his aim, suppressing the Force connection with the creature. His target moved free hand up within his robes with still closed eyes. He had a hold on some object. Without a warning he threw the disc shaped device into the air, high up to the left letting it slide through air. Archian refocused at the object. Followed it with his sight for two seconds. Nothing happened, no, something had happened. He aimed back at the Dark Jedi, who was looking straight at him.

Quick draw of the blaster and shoot. Not at the enemy hiding in the shadows of the roof, but at the still circling in the air object. The projectile blast into it quick as lightning, and ricochet straight at the bowman. He felt only vibration against his Energy Shield Generator. It was close… Pain overcame his shoulder. The second, silent shot passed the shield, which didn't regenerate on time. Archian let go scream, also hold from the bow. Arrow flew missing Dark Jedi and landing between his legs. Shistavanen's body luckily rolled to the side from the impact and avoided the third, also suppressed from noise shot from the blaster.

Male Kiffar didn't wait. Rushed forward, unzipping with smooth movement the paper from the arrow without touching the dangerously poisoned part of the weapon. Reaching the base of the high multiple container, he started to climb up by grabbing and jumping from roof to roof.

While Archian was still suffering, Porg screamed at Shistavanen, bringing him back, and breaking the shield of pain. “Right. Plan B.” He whispered to himself through clenched teeth. He started to repeat in his mind Migi, Migi, Migi, Migi constantly. Releasing all of his Force, and making a quick whistle. His paw reached for both leaf and bacta bomb, while still repeating the same words. He could feel the opponent getting close. He whistled again, making Porg jump down from the roof, while Archian rolled in the opposite direction of the roof, breaking the healing device, which covered fiber of the leaf, sticking it at the wound.

He reached the edge and dropped down. They both were falling - him and Porg. Avian released a scream at the Dark Jedi, who followed mysterious words still repeated by marksman. Now he spotted it - the creature held the Seismic Charge in its foot, while diving at him. It let it go after a second scream, changing direction away from him approximately 15 meters above Dark Jedi. Archian pushed the button of the trigger, landing heavily at his side on the roof of the lower container…

A sonic shriek echoed across the arena. Energy pulsed outwards as the seismic charge detonated. The pulse slammed into Hector; the sheer force ripping him into the air and smashing his body against one of the crates.

Hector’s vision swam. His body ached. His head throbbed with a ringing noise that filled his ears. Small sparks emitted from his belt. Undoubtedly his shield generator was obliterated by the explosive. He forced himself to his feet, though the Kiffar stumbled, bracing himself on the container to avoid falling. The paper he had picked up had crumbled under the force of the explosion, the shred remaining leaving only two words, “Purple Ratty.”

What could that possibly mean?

He looked around, searching for any sign of his assailant. But neither he nor his creature were in view.

Reaching into one of his belt pockets Hector pulled forth a small case. Opening it, he checked on the three syringes filled with liquid, one of which had been shattered. He pulled one of the remaining syringes from the case, removed his glove before then injecting the stim into his vein.

The pain rapidly subsided, allowing Hector to move freely once again. The Dark Jedi marched back to the site of the explosion. His dropped blaster laid there. He picked it up and inspected the weapon. It had been charred black, several cracks and fissures now created that ran across the firearm.

“I have no idea where to begin fixing this.” He muttered to himself as he tossed the weapon away.

It was clear that chasing his foe had been a mistake. Venturing into territory prepared by the enemy allowed them to set traps and control the flow of the battle. He would wait for the cloaked Shistavanen to return to his position.

So, Hector sat down, armor creaking at the motion. He closed his eyes; breathed in and breathed out. His bodily concerns slipped away as he joined the flow of the Cosmic Force. For a brief few minutes the universe was at peace. He was immersed in something bigger, far beyond himself. Individuality had lost meaning. All that mattered was the Will of the Force.

Still, all good things eventually came to an end. Hector’s out of body journey ceased, the Force pulling him back to consciousness with an alarmed tone. His enemy had returned.

Yellow eyes opened as Hector stretched a hand forward, ripping the bow from Archian’s grasp and pulling it back to himself. The Dark Jedi destroyed the bow with the casual flick of his lightsaber.

“I take attempts on my life quite seriously. I offered you and your companion a merciful way out. That option is no longer available.” Hector declared as he rose to his feet, his voice mechanically tinted by his voice modulator. He pressed a button on his lightsaber, Ascalon. The handle extended as the weapon shifted into a lightsaber pike, the blade pointed towards his enemy.

His foe remained silent. The Shistavanen withdrew a blade from his belt, turning it into a chain whip with a flourish.

A cruel smile tugged across Hector’s face beneath his mask.

The Porg began to chirp in distress as it felt something wrap around it. The creature kicked and flapped its wings. No effort it made seemed to make any difference as the avian found itself rising into the air. It opened its eyes wide in fear as it accelerated forward and was impaled upon the amethyst blade of the lightsaber pike. It gasped and struggled for several moments, then fell entirely still.

A keening wail left Archian’s lips as he flew into a frenzy. His whip blade arced towards the Dark Jedi again and again, slamming into the lightsaber pike held defensively in front of him. The corpse of the Porg remained upon the blade, a deliberate act of cruelty.

Hector couldn’t help but feel a bit of perverse glee after the attempt on his life. Barbed words began to spill from his lips. “I did warn you. You would not have wanted harm to come upon your little avian friend. And yet here we are. One less porg and an enraged Shistavanen. It didn’t have to be this way, but you chose to send your friend out with an explosive. That made it a fair target.”

The relentless whip attacks from Archian prevented the Kiffar from closing the distance between them. But the rage made him sloppy. Eventually Archian would make a mistake. One mistake. One moment Hector could take advantage of.

The rage, blood coloured vision, silence and solitude in his ears and mind. Nothing mattered. Kiffar standing opposite to him - didn't matter. Whipping of his weapon didn't stop but continued to try and reach Dark Jedi.

Member of Clan Vizsla easily avoided each attack, still holding the small body impaled at blade. Now slowly starting to burn at the edges of the wound, the droppings of the blood evaporating from the weapon's heat. Shistavanen bright, yellow eyes focusing at the small, not moving body. Rage pulsating in his head, sending waves into Avian's direction for any connection. No answers, or were there?

Dark Jedi noticed the whole focus of the enemy on the small bird's body. While moving from right to left, swiftly jumping between each chaotic move of the Electro- chain Whip thanks to precognition. With a cruel smile he waved with the pike of the blade taunting red Shistavanen, pushing him to stare at the body.

“Now it is no more about any Rat. It's personal.” Archian murmured through a clenched jaw, stepping forward, assessing his chances against a heavy armored opponent.

“You made it personal…yourself.” Kiffar responded calmly with satisfaction, while assessing next future moves of the whip. Archian took his Riot Shield off from his stripes at the back under the still carried Bacta Tanks higher at his shoulders.

Dark Jedi knew that it was the time to get rid of the body. He shaken off a small body between his legs, making subtle moves to the right and above the whip passing him. Next he stepped above the Avian forward, holding now Lightwhip in right, and Lightsaber in his left arm, kicking at last not moving body backwards to push it off his own way.

“8 minutes.” Archian shouted as a reaction to disrespect of the body. “8 minutes will be enough.” He shouted with rage and dedication, making slow moves forward, stopping the attacks of the whip and covering most of the body with Riot Shield. About a minute both of them were turning from left to right, not letting each other have made a full circle, but to get closer, as far as lightsabers and definitely the whip.

Archian was first to move. Raging move of the wrist, extending whip was immediately blocked by pushing his body away at the ground by Dark Jedi Force. Shistavanen went flying backwards, likely still holding his Shield. Hector took a chance for a perfectly calculated quick attack to finish the fight before it started. He hit with a Lightsaber in his left hand against the Shistavanen's protection, shutting the protective energy down. The right arm with Lightwhip stroke forward making a hole in the Shield. Archian immediately kneeled, taking a hit at his shoulder, clenching sharp teeth from pain. But his plan worked with five more spare minutes…

He let go of his whip, just before Hector's Lightsaber would hit again. He pushed the trigger with his finger and aimed the cryo bullet at his opponent's hand, freezing it, making Dark Jedi drop the weapon out of his hand, having the frostbite coming through the armor. Metal parts friction against each other, softening the spot. Archian didn't wait.

Shistavanen now dropped his Shield, letting Kiffar's Lightwhip cut through, but still stayed in the red fur shoulder covered in light armor without changing position. The Termal Imploder showed in his paw, but again that was calculated and expected by the opponent. Even with cold pain in his hand Hector sent off the explosive with Telekinesis before the sequence could be triggered, pushing the weapon deeper through Shistavanen's shoulder. Archian vomited from pain, with blood at the enemy's abdomen - gore splashing over the armor and dropping at the floor underneath them.

Red looked up at the staring down with the smirk at him Arcanist. He treated this as a play and joke, opposite to former Aedile. Archian opened his jaw full of sharp teeth, blood and vomit. He shut it straight at the frozen hand, making it crack through heavy armor, and let blood come from underneath. All of that took no more then three minutes.

Hector pushed the weapon even deeper now, having hoped that Archian let go, but Medic's body didn't stop and pushed Vizsla's member backwards, passing a laying close body of the Porg, and crushing into the nearest container’s metal wall, making him hit his head on it. Shistavanen let go, stepping backwards to slide off from the weapon, falling to the ground. He started crawling to the body of the Porg, vomiting again with the blood, having it spread all over his body, mixing with his fur, making him deeper red than usual.

He opened the not damaged in the fight right side of the Bacta Tank, not even looking at the shattered left side of it. He grabbed a small body and slided inside into healing fluid.

The sound of Lightwhip didn't take his attention off from his careful movements with the tank, even when the weapon tore through the middle of his right calf. He had it safe - his companion. Opponent didn't matter, the pain didn't matter. Another hole appeared in the opposite calf, and wounds just above his elbows, totally immobilizing him, but Tank was hidden underneath his body.

“Now die here, but suffer more than your Avian associate.” Hector said, looking with pettiness at two bodies covered with gore and vomit. He turned around and walked away leaving them.

Darkness was slowly overcoming Archian's mind, but bright spark ignited back in the small body laying safely in the Bacta Tank.