Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson vs. Ghost Luka Zarkot

Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Female Shaevalian, Loyalist, Ace

Ghost Luka Zarkot

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Arcona
Genderfluid Human, Force Disciple, Arcanist
Hall Singularity [2024]
Messages 2 out of 4
Time Limit 3 Days
Competition Singularity [2024]
Battle Style Singular Ending
Battle Status Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis's turn
Combatants Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson, Ghost Luka Zarkot
Force Setting Standard
Weapon Setting Standard
Colonel Evelyn Wyvern Anderson's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Ghost Luka Zarkot's Character Snapshot Snapshot
Venue Arx: The Colosseum - The Bridges
Last Post 19 July, 2024 10:56 PM UTC
Time Since Last Post 3 days
Next Post Due
23 July, 2024 10:56 PM UTC
1 day remaining


Built from the shell of an ancient foundation, the Arx Colosseum has undergone renovations to allow multiple new configurations for battle. Its spectator setup remains largely the same, with high walls, tall enough for even the most savvy Jedi to find unscalable that lead up to spectator chairs which are divided into nearly organized sections to accommodate several thousand people. At the center, an elongated platform “box” contains a central throne of stone with various seats of smaller scale lined beside it in both directions. Two large holo-projection screens are set up on each side of the Colosseum, offering different angles of the match bia holocam drones.

Today’s setup is known as The Bridges.

High-suspended walkways cross and weave through multiple levels of platforms. Some are solid, metal and duracrete crafting an unmoving foundation. Others are mere rope and wood, swaying with even the most gentle of breezes.

Below the walkways is a void filled with mist, the ground unseen for combatants and spectators alike. Periodic ripples of electrical energy can be seen through the mist, hinting to the deadly nature of the arena floor below.

Music blasted over the speakers.

We gonna get funky, funky-” The crowd cheered the moment they recognized the song, and clapped their hands in unison. Idris Adenn, the black and red Mandalorian, Voice of the Brotherhood, emerged from the double steel doors alongside two Togorians that had markings of a tiger and wore only speedos. The three of them joined the audience in tune.

“Is one of the Togorians… is… that Fist guy? Rahjin?” a human asked his friend in the crowd.

“No,” the friend replied.

“Aw, shame. Thought we were finally going to get Riddy fan-fiction…”

“Well, I’m a big fan of Tiddy.”

The song continued. “....Left foot, let’s stomp, Cha Cha real smooth-” The audience roared as the three of them showcased moves that the crowd didn’t know existed. During the Cha Cha part of the melody, Iddy slipped in the introduction of the next match.

“Pilot Evelyn Wyvern against Ghost Luka Zarkot!” he clapped his hands and turned around, shaking his ass, which resulted in a few emergency droids being deployed when a couple of people had passed out….

“A pilot?” Luka mused to themselves out loud. How odd. What would a pilot be doing here? Maybe after two matches of powerful individuals, they could bring their illusions into play. Their hand went down to scratch the Nexu’s head and Bico purred loudly, rubbing its face against Luka’s leg. The doors slid open and a smirk played on their lips. The bridges gave ample opportunity for shadows, many areas to sneak around.

At the opposite end, Evelyn exited from her own gate and winced at the next venture. Her eyes darted around and quickly absorbed everything she could, making the layout in her mind. Thirteen beeped once in concern behind her and she understood why. Some of the bridges were connected but many had dead ends. Idris had helped give Evelyn a hint of who this Luka person might be. A Ghost. *Which meant she had to be extra careful among the shadows.

It also meant Thirteen was not going to be helpful here.

“Stay by the door,” Evelyn pointed lowly at the corner of the entrance and the wall. Thirteen rolled and obediently stayed there. It had been chased by a massive canine and then used like a chariot. Thirteen would find it wonderful if nothing productive happened to it in this match. Evelyn started to venture further in, her footsteps slow and careful while her head was turning in all different directions, eyes darting around- There. She caught movement on the bridge above and not far out.

She made sure to stay in the shade covering the bridge she was on. She bent over slightly,keeping her center of gravity to stay balanced, and followed the movement that she spotted. A few rocks from the concrete bridge above her tumbled down and Evelyn immediately froze. She crouched down fully in the shadows, knowing full well that her white hair can give her position away.

Then she saw the Nexu.

“Kitty?” Evelyn whispered to herself. Before this match, the Loyalist had found out that Anders’ Nexu, Kitty, had been badly injured. There was no way—the Nexu took a sniff of the air. Its eyes made contact with her and it let out a loud yowl.

Not Kitty! Evelyn mentally yelped as she watched a hooded figure enter into view above her. Her hand went to her hilt-


Evelyn spun towards where the sound came from, quick-drawing her Sith Sword just in time to parry the lightsaber blade that emerged from her left. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she made the grave mistake to look up, only to watch the illusion fade.

Illusionist. Then a jolt of pain shot up from her leg as the Nexu bit down and tugged her towards Luka. Evelyn lost her balance and fell onto the concrete bridge with a thud. She rolled out of the way when the real light-blue saber swung down at her. Before she gave them time to regain their composure, her hand slipped down to the sheath that was on her thigh and threw one of her throwing knives. Her enemy raised their arm to protect themself, a soft clunk noise was heard as the throwing knife landed onto the bridge with a clatter.

Cybernetic arm, she noted.

They both were at a pause when Evelyn stood up cautiously, wondering why Luka hadn't advanced any further.

“You’re an Arconan. Let’s not fight to the death,” Luka suggested as their eyes shifted to the patch on her armor, then back to hers. They weren't going to kill someone that was in the same Clan in a tournament unless they had to. It was why, even though Luka had weapons at their disposal, they figured a lightsaber was loud enough for a skilled soldier to detect. They watched as Evelyn’s eyes went from their patch and back, followed by a nod in agreement.

Evelyn took this moment of rest as her eyes glanced down at her leg. Thanks to her armor, the bite wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. She could still walk on it and her bleeding had started to slow down.

“I do not wish to harm your Nexu. I sort of have one myself. So, if you please, can we fight without your Nexu?” Evelyn watched them consider it for a moment before a single nod. Only time will tell during the fight if they keep to their word or not. She watched the Nexu back away several feet from behind Luka as both of them raised their perspective weapons.

“One more thing, what do you want to be called?”

“Uh-” Did the white haired woman not hear the announcement? It was almost deafening. “-Luka?”

“No. I meant your pronouns in case I need to cuss you out while having a glass of wine tonight.”

Luka let out a small snort to hide their surprise at being asked, “They, them.” They lunged forward to strike Evelyn.

The audience roared in excitement.

Let the match begin.

Evelyn shifted to the side and drew Memento Mori from its sheath. She parried Luka’s thrust and felt some pride at the Force Disciple’s confusion; they did not expect a blade to hold up against a lightsaber.

“Peculiar little toy you have, there,” Luka remarked as they crossed blades once more. They could sense a dark power behind the weapon, and although instinct told them to be wary of the sword, their curiosity got the better of them. “Tell me about it over drinks, later?”

“Maybe, if you’re offering to buy.” Evelyn preferred the jovial nature of this bout to the ones she’d had before, though she kept on her guard. She threw off the saber and backed into a defensive stance.

“If I win, sure!” Luka backed off as well. They stepped cautiously in a semicircle around Evelyn, looking for an opening in her defense. “My treat!”

“A pity, then,” Evelyn remarked. She held her head high, “I do not intend to lose.”

“Intent and action are very different things, my dear.”

“Then, perhaps we should have fewer words and more action?” She advanced with surprising speed, causing Luka to retreat with a backflip over a low sweep of her blade. They landed deftly and struck back with a whirlwind of blows, forcing Evelyn to relinquish the ground she had taken. They appeared evenly matched with their respective weapons, neither having a clear advantage over the other.

“You are magnificent!” Luka exclaimed, a beaming grin across their features. “How have I not heard of you before?”

“Focus…” Evelyn scolded through gritted teeth.

“Would think you’d wish for the opposite,” Luka teased.

Though soon after they said so, Evelyn broke through their defenses. She feinted and lashed out, drawing the blade across Luka’s shoulder. The Human hissed as the blade cut through their sleeve and drew a thin line of blood. Though the wound stung, they thought little of the pain at the moment. It still gave them pause enough to retreat. Luka’s lips drew into a thin line as they considered their next course of action.

“How’s your footwork?” they asked, cocking their head to the side.

Evelyn was puzzled at what that might mean. “Have you not seen for yourself?” she asked while holding her blade at the ready. What sort of trick were they planning?

“Then let us test that, shall we?”

Before Evelyn could stop them, Luka leaped off the side of the bridge to a wooden one below. The bridge swung outward from the sudden addition of their weight, but Luka clung to it and righted themselves. The old wood creaked and groaned beneath them.

“C’mon, now!” they shouted up at her, “Follow the leader.” The Human crept swiftly along the rickety bridge, careful to avoid the missing planks as they went.