The Jedi’s fist stopped an inch before his chest. Then, for one instant, Jon felt like he’d been hit by a speeder-truck.
An invisible wave slammed into him with the force of a tsunami, and Jon went flying back. There was a loud CLANG as Jon slammed back into the metal wall of a tower. His vision went briefly black, before he came to, blinking the spots out of his eyes.
Then the pain started.
“Ready to surrender yet, Odanite?” Majyck called from across the street. “Let’s call it here while you still have legs to walk away with.”
Taking a deep breath -- and Kriff, even that was painful -- Jon took stock of his injuries. He was pretty sure he had quite a few broken ribs, and judging by the way his vision swam he was at least mildly concussed from the way his head slammed into the metal crate he was now slumped against.
His arms and legs didn’t seem particularly damaged, so he was able to stagger to his feet. He picked up his lightsabers from where he’d dropped them; by some miracle he’d managed to hang onto them until the instant he made contact with the wall. Going by Majyck’s calculating look, he didn’t think the Jedi would’ve given him the opportunity to recover them if he’d dropped them any sooner.
He palmed the wooden grips, one thumb on each of the activations buttons; Majyck assumed a ready stance, waiting for Jon to make the first move.
Times like this reminded Jon why he avoided straight fights.
Normally this would be the time when Jon would cut his losses and run, or try to find some clever way to talk his opponent into letting him leave. Neither of which was really an option in a tournament.
Besides. Arcona was one of the few clans that actually liked Odan-Urr. He wasn’t about to let their allies think they were a bunch of push-overs. But he was outmatched and overpowered, and he was fairly certain he would collapse from his wounds in, oh, five-ish minutes or so?
Only one recourse then. Good old fashioned taunting.
“Was that the hardest you could hit?” Jon asked, proud of the way he kept his words from slurring too noticeably, given the way his vision was spinning. “Man, they’ll let anybody be a Jedi these days.”
Majyck raised an eyebrow, clearly more confused than offended. Different tactic then.
“I mean, I’ve felt harder hits from my astromech droid. Come on, you can definitely do better than that, right? Or… maybe you can’t?”
Jon could see the tell-tale signs of frustration in Majyc’s eyes now. Jon still hadn’t even reactivated his lightsabers, which in some circles could be seen as insulting. To a duelist, refusing to draw your weapon meant you didn’t see them as a threat. If Jon’s estimation that this Jedi had a competitive streak was right…
“Come on, I won’t even block!” Jon put his arms out in an inviting gesture.
Majyc took the bait, and almost faster than Jon could keep track of, the Jedi charged.
Jon grinned.
A split second before the lightsaber made contact, a force-field flickered into being.
It wouldn’t stop a second blow -- it barely stopped a first one -- but it didn’t need to. The surprise as his blade was forced back made the Jedi hesitate, and that was all Jon needed.
His lightsaber in his left hand -- the one opposed Majyc’s off-hand -- blazed to life, and Jon took the opening…