Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra vs. Mandalorian Majyc

Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra

Elder 1, Elder tier, Clan Taldryan
Female Ryn, Sith, Arcanist

Mandalorian Majyc

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Arcona
Male Human, Jedi, Marauder
Hall Singularity [2024]
Messages 4 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition Singularity [2024]
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Judged
Combatants Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra, Mandalorian Majyc
Winner Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Mandalorian Majyc's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Arx: The Colosseum - The Bridges
Last Post 26 July, 2024 3:48 AM UTC
Judge #1: Idris Adenn
  Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra Mandalorian Majyc
Syntax - 15% 5 5
Story - 40% 5 4
Realism - 30% 5 5
Creativity - 15% 4 4
Total 4.85 4.45
This was a great match, one you both should be very proud of. Amazing work guys!
Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra 4.85
Mandalorian Majyc 4.45


Built from the shell of an ancient foundation, the Arx Colosseum has undergone renovations to allow multiple new configurations for battle. Its spectator setup remains largely the same, with high walls, tall enough for even the most savvy Jedi to find unscalable that lead up to spectator chairs which are divided into nearly organized sections to accommodate several thousand people. At the center, an elongated platform “box” contains a central throne of stone with various seats of smaller scale lined beside it in both directions. Two large holo-projection screens are set up on each side of the Colosseum, offering different angles of the match bia holocam drones.

Today’s setup is known as The Bridges.

High-suspended walkways cross and weave through multiple levels of platforms. Some are solid, metal and duracrete crafting an unmoving foundation. Others are mere rope and wood, swaying with even the most gentle of breezes.

Below the walkways is a void filled with mist, the ground unseen for combatants and spectators alike. Periodic ripples of electrical energy can be seen through the mist, hinting to the deadly nature of the arena floor below.

Durasteel walkways, roped ladders and duracrete bridges snaked out from the platform where a tall, blonde-haired man stood. The Arconan, Majyc, stretched and rolled his shoulders before inspecting the arena with his gleaming golden eyes. The obscured ground floor didn’t phase him until he saw cerulean jolts jump through, hopping from cloud to cloud. He was situated somewhere at the middle height, with an equal distance from him to the bottom or top platforms. High enough to plummet to his death, something he didn’t wish to test out.

Being a hardened Mandalorian and a Jedi Knight provided him with the experience to remain calm as he leaned forward at the edge. The search for equilibrium between the two orders had always been a great challenge, but he made it work.

With determination, the Journeyman made his way over a duracrete bridge, occasionally stomping his boot down to check the structural integrity. The construction was solid, with only small parts of it showing cracks and defects. A cam droid floated by as he reached the next platform and paused around him. He gave it a wry smile that quickly warped into a stern look. He could hear the cheering of the crowd as he placed his helmet on his head. He wasn’t in this for the entertainment, and while the attention did feel energizing, it was a sensation he needed to suppress in order to sharpen his focus.

The Arconan peered upward at the giant holoscreen that faced him. It didn’t help him much, with the reflection of starlight obscuring the display from his angle. He reckoned that his opponent was likely much higher up.

The next bridge was one built out of durasteel. Being less rigid, it gave way more as he walked on it. His military mind pushed through, unworried. He crossed it and saw something flying in his peripheral view.

Instead of taking a break, he continued upward until he reached the platform, concealing himself behind the pillar when he got there. The Jedi peered around the corner, noticing a flying object with triangular plating. Its whirring noise was much akin to the Arakyd Industries’s Viper probe droids he knew of, but this one appeared more modern. From a distance, he could make out its dark lens staring at him. It moved out of sight as he stuck out his arm from beyond cover.

The next bridge, wooden in design, swayed gently in the wind. Majyc reached out through the Force, letting it engulf him as he stretched out his consciousness to his surroundings. There was a goosebump-inducing pull on his skin as a repulsive dark energy radiated from above. The air felt cold, numbing, and he shook his head to snap out of it. The decision to carry on was made in an instant. The bridge moved and creaked with each step.

The triangular droid reappeared once he reached about a quarter of the way toward the next platform. His eyelids twitched as he saw its lens shuttering. Then there was a loud whistle. Part of the bridge shattered before he realized what had happened. An ear shattering bang followed after the impact. Sound had caught up with the projectile. His heart skipped a beat, there was no solid matter left for his boots to stand on. He caught the railing, desperately flinging himself forward. His head snapped back to see the damage to the bridge. When he looked ahead, the droid was gone.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he warily marched on. Majyc knew that whoever was watching him was testing him. This was no different than the dangerous trials and various rites he went through to prove his worth to the Mandalorians. A great urge rose to the surface within him to look up and find his tormentor, but he reminded himself to get across first.

He saw the droid peeking from around the corner on the next platform. Majyc gritted his teeth and extended his arm before the probe had fully come into view. He summoned the light side to his beck and call, unleashing an invisible gavel upon the droid.

Before the mechanical construct was in line of sight, he pushed it back, forcing it to retract its triangular limbs. It tumbled in the air until it picked itself up and sped upward. The Mandalorian raced to reach the platform, hoping to find cover in time.

Air blew right by the Journeyman’s neck, screeching. A slug smashed into duracrete. A thunderous blast followed, echoing through the arena. It was right where he wanted to plant his last step. He tripped over and followed through with a somersault to land on the damaged platform.

He once again hid behind the pillar, took a breath, and ran as fast as he could. The next bridge was steep and the ascent was only made possible by the rope it consisted of. The climb was a mix between walking and clambering up a makeshift ladder, a true test of balance.

Any average person would’ve given up, but Majyc was determined and, above all, versed in scaling buildings that had far less grip. His confidence made him feel light, until that blasted droid showed up again. His heart sank upon seeing those triangled plates unfurl once again. It was closer to him this time, and there were no platforms higher than this one.

As if the probe droid were laying eggs, a blanket of small ball-shaped remotes appeared from under its wings. The Mandalorian Jedi unclipped his Knight’s saber and prepared to defend himself while he held on with his other hand. Majyc reminded himself to stay calm as the remotes spread out before they began blasting away at him.

His composure helped him redirect some of the projectiles back at them before they could damage the cord holding him. The bridge complied with a creaking sound as he swung himself back and forth, giving himself a little extra reach as he bounced the bolts back. The darkness he had felt earlier snuck up on him. A sensation of dissatisfaction grew from within as the probe droid hovered away while he dispatched the remotes like popping balloons.

The Jedi deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. He looked up, focusing on his hearing. A click-clacking noise sent chills down his spine, accompanied by a high-pitched, ingressive hissing noise. He climbed up with the utmost urgency, following the rapid beating of his heart. As if electricity suddenly coursed through his veins, he noticed a black figure appear at the top of the platform. Majyc pushed past his instinct to halt and kept going, his breaths becoming shorter. The familiar sound of a rifle being readied sent ripples of doubt through his body. He flung his legs back and forth, swinging the rope around in a desperate attempt to make himself a more difficult target.

The figure at the top aimed their weapon down at him, peering through a scope. There was another hiss before the rope burst into dust. The shrapnel of the slug clattered against his beskar vambrace as a loud bang followed, sending a reverberation through the arena. The Mandalorian tried his best to ignore the ringing in his ears, launching fibrecord up to the platform.

Blood surged upwards as he fell weightlessly, seconds turning into minutes. Majyc wondered why he had trained so hard only to fall to his death before having ever seen his opponent. He was gifted in the Force, and proud to be Mandalorian. Like a true Jedi he placed his fate in the hands of the light. His descent was interrupted by a violent jerk on his arm. The Force was with him.

Tears formed in the corners of his eyes; the fibrecord had managed to lodge itself onto the platform. A spike of pain shot through his wrist as it had just taken his full weight, interrupting his moment of ecstasy. Majyc’s vambrace was reeling him in, but he could see the feminine shape rise up. A domed mask peered down at him as his tormentor revealed a sharp object attached to the heel of their boot.

The Jedi’s golden eyes widened. He took fate into his own hands as he stretched out his other arm. For a moment, he became one with the Force until a gush of light side energy left his body through his palm. His adversary was about to bring her boot down upon the fibrecord when she was struck by an invisible punch to the gut. The tall figure was lifted up from the ground and blasted back by the sheer power of the strike. Her weapon was saved only by her rifle belt.

Majyc wanted to yell as his vambrace carried him up. He could almost feel the edge of the platform. His arm desperately reached for the first bit of duracrete he was able to latch onto. The Mandalorian exhaled deeply as he pushed himself up, releasing the cable. He heard a groan, followed by a sharp hiss of air.

“So, you made it to my lovely roof terrace. It took you long enough. I do apologize for the lack of a balustrade.” The woman’s modulated voice carried a mocking tone. “Enjoy the view! It may very well be your last. You may call me Aphotis.”

The Jedi tilted his head in confusion before he peered down at his vambrace, blackened from the shrapnel. He panted as he caught his breath, a hand running over his sore arm.

“Majyc, Jedi and Mandalorian,” his voice was gruff and unamused. “Quit it with your deplorable games. I can only assume, from your sickening aura, that you are Sith, Aphotis.”

The tall, black-clad woman let out a sinister chuckle as she inclined her masked head. A clawed hand reached for the cylindrical hilt clipped to her high-waisted belt.

“Show me what you got, Jedi!”

As Majyc stood upon the "roof terrace" breaths coming in soft pants from his ascent to the heavens of the arena and the attacks faced during it, to come face to face with the taller, black-clad female. His mind was already in that calculating phase. As the Sith spoke his stance altered some, his left leg shifted back a bit while the forward leg bent at the knee so the ball of his booted foot rested upon the platform. His hands came up with gloved palms facing outwards towards his opponent, elbows bent as lightning fast calculations went through that militant mind, assessing her stance and movements.

As the words fell from her lips like poisoned perfume, those hands rotated quickly, palms spinning to face that T-visored helmet clad head. The rush and feel of that tingling sensation as the force was utilized so that the sith before those clawed fingers curled about that cylindrical hilt was jerked forward with a violent force of movement towards Majyc. At the last moment of her unexpected flight towards him, his right foot twisted on the ball of that foot, a rotation of his hips while the left leg swept around in a high arching motion allowing the bridge of the reinforced leather boot to come into devastating contact to the side of that domed mask.

That blow amplified by the utilization of the force to alter the Siths flight path from his direction but to use her own words against her on the apology for the lack of the balustrade, and over the edge of that platform to careen weightless over the edge into empty space.

The electric blue eyes of Aphotis widened just slightly in surprise as her body lurched forward instead of in reverse as she had slightly anticipated from her target, the impact from that kick carried her ebony-clad frame over the edge into the hands of the abyss. It was a slight shock on the attack, but as her body tumbled, that repulsor belt activating , as did the jets in her boots catching her descent.

A breath exhaled from Majyc as the Sith went over the edge, he had but mere seconds to reconfigure his plan and tactics. Starlight glinted off his T-Visor, he was happy a hush fell over the crowd as Aphotis was sent over the edge. It gave him a moment to let his mind quiet and clarity to come back to him. An assessment was given, and he turned and was moving now, the soft thud of his boots in that quick dash as he scanned the area. Legs bent, muscles coiled and he sprang off the edge, body tucked into a quick somersault as he hurtled down landing on a lower durasteel bridge, knees bent, resting in a crouch with his palm to bridge surface.

With her descent halted by the mitrinomon thrusters attached to her knife edged boots and repulsor belt. That cold gaze caught the movement of the Jedi, there was a slight glint of amusement, and even the slightest hint of being impressed that her quarry and prey did not attempt to put distance between them automatically. Arms outstretched to the sides as those thrusters carried her from her hovered position downwards, descending like some form of a dark divine being towards the durasteel bridge that the Jedi crouched upon. The soft click of those knife edge heels landing upon that bridge harrowing her landing.

As he knelt there, tactics flashed through his mind, the previous opponents they had been but mere appetizers in this bloody feast of combat and conquest, this opponent was a main course. As the crowd would explode again in a roar of cheers and jeers over the combatants. That helmet rose in time to see the holoscreen from the camera droid catching sight of the dark figure catching herself in the fall then slowly lowering herself. The sound of those heels clicking to the durasteel bridge not too far of a distance away from him.

That luminous gaze of Aphotis fell upon the crouched form as the modulated, yet still smokey tone echoed above the din of the crowds observing, "I must admit Jedi, that was just slightly surprising. Maybe this Dust-Mouse has some fight after all." That mocking tone called out to the Jedi as the click-clack of those heels echoed upon the durasteel. Clawed fingers unclipped that cylindrical hilt, thumb pressing to the switch and with a hum that red plasma whip extended. A practiced roll of her wrist had it swirling around lashing down across the surface she walked upon leaving a deep scoring in the substance.

That helmeted head turned, the glow of that whip reflecting off the T-visor as he watched her move forward, in his mind he gave a slight inward groan. No check that, this was not a main course, this was a superior foe to those he had faced before, the control of the chaotic weapon she had was evident in the movement of her shapely frame, the roll of her wrist, the confident stride spoke volumes of this opponent and at the moment all he could do was steel his nerves and mind to this test and trial.

"No response?" The Sith almost smirked, but refrained from such actions as she advanced forward. That red lash snapping around, weaving a web of crimson streaks in the air with frenzied movements in her advancement causing the Jedi to go into a retreat mode. The whip snapping out striking the ground then retracting before snapping to lash across the chest area of the Jedi, all the while that free hand removed one of the grenades and was arming it, a simple thrust of her hand had that grenade flying through the web of that lightwhip now to land and roll between the Jedi's feet to land behind him as she pressed on with those Savage attacks with the whip.

A searing pain scored through the Jedi's mind as that light whip lashed across the robed chest, that armorweave keeping it from being a debilitating attack, but a scorched strip of flesh was indeed glimpsed in the flutter of the robes as he remained on the defense. His own lightsaber had been unclipped from his belt, the wintery blue blade being used in his best attempt at deflection of that light whip as possible. The beskar bracer on the opposite forearm was utilized as well working to add a bit of defense in his blocking. As the soft clang was heard, he caught a glimpse of the rolling projectile between his feet, behind that visor the golden eyes widened a moment unseen to any. It was a fraction of a second as mental synapsis fired into play, as that grenade exploded he was already leaping to the side, allowing his body to be carried from that durasteel bridge and into the air as he hurtled towards another lower tier of the bridges. Teeth grit as he felt the shrapnel of that grenade dig into his calf, and back of his thigh, but he was forcing the pain away as he caught the edge of the bridge. Leather clad fingers clung to the edge of stone, before he tossed the lightsaber onto the bridge and it deactivated so he could grasp with both hands. A solid jerk was sending him up and over the edge into a tightly tucked roll, pain shot through him from the movement of his leg and the contact it made in that roll but pushing past he caught up that hilt in his roll, twisting to raise that concealed gaze towards the Sith above him again.

Once more the crowd gave its raucous noise of both cheering and screaming for blood, some at the audacity of the Journeyman to have survived this long, and some at the sheer overwhelming odds he was facing with a front of bravado!

That electric blue gaze narrowed some, so the Jedi wished to play Loth-cat and Dust-Mouse, that was fine. She watched as Eye-ronic made its presence known as the Jedi knelt upon that bridge, the whirring sound as it came floating down, dark lens clicked and shuttered focusing on the individual before its triangular plates unfurled and the probe droid was laying another blanket of small-orb shaped detonators appeared and was launched towards the Jedi. Standing tall upon the structure she let that gaze pan around planning the next avenue of attack from her perch above surveying the bridge's patterns.

Majyc's head snapped to the side hearing that whirring sound again, a barely perceptible groan was given as he spotted the probe-droid readying its payload again, that lightsaber swept around as it was humming back to life deflecting a large quantity of those orb shaped explosives, the other hand would thrust outward, feeling the pull of the force again a wave was used to blast those explosives back the direction they came. So that as they came into contact with the Probe-Droid they were detonating and he was returning to sender that lovely, deadly little package.

That gaze darkened as Aphotis watched the now annoyingly tenacious Jedi send Eye-ronic's ordnance back at the probe-droid. Her voice carried over the explosions. "Now that was uncalled for Jedi, what did my little friend ever do to you?" There was almost a hint of amusement and toying in her tone knowing the plating on the droid could mitigate much of the damage from the explosions. That lightwhip was deactivated and clipped back upon the high waisted belt before reaching back and drawing Curtain's Fall around on its sling, that gaze scanned through the scope before the slightest bit of pressure was applied upon the trigger.

Hearing the tone, but more to that he felt the sharp pain, right before the explosion that echoed out upon the night, louder than even the crowds cheering. The radiating pain exploded in his side as a large chunk of that stone bridge was blown away causing a cloud of stone particles and dust to drift up in the sky and fall like snow around him. Blood heating his side as it coursed down from the wound, he was damn sure glad it was a glancing shot from that rifle and not full on, had it been full on from just the damage he felt inflicted to his side he knew the hole would have been large enough for a womprat to crawl through. Throwing himself to the side in a roll leaving a smear of blood on the walkway he was tucking behind a pillar panting, pressing his hand to his side, and digging into that envoy pouch he removed the bacta pouch and was slapping it to the wound in his side to assist with the worst of it as his breath came out in ragged pants. Yes, things were looking dim as he searched the area for any avenue, and was formulating a new plan and new tactics.

Aphotis peered at Majyc through the scope of her rifle as the Jedi tried to patch himself up around the pillar. Eye-ronic was called in. It was time to get personal.

She pulled Curtain’s Fall over her back and jumped down from her vantage point without hesitation, briefly activating her jetboots before the landing. The thrust had diminished from earlier and the flames began to sputter. The fuel reserves had run out. Weighted boots crunched on shattered duracrete as she touched ground.

“Come out. We can play this game all day, but do you hear the crowd? No? Well, me neither. Stop hiding like a coward and face me, Majyc!”

Majyc tossed an empty bacta container away. Tir’eivra saw it disappear into the stormy depths. Her droid landed clumsily in front of her, protecting her with unperturbed obedience. The Sith’s eyelid twitched as she peered behind its malfunctioning wings, noticing the exposed, buzzing wires.

Her jaw tightened. Eye-ronic had not been in her service for long and it was already no longer pristine. It had proven itself to her by giving an esteemed Mandalorian Jedi, of all things, a challenge. That earned the Spider Probe a special place in her cold heart. Through her comms, she spoke in binary, giving it a compliment. Eye-ronic’s shattered lens blinked in rapid response, giving off a sense of pride and accomplishment. Alaisy’s tail rose up in vexation. He was going to pay dearly.

Tir’eivra kneeled down at the patch of blood in front of her and touched it with a fingertip. She ran the stain over the nosecup of her mask, covering the filter. Her mask hissed as she took a deep breath and focused on the tempest that was the dark side. There was no link through the Force stronger than blood. Majyc would never be safe again, but most of all, when she reached out, she would taste his dread on her tongue. To Aphotis, there was nothing more coveted than adding a Jedi’s fear to her Garden of Trepidations.

Her droid buzzed and beeped as it picked up movement from behind the pillar. The man no longer clutched at his side as he revealed himself. He reached for his lightsaber, but before he could activate it, he heard the crackle of electricity. His hilt gleamed white-hot and the shock of pain ran from his palm through his body. Majyc yelled out as his grip loosened and his Knight’s saber was launched away. The hissing coming from Tir’eivra’s mask and the sizzling of her glowing nails were interrupted by the cheering of the crowd around them. The Mandalorian fought against the stench of burning flesh as he attempted to reach out for his weapon with the Force. He grunted as it felt like every atom in his body had been thoroughly shaken. He jumped away and retracted his hand from another cerulean jolt, not wanting to experience that sensation again as his hilt plummeted down.

“C-clearly you have the upper hand, Sith. Let me concede, there is nothing I can do to further challenge you.” Majyc spoke with a quivering voice as he came from behind the column with his hands up.

The bacta had closed up most of the wound, caused by the glancing blow he had sustained earlier, but the throbbing pain was still there. It took a lot out of him to ignore it. Aphotis cocked her head as she witnessed the theatrical display. She halted her droid as it was ready to engage. The black-clad woman reached into the deep well of the Force, stirring it with a claw while searching for his feelings as she focused on the taste and smell of iron.

The swirling currents in the blackened sea coalesced into a single point, almost drowning her with it. Her electric-blue eyes went wide. The man was lying through his teeth. Her hand reached out for Besotted, activating the crimson lash. Small plumes of smoke and fire burst out of his vambrace. Most of the screeching projectiles trailed through the air and circled Eye-ronic, while a quartet sought out the black-clad woman.

Time slowed to a crawl. The droid panicked. Its torso swerved left and right, the lens on its oval-shaped cranium picking up on the whistling birds while it was entirely defenseless against them. Three clattered against its triangular plating, another four swept underneath, and two went straight for the neck and head parts. Like fireworks, they nestled into durasteel, shrieking and blowing trails of smoke.

Aphotis had stepped forward, already too late to assist her droid. She commanded the darkness itself, electric-blue eyes glowing so bright they turned white. The dark side complied to her convincing demands, lending its power to aid her sight. Her blood boiled as she lashed out with pinpoint precision against the rockets coming at her. The crimson plasma struck them with a low hum. There was no time to crack her whip. Her wrist flicked the hilt so fast that it became a blur of light. Two birds required a second blow before their trajectory was permanently adjusted, whooshing towards oblivion. Another came back for more. The Sith screamed as she sent a jolt of electricity towards it, making it the first projectile to blow up.

The whistling ceased. Smoketrails cleared. Majyk had jumped behind the pillar. The explosives triggered one after another. Bright flashes coalesced into a great fireball. Chunks and pieces of durasteel were launched in every direction. Besotted deactivated, the grip around her hilt tightening. The resulting blast wave sent Tir’eivra careening back. Radiating heat was upstaged by sharp pain. Pieces of transparisteel and durasteel created deep gashes in her flesh, sawing through the two layers of skin. The more severe agony she felt from her alchemical skin made her muscles clench tightly, worsening the suffering. She landed on her oxygen tanks just short of the platform behind her, the duracrete scraping her hair and tail. It was as if someone had cut her with a knife a dozen times. Alaisy clenched her teeth as the still hot metal burned her. Her claws reached for the pricking pains, pulling out sharp objects together with trickles of blood. The Sith pushed herself back onto her heels, peering through her scratched visor.

Once the beeping in her ears subsided, she could make out the cheering of the crowds. A cam droid seemed keen on showing off the bloody scrapes and wounds that decorated her once pristine alchemical skin. Eye-ronic was no more, yet the loss and pain were freeing. A boundary was lifted. The deep hissing of her mask subsided while the surge of adrenalin dwindled. She held out a claw and used her vexation to tug at the Living Force, selfishly taking in vigor from every living being present in the arena. The smoke began to clear. Grains of crumbled duracrete rained down onto the desecrated bridge. Her hands stopped trembling. She should have known that the Mandalorian way would make even a Jedi reckless.

Majyc awaited her across the damaged bridge. He held his training saber in his hand. It seemed the Mandalorian had taken the word ‘coward’ quite personally. A quiet chuckle from the Sith evolved into a cackle as Aphotis embraced the pain. Besotted reactivated with a thunderous crack.

“Ah, so this is your final stand then, Majyc? I approve; you could not have run. I have tasted your blood, and now I will feast on your fear.”

With that secondary lightsaber in his hand he stepped around, the azure blade glowing and reflecting off of the T-visor of his helmet. A quick scan of the area and noted the camera droid floating around them and the broken edges of the damaged bridge. The sway of the wooden bridge next to him while the durasteel bridge above him loomed over the stone structure that the two combatants stood upon.

"To die in battle there is no greater honor," his voice came out emotionless behind his visor covered features.

"So the Jedi has grown a backbone then? Well then come let us make this last stand memorable."

With that the Sith felt the flow of the Force in her body as she drew upon the darkness feeling it burn through her muscles while she surged forward. Her Lightwhip lashed around in chaotic strikes, allowing herself to be overcome with the ferocity form. Her movements became unpredictable while she allowed her rage over Eye-ronic to take control. Her ebony-clad frame vaulted forward, closing the distance between the Jedi and herself. The lash struck wildly around her leaving hissing and scorched marks upon the walkway and any other surface that the flexible lash touched.

This could be his last battle but he was not going to just lay down and allow a killing blow. He was going to make her work for it. As she rushed forward, he studied the movements. Watching the more frenzied style of attacks he recognized that form. Golden eyes narrowed as he waited for the proper moment to dive to the side in a roll. The lash struck a glancing blow across the back of his calf, but he rolled past it and came to a crouch before springing out over the edge of the bridge into free air.

She turned as the Jedi jumped off the edge. She said, "So the Jedi becomes a dust-mouse again and runs?"

There was no response. Seconds passed as he waited the right moment and launched his fibercord. The hook dug into the lower edge of the bridge and he was dropped angling so as he hit the end of that cord it jerked. A hiss passed his lips as his wrist took the impact. He was swung through the air, angling the swing so it carried him beneath the bridge and to the other side causing him to snap upwards into the air.

As she saw the fibercord than the swing of the Jedi she twisted around anticipating that he would appear on the other side of the bridge. "Cute Tri-OOF!"

The fibercable released letting the movement of the swing carry his body over. Left leg extended, the sole of that reinforced boot collided with the Sith's sternum sending her staggering back. He Landed in a crouch and kicked from that bridges surface, allowing his body to roll sideways in air. His lightsaber he weilded spinning around him, lashing out as he went into his own Ataru form. He knew his own skill could not compete, sp he needed to put her on guard.

As his body landed he let that blade spin, the rotation of his body the lightsaber coming horizontal along the ground lashing out beneath his arm as he was leaping into the air with a spin and brought it down.

Briefly caught off guard as his boot connected with her sternum, She backpedaled on that bridge some from the impact before the Jedi went into the inferior onslaught. Her light whip snapped around catching the first strike then second as she moved backwards from his aggressive strikes.

Once again the crowd was going wild at what seemed the last stand of the Jedi. Scorched stone rained down from the strikes of her crimson lash pelting the swaying wooden bridge beneath them with barely heard thuds. The droid moving to angle so as to get the facial features of the Sith, or even the gleaming light off the T-Visor on the Jedi's helmet.

As that lash stuck at him he used his own lightsaber to catch it and force it away from him while twisting his body. Pivoting on the ball of his foot in a spin, he slashed around out, the tip angled for her stomach before lashing upwards.

She blocked the strikes from the Jedi, as his lightsaber thrust forward it gave her a moment and she turned. There was her opening, those that practiced Ataru tended to over extend. As the Jedi did she twisted and her lightwhip slashed down. The flexible plasma coiled around the emitter before she gave a sharp jerk of her hand, the scent of scorched metal now permeating around them as the blade cut off from the emitter being severed in half.

"Now the mouse has no teeth, or claws," the Sith taunted now as the sound of the emitter clattered to the bridge.

A hiss was released from between grit teeth as the lightsabers blade blinked out when the emitter was cloven in half. His hand shot out, feeling the tingle of the Force as he reached out with it. The cam droid halted its projected path only to hurtle at her, slamming the medium sized droid into the Sith backwards, while he moved forward. Forcing her back, feeling his body infused with the Force. His movements became faster, his right fist slamming into her stomach with a quick blow. His left hand pummeled into her ribs.

When he gave no response, she turned just as the camera droid flew at her. She went to lash out but it was just a second to late, as she was taken off guard slightly by the Jedi's seemingly tenacious desire to hold onto his life. Forced backwards from the impact, before grunting at the blow to her stomach, she felt the ribs give some. There was a hiss from that vented mask, but her luminous blue eyes flashed. The durasteel clawed fingers of her left hand lashed across the chest and the face plate of the helmet. Her serpentine tail snaked up, the prehensile tip wrapping about the grip of one of the throwing knives secreted upon her body. The tail flicked around, the gleaming edge of the knife aimed for the back of his neck much like a scorpion striking its prey.

He had gotten in close to the taller female, the lash less precise in tight quarters. Though now the robes did part past the durasteel claws as they raked across his chest leaving four deep furrows in flesh and muscle. The claws screeched on the helmet, and caused his ears to ring. But he was in a fight for his life and was not going to just go down easily. He caught sight of something from the corner of his eye and twisted as his hand shot up. The thick. sinuous tail struck the side of his forearm before his arm twisted and his fingers curled about that tail.

"I watched your match with the Mandalorian at the Forge, predictable."

A hush fell over the crowd as the two combatants got in close, the view not able to be seen by all since the cam droid had gotten smashed. But another was sent out and spiraled around showing the combat on the holoscreen now in full detail for the blood lusted audiences.

As her tail was caught those blue eyes narrowed now as rage coursed through her veins. A quick tap of her thumb to Besotted's cylindrical hilt activated the dual phase function. As he stood there for just that brief moment gloating, the flexible lash straightened to a standard blade, and her left arm slashed upwards. Her crimson blade cut through fabric, muscle, tendon and joint before sweeping on up. The hissing of charred and blackened flesh, and the scent of burnt meat wafted into the arena as a dull thud with a metallic clang filled the dead silence. "Not so predictable now am I Mouse"

As he felt the searing pain which sent him reeling back, golden eyes slightly widened behind that visor as he stared down at the arm laying upon the stone walkway now. His steps were staggering now, before he fell back. His right arm slapped his side for any of the weapons he might still have, as he felt his mind going blurry. But he forced through the haze of pain and even rage. He knew this was quite possibly his death here but as that came to him his mind continued to flash words. There is no emotion, there is peace.

As that came to him he raised his head, there is no ignorance, there is knowledge. His staggering came to a slight halt as he dropped to a knee now, what was at the time words spoken in his head, and internally began to be spoken aloud. "There is no passion, there is serenity, there is no chaos, there is harmony." His T-Visor rose staring at her now as the right arm tucked behind his back as if in a bow. "There is no death, there is the Force."

As the Jedi staggered back she moved forward, the feel of his agony exquisite to her. But his pain was a mere sampling of what she was to inflict further now. Her blade angled towards his faceplate. "I must commend you Jedi, you were a scrappy little mouse, but a little mouse you were." As she moved along the bridge she was angled herself more now that blade humming loudly as it rose.

He just gave a bloody smile behind that faceplate. The Force guided him on this path, that targeting system in his hud picked the movement as did his normal awareness of the battlefield and the right arm rose. In a last ditch effort, he brought his flair-gun up and fired it right in her masked face. "You took my arm, I will take those pretty eyes." His slightly mangled frame, and her ebony-clad frame exposed in a bright, yellow flash as that flair exploded. His exposed flesh getting signed and burnt by said flair but he released the gun.

As the lightsaber started to descend, her visor flared brightly. She staggered back, one of her bladed stilettos of those dagger heels caught the edge of stone. Her body tipped back slightly overbalanced as she worked to get her bearings from the bright flash to pale eyes.

As she was starting to tip back, he pressed up now as best and quickly as he could. His right hand shot out extending over, the bridge had became thinner from the damage. Fingers curled about the high waisted belt she wore around her hips as he caught her tottering backwards and held her body so she was hanging back from the edge, His T-visored helmet turned towards her, an emotionless, scarred visage. Breaths were held by the audience, "no more floating down." His thumb slid over hitting the release on the belt so it would unlatch and let her tip back and over the edge as he dropped to his knees.

As her belt was caught, she focused on the Jedi, pale blue eyes narrowed now. As she went to regain her balance, the belt was released, there was a widening of her gaze as her body fell backwards. The last moment her hand shot forward, that crimson blade spearing through the Jedi's torso, before she careened down her arms pinwheeling falling towards the void and near the lower wooden bridge.

As the belt released, and her blade seared into his torso, a hiss and bloody spit splattered the inside of the visor as he dropped to his knees and fell forward upon the stone bridge, the roar of the crowd growing more and more faint as his conscious was waned in and out.